{{/* vim: set ft=html: */}} {{/* Load Prometheus console library JS/CSS. Should go in
*/}} {{define "prom_console_head"}} {{end}} {{/* Top of all pages. */}} {{define "head"}} {{template "prom_console_head"}} {{template "navbar" .}} {{template "menu" .}} {{end}} {{ define "__prom_query_drilldown_noop" }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ define "humanize" }}{{ humanize . }}{{ end }} {{ define "humanizeNoSmallPrefix" }}{{ if and (lt . 1.0) (gt . -1.0) }}{{ printf "%.3g" . }}{{ else }}{{ humanize . }}{{ end }}{{ end }} {{ define "humanize1024" }}{{ humanize1024 . }}{{ end }} {{ define "humanizeDuration" }}{{ humanizeDuration . }}{{ end }} {{ define "printf.3g" }}{{ printf "%.3g" . }}{{ end }} {{/* prom_query_drilldown (args expr suffix? renderTemplate?) Displays the result of the expression, with a link to /graph for it. renderTemplate is the name of the template to use to render the value. */}} {{ define "prom_query_drilldown" }} {{ $expr := .arg0}}{{ $suffix := (or .arg1 "")}}{{ $renderTemplate := (or .arg2 "__prom_query_drilldown_noop")}} {{ with query $expr }}{{tmpl $renderTemplate ( . | first | value )}}{{ $suffix }}{{else}}-{{ end }} {{ end }} {{ define "prom_path" }}/consoles/{{.Path}}?{{range $param, $value := .Params}}{{$param}}={{$value}}&{{end}}{{ end }}" {{define "prom_right_table_head"}}