// Copyright 2022 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package tsdb

import (



var _ IndexReader = &HeadAndOOOIndexReader{}

type HeadAndOOOIndexReader struct {
	*headIndexReader            // A reference to the headIndexReader so we can reuse as many interface implementation as possible.
	inoMint                     int64
	lastGarbageCollectedMmapRef chunks.ChunkDiskMapperRef

var _ chunkenc.Iterable = &mergedOOOChunks{}

// mergedOOOChunks holds the list of iterables for overlapping chunks.
type mergedOOOChunks struct {
	chunkIterables []chunkenc.Iterable

func (o mergedOOOChunks) Iterator(iterator chunkenc.Iterator) chunkenc.Iterator {
	return storage.ChainSampleIteratorFromIterables(iterator, o.chunkIterables)

func NewHeadAndOOOIndexReader(head *Head, inoMint, mint, maxt int64, lastGarbageCollectedMmapRef chunks.ChunkDiskMapperRef) *HeadAndOOOIndexReader {
	hr := &headIndexReader{
		head: head,
		mint: mint,
		maxt: maxt,
	return &HeadAndOOOIndexReader{hr, inoMint, lastGarbageCollectedMmapRef}

func (oh *HeadAndOOOIndexReader) Series(ref storage.SeriesRef, builder *labels.ScratchBuilder, chks *[]chunks.Meta) error {
	s := oh.head.series.getByID(chunks.HeadSeriesRef(ref))

	if s == nil {
		return storage.ErrNotFound

	if chks == nil {
		return nil

	defer s.Unlock()
	*chks = (*chks)[:0]

	if s.ooo != nil {
		return getOOOSeriesChunks(s, oh.mint, oh.maxt, oh.lastGarbageCollectedMmapRef, 0, true, oh.inoMint, chks)
	*chks = appendSeriesChunks(s, oh.inoMint, oh.maxt, *chks)
	return nil

// lastGarbageCollectedMmapRef gives the last mmap chunk that may be being garbage collected and so
// any chunk at or before this ref will not be considered. 0 disables this check.
// maxMmapRef tells upto what max m-map chunk that we can consider. If it is non-0, then
// the oooHeadChunk will not be considered.
func getOOOSeriesChunks(s *memSeries, mint, maxt int64, lastGarbageCollectedMmapRef, maxMmapRef chunks.ChunkDiskMapperRef, includeInOrder bool, inoMint int64, chks *[]chunks.Meta) error {
	tmpChks := make([]chunks.Meta, 0, len(s.ooo.oooMmappedChunks))

	addChunk := func(minT, maxT int64, ref chunks.ChunkRef, chunk chunkenc.Chunk) {
		tmpChks = append(tmpChks, chunks.Meta{
			MinTime: minT,
			MaxTime: maxT,
			Ref:     ref,
			Chunk:   chunk,

	// Collect all chunks that overlap the query range.
	if s.ooo.oooHeadChunk != nil {
		c := s.ooo.oooHeadChunk
		if c.OverlapsClosedInterval(mint, maxt) && maxMmapRef == 0 {
			ref := chunks.ChunkRef(chunks.NewHeadChunkRef(s.ref, s.oooHeadChunkID(len(s.ooo.oooMmappedChunks))))
			if len(c.chunk.samples) > 0 { // Empty samples happens in tests, at least.
				chks, err := s.ooo.oooHeadChunk.chunk.ToEncodedChunks(c.minTime, c.maxTime)
				if err != nil {
					return nil
				for _, chk := range chks {
					addChunk(chk.minTime, chk.maxTime, ref, chk.chunk)
			} else {
				var emptyChunk chunkenc.Chunk
				addChunk(c.minTime, c.maxTime, ref, emptyChunk)
	for i := len(s.ooo.oooMmappedChunks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		c := s.ooo.oooMmappedChunks[i]
		if c.OverlapsClosedInterval(mint, maxt) && (maxMmapRef == 0 || maxMmapRef.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(c.ref)) && (lastGarbageCollectedMmapRef == 0 || c.ref.GreaterThan(lastGarbageCollectedMmapRef)) {
			ref := chunks.ChunkRef(chunks.NewHeadChunkRef(s.ref, s.oooHeadChunkID(i)))
			addChunk(c.minTime, c.maxTime, ref, nil)

	if includeInOrder {
		tmpChks = appendSeriesChunks(s, inoMint, maxt, tmpChks)

	// There is nothing to do if we did not collect any chunk.
	if len(tmpChks) == 0 {
		return nil

