#!/usr/bin/env bash # vim: ts=2 et # Setting -x is absolutely forbidden as it could leak the GitHub token. set -uo pipefail # GITHUB_TOKEN required scope: repo.repo_public git_mail="prometheus-team@googlegroups.com" git_user="prombot" branch="repo_sync_codemirror" commit_msg="Update codemirror" pr_title="Synchronize codemirror from prometheus/prometheus" pr_msg="Propagating changes from prometheus/prometheus default branch." target_repo="prometheus-community/codemirror-promql" source_path="web/ui/module/codemirror-promql" color_red='\e[31m' color_green='\e[32m' color_yellow='\e[33m' color_none='\e[0m' echo_red() { echo -e "${color_red}$@${color_none}" 1>&2 } echo_green() { echo -e "${color_green}$@${color_none}" 1>&2 } echo_yellow() { echo -e "${color_yellow}$@${color_none}" 1>&2 } GITHUB_TOKEN="${GITHUB_TOKEN:-}" if [ -z "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" ]; then echo_red 'GitHub token (GITHUB_TOKEN) not set. Terminating.' exit 1 fi # List of files that should not be synced. excluded_files="CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md LICENSE Makefile.common SECURITY.md .yamllint MAINTAINERS.md" excluded_dirs=".github .circleci" # Go to the root of the repo cd "$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)" || exit 1 source_dir="$(pwd)/${source_path}" tmp_dir="$(mktemp -d)" trap 'rm -rf "${tmp_dir}"' EXIT ## Internal functions github_api() { local url url="https://api.github.com/${1}" shift 1 curl --retry 5 --silent --fail -u "${git_user}:${GITHUB_TOKEN}" "${url}" "$@" } get_default_branch() { github_api "repos/${1}" 2> /dev/null | jq -r .default_branch } push_branch() { local git_url git_url="https://${git_user}:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/${1}" # stdout and stderr are redirected to /dev/null otherwise git-push could leak # the token in the logs. # Delete the remote branch in case it was merged but not deleted. git push --quiet "${git_url}" ":${branch}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 git push --quiet "${git_url}" --set-upstream "${branch}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 } post_pull_request() { local repo="$1" local default_branch="$2" local post_json post_json="$(printf '{"title":"%s","base":"%s","head":"%s","body":"%s"}' "${pr_title}" "${default_branch}" "${branch}" "${pr_msg}")" echo "Posting PR to ${default_branch} on ${repo}" github_api "repos/${repo}/pulls" --data "${post_json}" --show-error | jq -r '"PR URL " + .html_url' } process_repo() { local org_repo local default_branch org_repo="$1" mkdir -p "${tmp_dir}/${org_repo}" echo_green "Processing '${org_repo}'" default_branch="$(get_default_branch "${org_repo}")" if [[ -z "${default_branch}" ]]; then echo "Can't get the default branch." return fi echo "Default branch: ${default_branch}" # Clone target repo to temporary directory and checkout to new branch git clone --quiet "https://github.com/${org_repo}.git" "${tmp_dir}/${org_repo}" cd "${tmp_dir}/${org_repo}" || return 1 git checkout -b "${branch}" || return 1 git rm -r . cp -ra ${source_dir}/. . git add . for excluded_dir in ${excluded_dirs}; do git restore --staged "${excluded_dir}/*" git restore "${excluded_dir}/*" done for excluded_file in ${excluded_files}; do git restore --staged "${excluded_file}" git restore "${excluded_file}" done if [[ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]]; then git config user.email "${git_mail}" git config user.name "${git_user}" git add . git commit -s -m "${commit_msg}" if push_branch "${org_repo}"; then if ! post_pull_request "${org_repo}" "${default_branch}"; then return 1 fi else echo "Pushing ${branch} to ${org_repo} failed" return 1 fi fi } process_repo ${target_repo}