import { configure } from 'enzyme'; import Adapter from '@wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17'; import { GlobalWithFetchMock } from 'jest-fetch-mock'; import 'mutationobserver-shim'; // Needed for CodeMirror. import './globals'; import 'jest-canvas-mock'; configure({ adapter: new Adapter() }); const customGlobal: GlobalWithFetchMock = global as GlobalWithFetchMock; customGlobal.fetch = require('jest-fetch-mock'); customGlobal.fetchMock = customGlobal.fetch; // // Object.defineProperty(window, 'matchMedia', { writable: true, value: jest.fn().mockImplementation((query) => ({ matches: false, media: query, onchange: null, addListener: jest.fn(), // Deprecated removeListener: jest.fn(), // Deprecated addEventListener: jest.fn(), removeEventListener: jest.fn(), dispatchEvent: jest.fn(), })), }); // CodeMirror in the expression input requires this DOM API. When we upgrade react-scripts // and the associated Jest deps, hopefully this won't be needed anymore. document.getSelection = function () { return { addRange: function () { return; }, removeAllRanges: function () { return; }, }; };