	// Next we want to sort all the collected chunks by min time so we can find
	// those that overlap.
	slices.SortFunc(tmpChks, lessByMinTimeAndMinRef)

	// Next we want to iterate the sorted collected chunks and return composites for chunks that overlap with others.
	// Example chunks of a series: 5:(100, 200) 6:(500, 600) 7:(150, 250) 8:(550, 650)
	// In the example 5 overlaps with 7 and 6 overlaps with 8 so we will return
	// [5,7], [6,8].
	toBeMerged := tmpChks[0]
	for _, c := range tmpChks[1:] {
		if c.MinTime > toBeMerged.MaxTime {
			// This chunk doesn't overlap. Send current toBeMerged to output and start a new one.
			*chks = append(*chks, toBeMerged)
			toBeMerged = c
		} else {
			// Merge this chunk with existing toBeMerged.
			if mm, ok := toBeMerged.Chunk.(*multiMeta); ok {
				mm.metas = append(mm.metas, c)
			} else {
				toBeMerged.Chunk = &multiMeta{metas: []chunks.Meta{toBeMerged, c}}
			if toBeMerged.MaxTime < c.MaxTime {
				toBeMerged.MaxTime = c.MaxTime
	*chks = append(*chks, toBeMerged)

	return nil

// Fake Chunk object to pass a set of Metas inside Meta.Chunk.
type multiMeta struct {
	chunkenc.Chunk // We don't expect any of the methods to be called.
	metas          []chunks.Meta

// LabelValues needs to be overridden from the headIndexReader implementation
// so we can return labels within either in-order range or ooo range.
func (oh *HeadAndOOOIndexReader) LabelValues(ctx context.Context, name string, matchers ...*labels.Matcher) ([]string, error) {
	if oh.maxt < oh.head.MinTime() && oh.maxt < oh.head.MinOOOTime() || oh.mint > oh.head.MaxTime() && oh.mint > oh.head.MaxOOOTime() {
		return []string{}, nil

	if len(matchers) == 0 {
		return oh.head.postings.LabelValues(ctx, name), nil

	return labelValuesWithMatchers(ctx, oh, name, matchers...)

func lessByMinTimeAndMinRef(a, b chunks.Meta) int {
	switch {
	case a.MinTime < b.MinTime:
		return -1
	case a.MinTime > b.MinTime:
		return 1

	switch {
	case a.Ref < b.Ref:
		return -1
	case a.Ref > b.Ref:
		return 1
		return 0

type HeadAndOOOChunkReader struct {
	head        *Head
	mint, maxt  int64
	cr          *headChunkReader // If nil, only read OOO chunks.
	maxMmapRef  chunks.ChunkDiskMapperRef
	oooIsoState *oooIsolationState

func NewHeadAndOOOChunkReader(head *Head, mint, maxt int64, cr *headChunkReader, oooIsoState *oooIsolationState, maxMmapRef chunks.ChunkDiskMapperRef) *HeadAndOOOChunkReader {
	return &HeadAndOOOChunkReader{
		head:        head,
		mint:        mint,
		maxt:        maxt,
		cr:          cr,
		maxMmapRef:  maxMmapRef,
		oooIsoState: oooIsoState,

func (cr *HeadAndOOOChunkReader) ChunkOrIterable(meta chunks.Meta) (chunkenc.Chunk, chunkenc.Iterable, error) {
	c, it, _, err := cr.chunkOrIterable(meta, false)
	return c, it, err

// ChunkOrIterableWithCopy implements ChunkReaderWithCopy. The special Copy
// behaviour is only implemented for the in-order head chunk.
func (cr *HeadAndOOOChunkReader) ChunkOrIterableWithCopy(meta chunks.Meta) (chunkenc.Chunk, chunkenc.Iterable, int64, error) {
	return cr.chunkOrIterable(meta, true)

func (cr *HeadAndOOOChunkReader) chunkOrIterable(meta chunks.Meta, copyLastChunk bool) (chunkenc.Chunk, chunkenc.Iterable, int64, error) {
	sid, cid, isOOO := unpackHeadChunkRef(meta.Ref)
	s := cr.head.series.getByID(sid)
	// This means that the series has been garbage collected.
	if s == nil {
		return nil, nil, 0, storage.ErrNotFound
	var isoState *isolationState
	if cr.cr != nil {
		isoState = cr.cr.isoState

	defer s.Unlock()

