// Copyright 2015 The Prometheus Authors // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package main import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "math" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "path/filepath" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "text/tabwriter" "time" "github.com/alecthomas/kingpin/v2" "github.com/go-kit/log" "github.com/google/pprof/profile" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/api" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/testutil/promlint" config_util "github.com/prometheus/common/config" "github.com/prometheus/common/model" "github.com/prometheus/common/version" "github.com/prometheus/exporter-toolkit/web" "gopkg.in/yaml.v2" dto "github.com/prometheus/client_model/go" promconfig "github.com/prometheus/common/config" "github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/config" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/discovery" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/discovery/file" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/discovery/kubernetes" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/discovery/targetgroup" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/model/labels" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/model/rulefmt" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/notifier" _ "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/plugins" // Register plugins. "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/promql/parser" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/promql/promqltest" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/scrape" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/util/documentcli" ) const ( successExitCode = 0 failureExitCode = 1 // Exit code 3 is used for "one or more lint issues detected". lintErrExitCode = 3 lintOptionAll = "all" lintOptionDuplicateRules = "duplicate-rules" lintOptionNone = "none" checkHealth = "/-/healthy" checkReadiness = "/-/ready" ) var lintOptions = []string{lintOptionAll, lintOptionDuplicateRules, lintOptionNone} func main() { var ( httpRoundTripper = api.DefaultRoundTripper serverURL *url.URL remoteWriteURL *url.URL httpConfigFilePath string ) ctx := context.Background() app := kingpin.New(filepath.Base(os.Args[0]), "Tooling for the Prometheus monitoring system.").UsageWriter(os.Stdout) app.Version(version.Print("promtool")) app.HelpFlag.Short('h') checkCmd := app.Command("check", "Check the resources for validity.") experimental := app.Flag("experimental", "Enable experimental commands.").Bool() sdCheckCmd := checkCmd.Command("service-discovery", "Perform service discovery for the given job name and report the results, including relabeling.") sdConfigFile := sdCheckCmd.Arg("config-file", "The prometheus config file.").Required().ExistingFile() sdJobName := sdCheckCmd.Arg("job", "The job to run service discovery for.").Required().String() sdTimeout := sdCheckCmd.Flag("timeout", "The time to wait for discovery results.").Default("30s").Duration() checkConfigCmd := checkCmd.Command("config", "Check if the config files are valid or not.") configFiles := checkConfigCmd.Arg( "config-files", "The config files to check.", ).Required().ExistingFiles() checkConfigSyntaxOnly := checkConfigCmd.Flag("syntax-only", "Only check the config file syntax, ignoring file and content validation referenced in the config").Bool() checkConfigLint := checkConfigCmd.Flag( "lint", "Linting checks to apply to the rules specified in the config. Available options are: "+strings.Join(lintOptions, ", ")+". Use --lint=none to disable linting", ).Default(lintOptionDuplicateRules).String() checkConfigLintFatal := checkConfigCmd.Flag( "lint-fatal", "Make lint errors exit with exit code 3.").Default("false").Bool() checkWebConfigCmd := checkCmd.Command("web-config", "Check if the web config files are valid or not.") webConfigFiles := checkWebConfigCmd.Arg( "web-config-files", "The config files to check.", ).Required().ExistingFiles() checkServerHealthCmd := checkCmd.Command("healthy", "Check if the Prometheus server is healthy.") checkServerHealthCmd.Flag("http.config.file", "HTTP client configuration file for promtool to connect to Prometheus.").PlaceHolder("").ExistingFileVar(&httpConfigFilePath) checkServerHealthCmd.Flag("url", "The URL for the Prometheus server.").Default("http://localhost:9090").URLVar(&serverURL) checkServerReadyCmd := checkCmd.Command("ready", "Check if the Prometheus server is ready.") checkServerReadyCmd.Flag("http.config.file", "HTTP client configuration file for promtool to connect to Prometheus.").PlaceHolder("").ExistingFileVar(&httpConfigFilePath) checkServerReadyCmd.Flag("url", "The URL for the Prometheus server.").Default("http://localhost:9090").URLVar(&serverURL) checkRulesCmd := checkCmd.Command("rules", "Check if the rule files are valid or not.") ruleFiles := checkRulesCmd.Arg( "rule-files", "The rule files to check, default is read from standard input.", ).ExistingFiles() checkRulesLint := checkRulesCmd.Flag( "lint", "Linting checks to apply. Available options are: "+strings.Join(lintOptions, ", ")+". Use --lint=none to disable linting", ).Default(lintOptionDuplicateRules).String() checkRulesLintFatal := checkRulesCmd.Flag( "lint-fatal", "Make lint errors exit with exit code 3.").Default("false").Bool() checkMetricsCmd := checkCmd.Command("metrics", checkMetricsUsage) checkMetricsExtended := checkCmd.Flag("extended", "Print extended information related to the cardinality of the metrics.").Bool() agentMode := checkConfigCmd.Flag("agent", "Check config file for Prometheus in Agent mode.").Bool() queryCmd := app.Command("query", "Run query against a Prometheus server.") queryCmdFmt := queryCmd.Flag("format", "Output