// Copyright 2020 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package storage

import (


type SeriesEntry struct {
	Lset             labels.Labels
	SampleIteratorFn func(chunkenc.Iterator) chunkenc.Iterator

func (s *SeriesEntry) Labels() labels.Labels                           { return s.Lset }
func (s *SeriesEntry) Iterator(it chunkenc.Iterator) chunkenc.Iterator { return s.SampleIteratorFn(it) }

type ChunkSeriesEntry struct {
	Lset            labels.Labels
	ChunkIteratorFn func(chunks.Iterator) chunks.Iterator

func (s *ChunkSeriesEntry) Labels() labels.Labels                       { return s.Lset }
func (s *ChunkSeriesEntry) Iterator(it chunks.Iterator) chunks.Iterator { return s.ChunkIteratorFn(it) }

// NewListSeries returns series entry with iterator that allows to iterate over provided samples.
func NewListSeries(lset labels.Labels, s []tsdbutil.Sample) *SeriesEntry {
	samplesS := Samples(samples(s))
	return &SeriesEntry{
		Lset: lset,
		SampleIteratorFn: func(it chunkenc.Iterator) chunkenc.Iterator {
			if lsi, ok := it.(*listSeriesIterator); ok {
				return lsi
			return NewListSeriesIterator(samplesS)

// NewListChunkSeriesFromSamples returns chunk series entry that allows to iterate over provided samples.
// NOTE: It uses inefficient chunks encoding implementation, not caring about chunk size.
func NewListChunkSeriesFromSamples(lset labels.Labels, samples ...[]tsdbutil.Sample) *ChunkSeriesEntry {
	return &ChunkSeriesEntry{
		Lset: lset,
		ChunkIteratorFn: func(it chunks.Iterator) chunks.Iterator {
			lcsi, existing := it.(*listChunkSeriesIterator)
			var chks []chunks.Meta
			if existing {
				chks = lcsi.chks[:0]
			} else {
				chks = make([]chunks.Meta, 0, len(samples))
			for _, s := range samples {
				chks = append(chks, tsdbutil.ChunkFromSamples(s))
			if existing {
				return lcsi
			return NewListChunkSeriesIterator(chks...)

type listSeriesIterator struct {
	samples Samples
	idx     int

type samples []tsdbutil.Sample

func (s samples) Get(i int) tsdbutil.Sample { return s[i] }
func (s samples) Len() int                  { return len(s) }

// Samples interface allows to work on arrays of types that are compatible with tsdbutil.Sample.
type Samples interface {
	Get(i int) tsdbutil.Sample
	Len() int

// NewListSeriesIterator returns listSeriesIterator that allows to iterate over provided samples.
func NewListSeriesIterator(samples Samples) chunkenc.Iterator {
	return &listSeriesIterator{samples: samples, idx: -1}

func (it *listSeriesIterator) Reset(samples Samples) {
	it.samples = samples
	it.idx = -1

func (it *listSeriesIterator) At() (int64, float64) {
	s := it.samples.Get(it.idx)
	return s.T(), s.F()

func (it *listSeriesIterator) AtHistogram() (int64, *histogram.Histogram) {
	s := it.samples.Get(it.idx)
	return s.T(), s.H()

func (it *listSeriesIterator) AtFloatHistogram() (int64, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
	s := it.samples.Get(it.idx)
	return s.T(), s.FH()

func (it *listSeriesIterator) AtT() int64 {
	s := it.samples.Get(it.idx)
	return s.T()

func (it *listSeriesIterator) Next() chunkenc.ValueType {
	if it.idx >= it.samples.Len() {
		return chunkenc.ValNone
	return it.samples.Get(it.idx).Type()

func (it *listSeriesIterator) Seek(t int64) chunkenc.ValueType {
	if it.idx == -1 {
		it.idx = 0
	if it.idx >= it.samples.Len() {
		return chunkenc.ValNone
	// No-op check.
	if s := it.samples.Get(it.idx); s.T() >= t {
		return s.Type()
	// Do binary search between current position and end.
	it.idx += sort.Search(it.samples.Len()-it.idx, func(i int) bool {
		s := it.samples.Get(i + it.idx)
		return s.T() >= t

	if it.idx >= it.samples.Len() {
		return chunkenc.ValNone
	return it.samples.Get(it.idx).Type()