	if meta.Chunk == nil {
		c, maxt, err := cr.head.chunkFromSeries(s, cid, isOOO, meta.MinTime, meta.MaxTime, isoState, copyLastChunk)
		return c, nil, maxt, err
	mm, ok := meta.Chunk.(*multiMeta)
	if !ok { // Complete chunk was supplied.
		return meta.Chunk, nil, meta.MaxTime, nil
	// We have a composite meta: construct a composite iterable.
	mc := &mergedOOOChunks{}
	for _, m := range mm.metas {
		switch {
		case m.Chunk != nil:
			mc.chunkIterables = append(mc.chunkIterables, m.Chunk)
			_, cid, isOOO := unpackHeadChunkRef(m.Ref)
			iterable, _, err := cr.head.chunkFromSeries(s, cid, isOOO, m.MinTime, m.MaxTime, isoState, copyLastChunk)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid head chunk: %w", err)
			mc.chunkIterables = append(mc.chunkIterables, iterable)
	return nil, mc, meta.MaxTime, nil

func (cr *HeadAndOOOChunkReader) Close() error {
	if cr.cr != nil && cr.cr.isoState != nil {
	if cr.oooIsoState != nil {
	return nil

type OOOCompactionHead struct {
	head        *Head
	lastMmapRef chunks.ChunkDiskMapperRef
	lastWBLFile int
	postings    []storage.SeriesRef
	chunkRange  int64
	mint, maxt  int64 // Among all the compactable chunks.

// NewOOOCompactionHead does the following:
// 1. M-maps all the in-memory ooo chunks.
// 2. Compute the expected block ranges while iterating through all ooo series and store it.
// 3. Store the list of postings having ooo series.
// 4. Cuts a new WBL file for the OOO WBL.
// All the above together have a bit of CPU and memory overhead, and can have a bit of impact
// on the sample append latency. So call NewOOOCompactionHead only right before compaction.
func NewOOOCompactionHead(ctx context.Context, head *Head) (*OOOCompactionHead, error) {
	ch := &OOOCompactionHead{
		head:       head,
		chunkRange: head.chunkRange.Load(),
		mint:       math.MaxInt64,
		maxt:       math.MinInt64,

	if head.wbl != nil {
		lastWBLFile, err := head.wbl.NextSegmentSync()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		ch.lastWBLFile = lastWBLFile

	hr := headIndexReader{head: head, mint: ch.mint, maxt: ch.maxt}
	n, v := index.AllPostingsKey()
	// TODO: filter to series with OOO samples, before sorting.
	p, err := hr.Postings(ctx, n, v)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	p = hr.SortedPostings(p)

	var lastSeq, lastOff int
	for p.Next() {
		seriesRef := p.At()
		ms := head.series.getByID(chunks.HeadSeriesRef(seriesRef))
		if ms == nil {

		// M-map the in-memory chunk and keep track of the last one.
		// Also build the block ranges -> series map.
		// TODO: consider having a lock specifically for ooo data.

		if ms.ooo == nil {

		var lastMmapRef chunks.ChunkDiskMapperRef
		mmapRefs := ms.mmapCurrentOOOHeadChunk(head.chunkDiskMapper, head.logger)
		if len(mmapRefs) == 0 && len(ms.ooo.oooMmappedChunks) > 0 {
			// Nothing was m-mapped. So take the mmapRef from the existing slice if it exists.
			mmapRefs = []chunks.ChunkDiskMapperRef{ms.ooo.oooMmappedChunks[len(ms.ooo.oooMmappedChunks)-1].ref}
		if len(mmapRefs) == 0 {
			lastMmapRef = 0
		} else {
			lastMmapRef = mmapRefs[len(mmapRefs)-1]
		seq, off := lastMmapRef.Unpack()
		if seq > lastSeq || (seq == lastSeq && off > lastOff) {
			ch.lastMmapRef, lastSeq, lastOff = lastMmapRef, seq, off
		if len(ms.ooo.oooMmappedChunks) > 0 {
			ch.postings = append(ch.postings, seriesRef)
			for _, c := range ms.ooo.oooMmappedChunks {
				if c.minTime < ch.mint {
					ch.mint = c.minTime
				if c.maxTime > ch.maxt {
					ch.maxt = c.maxTime

	return ch, nil

func (ch *OOOCompactionHead) Index() (IndexReader, error) {
	return NewOOOCompactionHeadIndexReader(ch), nil

func (ch *OOOCompactionHead) Chunks() (ChunkReader, error) {
	return NewHeadAndOOOChunkReader(ch.head, ch.mint, ch.maxt, nil, nil, ch.lastMmapRef), nil

func (ch *OOOCompactionHead) Tombstones() (tombstones.Reader, error) {
	return tombstones.NewMemTombstones(), nil

var oooCompactionHeadULID = ulid.MustParse("0000000000XX000COMPACTHEAD")

func (ch *OOOCompactionHead) Meta() BlockMeta {
	return BlockMeta{
		MinTime: ch.mint,
		MaxTime: ch.maxt,
		ULID:    oooCompactionHeadULID,
		Stats: BlockStats{
			NumSeries: uint64(len(ch.postings)),

