// Copyright 2013 Prometheus Team
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package io.prometheus;

import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";

message LabelPair {
  optional string name = 1;
  optional string value = 2;

message LabelName {
  optional string name = 1;

message Metric {
  repeated LabelPair label_pair = 1;

message Fingerprint {
  optional string signature = 1;

message FingerprintCollection {
  repeated Fingerprint member = 1;

message LabelSet {
  repeated LabelPair member = 1;

// The default LevelDB comparator sorts not only lexicographically, but also by
// key length (which takes precedence). Thus, no variable-length fields may be
// introduced into the key definition below.
message SampleKey {
  optional Fingerprint fingerprint    = 1;
  optional bytes       timestamp      = 2;
  optional sfixed64    last_timestamp = 3;
  optional fixed32     sample_count   = 4;

message SampleValueSeries {
  message Value {
    optional int64  timestamp = 1;
    optional double value     = 2;
  repeated Value value = 1;

message MembershipIndexValue {

message MetricHighWatermark {
  optional int64 timestamp = 1;

// CompactionProcessorDefinition models a curation process across the sample
// corpus that ensures that sparse samples.
message CompactionProcessorDefinition {
  // minimum_group_size identifies how minimally samples should be grouped
  // together to write a new SampleValueSeries chunk.
  optional uint32 minimum_group_size = 1;

// CurationKey models the state of curation for a given metric fingerprint and
// its associated samples.  The time series database only knows about compaction
// and resampling behaviors that are explicitly defined to it in its runtime
// configuration, meaning it never scans on-disk tables for CurationKey
// policies; rather, it looks up via the CurationKey tuple to find out what the
// effectuation state for a given metric fingerprint is.
// For instance, how far along as a rule for (Fingerprint A, Samples Older Than
// B, and Curation Processor) has been effectuated on-disk.
message CurationKey {
  // fingerprint identifies the fingerprint for the given policy.
  optional Fingerprint fingerprint                 = 1;

  // processor_message_type_name identifies the underlying message type that
  // was used to encode processor_message_raw.
  optional string      processor_message_type_name = 2;

  // processor_message_raw identifies the serialized ProcessorSignature for this
  // operation.
  optional bytes       processor_message_raw       = 3;

  // ignore_younger_than represents in seconds relative to when the curation
  // cycle start when the curator should stop operating.  For instance, if
  // the curation cycle starts at time T and the curation remark dictates that
  // the curation should starts processing samples at time S, the curator should
  // work from S until ignore_younger_than seconds before T:
  // PAST                        NOW               FUTURE
  // S--------------->|----------T
  //                  |---IYT----|
  // [Curation Resumption Time (S), T - IYT)
  optional int64       ignore_younger_than         = 4;

  // This could be populated by decoding the generated descriptor file into a
  // FileDescriptorSet message and extracting the type definition for the given
  // message schema that describes processor_message_type_name.
  // optional google.protobuf.DescriptorProto processor_message_type_descriptor_raw = 5;

// CurationValue models the progress for a given CurationKey.
message CurationValue {
  // last_completion_timestamp represents the seconds since the epoch UTC at
  // which the curator last completed its duty cycle for a given metric
  // fingerprint.
  optional int64 last_completion_timestamp = 1;

// DeletionProcessorDefinition models a curation process across the sample
// corpus that deletes old values.
message DeletionProcessorDefinition {