// Copyright 2024 The Prometheus Authors // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package textparse import ( "bytes" "encoding/binary" "strconv" "testing" "github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" "github.com/prometheus/common/model" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/model/exemplar" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/model/histogram" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/model/labels" dto "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/prompb/io/prometheus/client" ) func TestNHCBParserOnOMParser(t *testing.T) { // The input is taken originally from TestOpenMetricsParse, with additional tests for the NHCBParser. input := `# HELP go_gc_duration_seconds A summary of the GC invocation durations. # TYPE go_gc_duration_seconds summary # UNIT go_gc_duration_seconds seconds go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0"} 4.9351e-05 go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.25"} 7.424100000000001e-05 go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.5",a="b"} 8.3835e-05 # HELP nohelp1 # HELP help2 escape \ \n \\ \" \x chars # UNIT nounit go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="1.0",a="b"} 8.3835e-05 go_gc_duration_seconds_count 99 some:aggregate:rate5m{a_b="c"} 1 # HELP go_goroutines Number of goroutines that currently exist. # TYPE go_goroutines gauge go_goroutines 33 123.123 # TYPE hh histogram hh_bucket{le="+Inf"} 1 # TYPE gh gaugehistogram gh_bucket{le="+Inf"} 1 # TYPE hhh histogram hhh_bucket{le="+Inf"} 1 # {id="histogram-bucket-test"} 4 hhh_count 1 # {id="histogram-count-test"} 4 # TYPE ggh gaugehistogram ggh_bucket{le="+Inf"} 1 # {id="gaugehistogram-bucket-test",xx="yy"} 4 123.123 ggh_count 1 # {id="gaugehistogram-count-test",xx="yy"} 4 123.123 # TYPE smr_seconds summary smr_seconds_count 2.0 # {id="summary-count-test"} 1 123.321 smr_seconds_sum 42.0 # {id="summary-sum-test"} 1 123.321 # TYPE ii info ii{foo="bar"} 1 # TYPE ss stateset ss{ss="foo"} 1 ss{ss="bar"} 0 ss{A="a"} 0 # TYPE un unknown _metric_starting_with_underscore 1 testmetric{_label_starting_with_underscore="foo"} 1 testmetric{label="\"bar\""} 1 # HELP foo Counter with and without labels to certify CT is parsed for both cases # TYPE foo counter foo_total 17.0 1520879607.789 # {id="counter-test"} 5 foo_created 1520872607.123 foo_total{a="b"} 17.0 1520879607.789 # {id="counter-test"} 5 foo_created{a="b"} 1520872607.123 # HELP bar Summary with CT at the end, making sure we find CT even if it's multiple lines a far # TYPE bar summary bar_count 17.0 bar_sum 324789.3 bar{quantile="0.95"} 123.7 bar{quantile="0.99"} 150.0 bar_created 1520872608.124 # HELP baz Histogram with the same objective as above's summary # TYPE baz histogram baz_bucket{le="0.0"} 0 baz_bucket{le="+Inf"} 17 baz_count 17 baz_sum 324789.3 baz_created 1520872609.125 # HELP fizz_created Gauge which shouldn't be parsed as CT # TYPE fizz_created gauge fizz_created 17.0 # HELP something Histogram with _created between buckets and summary # TYPE something histogram something_count 18 something_sum 324789.4 something_created 1520430001 something_bucket{le="0.0"} 1 something_bucket{le="+Inf"} 18 something_count{a="b"} 9 something_sum{a="b"} 42123.0 something_bucket{a="b",le="0.0"} 8 something_bucket{a="b",le="+Inf"} 9 something_created{a="b"} 1520430002 # HELP yum Summary with _created between sum and quantiles # TYPE yum summary yum_count 20 yum_sum 324789.5 yum_created 1520430003 yum{quantile="0.95"} 123.7 yum{quantile="0.99"} 150.0 # HELP foobar Summary with _created as the first line # TYPE foobar summary foobar_count 21 foobar_created 1520430004 foobar_sum 324789.6 foobar{quantile="0.95"} 123.8 foobar{quantile="0.99"} 150.1` input += "\n# HELP metric foo\x00bar" input += "\nnull_byte_metric{a=\"abc\x00\"} 1" input += "\n# EOF\n" exp := []parsedEntry{ { m: "go_gc_duration_seconds", help: "A summary of the GC invocation durations.", }, { m: "go_gc_duration_seconds", typ: model.MetricTypeSummary, }, { m: "go_gc_duration_seconds", unit: "seconds", }, { m: `go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0"}`, v: 4.9351e-05, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "go_gc_duration_seconds", "quantile", "0.0"), }, { m: `go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.25"}`, v: 7.424100000000001e-05, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "go_gc_duration_seconds", "quantile", "0.25"), }, { m: `go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.5",a="b"}`, v: 8.3835e-05, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "go_gc_duration_seconds", "quantile", "0.5", "a", "b"), }, { m: "nohelp1", help: "", }, { m: "help2", help: "escape \\ \n \\ \" \\x chars", }, { m: "nounit", unit: "", }, { m: `go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="1.0",a="b"}`, v: 8.3835e-05, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "go_gc_duration_seconds", "quantile", "1.0", "a", "b"), }, { m: `go_gc_duration_seconds_count`, v: 99, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "go_gc_duration_seconds_count"), }, { m: `some:aggregate:rate5m{a_b="c"}`, v: 1, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "some:aggregate:rate5m", "a_b", "c"), }, { m: "go_goroutines", help: "Number of goroutines that currently exist.", }, { m: "go_goroutines", typ: model.MetricTypeGauge, }, { m: `go_goroutines`, v: 33, t: int64p(123123), lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "go_goroutines"), }, { m: "hh", typ: model.MetricTypeHistogram, }, { m: `hh{}`, shs: &histogram.Histogram{ Schema: histogram.CustomBucketsSchema, Count: 1, Sum: 0.0, PositiveSpans: []histogram.Span{{Offset: 0, Length: 1}}, PositiveBuckets: []int64{1}, // Custom values are empty as we do not store the +Inf boundary. }, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "hh"), }, { m: "gh", typ: model.MetricTypeGaugeHistogram, }, { m: `gh_bucket{le="+Inf"}`, v: 1, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "gh_bucket", "le", "+Inf"), }, { m: "hhh", typ: model.MetricTypeHistogram, }, { m: `hhh{}`, shs: &histogram.Histogram{ Schema: histogram.CustomBucketsSchema, Count: 1, Sum: 0.0, PositiveSpans: []histogram.Span{{Offset: 0, Length: 1}}, PositiveBuckets: []int64{1}, // Custom values are empty as we do not store the +Inf boundary. }, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "hhh"), es: []exemplar.Exemplar{ {Labels: labels.FromStrings("id", "histogram-bucket-test"), Value: 4}, {Labels: labels.FromStrings("id", "histogram-count-test"), Value: 4}, }, }, { m: "ggh", typ: model.MetricTypeGaugeHistogram, }, { m: `ggh_bucket{le="+Inf"}`, v: 1, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "ggh_bucket", "le", "+Inf"), es: []exemplar.Exemplar{{Labels: labels.FromStrings("id", "gaugehistogram-bucket-test", "xx", "yy"), Value: 4, HasTs: true, Ts: 123123}}, }, { m: `ggh_count`, v: 1, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "ggh_count"), es: []exemplar.Exemplar{{Labels: labels.FromStrings("id", "gaugehistogram-count-test", "xx", "yy"), Value: 4, HasTs: true, Ts: 123123}}, }, { m: "smr_seconds", typ: model.MetricTypeSummary, }, { m: `smr_seconds_count`, v: 2, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "smr_seconds_count"), es: []exemplar.Exemplar{{Labels: labels.FromStrings("id", "summary-count-test"), Value: 1, HasTs: true, Ts: 123321}}, }, { m: `smr_seconds_sum`, v: 42, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "smr_seconds_sum"), es: []exemplar.Exemplar{{Labels: labels.FromStrings("id", "summary-sum-test"), Value: 1, HasTs: true, Ts: 123321}}, }, { m: "ii", typ: model.MetricTypeInfo, }, { m: `ii{foo="bar"}`, v: 1, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "ii", "foo", "bar"), }, { m: "ss", typ: model.MetricTypeStateset, }, { m: `ss{ss="foo"}`, v: 1, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "ss", "ss", "foo"), }, { m: `ss{ss="bar"}`, v: 0, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "ss", "ss", "bar"), }, { m: `ss{A="a"}`, v: 0, lset: