1. Added an ability to resize text area on mouseclick
2. Remember selected target status button on page reload
Signed-off-by: Maria Nemtinova <nemtinovamasha@gmail.com>
* Add evaluationTimestamp (Last Evaluation) column to display on /rules
Signed-off-by: Will Hegedus <wbhegedus@liberty.edu>
* Add lastScrapeDuration ("Scrape Duration") to display on /targets
Signed-off-by: Will Hegedus <wbhegedus@liberty.edu>
* Updates based on Julius' feedback
Signed-off-by: Will Hegedus <wbhegedus@liberty.edu>
* Update to set timestamp to when eval started (after eval completes)
Signed-off-by: Will Hegedus <wbhegedus@liberty.edu>
* Update /rules to display time since last evaluation
Signed-off-by: Will Hegedus <wbhegedus@liberty.edu>
* Re-order Last Eval/Eval Time to be consistent with targets page
Signed-off-by: Will Hegedus <wbhegedus@liberty.edu>
* adding information about the health and errors for Rules
adding Health() and LastError() to the Rule interface. This will allow
us to easily surface information about rules.
Signed-off-by: noqcks <benny@noqcks.io>
* updating rules.html with fields for Rule errors and health state
Signed-off-by: noqcks <benny@noqcks.io>
* fix code comment grammar & access Rule health/error info using a mutex
Signed-off-by: noqcks <benny@noqcks.io>
* s/Errors/Error/ in rules.html to remain consistent with targets.html
Signed-off-by: noqcks <benny@noqcks.io>
* adding periods to code comments in reporting/alerting
Signed-off-by: noqcks <benny@noqcks.io>
* putting health/error below mutex in struct field
Signed-off-by: noqcks <benny@noqcks.io>
* Added only healthy to Targets
This adds a "Only heathly" button to supplement the "Only unhealthy"
button. The two are mutually exclusive.
I've also added a red/green text color to the buttons.
Arguably this could be a toggle instead if folks think this is
worthwhile... Happy to modify it.
* Moved functions above init
* Simplifed code and made prettier
* Appeased codeacy
* Made buttons square
Issue #3046 is triggered by html/template changes in go1.9.
See https://tip.golang.org/pkg/html/template. Quote:
// To ease migration to Go 1.9 and beyond, "html" and "urlquery" will
// continue to be allowed as the last command in a pipeline. However, if the
// pipeline occurs in an unquoted attribute value context, "html" is
// disallowed. Avoid using "html" and "urlquery" entirely in new templates.
The commit also includes a trivial whitespace fix.
I got feedback from different sources about rules and targets being
too heavy in the status tab if their are lots of them.
This change also allows for more fine-granular locking.