--- version: 2.1 orbs: prometheus: prometheus/prometheus@0.16.0 go: circleci/go@1.7.0 win: circleci/windows@2.3.0 executors: # Whenever the Go version is updated here, .promu.yml # should also be updated. golang: docker: - image: quay.io/prometheus/golang-builder:1.18-base golang_oldest: docker: - image: quay.io/prometheus/golang-builder:1.18-base jobs: test_go: executor: golang steps: - prometheus/setup_environment - go/load-cache: key: v1 - run: command: make GO_ONLY=1 environment: # Run garbage collection more aggressively to avoid getting OOMed during the lint phase. GOGC: "20" # By default Go uses GOMAXPROCS but a Circle CI executor has many # cores (> 30) while the CPU and RAM resources are throttled. If we # don't limit this to the number of allocated cores, the job is # likely to get OOMed and killed. GOOPTS: "-p 2" GOMAXPROCS: "2" GO111MODULE: "on" - run: go test ./tsdb/ -test.tsdb-isolation=false - run: make -C documentation/examples/remote_storage - run: make -C documentation/examples - prometheus/check_proto: version: "3.15.8" - prometheus/store_artifact: file: prometheus - prometheus/store_artifact: file: promtool - go/save-cache: key: v1 - store_test_results: path: test-results test_ui: executor: golang steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - v3-npm-deps-{{ checksum "web/ui/package-lock.json" }} - v3-npm-deps- - run: make assets-tarball - run: make ui-lint - run: make ui-test - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - .tarballs - save_cache: key: v3-npm-deps-{{ checksum "web/ui/package-lock.json" }} paths: - ~/.npm test_windows: executor: name: win/default shell: powershell working_directory: /go/src/github.com/prometheus/prometheus steps: - checkout - run: # Temporary workaround until circleci updates go. command: | choco upgrade -y golang - run: command: refreshenv - run: command: | $TestTargets = go list ./... | Where-Object { $_ -NotMatch "(github.com/prometheus/prometheus/discovery.*|github.com/prometheus/prometheus/config|github.com/prometheus/prometheus/web)"} go test $TestTargets -vet=off -v environment: GOGC: "20" GOOPTS: "-p 2" test_golang_oldest: executor: golang_oldest steps: - checkout - run: make build - run: go test ./tsdb/... - run: go test ./tsdb/ -test.tsdb-isolation=false test_mixins: executor: golang steps: - checkout - run: go install ./cmd/promtool/. - run: go install github.com/google/go-jsonnet/cmd/jsonnet@latest - run: go install github.com/google/go-jsonnet/cmd/jsonnetfmt@latest - run: go install github.com/jsonnet-bundler/jsonnet-bundler/cmd/jb@latest - run: make -C documentation/prometheus-mixin clean - run: make -C documentation/prometheus-mixin jb_install - run: make -C documentation/prometheus-mixin - run: git diff --exit-code repo_sync: executor: golang steps: - checkout - run: ./scripts/sync_repo_files.sh workflows: version: 2 prometheus: jobs: - test_go: filters: tags: only: /.*/ - test_ui: filters: tags: only: /.*/ - test_golang_oldest: filters: tags: only: /.*/ - test_mixins: filters: tags: only: /.*/ - test_windows: filters: tags: only: /.*/ - prometheus/build: name: build parallelism: 3 promu_opts: "-p linux/amd64 -p windows/amd64 -p linux/arm64 -p darwin/amd64 -p darwin/arm64 -p linux/386" filters: tags: ignore: /^v2(\.[0-9]+){2}(-.+|[^-.]*)$/ branches: ignore: /^(main|release-.*|.*build-all.*)$/ - prometheus/build: name: build_all parallelism: 12 filters: branches: only: /^(main|release-.*|.*build-all.*)$/ tags: only: /^v2(\.[0-9]+){2}(-.+|[^-.]*)$/ - prometheus/publish_main: context: org-context requires: - test_go - test_ui - build_all filters: branches: only: main image: circleci/golang:1-node - prometheus/publish_release: context: org-context requires: - test_go - test_ui - build_all filters: tags: only: /^v2(\.[0-9]+){2}(-.+|[^-.]*)$/ branches: ignore: /.*/ image: circleci/golang:1-node daily: triggers: - schedule: cron: "49 19 * * *" filters: branches: only: - main jobs: - repo_sync: context: org-context