labels.FromStrings("A", "a", "__name__", "ss"), }, { m: "un", typ: model.MetricTypeUnknown, }, { m: "_metric_starting_with_underscore", v: 1, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "_metric_starting_with_underscore"), }, { m: "testmetric{_label_starting_with_underscore=\"foo\"}", v: 1, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "testmetric", "_label_starting_with_underscore", "foo"), }, { m: "testmetric{label=\"\\\"bar\\\"\"}", v: 1, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "testmetric", "label", `"bar"`), }, { m: "foo", help: "Counter with and without labels to certify CT is parsed for both cases", }, { m: "foo", typ: model.MetricTypeCounter, }, { m: "foo_total", v: 17, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "foo_total"), t: int64p(1520879607789), es: []exemplar.Exemplar{{Labels: labels.FromStrings("id", "counter-test"), Value: 5}}, ct: int64p(1520872607123), }, { m: `foo_total{a="b"}`, v: 17.0, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "foo_total", "a", "b"), t: int64p(1520879607789), es: []exemplar.Exemplar{{Labels: labels.FromStrings("id", "counter-test"), Value: 5}}, ct: int64p(1520872607123), }, { m: "bar", help: "Summary with CT at the end, making sure we find CT even if it's multiple lines a far", }, { m: "bar", typ: model.MetricTypeSummary, }, { m: "bar_count", v: 17.0, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "bar_count"), ct: int64p(1520872608124), }, { m: "bar_sum", v: 324789.3, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "bar_sum"), ct: int64p(1520872608124), }, { m: `bar{quantile="0.95"}`, v: 123.7, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "bar", "quantile", "0.95"), ct: int64p(1520872608124), }, { m: `bar{quantile="0.99"}`, v: 150.0, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "bar", "quantile", "0.99"), ct: int64p(1520872608124), }, { m: "baz", help: "Histogram with the same objective as above's summary", }, { m: "baz", typ: model.MetricTypeHistogram, }, { m: `baz{}`, shs: &histogram.Histogram{ Schema: histogram.CustomBucketsSchema, Count: 17, Sum: 324789.3, PositiveSpans: []histogram.Span{{Offset: 1, Length: 1}}, // The first bucket has 0 count so we don't store it and Offset is 1. PositiveBuckets: []int64{17}, CustomValues: []float64{0.0}, // We do not store the +Inf boundary. }, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "baz"), ct: int64p(1520872609125), }, { m: "fizz_created", help: "Gauge which shouldn't be parsed as CT", }, { m: "fizz_created", typ: model.MetricTypeGauge, }, { m: `fizz_created`, v: 17, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "fizz_created"), }, { m: "something", help: "Histogram with _created between buckets and summary", }, { m: "something", typ: model.MetricTypeHistogram, }, { m: `something{}`, shs: &histogram.Histogram{ Schema: histogram.CustomBucketsSchema, Count: 18, Sum: 324789.4, PositiveSpans: []histogram.Span{{Offset: 0, Length: 2}}, PositiveBuckets: []int64{1, 16}, CustomValues: []float64{0.0}, // We do not store the +Inf boundary. }, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "something"), ct: int64p(1520430001000), }, { m: `something{a="b"}`, shs: &histogram.Histogram{ Schema: histogram.CustomBucketsSchema, Count: 9, Sum: 42123.0, PositiveSpans: []histogram.Span{{Offset: 0, Length: 2}}, PositiveBuckets: []int64{8, -7}, CustomValues: []float64{0.0}, // We do not store the +Inf boundary. }, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "something", "a", "b"), ct: int64p(1520430002000), }, { m: "yum", help: "Summary with _created between sum and quantiles", }, { m: "yum", typ: model.MetricTypeSummary, }, { m: `yum_count`, v: 20, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "yum_count"), ct: int64p(1520430003000), }, { m: `yum_sum`, v: 324789.5, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "yum_sum"), ct: int64p(1520430003000), }, { m: `yum{quantile="0.95"}`, v: 123.7, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "yum", "quantile", "0.95"), ct: int64p(1520430003000), }, { m: `yum{quantile="0.99"}`, v: 150.0, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "yum", "quantile", "0.99"), ct: int64p(1520430003000), }, { m: "foobar", help: "Summary with _created as the first line", }, { m: "foobar", typ: model.MetricTypeSummary, }, { m: `foobar_count`, v: 21, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "foobar_count"), ct: int64p(1520430004000), }, { m: `foobar_sum`, v: 324789.6, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "foobar_sum"), ct: int64p(1520430004000), }, { m: `foobar{quantile="0.95"}`, v: 123.8, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "foobar", "quantile", "0.95"), ct: int64p(1520430004000), }, { m: `foobar{quantile="0.99"}`, v: 150.1, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "foobar", "quantile", "0.99"), ct: int64p(1520430004000), }, { m: "metric", help: "foo\x00bar", }, { m: "null_byte_metric{a=\"abc\x00\"}", v: 1, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "null_byte_metric", "a", "abc\x00"), }, } p := NewOpenMetricsParser([]byte(input), labels.NewSymbolTable(), WithOMParserCTSeriesSkipped()) p = NewNHCBParser(p, labels.NewSymbolTable(), false) got := testParse(t, p) requireEntries(t, exp, got) } func TestNHCBParserOMParser_MultipleHistograms(t *testing.T) { // The input is taken originally from TestOpenMetricsParse, with additional tests for the NHCBParser. input := `# HELP something Histogram with _created between buckets and summary # TYPE something histogram something_count 18 something_sum 324789.4 something_bucket{le="0.0"} 1 # {id="something-test"} -2.0 something_bucket{le="1.0"} 16 # {id="something-test"} 0.5 something_bucket{le="+Inf"} 18 # {id="something-test"} 8 something_count{a="b"} 9 something_sum{a="b"} 42123.0 something_bucket{a="b",le="0.0"} 8 # {id="something-test"} 0.0 123.321 something_bucket{a="b",le="1.0"} 8 something_bucket{a="b",le="+Inf"} 9 # {id="something-test"} 2e100 123.000 # EOF ` exp := []parsedEntry{ { m: "something", help: "Histogram with _created between buckets and summary", }, { m: "something", typ: model.MetricTypeHistogram, }, { m: `something{}`, shs: &histogram.Histogram{ Schema: histogram.CustomBucketsSchema, Count: 18, Sum: 324789.4, PositiveSpans: []histogram.Span{{Offset: 0, Length: 3}}, PositiveBuckets: []int64{1, 14, -13}, CustomValues: []float64{0.0, 1.0}, // We do not store the +Inf boundary. }, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "something"), es: []exemplar.Exemplar{ {Labels: labels.FromStrings("id", "something-test"), Value: -2.0}, {Labels: labels.FromStrings("id", "something-test"), Value: 0.5}, {Labels: labels.FromStrings("id", "something-test"), Value: 8.0}, }, }, { m: `something{a="b"}`, shs: &histogram.Histogram{ Schema: histogram.CustomBucketsSchema, Count: 9, Sum: 42123.0, PositiveSpans: []histogram.Span{{Offset: 0, Length: 1}, {Offset: 1, Length: 1}}, PositiveBuckets: []int64{8, -7}, CustomValues: []float64{0.0, 1.0}, // We do not store the +Inf boundary. }, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "something", "a", "b"), es: []exemplar.Exemplar{ {Labels: labels.FromStrings("id", "something-test"), Value: 0.0, HasTs: true, Ts: 123321}, {Labels: labels.FromStrings("id", "something-test"), Value: 2e100, HasTs: true, Ts: 123000}, }, }, } p := NewOpenMetricsParser([]byte(input), labels.NewSymbolTable(), WithOMParserCTSeriesSkipped()) p = NewNHCBParser(p, labels.NewSymbolTable(), false) got := testParse(t, p) requireEntries(t, exp, got) } // Verify the requirement tables from // https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/issues/13532 . // "classic" means the option "always_scrape_classic_histograms". // "nhcb" means the option "convert_classic_histograms_to_nhcb". // // Currently only with the ProtoBuf parser that supports exponential // histograms. // // Case 1. Only classic histogram is exposed. // // | Scrape Config | Expect classic | Expect exponential | Expect NHCB |. // | classic=false, nhcb=false | YES | NO | NO |. // | classic=true, nhcb=false | YES | NO | NO |. // | classic=false, nhcb=true | NO | NO | YES |. // | classic=true, nhcb=true | YES | NO | YES |. // // Case 2. Both classic and exponential histograms are exposed. // // | Scrape Config | Expect classic | Expect exponential | Expect NHCB |. // | classic=false, nhcb=false | NO | YES | NO |. // | classic=true, nhcb=false | YES | YES | NO |. // | classic=false, nhcb=true | NO | YES | NO |. // | classic=true, nhcb=true | YES | YES | NO |. // // Case 3. Only exponential histogram is exposed. // // | Scrape Config | Expect classic | Expect exponential | Expect NHCB |. // | classic=false, nhcb=false | NO | YES | NO |. // | classic=true, nhcb=false | NO | YES | NO |. // | classic=false, nhcb=true | NO | YES | NO |. // | classic=true, nhcb=true | NO | YES | NO |. func TestNHCBParserProtoBufParser_NoNHCBWhenExponential(t *testing.T) { type requirement struct { expectClassic bool expectExponential bool expectNHCB bool } cases := []map[string]requirement{ // Case 1. { "classic=false, nhcb=false": {expectClassic: true, expectExponential: false, expectNHCB: false}, "classic=true, nhcb=false": {expectClassic: true, expectExponential: false, expectNHCB: false}, "classic=false, nhcb=true": {expectClassic: false, expectExponential: false, expectNHCB: true}, "classic=true, nhcb=true": {expectClassic: true, expectExponential: false, expectNHCB: true}, }, // Case 2. { "classic=false, nhcb=false": {expectClassic: false, expectExponential: true, expectNHCB: false}, "classic=true, nhcb=false": {expectClassic: true, expectExponential: true, expectNHCB: false}, "classic=false, nhcb=true": {expectClassic: false, expectExponential: true, expectNHCB: false}, "classic=true, nhcb=true": {expectClassic: true, expectExponential: true, expectNHCB: false}, }, // Case 3. { "classic=false, nhcb=false": {expectClassic: false, expectExponential: true, expectNHCB: false}, "classic=true, nhcb=false": {expectClassic: false, expectExponential: true, expectNHCB: false}, "classic=false, nhcb=true": {expectClassic: false, expectExponential: true, expectNHCB: false}, "classic=true, nhcb=true": {expectClassic: false, expectExponential: true, expectNHCB: false}, }, } type testCase struct { name string classic bool nhcb bool exp []parsedEntry } testCases := []testCase{} for _, classic := range []bool{false, true} { for _, nhcb := range []bool{false, true} { tc := testCase{ name: "classic=" + strconv.FormatBool(classic) + ", nhcb=" + strconv.FormatBool(nhcb), classic: classic, nhcb: nhcb, exp: []parsedEntry{}, } for i, caseI := range cases { req := caseI[tc.name] metric := "test_histogram" + strconv.Itoa(i+1) tc.exp = append(tc.exp, parsedEntry{ m: metric, help: "Test histogram " + strconv.Itoa(i+1), }) tc.exp = append(tc.exp, parsedEntry{ m: metric, typ: model.MetricTypeHistogram, }) if req.expectExponential { // Always expect exponential histogram first. exponentialSeries := []parsedEntry{ { m: metric, shs: &histogram.Histogram{ Schema: 3, Count: 175, Sum: 0.0008280461746287094, ZeroThreshold: 2.938735877055719e-39, ZeroCount: 2, PositiveSpans: []histogram.Span{{Offset: -161, Length: 1}, {Offset: 8, Length: 3}}, NegativeSpans: []histogram.Span{{Offset: -162, Length: 1}, {Offset: 23, Length: 4}}, PositiveBuckets: []int64{1, 2, -1, -1}, NegativeBuckets: []int64{1, 3, -2, -1, 1}, }, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", metric), t: int64p(1234568), ct: int64p(1000), }, } tc.exp = append(tc.exp, exponentialSeries...) } if req.expectClassic { // Always expect classic histogram series after exponential. classicSeries := []parsedEntry{ { m: metric + "_count", v: 175, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", metric+"_count"), t: int64p(1234568), ct: int64p(1000), }, { m: metric + "_sum", v: 0.0008280461746287094, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", metric+"_sum"), t: int64p(1234568), ct: int64p(1000), }, { m: metric + "_bucket\xffle\xff-0.0004899999999999998", v: 2, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", metric+"_bucket", "le", "-0.0004899999999999998"), t: int64p(1234568), ct: int64p(1000), }, { m: metric + "_bucket\xffle\xff-0.0003899999999999998", v: 4, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", metric+"_bucket", "le", "-0.0003899999999999998"), t: int64p(1234568), ct: int64p(1000), }, { m: metric + "_bucket\xffle\xff-0.0002899999999999998", v: 16, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", metric+"_bucket", "le", "-0.0002899999999999998"), t: int64p(1234568), ct: int64p(1000), }, { m: metric + "_bucket\xffle\xff+Inf", v: 175, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", metric+"_bucket", "le", "+Inf"), t: int64p(1234568), ct: int64p(1000), }, } tc.exp = append(tc.exp, classicSeries...) } if req.expectNHCB { // Always expect NHCB series after classic. nhcbSeries := []parsedEntry{ { m: metric + "{}", shs: &histogram.Histogram{ Schema: histogram.CustomBucketsSchema, Count: 175, Sum: 0.0008280461746287094, PositiveSpans: []histogram.Span{{Length: 4}}, PositiveBuckets: []int64{2, 0, 10, 147}, CustomValues: []float64{-0.0004899999999999998, -0.0003899999999999998, -0.0002899999999999998}, }, lset: labels.FromStrings("__name__", metric), t: int64p(1234568), ct: int64p(1000), }, } tc.exp = append(tc.exp, nhcbSeries...) } } testCases = append(testCases, tc) } } inputBuf := createTestProtoBufHistogram(t) for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { p := NewProtobufParser(inputBuf.Bytes(), tc.classic, labels.NewSymbolTable()) if tc.nhcb { p = NewNHCBParser(p, labels.NewSymbolTable(), tc.classic) } got := testParse(t, p) requireEntries(t, tc.exp, got) }) } } func createTestProtoBufHistogram(t *testing.T) *bytes.Buffer { testMetricFamilies := []string{`name: "test_histogram1" help: "Test histogram 1" type: HISTOGRAM metric: < histogram: < created_timestamp: < seconds: 1 nanos: 1 > sample_count: 175 sample_sum: 0.0008280461746287094 bucket: < cumulative_count: 2 upper_bound: -0.0004899999999999998 > bucket: < cumulative_count: 4 upper_bound: -0.0003899999999999998 > bucket: < cumulative_count: 16 upper_bound: -0.0002899999999999998 > > timestamp_ms: 1234568 >`, `name: "test_histogram2" help: "Test histogram 2" type: HISTOGRAM metric: < histogram: < created_timestamp: < seconds: 1 nanos: 1 > sample_count: 175 sample_sum: 0.0008280461746287094 bucket: < cumulative_count: 2 upper_bound: -0.0004899999999999998 > bucket: < cumulative_count: 4 upper_bound: -0.0003899999999999998 > bucket: < cumulative_count: 16 upper_bound: -0.0002899999999999998 > schema: 3 zero_threshold: 2.938735877055719e-39 zero_count: 2 negative_span: < offset: -162 length: 1 > negative_span: < offset: 23 length: 4 > negative_delta: 1 negative_delta: 3 negative_delta: -2 negative_delta: -1 negative_delta: 1 positive_span: < offset: -161 length: 1 > positive_span: < offset: 8 length: 3 > positive_delta: 1 positive_delta: 2 positive_delta: -1 positive_delta: -1 > timestamp_ms: 1234568 >`, `name: "test_histogram3" help: "Test histogram 3" type: HISTOGRAM metric: < histogram: < created_timestamp: < seconds: 1 nanos: 1 > sample_count: 175 sample_sum: 0.0008280461746287094 schema: 3 zero_threshold: 2.938735877055719e-39 zero_count: 2 negative_span: < offset: -162 length: 1 > negative_span: < offset: 23 length: 4 > negative_delta: 1 negative_delta: 3 negative_delta: -2 negative_delta: -1 negative_delta: 1 positive_span: < offset: -161 length: 1 > positive_span: < offset: 8 length: 3 > positive_delta: 1 positive_delta: 2 positive_delta: -1 positive_delta: -1 > timestamp_ms: 1234568 > `} varintBuf := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen32) buf := &bytes.Buffer{} for _, tmf := range testMetricFamilies { pb := &dto.MetricFamily{} // From text to proto message. require.NoError(t, proto.UnmarshalText(tmf, pb)) // From proto message to binary protobuf. protoBuf, err := proto.Marshal(pb) require.NoError(t, err) // Write first length, then binary protobuf. varintLength := binary.PutUvarint(varintBuf, uint64(len(protoBuf))) buf.Write(varintBuf[:varintLength]) buf.Write(protoBuf) } return buf }