format of the query.").Short('o').Default("promql").Enum("promql", "json") queryCmd.Flag("http.config.file", "HTTP client configuration file for promtool to connect to Prometheus.").PlaceHolder("").ExistingFileVar(&httpConfigFilePath) queryInstantCmd := queryCmd.Command("instant", "Run instant query.") queryInstantCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to query.").Required().URLVar(&serverURL) queryInstantExpr := queryInstantCmd.Arg("expr", "PromQL query expression.").Required().String() queryInstantTime := queryInstantCmd.Flag("time", "Query evaluation time (RFC3339 or Unix timestamp).").String() queryRangeCmd := queryCmd.Command("range", "Run range query.") queryRangeCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to query.").Required().URLVar(&serverURL) queryRangeExpr := queryRangeCmd.Arg("expr", "PromQL query expression.").Required().String() queryRangeHeaders := queryRangeCmd.Flag("header", "Extra headers to send to server.").StringMap() queryRangeBegin := queryRangeCmd.Flag("start", "Query range start time (RFC3339 or Unix timestamp).").String() queryRangeEnd := queryRangeCmd.Flag("end", "Query range end time (RFC3339 or Unix timestamp).").String() queryRangeStep := queryRangeCmd.Flag("step", "Query step size (duration).").Duration() querySeriesCmd := queryCmd.Command("series", "Run series query.") querySeriesCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to query.").Required().URLVar(&serverURL) querySeriesMatch := querySeriesCmd.Flag("match", "Series selector. Can be specified multiple times.").Required().Strings() querySeriesBegin := querySeriesCmd.Flag("start", "Start time (RFC3339 or Unix timestamp).").String() querySeriesEnd := querySeriesCmd.Flag("end", "End time (RFC3339 or Unix timestamp).").String() debugCmd := app.Command("debug", "Fetch debug information.") debugPprofCmd := debugCmd.Command("pprof", "Fetch profiling debug information.") debugPprofServer := debugPprofCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to get pprof files from.").Required().String() debugMetricsCmd := debugCmd.Command("metrics", "Fetch metrics debug information.") debugMetricsServer := debugMetricsCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to get metrics from.").Required().String() debugAllCmd := debugCmd.Command("all", "Fetch all debug information.") debugAllServer := debugAllCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to get all debug information from.").Required().String() queryLabelsCmd := queryCmd.Command("labels", "Run labels query.") queryLabelsCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to query.").Required().URLVar(&serverURL) queryLabelsName := queryLabelsCmd.Arg("name", "Label name to provide label values for.").Required().String() queryLabelsBegin := queryLabelsCmd.Flag("start", "Start time (RFC3339 or Unix timestamp).").String() queryLabelsEnd := queryLabelsCmd.Flag("end", "End time (RFC3339 or Unix timestamp).").String() queryLabelsMatch := queryLabelsCmd.Flag("match", "Series selector. Can be specified multiple times.").Strings() queryAnalyzeCfg := &QueryAnalyzeConfig{} queryAnalyzeCmd := queryCmd.Command("analyze", "Run queries against your Prometheus to analyze the usage pattern of certain metrics.") queryAnalyzeCmd.Flag("server", "Prometheus server to query.").Required().URLVar(&serverURL) queryAnalyzeCmd.Flag("type", "Type of metric: histogram.").Required().StringVar(&queryAnalyzeCfg.metricType) queryAnalyzeCmd.Flag("duration", "Time frame to analyze.").Default("1h").DurationVar(&queryAnalyzeCfg.duration) queryAnalyzeCmd.Flag("time", "Query time (RFC3339 or Unix timestamp), defaults to now.").StringVar(&queryAnalyzeCfg.time) queryAnalyzeCmd.Flag("match", "Series selector. Can be specified multiple times.").Required().StringsVar(&queryAnalyzeCfg.matchers) pushCmd := app.Command("push", "Push to a Prometheus server.") pushCmd.Flag("http.config.file", "HTTP client configuration file for promtool to connect to Prometheus.").PlaceHolder("").ExistingFileVar(&httpConfigFilePath) pushMetricsCmd := pushCmd.Command("metrics", "Push metrics to a prometheus remote write (for testing purpose only).") pushMetricsCmd.Arg("remote-write-url", "Prometheus remote write url to push metrics.").Required().URLVar(&remoteWriteURL) metricFiles := pushMetricsCmd.Arg( "metric-files", "The metric files to push, default is read from standard input.", ).ExistingFiles() pushMetricsLabels := pushMetricsCmd.Flag("label", "Label to attach to metrics. Can be specified multiple times.").Default("job=promtool").StringMap() pushMetricsTimeout := pushMetricsCmd.Flag("timeout", "The time to wait for pushing metrics.").Default("30s").Duration() pushMetricsHeaders := pushMetricsCmd.Flag("header", "Prometheus remote write header.").StringMap() testCmd := app.Command("test", "Unit testing.") junitOutFile := testCmd.Flag("junit", "File path to store JUnit XML test results.").OpenFile(os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0o644) testRulesCmd := testCmd.Command("rules", "Unit tests for rules.") testRulesRun := testRulesCmd.Flag("run", "If set, will only run test groups whose names match the regular expression. Can be specified multiple times.").Strings() testRulesFiles := testRulesCmd.Arg( "test-rule-file", "The unit test file.", ).Required().ExistingFiles() testRulesDiff := testRulesCmd.Flag("diff", "[Experimental] Print colored differential output between expected & received output.").Default("false").Bool() defaultDBPath := "data/" tsdbCmd := app.Command("tsdb", "Run tsdb commands.") tsdbBenchCmd := tsdbCmd.Command("bench", "Run benchmarks.") tsdbBenchWriteCmd := tsdbBenchCmd.Command("write", "Run a write performance benchmark.") benchWriteOutPath := tsdbBenchWriteCmd.Flag("out", "Set the output