func (it *listSeriesIterator) Err() error { return nil }

type listChunkSeriesIterator struct {
	chks []chunks.Meta
	idx  int

// NewListChunkSeriesIterator returns listChunkSeriesIterator that allows to iterate over provided chunks.
func NewListChunkSeriesIterator(chks ...chunks.Meta) chunks.Iterator {
	return &listChunkSeriesIterator{chks: chks, idx: -1}

func (it *listChunkSeriesIterator) Reset(chks ...chunks.Meta) {
	it.chks = chks
	it.idx = -1

func (it *listChunkSeriesIterator) At() chunks.Meta {
	return it.chks[it.idx]

func (it *listChunkSeriesIterator) Next() bool {
	return it.idx < len(it.chks)

func (it *listChunkSeriesIterator) Err() error { return nil }

type chunkSetToSeriesSet struct {

	iter             chunks.Iterator
	chkIterErr       error
	sameSeriesChunks []Series

// NewSeriesSetFromChunkSeriesSet converts ChunkSeriesSet to SeriesSet by decoding chunks one by one.
func NewSeriesSetFromChunkSeriesSet(chk ChunkSeriesSet) SeriesSet {
	return &chunkSetToSeriesSet{ChunkSeriesSet: chk}

func (c *chunkSetToSeriesSet) Next() bool {
	if c.Err() != nil || !c.ChunkSeriesSet.Next() {
		return false

	c.iter = c.ChunkSeriesSet.At().Iterator(c.iter)
	c.sameSeriesChunks = nil

	for c.iter.Next() {
		c.sameSeriesChunks = append(
			newChunkToSeriesDecoder(c.ChunkSeriesSet.At().Labels(), c.iter.At()),

	if c.iter.Err() != nil {
		c.chkIterErr = c.iter.Err()
		return false
	return true

func (c *chunkSetToSeriesSet) At() Series {
	// Series composed of same chunks for the same series.
	return ChainedSeriesMerge(c.sameSeriesChunks...)

func (c *chunkSetToSeriesSet) Err() error {
	if c.chkIterErr != nil {
		return c.chkIterErr
	return c.ChunkSeriesSet.Err()

func newChunkToSeriesDecoder(labels labels.Labels, chk chunks.Meta) Series {
	return &SeriesEntry{
		Lset: labels,
		SampleIteratorFn: func(it chunkenc.Iterator) chunkenc.Iterator {
			// TODO(bwplotka): Can we provide any chunkenc buffer?
			return chk.Chunk.Iterator(it)

type seriesSetToChunkSet struct {

// NewSeriesSetToChunkSet converts SeriesSet to ChunkSeriesSet by encoding chunks from samples.
func NewSeriesSetToChunkSet(chk SeriesSet) ChunkSeriesSet {
	return &seriesSetToChunkSet{SeriesSet: chk}

func (c *seriesSetToChunkSet) Next() bool {
	if c.Err() != nil || !c.SeriesSet.Next() {
		return false
	return true

func (c *seriesSetToChunkSet) At() ChunkSeries {
	return NewSeriesToChunkEncoder(c.SeriesSet.At())

func (c *seriesSetToChunkSet) Err() error {
	return c.SeriesSet.Err()

type seriesToChunkEncoder struct {

const seriesToChunkEncoderSplit = 120

// NewSeriesToChunkEncoder encodes samples to chunks with 120 samples limit.
func NewSeriesToChunkEncoder(series Series) ChunkSeries {
	return &seriesToChunkEncoder{series}

func (s *seriesToChunkEncoder) Iterator(it chunks.Iterator) chunks.Iterator {
	var (
		chk chunkenc.Chunk
		app *RecodingAppender
		err error
	mint := int64(math.MaxInt64)
	maxt := int64(math.MinInt64)

	var chks []chunks.Meta
	lcsi, existing := it.(*listChunkSeriesIterator)
	if existing {
		chks = lcsi.chks[:0]

	i := 0
	seriesIter := s.Series.Iterator(nil)
	lastType := chunkenc.ValNone
	for typ := seriesIter.Next(); typ != chunkenc.ValNone; typ = seriesIter.Next() {
		chunkCreated := false
		if typ != lastType || i >= seriesToChunkEncoderSplit {
			// Create a new chunk if the sample type changed or too many samples in the current one.
			chks = appendChunk(chks, mint, maxt, chk)
			chunkCreated = true
			chk, err = chunkenc.NewEmptyChunk(typ.ChunkEncoding())
			if err != nil {
				return errChunksIterator{err: err}
			chkAppender, err := chk.Appender()
			if err != nil {
				return errChunksIterator{err: err}
			app = NewRecodingAppender(&chk, chkAppender)
			mint = int64(math.MaxInt64)
			// maxt is immediately overwritten below which is why setting it here won't make a difference.
			i = 0
		lastType = typ

