import { ActionIcon, Button, Group, InputBase, Loader, Menu, rem, useComputedColorScheme, } from "@mantine/core"; import { CompleteStrategy, PromQLExtension, newCompleteStrategy, } from "@prometheus-io/codemirror-promql"; import { FC, useEffect, useState } from "react"; import CodeMirror, { EditorState, EditorView, Prec, highlightSpecialChars, keymap, placeholder, } from "@uiw/react-codemirror"; import { baseTheme, darkPromqlHighlighter, darkTheme, lightTheme, promqlHighlighter, } from "../../codemirror/theme"; import { bracketMatching, indentOnInput, syntaxHighlighting, syntaxTree, } from "@codemirror/language"; import classes from "./ExpressionInput.module.css"; import { CompletionContext, CompletionResult, autocompletion, closeBrackets, closeBracketsKeymap, completionKeymap, } from "@codemirror/autocomplete"; import { defaultKeymap, history, historyKeymap, insertNewlineAndIndent, } from "@codemirror/commands"; import { highlightSelectionMatches } from "@codemirror/search"; import { lintKeymap } from "@codemirror/lint"; import { IconAlignJustified, IconDotsVertical, IconSearch, IconTerminal, IconTrash, } from "@tabler/icons-react"; import { useAPIQuery } from "../../api/api"; import { notifications } from "@mantine/notifications"; const promqlExtension = new PromQLExtension(); // Autocompletion strategy that wraps the main one and enriches // it with past query items. export class HistoryCompleteStrategy implements CompleteStrategy { private complete: CompleteStrategy; private queryHistory: string[]; constructor(complete: CompleteStrategy, queryHistory: string[]) { this.complete = complete; this.queryHistory = queryHistory; } promQL( context: CompletionContext ): Promise | CompletionResult | null { return Promise.resolve(this.complete.promQL(context)).then((res) => { const { state, pos } = context; const tree = syntaxTree(state).resolve(pos, -1); const start = res != null ? res.from : tree.from; if (start !== 0) { return res; } const historyItems: CompletionResult = { from: start, to: pos, options: => ({ label: q.length < 80 ? q : q.slice(0, 76).concat("..."), detail: "past query", apply: q, info: q.length < 80 ? undefined : q, })), validFor: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_:]+$/, }; if (res !== null) { historyItems.options = historyItems.options.concat(res.options); } return historyItems; }); } } interface ExpressionInputProps { initialExpr: string; executeQuery: (expr: string) => void; removePanel: () => void; } const ExpressionInput: FC = ({ initialExpr, executeQuery, removePanel, }) => { const theme = useComputedColorScheme(); const [expr, setExpr] = useState(initialExpr); useEffect(() => { setExpr(initialExpr); }, [initialExpr]); const { data: formatResult, error: formatError, isFetching: isFormatting, refetch: formatQuery, } = useAPIQuery({ key: expr, path: "format_query", params: { query: expr, }, enabled: false, }); useEffect(() => { if (formatError) {{ color: "red", title: "Error formatting query", message: formatError.message, }); return; } if (formatResult) { setExpr(;{ color: "green", title: "Expression formatted", message: "Expression formatted successfully!", }); } }, [formatResult, formatError]); // TODO: make dynamic: const enableAutocomplete = true; const enableLinter = true; const pathPrefix = ""; // const metricNames = ... const queryHistory = [] as string[]; // (Re)initialize editor based on settings / setting changes. useEffect(() => { // Build the dynamic part of the config. promqlExtension .activateCompletion(enableAutocomplete) .activateLinter(enableLinter) .setComplete({ completeStrategy: new HistoryCompleteStrategy( newCompleteStrategy({ remote: { url: pathPrefix, //cache: { initialMetricList: metricNames }, }, }), queryHistory ), }); }, []); // TODO: Make this depend on external settings changes, maybe use dynamic config compartment again. return ( leftSection={ isFormatting ? : } rightSection={ Query options } > Explore metrics } onClick={() => formatQuery()} disabled={ isFormatting || expr === "" || expr === formatResult?.data } > Format expression } onClick={removePanel} > Remove query } component={CodeMirror} className={classes.input} basicSetup={false} value={expr} onChange={setExpr} autoFocus extensions={[ baseTheme, highlightSpecialChars(), history(), EditorState.allowMultipleSelections.of(true), indentOnInput(), bracketMatching(), closeBrackets(), autocompletion(), highlightSelectionMatches(), EditorView.lineWrapping, keymap.of([ ...closeBracketsKeymap, ...defaultKeymap, ...historyKeymap, ...completionKeymap, ...lintKeymap, ]), placeholder("Enter expression (press Shift+Enter for newlines)"), syntaxHighlighting( theme === "light" ? promqlHighlighter : darkPromqlHighlighter ), promqlExtension.asExtension(), theme === "light" ? lightTheme : darkTheme, keymap.of([ { key: "Escape", run: (v: EditorView): boolean => { v.contentDOM.blur(); return false; }, }, ]), Prec.highest( keymap.of([ { key: "Enter", run: (): boolean => { executeQuery(expr); return true; }, }, { key: "Shift-Enter", run: insertNewlineAndIndent, }, ]) ), ]} multiline /> ); }; export default ExpressionInput;