path.").Default("benchout").String() benchWriteNumMetrics := tsdbBenchWriteCmd.Flag("metrics", "Number of metrics to read.").Default("10000").Int() benchWriteNumScrapes := tsdbBenchWriteCmd.Flag("scrapes", "Number of scrapes to simulate.").Default("3000").Int() benchSamplesFile := tsdbBenchWriteCmd.Arg("file", "Input file with samples data, default is ("+filepath.Join("..", "..", "tsdb", "testdata", "20kseries.json")+").").Default(filepath.Join("..", "..", "tsdb", "testdata", "20kseries.json")).String() tsdbAnalyzeCmd := tsdbCmd.Command("analyze", "Analyze churn, label pair cardinality and compaction efficiency.") analyzePath := tsdbAnalyzeCmd.Arg("db path", "Database path (default is "+defaultDBPath+").").Default(defaultDBPath).String() analyzeBlockID := tsdbAnalyzeCmd.Arg("block id", "Block to analyze (default is the last block).").String() analyzeLimit := tsdbAnalyzeCmd.Flag("limit", "How many items to show in each list.").Default("20").Int() analyzeRunExtended := tsdbAnalyzeCmd.Flag("extended", "Run extended analysis.").Bool() analyzeMatchers := tsdbAnalyzeCmd.Flag("match", "Series selector to analyze. Only 1 set of matchers is supported now.").String() tsdbListCmd := tsdbCmd.Command("list", "List tsdb blocks.") listHumanReadable := tsdbListCmd.Flag("human-readable", "Print human readable values.").Short('r').Bool() listPath := tsdbListCmd.Arg("db path", "Database path (default is "+defaultDBPath+").").Default(defaultDBPath).String() tsdbDumpCmd := tsdbCmd.Command("dump", "Dump samples from a TSDB.") dumpPath := tsdbDumpCmd.Arg("db path", "Database path (default is "+defaultDBPath+").").Default(defaultDBPath).String() dumpSandboxDirRoot := tsdbDumpCmd.Flag("sandbox-dir-root", "Root directory where a sandbox directory would be created in case WAL replay generates chunks. The sandbox directory is cleaned up at the end.").Default(defaultDBPath).String() dumpMinTime := tsdbDumpCmd.Flag("min-time", "Minimum timestamp to dump.").Default(strconv.FormatInt(math.MinInt64, 10)).Int64() dumpMaxTime := tsdbDumpCmd.Flag("max-time", "Maximum timestamp to dump.").Default(strconv.FormatInt(math.MaxInt64, 10)).Int64() dumpMatch := tsdbDumpCmd.Flag("match", "Series selector. Can be specified multiple times.").Default("{__name__=~'(?s:.*)'}").Strings() tsdbDumpOpenMetricsCmd := tsdbCmd.Command("dump-openmetrics", "[Experimental] Dump samples from a TSDB into OpenMetrics text format, excluding native histograms and staleness markers, which are not representable in OpenMetrics.") dumpOpenMetricsPath := tsdbDumpOpenMetricsCmd.Arg("db path", "Database path (default is "+defaultDBPath+").").Default(defaultDBPath).String() dumpOpenMetricsSandboxDirRoot := tsdbDumpOpenMetricsCmd.Flag("sandbox-dir-root", "Root directory where a sandbox directory would be created in case WAL replay generates chunks. The sandbox directory is cleaned up at the end.").Default(defaultDBPath).String() dumpOpenMetricsMinTime := tsdbDumpOpenMetricsCmd.Flag("min-time", "Minimum timestamp to dump.").Default(strconv.FormatInt(math.MinInt64, 10)).Int64() dumpOpenMetricsMaxTime := tsdbDumpOpenMetricsCmd.Flag("max-time", "Maximum timestamp to dump.").Default(strconv.FormatInt(math.MaxInt64, 10)).Int64() dumpOpenMetricsMatch := tsdbDumpOpenMetricsCmd.Flag("match", "Series selector. Can be specified multiple times.").Default("{__name__=~'(?s:.*)'}").Strings() importCmd := tsdbCmd.Command("create-blocks-from", "[Experimental] Import samples from input and produce TSDB blocks. Please refer to the storage docs for more details.") importHumanReadable := importCmd.Flag("human-readable", "Print human readable values.").Short('r').Bool() importQuiet := importCmd.Flag("quiet", "Do not print created blocks.").Short('q').Bool() maxBlockDuration := importCmd.Flag("max-block-duration", "Maximum duration created blocks may span. Anything less than 2h is ignored.").Hidden().PlaceHolder("").Duration() openMetricsImportCmd := importCmd.Command("openmetrics", "Import samples from OpenMetrics input and produce TSDB blocks. Please refer to the storage docs for more details.") importFilePath := openMetricsImportCmd.Arg("input file", "OpenMetrics file to read samples from.").Required().String() importDBPath := openMetricsImportCmd.Arg("output directory", "Output directory for generated blocks.").Default(defaultDBPath).String() importRulesCmd := importCmd.Command("rules", "Create blocks of data for new recording rules.") importRulesCmd.Flag("http.config.file", "HTTP client configuration file for promtool to connect to Prometheus.").PlaceHolder("").ExistingFileVar(&httpConfigFilePath) importRulesCmd.Flag("url", "The URL for the Prometheus API with the data where the rule will be backfilled from.").Default("http://localhost:9090").URLVar(&serverURL) importRulesStart := importRulesCmd.Flag("start", "The time to start backfilling the new rule from. Must be a RFC3339 formatted date or Unix timestamp. Required."). Required().String() importRulesEnd := importRulesCmd.Flag("end", "If an end time is provided, all recording rules in the rule files provided will be backfilled to the end time. Default will backfill up to 3 hours ago. Must be a RFC3339 formatted date or Unix timestamp.").String() importRulesOutputDir := importRulesCmd.Flag("output-dir", "Output directory for generated blocks.").Default("data/").String() importRulesEvalInterval := importRulesCmd.Flag("eval-interval", "How frequently to evaluate rules when backfilling if a value is not set in the recording rule files."). Default("60s").Duration() importRulesFiles := importRulesCmd.Arg( "rule-files", "A list of one or more files containing recording rules to be backfilled. All recording rules listed in the files will be backfilled. Alerting rules are not evaluated.", ).Required().ExistingFiles() promQLCmd := app.Command("promql", "PromQL formatting and editing. Requires the --experimental flag.") promQLFormatCmd := promQLCmd.Command("format", "Format PromQL query to pretty printed form.") promQLFormatQuery := promQLFormatCmd.Arg("query", "PromQL query.").Required().String() promQLLabelsCmd := promQLCmd.Command("label-matchers", "Edit label matchers contained within an existing PromQL query.") promQLLabelsSetCmd := promQLLabelsCmd.Command("set", "Set a label matcher in the query.") promQLLabelsSetType := promQLLabelsSetCmd.Flag("type", "Type of the label matcher to set.").Short('t').Default("=").Enum("=", "!