// Copyright 2016 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package local

import (



const (
	headsFileName            = "heads.db"
	headsTempFileName        = "heads.db.tmp"
	headsFormatVersion       = 2
	headsFormatLegacyVersion = 1 // Can read, but will never write.
	headsMagicString         = "PrometheusHeads"

// headsScanner is a scanner to read time series with their heads from a
// heads.db file. It follows a similar semantics as the bufio.Scanner.
// It is not safe to use a headsScanner concurrently.
type headsScanner struct {
	f                    *os.File
	r                    *bufio.Reader
	fp                   model.Fingerprint // Read after each scan() call that has returned true.
	series               *memorySeries     // Read after each scan() call that has returned true.
	version              int64             // Read after newHeadsScanner has returned.
	seriesTotal          uint64            // Read after newHeadsScanner has returned.
	seriesCurrent        uint64
	chunksToPersistTotal int64 // Read after scan() has returned false.
	err                  error // Read after scan() has returned false.

func newHeadsScanner(filename string) *headsScanner {
	hs := &headsScanner{}
	defer func() {
		if hs.f != nil && hs.err != nil {

	if hs.f, hs.err = os.Open(filename); hs.err != nil {
		return hs
	hs.r = bufio.NewReaderSize(hs.f, fileBufSize)

	buf := make([]byte, len(headsMagicString))
	if _, hs.err = io.ReadFull(hs.r, buf); hs.err != nil {
		return hs
	magic := string(buf)
	if magic != headsMagicString {
		hs.err = fmt.Errorf(
			"unexpected magic string, want %q, got %q",
			headsMagicString, magic,
		return hs
	hs.version, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r)
	if (hs.version != headsFormatVersion && hs.version != headsFormatLegacyVersion) || hs.err != nil {
		hs.err = fmt.Errorf(
			"unknown or unreadable heads format version, want %d, got %d, error: %s",
			headsFormatVersion, hs.version, hs.err,
		return hs
	if hs.seriesTotal, hs.err = codable.DecodeUint64(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
		return hs
	return hs

// scan works like bufio.Scanner.Scan.
func (hs *headsScanner) scan() bool {
	if hs.seriesCurrent == hs.seriesTotal || hs.err != nil {
		return false

	var (
		seriesFlags      byte
		fpAsInt          uint64
		metric           codable.Metric
		persistWatermark int64
		modTimeNano      int64
		modTime          time.Time
		chunkDescsOffset int64
		savedFirstTime   int64
		numChunkDescs    int64
		firstTime        int64
		lastTime         int64
		encoding         byte
		ch               chunk.Chunk
		lastTimeHead     model.Time
	if seriesFlags, hs.err = hs.r.ReadByte(); hs.err != nil {
		return false
	headChunkPersisted := seriesFlags&flagHeadChunkPersisted != 0
	if fpAsInt, hs.err = codable.DecodeUint64(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
		return false
	hs.fp = model.Fingerprint(fpAsInt)

	if hs.err = metric.UnmarshalFromReader(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
		return false
	if hs.version != headsFormatLegacyVersion {
		// persistWatermark only present in v2.
		persistWatermark, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r)
		if hs.err != nil {
			return false
		modTimeNano, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r)
		if hs.err != nil {
			return false
		if modTimeNano != -1 {
			modTime = time.Unix(0, modTimeNano)
	if chunkDescsOffset, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
		return false
	if savedFirstTime, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
		return false

	if numChunkDescs, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
		return false
	chunkDescs := make([]*chunk.Desc, numChunkDescs)
	if hs.version == headsFormatLegacyVersion {
		if headChunkPersisted {
			persistWatermark = numChunkDescs
		} else {
			persistWatermark = numChunkDescs - 1
	headChunkClosed := true // Initial assumption.
	for i := int64(0); i < numChunkDescs; i++ {
		if i < persistWatermark {
			if firstTime, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
				return false
			if lastTime, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
				return false
			chunkDescs[i] = &chunk.Desc{
				ChunkFirstTime: model.Time(firstTime),
				ChunkLastTime:  model.Time(lastTime),
		} else {
			// Non-persisted chunk.
			// If there are non-persisted chunks at all, we consider
			// the head chunk not to be closed yet.
			headChunkClosed = false
			if encoding, hs.err = hs.r.ReadByte(); hs.err != nil {
				return false
			if ch, hs.err = chunk.NewForEncoding(chunk.Encoding(encoding)); hs.err != nil {
				return false
			if hs.err = ch.Unmarshal(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
				return false
			cd := chunk.NewDesc(ch, ch.FirstTime())
			if i < numChunkDescs-1 {
				// This is NOT the head chunk. So it's a chunk
				// to be persisted, and we need to populate lastTime.
			chunkDescs[i] = cd

	if lastTimeHead, hs.err = chunkDescs[len(chunkDescs)-1].LastTime(); hs.err != nil {
		return false

	hs.series = &memorySeries{
		metric:           model.Metric(metric),
		chunkDescs:       chunkDescs,
		persistWatermark: int(persistWatermark),
		modTime:          modTime,
		chunkDescsOffset: int(chunkDescsOffset),
		savedFirstTime:   model.Time(savedFirstTime),
		lastTime:         lastTimeHead,
		headChunkClosed:  headChunkClosed,
	return true

// close closes the underlying file if required.
func (hs *headsScanner) close() {
	if hs.f != nil {

// DumpHeads writes the metadata of the provided heads file in a human-readable
// form.
func DumpHeads(filename string, out io.Writer) error {
	hs := newHeadsScanner(filename)
	defer hs.close()

	if hs.err == nil {
			">>> Dumping %d series from heads file %q with format version %d. <<<\n",
			hs.seriesTotal, filename, hs.version,
	for hs.scan() {
		s := hs.series
			hs.fp, s.metric, len(s.chunkDescs), s.persistWatermark, s.chunkDescsOffset, s.savedFirstTime, s.lastTime, s.headChunkClosed,
	if hs.err == nil {
			">>> Dump complete. %d chunks to persist. <<<\n",
	return hs.err