// CloneForTimeRange clones the OOOCompactionHead such that the IndexReader and ChunkReader
// obtained from this only looks at the m-map chunks within the given time ranges while not looking
// beyond the ch.lastMmapRef.
// Only the method of BlockReader interface are valid for the cloned OOOCompactionHead.
func (ch *OOOCompactionHead) CloneForTimeRange(mint, maxt int64) *OOOCompactionHead {
	return &OOOCompactionHead{
		head:        ch.head,
		lastMmapRef: ch.lastMmapRef,
		postings:    ch.postings,
		chunkRange:  ch.chunkRange,
		mint:        mint,
		maxt:        maxt,

func (ch *OOOCompactionHead) Size() int64                            { return 0 }
func (ch *OOOCompactionHead) MinTime() int64                         { return ch.mint }
func (ch *OOOCompactionHead) MaxTime() int64                         { return ch.maxt }
func (ch *OOOCompactionHead) ChunkRange() int64                      { return ch.chunkRange }
func (ch *OOOCompactionHead) LastMmapRef() chunks.ChunkDiskMapperRef { return ch.lastMmapRef }
func (ch *OOOCompactionHead) LastWBLFile() int                       { return ch.lastWBLFile }

type OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader struct {
	ch *OOOCompactionHead

func NewOOOCompactionHeadIndexReader(ch *OOOCompactionHead) IndexReader {
	return &OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader{ch: ch}

func (ir *OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader) Symbols() index.StringIter {
	hr := headIndexReader{head: ir.ch.head, mint: ir.ch.mint, maxt: ir.ch.maxt}
	return hr.Symbols()

func (ir *OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader) Postings(_ context.Context, name string, values ...string) (index.Postings, error) {
	n, v := index.AllPostingsKey()
	if name != n || len(values) != 1 || values[0] != v {
		return nil, errors.New("only AllPostingsKey is supported")
	return index.NewListPostings(ir.ch.postings), nil

func (ir *OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader) PostingsForLabelMatching(context.Context, string, func(string) bool) index.Postings {
	return index.ErrPostings(errors.New("not supported"))

func (ir *OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader) PostingsForAllLabelValues(context.Context, string) index.Postings {
	return index.ErrPostings(errors.New("not supported"))

func (ir *OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader) SortedPostings(p index.Postings) index.Postings {
	// This will already be sorted from the Postings() call above.
	return p

func (ir *OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader) ShardedPostings(p index.Postings, shardIndex, shardCount uint64) index.Postings {
	hr := headIndexReader{head: ir.ch.head, mint: ir.ch.mint, maxt: ir.ch.maxt}
	return hr.ShardedPostings(p, shardIndex, shardCount)

func (ir *OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader) Series(ref storage.SeriesRef, builder *labels.ScratchBuilder, chks *[]chunks.Meta) error {
	s := ir.ch.head.series.getByID(chunks.HeadSeriesRef(ref))

	if s == nil {
		return storage.ErrNotFound

	defer s.Unlock()
	*chks = (*chks)[:0]

	if s.ooo == nil {
		return nil

	return getOOOSeriesChunks(s, ir.ch.mint, ir.ch.maxt, 0, ir.ch.lastMmapRef, false, 0, chks)

func (ir *OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader) SortedLabelValues(_ context.Context, name string, matchers ...*labels.Matcher) ([]string, error) {
	return nil, errors.New("not implemented")

func (ir *OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader) LabelValues(_ context.Context, name string, matchers ...*labels.Matcher) ([]string, error) {
	return nil, errors.New("not implemented")

func (ir *OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader) PostingsForMatchers(_ context.Context, concurrent bool, ms ...*labels.Matcher) (index.Postings, error) {
	return nil, errors.New("not implemented")

func (ir *OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader) LabelNames(context.Context, ...*labels.Matcher) ([]string, error) {
	return nil, errors.New("not implemented")

func (ir *OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader) LabelValueFor(context.Context, storage.SeriesRef, string) (string, error) {
	return "", errors.New("not implemented")

func (ir *OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader) LabelNamesFor(ctx context.Context, postings index.Postings) ([]string, error) {
	return nil, errors.New("not implemented")

func (ir *OOOCompactionHeadIndexReader) Close() error {
	return nil

// HeadAndOOOQuerier queries both the head and the out-of-order head.
type HeadAndOOOQuerier struct {
	mint, maxt int64
	head       *Head
	index      IndexReader
	chunkr     ChunkReader
	querier    storage.Querier // Used for LabelNames, LabelValues, but may be nil if head was truncated in the mean time, in which case we ignore it and not close it in the end.