=", "=~", "!~") promQLLabelsSetQuery := promQLLabelsSetCmd.Arg("query", "PromQL query.").Required().String() promQLLabelsSetName := promQLLabelsSetCmd.Arg("name", "Name of the label matcher to set.").Required().String() promQLLabelsSetValue := promQLLabelsSetCmd.Arg("value", "Value of the label matcher to set.").Required().String() promQLLabelsDeleteCmd := promQLLabelsCmd.Command("delete", "Delete a label from the query.") promQLLabelsDeleteQuery := promQLLabelsDeleteCmd.Arg("query", "PromQL query.").Required().String() promQLLabelsDeleteName := promQLLabelsDeleteCmd.Arg("name", "Name of the label to delete.").Required().String() featureList := app.Flag("enable-feature", "Comma separated feature names to enable (only PromQL related and no-default-scrape-port). See https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/feature_flags/ for the options and more details.").Default("").Strings() documentationCmd := app.Command("write-documentation", "Generate command line documentation. Internal use.").Hidden() parsedCmd := kingpin.MustParse(app.Parse(os.Args[1:])) var p printer switch *queryCmdFmt { case "json": p = &jsonPrinter{} case "promql": p = &promqlPrinter{} } if httpConfigFilePath != "" { if serverURL != nil && serverURL.User.Username() != "" { kingpin.Fatalf("Cannot set base auth in the server URL and use a http.config.file at the same time") } var err error httpConfig, _, err := config_util.LoadHTTPConfigFile(httpConfigFilePath) if err != nil { kingpin.Fatalf("Failed to load HTTP config file: %v", err) } httpRoundTripper, err = promconfig.NewRoundTripperFromConfig(*httpConfig, "promtool", config_util.WithUserAgent("promtool/"+version.Version)) if err != nil { kingpin.Fatalf("Failed to create a new HTTP round tripper: %v", err) } } var noDefaultScrapePort bool for _, f := range *featureList { opts := strings.Split(f, ",") for _, o := range opts { switch o { case "no-default-scrape-port": noDefaultScrapePort = true case "": continue default: fmt.Printf(" WARNING: Unknown option for --enable-feature: %q\n", o) } } } switch parsedCmd { case sdCheckCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(CheckSD(*sdConfigFile, *sdJobName, *sdTimeout, noDefaultScrapePort, prometheus.DefaultRegisterer)) case checkConfigCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(CheckConfig(*agentMode, *checkConfigSyntaxOnly, newLintConfig(*checkConfigLint, *checkConfigLintFatal), *configFiles...)) case checkServerHealthCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(checkErr(CheckServerStatus(serverURL, checkHealth, httpRoundTripper))) case checkServerReadyCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(checkErr(CheckServerStatus(serverURL, checkReadiness, httpRoundTripper))) case checkWebConfigCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(CheckWebConfig(*webConfigFiles...)) case checkRulesCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(CheckRules(newLintConfig(*checkRulesLint, *checkRulesLintFatal), *ruleFiles...)) case checkMetricsCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(CheckMetrics(*checkMetricsExtended)) case pushMetricsCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(PushMetrics(remoteWriteURL, httpRoundTripper, *pushMetricsHeaders, *pushMetricsTimeout, *pushMetricsLabels, *metricFiles...)) case queryInstantCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(QueryInstant(serverURL, httpRoundTripper, *queryInstantExpr, *queryInstantTime, p)) case queryRangeCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(QueryRange(serverURL, httpRoundTripper, *queryRangeHeaders, *queryRangeExpr, *queryRangeBegin, *queryRangeEnd, *queryRangeStep, p)) case querySeriesCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(QuerySeries(serverURL, httpRoundTripper, *querySeriesMatch, *querySeriesBegin, *querySeriesEnd, p)) case debugPprofCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(debugPprof(*debugPprofServer)) case debugMetricsCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(debugMetrics(*debugMetricsServer)) case debugAllCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(debugAll(*debugAllServer)) case queryLabelsCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(QueryLabels(serverURL, httpRoundTripper, *queryLabelsMatch, *queryLabelsName, *queryLabelsBegin, *queryLabelsEnd, p)) case testRulesCmd.FullCommand(): results := io.Discard if *junitOutFile != nil { results = *junitOutFile } os.Exit(RulesUnitTestResult(results, promqltest.LazyLoaderOpts{ EnableAtModifier: true, EnableNegativeOffset: true, }, *testRulesRun, *testRulesDiff, *testRulesFiles...), ) case tsdbBenchWriteCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(checkErr(benchmarkWrite(*benchWriteOutPath, *benchSamplesFile, *benchWriteNumMetrics, *benchWriteNumScrapes))) case tsdbAnalyzeCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(checkErr(analyzeBlock(ctx, *analyzePath, *analyzeBlockID, *analyzeLimit, *analyzeRunExtended, *analyzeMatchers))) case tsdbListCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(checkErr(listBlocks(*listPath, *listHumanReadable))) case tsdbDumpCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(checkErr(dumpSamples(ctx, *dumpPath, *dumpSandboxDirRoot, *dumpMinTime, *dumpMaxTime, *dumpMatch, formatSeriesSet))) case tsdbDumpOpenMetricsCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(checkErr(dumpSamples(ctx, *dumpOpenMetricsPath, *dumpOpenMetricsSandboxDirRoot, *dumpOpenMetricsMinTime, *dumpOpenMetricsMaxTime, *dumpOpenMetricsMatch, formatSeriesSetOpenMetrics))) // TODO(aSquare14): Work on adding support for custom block size. case openMetricsImportCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(backfillOpenMetrics(*importFilePath, *importDBPath, *importHumanReadable, *importQuiet, *maxBlockDuration)) case importRulesCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(checkErr(importRules(serverURL, httpRoundTripper, *importRulesStart, *importRulesEnd, *importRulesOutputDir, *importRulesEvalInterval, *maxBlockDuration, *importRulesFiles...))) case queryAnalyzeCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(checkErr(queryAnalyzeCfg.run(serverURL, httpRoundTripper))) case documentationCmd.FullCommand(): os.Exit(checkErr(documentcli.GenerateMarkdown(app.Model(), os.Stdout))) case promQLFormatCmd.FullCommand(): checkExperimental(*experimental) os.Exit(checkErr(formatPromQL(*promQLFormatQuery))) case promQLLabelsSetCmd.FullCommand(): checkExperimental(*experimental) os.Exit(checkErr(labelsSetPromQL(*promQLLabelsSetQuery, *promQLLabelsSetType, *promQLLabelsSetName, *promQLLabelsSetValue))) case promQLLabelsDeleteCmd.FullCommand(): checkExperimental(*experimental) os.Exit(checkErr(labelsDeletePromQL(*promQLLabelsDeleteQuery, *promQLLabelsDeleteName))) } } func checkExperimental(f bool) { if !f { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "This command is experimental and requires the --experimental flag to be set.") os.Exit(1) } } var errLint = fmt.Errorf("lint error") type lintConfig struct { all bool duplicateRules bool fatal bool } func newLintConfig(stringVal string, fatal bool) lintConfig { items := strings.Split(stringVal, ",") ls := lintConfig{ fatal: fatal, } for _, setting := range items { switch setting { case lintOptionAll: ls.all = true case lintOptionDuplicateRules: ls.duplicateRules = true case lintOptionNone: default: fmt.Printf("WARNING: unknown lint option %s\n", setting) } } return ls } func (ls lintConfig) lintDuplicateRules() bool { return ls.all || ls.duplicateRules } // Check server status - healthy & ready. func CheckServerStatus(serverURL *url.URL, checkEndpoint string, roundTripper http.RoundTripper) error { if serverURL.Scheme == "" { serverURL.Scheme = "http" } config := api.Config{ Address: serverURL.String() + checkEndpoint, RoundTripper: roundTripper, } // Create new client. c, err := api.NewClient(config) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error creating API client:", err) return err } request, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, config.Address, nil) if err != nil { return err } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second) defer cancel() response, dataBytes, err := c.Do(ctx, request) if err != nil { return err } if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { return fmt.Errorf("check failed: URL=%s, status=%d", serverURL, response.StatusCode) } fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " SUCCESS: ", string(dataBytes)) return nil } // CheckConfig validates configuration files. func CheckConfig(agentMode, checkSyntaxOnly bool, lintSettings lintConfig, files ...string) int { failed := false hasErrors := false for _, f := range files { ruleFiles, err := checkConfig(agentMode, f, checkSyntaxOnly) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " FAILED:", err) hasErrors = true failed = true } else { if len(ruleFiles) > 0 { fmt.Printf(" SUCCESS: %d rule files found\n", len(ruleFiles)) } fmt.Printf(" SUCCESS: %s is valid prometheus config file syntax\n", f) } fmt.Println() rulesFailed, rulesHasErrors := checkRules(ruleFiles, lintSettings) if rulesFailed { failed = rulesFailed } if rulesHasErrors { hasErrors = rulesHasErrors } } if failed && hasErrors { return failureExitCode } if failed && lintSettings.fatal { return lintErrExitCode } return successExitCode } // CheckWebConfig validates web configuration files. func CheckWebConfig(files ...string) int { failed := false for _, f := range files { if err := web.Validate(f); err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, f, "FAILED:", err) failed = true continue } fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, f, "SUCCESS") } if failed { return failureExitCode } return successExitCode } func checkFileExists(fn string) error { // Nothing set, nothing to error on. if fn == "" { return nil } _, err := os.Stat(fn) return err } func checkConfig(agentMode bool, filename string, checkSyntaxOnly bool) ([]string, error) { fmt.Println("Checking", filename) cfg, err := config.LoadFile(filename, agentMode, false, log.NewNopLogger()) if err != nil { return nil, err } var ruleFiles []string if !checkSyntaxOnly { for _, rf := range cfg.RuleFiles { rfs, err := filepath.Glob(rf) if err != nil { return nil, err } // If an explicit file was given, error if it is not accessible. if !strings.Contains(rf, "*") { if len(rfs) == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q does not point to an existing file", rf) } if err := checkFileExists(rfs[0]); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking rule file %q: %w", rfs[0], err) } } ruleFiles = append(ruleFiles, rfs...) } } var scfgs []*config.ScrapeConfig if checkSyntaxOnly { scfgs = cfg.ScrapeConfigs } else { var err error scfgs, err = cfg.GetScrapeConfigs() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading scrape configs: %w", err) } } for _, scfg := range scfgs { if !checkSyntaxOnly && scfg.HTTPClientConfig.Authorization != nil { if err := checkFileExists(scfg.HTTPClientConfig.Authorization.CredentialsFile); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking authorization credentials or bearer token file %q: %w", scfg.HTTPClientConfig.Authorization.CredentialsFile, err) } } if err := checkTLSConfig(scfg.HTTPClientConfig.TLSConfig, checkSyntaxOnly); err != nil { return nil, err } for _, c := range scfg.ServiceDiscoveryConfigs { switch c := c.