go: # Whenever the Go version is updated here, # .circle/config.yml should also be updated. version: 1.21 repository: path: github.com/prometheus/prometheus build: binaries: - name: prometheus path: ./cmd/prometheus - name: promtool path: ./cmd/promtool tags: all: - netgo - builtinassets - stringlabels windows: - builtinassets - stringlabels ldflags: | -X github.com/prometheus/common/version.Version={{.Version}} -X github.com/prometheus/common/version.Revision={{.Revision}} -X github.com/prometheus/common/version.Branch={{.Branch}} -X github.com/prometheus/common/version.BuildUser={{user}}@{{host}} -X github.com/prometheus/common/version.BuildDate={{date "20060102-15:04:05"}} tarball: # Whenever there are new files to include in the tarball, # remember to make sure the new files will be generated after `make build`. files: - consoles - console_libraries - documentation/examples/prometheus.yml - LICENSE - NOTICE - npm_licenses.tar.bz2 crossbuild: platforms: - darwin - dragonfly - freebsd - illumos - linux - netbsd - windows