func NewHeadAndOOOQuerier(inoMint, mint, maxt int64, head *Head, oooIsoState *oooIsolationState, querier storage.Querier) storage.Querier {
	cr := &headChunkReader{
		head:     head,
		mint:     mint,
		maxt:     maxt,
		isoState: head.iso.State(mint, maxt),
	return &HeadAndOOOQuerier{
		mint:    mint,
		maxt:    maxt,
		head:    head,
		index:   NewHeadAndOOOIndexReader(head, inoMint, mint, maxt, oooIsoState.minRef),
		chunkr:  NewHeadAndOOOChunkReader(head, mint, maxt, cr, oooIsoState, 0),
		querier: querier,

func (q *HeadAndOOOQuerier) LabelValues(ctx context.Context, name string, hints *storage.LabelHints, matchers ...*labels.Matcher) ([]string, annotations.Annotations, error) {
	if q.querier == nil {
		return nil, nil, nil
	return q.querier.LabelValues(ctx, name, hints, matchers...)

func (q *HeadAndOOOQuerier) LabelNames(ctx context.Context, hints *storage.LabelHints, matchers ...*labels.Matcher) ([]string, annotations.Annotations, error) {
	if q.querier == nil {
		return nil, nil, nil
	return q.querier.LabelNames(ctx, hints, matchers...)

func (q *HeadAndOOOQuerier) Close() error {
	if q.querier == nil {
		return nil
	return q.querier.Close()

func (q *HeadAndOOOQuerier) Select(ctx context.Context, sortSeries bool, hints *storage.SelectHints, matchers ...*labels.Matcher) storage.SeriesSet {
	return selectSeriesSet(ctx, sortSeries, hints, matchers, q.index, q.chunkr, q.head.tombstones, q.mint, q.maxt)

// HeadAndOOOChunkQuerier queries both the head and the out-of-order head.
type HeadAndOOOChunkQuerier struct {
	mint, maxt int64
	head       *Head
	index      IndexReader
	chunkr     ChunkReader
	querier    storage.ChunkQuerier

func NewHeadAndOOOChunkQuerier(inoMint, mint, maxt int64, head *Head, oooIsoState *oooIsolationState, querier storage.ChunkQuerier) storage.ChunkQuerier {
	cr := &headChunkReader{
		head:     head,
		mint:     mint,
		maxt:     maxt,
		isoState: head.iso.State(mint, maxt),
	return &HeadAndOOOChunkQuerier{
		mint:    mint,
		maxt:    maxt,
		head:    head,
		index:   NewHeadAndOOOIndexReader(head, inoMint, mint, maxt, oooIsoState.minRef),
		chunkr:  NewHeadAndOOOChunkReader(head, mint, maxt, cr, oooIsoState, 0),
		querier: querier,

func (q *HeadAndOOOChunkQuerier) LabelValues(ctx context.Context, name string, hints *storage.LabelHints, matchers ...*labels.Matcher) ([]string, annotations.Annotations, error) {
	if q.querier == nil {
		return nil, nil, nil
	return q.querier.LabelValues(ctx, name, hints, matchers...)

func (q *HeadAndOOOChunkQuerier) LabelNames(ctx context.Context, hints *storage.LabelHints, matchers ...*labels.Matcher) ([]string, annotations.Annotations, error) {
	if q.querier == nil {
		return nil, nil, nil
	return q.querier.LabelNames(ctx, hints, matchers...)

func (q *HeadAndOOOChunkQuerier) Close() error {
	if q.querier == nil {
		return nil
	return q.querier.Close()

func (q *HeadAndOOOChunkQuerier) Select(ctx context.Context, sortSeries bool, hints *storage.SelectHints, matchers ...*labels.Matcher) storage.ChunkSeriesSet {
	return selectChunkSeriesSet(ctx, sortSeries, hints, matchers, rangeHeadULID, q.index, q.chunkr, q.head.tombstones, q.mint, q.maxt)