		var (
			t  int64
			v  float64
			h  *histogram.Histogram
			fh *histogram.FloatHistogram
		switch typ {
		case chunkenc.ValFloat:
			t, v = seriesIter.At()
			app.Append(t, v)
		case chunkenc.ValHistogram:
			t, h = seriesIter.AtHistogram()
			if ok, counterReset := app.AppendHistogram(t, h); !ok {
				chks = appendChunk(chks, mint, maxt, chk)
				histChunk := chunkenc.NewHistogramChunk()
				chunkCreated = true
				if counterReset {
				chk = histChunk

				chkAppender, err := chk.Appender()
				if err != nil {
					return errChunksIterator{err: err}
				mint = int64(math.MaxInt64)
				i = 0
				app = NewRecodingAppender(&chk, chkAppender)
				if ok, _ := app.AppendHistogram(t, h); !ok {
					panic("unexpected error while appending histogram")
			if chunkCreated && h.CounterResetHint == histogram.GaugeType {
		case chunkenc.ValFloatHistogram:
			t, fh = seriesIter.AtFloatHistogram()
			if ok, counterReset := app.AppendFloatHistogram(t, fh); !ok {
				chks = appendChunk(chks, mint, maxt, chk)
				floatHistChunk := chunkenc.NewFloatHistogramChunk()
				chunkCreated = true
				if counterReset {
				chk = floatHistChunk
				chkAppender, err := chk.Appender()
				if err != nil {
					return errChunksIterator{err: err}
				mint = int64(math.MaxInt64)
				i = 0
				app = NewRecodingAppender(&chk, chkAppender)
				if ok, _ := app.AppendFloatHistogram(t, fh); !ok {
					panic("unexpected error while float appending histogram")
			if chunkCreated && fh.CounterResetHint == histogram.GaugeType {
			return errChunksIterator{err: fmt.Errorf("unknown sample type %s", typ.String())}

		maxt = t
		if mint == math.MaxInt64 {
			mint = t
	if err := seriesIter.Err(); err != nil {
		return errChunksIterator{err: err}

	chks = appendChunk(chks, mint, maxt, chk)

	if existing {
		return lcsi
	return NewListChunkSeriesIterator(chks...)

func appendChunk(chks []chunks.Meta, mint, maxt int64, chk chunkenc.Chunk) []chunks.Meta {
	if chk != nil {
		chks = append(chks, chunks.Meta{
			MinTime: mint,
			MaxTime: maxt,
			Chunk:   chk,
	return chks

type errChunksIterator struct {
	err error

func (e errChunksIterator) At() chunks.Meta { return chunks.Meta{} }
func (e errChunksIterator) Next() bool      { return false }
func (e errChunksIterator) Err() error      { return e.err }

// ExpandSamples iterates over all samples in the iterator, buffering all in slice.
// Optionally it takes samples constructor, useful when you want to compare sample slices with different
// sample implementations. if nil, sample type from this package will be used.
func ExpandSamples(iter chunkenc.Iterator, newSampleFn func(t int64, f float64, h *histogram.Histogram, fh *histogram.FloatHistogram) tsdbutil.Sample) ([]tsdbutil.Sample, error) {
	if newSampleFn == nil {
		newSampleFn = func(t int64, f float64, h *histogram.Histogram, fh *histogram.FloatHistogram) tsdbutil.Sample {
			switch {
			case h != nil:
				return hSample{t, h}
			case fh != nil:
				return fhSample{t, fh}
				return fSample{t, f}

	var result []tsdbutil.Sample
	for {
		switch iter.Next() {
		case chunkenc.ValNone:
			return result, iter.Err()
		case chunkenc.ValFloat:
			t, f := iter.At()
			// NaNs can't be compared normally, so substitute for another value.
			if math.IsNaN(f) {
				f = -42
			result = append(result, newSampleFn(t, f, nil, nil))
		case chunkenc.ValHistogram:
			t, h := iter.AtHistogram()
			result = append(result, newSampleFn(t, 0, h, nil))
		case chunkenc.ValFloatHistogram:
			t, fh := iter.AtFloatHistogram()
			result = append(result, newSampleFn(t, 0, nil, fh))