(type) { case *kubernetes.SDConfig: if err := checkTLSConfig(c.HTTPClientConfig.TLSConfig, checkSyntaxOnly); err != nil { return nil, err } case *file.SDConfig: if checkSyntaxOnly { break } for _, file := range c.Files { files, err := filepath.Glob(file) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(files) != 0 { for _, f := range files { var targetGroups []*targetgroup.Group targetGroups, err = checkSDFile(f) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("checking SD file %q: %w", file, err) } if err := checkTargetGroupsForScrapeConfig(targetGroups, scfg); err != nil { return nil, err } } continue } fmt.Printf(" WARNING: file %q for file_sd in scrape job %q does not exist\n", file, scfg.JobName) } case discovery.StaticConfig: if err := checkTargetGroupsForScrapeConfig(c, scfg); err != nil { return nil, err } } } } alertConfig := cfg.AlertingConfig for _, amcfg := range alertConfig.AlertmanagerConfigs { for _, c := range amcfg.ServiceDiscoveryConfigs { switch c := c.(type) { case *file.SDConfig: if checkSyntaxOnly { break } for _, file := range c.Files { files, err := filepath.Glob(file) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(files) != 0 { for _, f := range files { var targetGroups []*targetgroup.Group targetGroups, err = checkSDFile(f) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("checking SD file %q: %w", file, err) } if err := checkTargetGroupsForAlertmanager(targetGroups, amcfg); err != nil { return nil, err } } continue } fmt.Printf(" WARNING: file %q for file_sd in alertmanager config does not exist\n", file) } case discovery.StaticConfig: if err := checkTargetGroupsForAlertmanager(c, amcfg); err != nil { return nil, err } } } } return ruleFiles, nil } func checkTLSConfig(tlsConfig config_util.TLSConfig, checkSyntaxOnly bool) error { if len(tlsConfig.CertFile) > 0 && len(tlsConfig.KeyFile) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("client cert file %q specified without client key file", tlsConfig.CertFile) } if len(tlsConfig.KeyFile) > 0 && len(tlsConfig.CertFile) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("client key file %q specified without client cert file", tlsConfig.KeyFile) } if checkSyntaxOnly { return nil } if err := checkFileExists(tlsConfig.CertFile); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error checking client cert file %q: %w", tlsConfig.CertFile, err) } if err := checkFileExists(tlsConfig.KeyFile); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error checking client key file %q: %w", tlsConfig.KeyFile, err) } return nil } func checkSDFile(filename string) ([]*targetgroup.Group, error) { fd, err := os.Open(filename) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer fd.Close() content, err := io.ReadAll(fd) if err != nil { return nil, err } var targetGroups []*targetgroup.Group switch ext := filepath.Ext(filename); strings.ToLower(ext) { case ".json": if err := json.Unmarshal(content, &targetGroups); err != nil { return nil, err } case ".yml", ".yaml": if err := yaml.UnmarshalStrict(content, &targetGroups); err != nil { return nil, err } default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid file extension: %q", ext) } for i, tg := range targetGroups { if tg == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("nil target group item found (index %d)", i) } } return targetGroups, nil } // CheckRules validates rule files. func CheckRules(ls lintConfig, files ...string) int { failed := false hasErrors := false if len(files) == 0 { failed, hasErrors = checkRulesFromStdin(ls) } else { failed, hasErrors = checkRules(files, ls) } if failed && hasErrors { return failureExitCode } if failed && ls.fatal { return lintErrExitCode } return successExitCode } // checkRulesFromStdin validates rule from stdin. func checkRulesFromStdin(ls lintConfig) (bool, bool) { failed := false hasErrors := false fmt.Println("Checking standard input") data, err := io.ReadAll(os.Stdin) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " FAILED:", err) return true, true } rgs, errs := rulefmt.Parse(data) if errs != nil { failed = true fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " FAILED:") for _, e := range errs { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, e.Error()) hasErrors = hasErrors || !errors.Is(e, errLint) } if hasErrors { return failed, hasErrors } } if n, errs := checkRuleGroups(rgs, ls); errs != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " FAILED:") for _, e := range errs { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, e.Error()) } failed = true for _, err := range errs { hasErrors = hasErrors || !errors.Is(err, errLint) } } else { fmt.Printf(" SUCCESS: %d rules found\n", n) } fmt.Println() return failed, hasErrors } // checkRules validates rule files. func checkRules(files []string, ls lintConfig) (bool, bool) { failed := false hasErrors := false for _, f := range files { fmt.Println("Checking", f) rgs, errs := rulefmt.ParseFile(f) if errs != nil { failed = true fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " FAILED:") for _, e := range errs { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, e.Error()) hasErrors = hasErrors || !errors.Is(e, errLint) } if hasErrors { continue } } if n, errs := checkRuleGroups(rgs, ls); errs != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " FAILED:") for _, e := range errs { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, e.Error()) } failed = true for _, err := range errs { hasErrors = hasErrors || !errors.Is(err, errLint) } } else { fmt.Printf(" SUCCESS: %d rules found\n", n) } fmt.Println() } return failed, hasErrors } func checkRuleGroups(rgs *rulefmt.RuleGroups, lintSettings lintConfig) (int, []error) { numRules := 0 for _, rg := range rgs.Groups { numRules += len(rg.Rules) } if lintSettings.lintDuplicateRules() { dRules := checkDuplicates(rgs.Groups) if len(dRules) != 0 { errMessage := fmt.Sprintf("%d duplicate rule(s) found.\n", len(dRules)) for _, n := range dRules { errMessage += fmt.Sprintf("Metric: %s\nLabel(s):\n", n.metric) n.label.Range(func(l labels.Label) { errMessage += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s: %s\n", l.Name, l.Value) }) } errMessage += "Might cause inconsistency while recording expressions" return 0, []error{fmt.Errorf("%w %s", errLint, errMessage)} } } return numRules, nil } type compareRuleType struct { metric string label labels.Labels } type compareRuleTypes []compareRuleType func (c compareRuleTypes) Len() int { return len(c) } func (c compareRuleTypes) Swap(i, j int) { c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i] } func (c compareRuleTypes) Less(i, j int) bool { return compare(c[i], c[j]) < 0 } func compare(a, b compareRuleType) int { if res := strings.Compare(a.metric, b.metric); res != 0 { return res } return labels.Compare(a.label, b.label) } func checkDuplicates(groups []rulefmt.RuleGroup) []compareRuleType { var duplicates []compareRuleType var rules compareRuleTypes for _, group := range groups { for _, rule := range group.Rules { rules = append(rules, compareRuleType{ metric: ruleMetric(rule), label: labels.FromMap(rule.Labels), }) } } if len(rules) < 2 { return duplicates } sort.Sort(rules) last := rules[0] for i := 1; i < len(rules); i++ { if compare(last, rules[i]) == 0 { // Don't add a duplicated rule multiple times. if len(duplicates) == 0 || compare(last, duplicates[len(duplicates)-1]) != 0 { duplicates = append(duplicates, rules[i]) } } last = rules[i] } return duplicates } func ruleMetric(rule rulefmt.RuleNode) string { if rule.Alert.Value != "" { return rule.Alert.Value } return rule.Record.Value } var checkMetricsUsage = strings.TrimSpace(` Pass Prometheus metrics over stdin to lint them for consistency and correctness. examples: $ cat metrics.prom | promtool check metrics $ curl -s http://localhost:9090/metrics | promtool check metrics `) // CheckMetrics performs a linting pass on input metrics. func CheckMetrics(extended bool) int { var buf bytes.Buffer tee := io.TeeReader(os.Stdin, &buf) l := promlint.New(tee) problems, err := l.Lint() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error while linting:", err) return failureExitCode } for _, p := range problems { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, p.Metric, p.Text) } if len(problems) > 0 { return lintErrExitCode } if extended { stats, total, err := checkMetricsExtended(&buf) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) return failureExitCode } w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 4, 4, 4, ' ', tabwriter.TabIndent) fmt.Fprintf(w, "Metric\tCardinality\tPercentage\t\n") for _, stat := range stats { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%d\t%.2f%%\t\n", stat.name, stat.cardinality, stat.percentage*100) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "Total\t%d\t%.f%%\t\n", total, 100.) w.Flush() } return successExitCode } type metricStat struct { name string cardinality int percentage float64 } func checkMetricsExtended(r io.Reader) ([]metricStat, int, error) { p := expfmt.TextParser{} metricFamilies, err := p.TextToMetricFamilies(r) if err != nil { return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("error while parsing text to metric families: %w", err) } var total int stats := make([]metricStat, 0, len(metricFamilies)) for _, mf := range metricFamilies { var cardinality int switch mf.GetType() { case dto.MetricType_COUNTER, dto.MetricType_GAUGE, dto.MetricType_UNTYPED: cardinality = len(mf.Metric) case dto.MetricType_HISTOGRAM: // Histogram metrics includes sum, count, buckets. buckets := len(mf.Metric[0].Histogram.Bucket) cardinality = len(mf.Metric) * (2 + buckets) case dto.MetricType_SUMMARY: // Summary metrics includes sum, count, quantiles. quantiles := len(mf.Metric[0].Summary.Quantile) cardinality = len(mf.Metric) * (2 + quantiles) default: cardinality = len(mf.Metric) } stats = append(stats, metricStat{name: mf.GetName(), cardinality: cardinality}) total += cardinality } for i := range stats { stats[i].percentage = float64(stats[i].cardinality) / float64(total) } sort.SliceStable(stats, func(i, j int) bool { return stats[i].cardinality > stats[j].cardinality }) return stats, total, nil } type endpointsGroup struct { urlToFilename map[string]string postProcess func(b []byte) ([]byte, error) } var ( pprofEndpoints = []endpointsGroup{ { urlToFilename: map[string]string{ "/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=30": "cpu.pb", "/debug/pprof/block": "block.pb", "/debug/pprof/goroutine": "goroutine.pb", "/debug/pprof/heap": "heap.pb", "/debug/pprof/mutex": "mutex.pb", "/debug/pprof/threadcreate": "threadcreate.pb", }, postProcess: func(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { p, err := profile.Parse(bytes.NewReader(b)) if err != nil { return nil, err } var buf bytes.Buffer if err := p.WriteUncompressed(&buf); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("writing the profile to the buffer: %w", err) } return buf.Bytes(), nil }, }, { urlToFilename: map[string]string{ "/debug/pprof/trace?seconds=30": "trace.pb", }, }, } metricsEndpoints = []endpointsGroup{ { urlToFilename: map[string]string{ "/metrics": "metrics.txt", }, }, } allEndpoints = append(pprofEndpoints, metricsEndpoints...) ) func debugPprof(url string) int { if err := debugWrite(debugWriterConfig{ serverURL: url, tarballName: "debug.tar.gz", endPointGroups: pprofEndpoints, }); err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error completing debug command:", err) return failureExitCode } return successExitCode } func debugMetrics(url string) int { if err := debugWrite(debugWriterConfig{ serverURL: url, tarballName: "debug.tar.gz", endPointGroups: metricsEndpoints, }); err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error completing debug command:", err) return failureExitCode } return successExitCode } func debugAll(url string) int { if err := debugWrite(debugWriterConfig{ serverURL: url, tarballName: "debug.tar.gz", endPointGroups: allEndpoints, }); err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error completing debug command:", err) return failureExitCode } return successExitCode } type printer interface { printValue(v model.Value) printSeries(v []model.LabelSet) printLabelValues(v model.LabelValues) } type promqlPrinter struct{} func (p *promqlPrinter) printValue(v model.Value) { fmt.Println(v) } func (p *promqlPrinter) printSeries(val []model.LabelSet) { for _, v := range val { fmt.Println(v) } } func (p *promqlPrinter) printLabelValues(val model.LabelValues) { for _, v := range val { fmt.Println(v) } } type jsonPrinter struct{} func (j *jsonPrinter) printValue(v model.Value) { //nolint:errcheck json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout).Encode(v) } func (j *jsonPrinter) printSeries(v []model.LabelSet) { //nolint:errcheck json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout).Encode(v) } func (j *jsonPrinter) printLabelValues(v model.LabelValues) { //nolint:errcheck json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout).Encode(v) } // importRules backfills recording rules from the files provided. The output are blocks of data // at the outputDir location. func importRules(url *url.URL, roundTripper http.RoundTripper, start, end, outputDir string, evalInterval, maxBlockDuration time.Duration, files ...string) error { ctx := context.Background() var stime, etime time.Time var err error if end == "" { etime = time.Now().UTC().Add(-3 * time.Hour) } else { etime, err = parseTime(end) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error parsing end time: %w", err) } } stime, err = parseTime(start) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error parsing start time: %w", err) } if !stime.Before(etime) { return errors.New("start time is not before end time") } cfg := ruleImporterConfig{ outputDir: outputDir, start: stime, end: etime, evalInterval: evalInterval, maxBlockDuration: maxBlockDuration, } api, err := newAPI(url, roundTripper, nil) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("new api client error: %w", err) } ruleImporter := newRuleImporter(log.NewLogfmtLogger(log.NewSyncWriter(os.Stderr)), cfg, api) errs := ruleImporter.loadGroups(ctx, files) for _, err := range errs { if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("rule importer parse error: %w", err) } } errs = ruleImporter.importAll(ctx) for _, err := range errs { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "rule importer error:", err) } if len(errs) > 0 { return errors.New("error importing rules") } return nil } func checkTargetGroupsForAlertmanager(targetGroups []*targetgroup.Group, amcfg *config.AlertmanagerConfig) error { for _, tg := range targetGroups { if _, _, err := notifier.AlertmanagerFromGroup(tg, amcfg); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func checkTargetGroupsForScrapeConfig(targetGroups []*targetgroup.Group, scfg *config.ScrapeConfig) error { var targets []*scrape.Target lb := labels.NewBuilder(labels.EmptyLabels()) for _, tg := range targetGroups { var failures []error targets, failures = scrape.TargetsFromGroup(tg, scfg, false, targets, lb) if len(failures) > 0 { first := failures[0] return first } } return nil } func formatPromQL(query string) error { expr, err := parser.ParseExpr(query) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Println(expr.Pretty(0)) return nil } func labelsSetPromQL(query, labelMatchType, name, value string) error { expr, err := parser.ParseExpr(query) if err != nil { return err } var matchType labels.MatchType switch labelMatchType { case parser.ItemType(parser.EQL).String(): matchType = labels.MatchEqual case parser.ItemType(parser.NEQ).String(): matchType = labels.MatchNotEqual case parser.ItemType(parser.EQL_REGEX).String(): matchType = labels.MatchRegexp case parser.ItemType(parser.NEQ_REGEX).String(): matchType = labels.MatchNotRegexp default: return fmt.Errorf("invalid label match type: %s", labelMatchType) } parser.Inspect(expr, func(node parser.Node, path []parser.Node) error { if n, ok := node.(*parser.VectorSelector); ok { var found bool for i, l := range n.LabelMatchers { if l.Name == name { n.LabelMatchers[i].Type = matchType n.LabelMatchers[i].Value = value found = true } } if !found { n.LabelMatchers = append(n.LabelMatchers, &labels.Matcher{ Type: matchType, Name: name, Value: value, }) } } return nil }) fmt.Println(expr.Pretty(0)) return nil } func labelsDeletePromQL(query, name string) error { expr, err := parser.ParseExpr(query) if err != nil { return err } parser.Inspect(expr, func(node parser.Node, path []parser.Node) error { if n, ok := node.(*parser.VectorSelector); ok { for i, l := range n.LabelMatchers { if l.Name == name { n.LabelMatchers = append(n.LabelMatchers[:i], n.LabelMatchers[i+1:]...) } } } return nil }) fmt.Println(expr.Pretty(0)) return nil }