// ExpandChunks iterates over all chunks in the iterator, buffering all in slice.
func ExpandChunks(iter chunks.Iterator) ([]chunks.Meta, error) {
	var result []chunks.Meta
	for iter.Next() {
		result = append(result, iter.At())
	return result, iter.Err()

// RecodingAppender is a tsdb.Appender that recodes histogram samples if needed during appends.
// It takes an existing appender and a chunk to which samples are appended.
type RecodingAppender struct {
	chk *chunkenc.Chunk
	app chunkenc.Appender

func NewRecodingAppender(chk *chunkenc.Chunk, app chunkenc.Appender) *RecodingAppender {
	return &RecodingAppender{
		chk: chk,
		app: app,

// Append appends a float sample to the appender.
func (a *RecodingAppender) Append(t int64, v float64) {
	a.app.Append(t, v)

// AppendHistogram appends a histogram sample to the underlying chunk.
// The method returns false if the sample cannot be appended and a boolean value set to true
// when it is not appendable because of a counter reset.
// If counterReset is true, okToAppend is always false.
func (a *RecodingAppender) AppendHistogram(t int64, h *histogram.Histogram) (okToAppend, counterReset bool) {
	app, ok := a.app.(*chunkenc.HistogramAppender)
	if !ok {
		return false, false

	if app.NumSamples() == 0 {
		a.app.AppendHistogram(t, h)
		return true, false

	var (
		pForwardInserts, nForwardInserts   []chunkenc.Insert
		pBackwardInserts, nBackwardInserts []chunkenc.Insert
		pMergedSpans, nMergedSpans         []histogram.Span
	switch h.CounterResetHint {
	case histogram.GaugeType:
		pForwardInserts, nForwardInserts,
			pBackwardInserts, nBackwardInserts,
			pMergedSpans, nMergedSpans,
			okToAppend = app.AppendableGauge(h)
		pForwardInserts, nForwardInserts, okToAppend, counterReset = app.Appendable(h)
	if !okToAppend || counterReset {
		return false, counterReset

	if len(pBackwardInserts)+len(nBackwardInserts) > 0 {
		h.PositiveSpans = pMergedSpans
		h.NegativeSpans = nMergedSpans
		app.RecodeHistogram(h, pBackwardInserts, nBackwardInserts)
	if len(pForwardInserts) > 0 || len(nForwardInserts) > 0 {
		chk, app := app.Recode(
			pForwardInserts, nForwardInserts,
			h.PositiveSpans, h.NegativeSpans,
		*a.chk = chk
		a.app = app

	a.app.AppendHistogram(t, h)
	return true, counterReset

// AppendFloatHistogram appends a float histogram sample to the underlying chunk.
// The method returns false if the sample cannot be appended and a boolean value set to true
// when it is not appendable because of a counter reset.
// If counterReset is true, okToAppend is always false.
func (a *RecodingAppender) AppendFloatHistogram(t int64, fh *histogram.FloatHistogram) (okToAppend, counterReset bool) {
	app, ok := a.app.(*chunkenc.FloatHistogramAppender)
	if !ok {
		return false, false

	if app.NumSamples() == 0 {
		a.app.AppendFloatHistogram(t, fh)
		return true, false

	var (
		pForwardInserts, nForwardInserts   []chunkenc.Insert
		pBackwardInserts, nBackwardInserts []chunkenc.Insert
		pMergedSpans, nMergedSpans         []histogram.Span
	switch fh.CounterResetHint {
	case histogram.GaugeType:
		pForwardInserts, nForwardInserts,
			pBackwardInserts, nBackwardInserts,
			pMergedSpans, nMergedSpans,
			okToAppend = app.AppendableGauge(fh)
		pForwardInserts, nForwardInserts, okToAppend, counterReset = app.Appendable(fh)

	if !okToAppend || counterReset {
		return false, counterReset

	if len(pBackwardInserts)+len(nBackwardInserts) > 0 {
		fh.PositiveSpans = pMergedSpans
		fh.NegativeSpans = nMergedSpans
		app.RecodeHistogramm(fh, pBackwardInserts, nBackwardInserts)

	if len(pForwardInserts) > 0 || len(nForwardInserts) > 0 {
		chunk, app := app.Recode(
			pForwardInserts, nForwardInserts,
			fh.PositiveSpans, fh.NegativeSpans,
		*a.chk = chunk
		a.app = app

	a.app.AppendFloatHistogram(t, fh)
	return true, counterReset