Paddy Newman 568ecce421 Fix rendering issues with console templates. ()
Move tables into the content area so that graphs and very long/wide tables are

The issue is present on the node-overview and node-disk pages when the tables
are very long and wide. E.g., the host has lots of NICs, disks and filesystems
and the filesystem names are very long. We have very long lists of long Docker
filesystem names in our Kubernetes clusters.

I know people don't really care about the console templates anymore but they
are still useful in some cases and the queries are a nice reference for
2018-01-29 10:38:39 +00:00

78 lines
3.4 KiB

{{ template "head" . }}
{{ template "prom_content_head" . }}
<h1>Node Disk - {{ reReplaceAll "(.*?://)([^:/]+?)(:\\d+)?/.*" "$2" .Params.instance }}</h1>
<h3>Disk I/O Utilization</h3>
<div id="diskioGraph"></div>
new PromConsole.Graph({
node: document.querySelector("#diskioGraph"),
expr: [
"irate(node_disk_io_time_ms{job='node',instance='{{ .Params.instance }}',device!~'^(md\\\\d+$|dm-)'}[5m]) / 1000 * 100",
min: 0,
name: '[[ device ]]',
yUnits: "%",
yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
yTitle: 'Disk I/O Utilization'
<h3>Filesystem Usage</h3>
<div id="fsGraph"></div>
new PromConsole.Graph({
node: document.querySelector("#fsGraph"),
expr: "100 - node_filesystem_free{job='node',instance='{{ .Params.instance }}'} / node_filesystem_size{job='node'} * 100",
min: 0,
max: 100,
name: '[[ mountpoint ]]',
yUnits: "%",
yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix,
yTitle: 'Filesystem Fullness'
{{ template "prom_right_table_head" }}
<th colspan="2">Disks</th>
{{ range printf "node_disk_io_time_ms{job='node',instance='%s'}" .Params.instance | query | sortByLabel "device" }}
<th colspan="2">{{ .Labels.device }}</th>
<td>{{ template "prom_query_drilldown" (args (printf "irate(node_disk_io_time_ms{job='node',instance='%s',device='%s'}[5m]) / 1000 * 100" .Labels.instance .Labels.device) "%" "printf.1f") }}</td>
<td>{{ template "prom_query_drilldown" (args (printf "irate(node_disk_sectors_read{job='node',instance='%s',device='%s'}[5m]) * 512 + irate(node_disk_sectors_written{job='node',instance='%s',device='%s'}[5m]) * 512" .Labels.instance .Labels.device .Labels.instance .Labels.device) "B/s" "humanize") }}</td>
<td>Avg Read Time</td>
<td>{{ template "prom_query_drilldown" (args (printf "irate(node_disk_read_time_ms{job='node',instance='%s',device='%s'}[5m]) / 1000 / irate(node_disk_reads_completed{job='node',instance='%s',device='%s'}[5m])" .Labels.instance .Labels.device .Labels.instance .Labels.device) "s" "humanize") }}</td>
<td>Avg Write Time</td>
<td>{{ template "prom_query_drilldown" (args (printf "irate(node_disk_write_time_ms{job='node',instance='%s',device='%s'}[5m]) / 1000 / irate(node_disk_writes_completed{job='node',instance='%s',device='%s'}[5m])" .Labels.instance .Labels.device .Labels.instance .Labels.device) "s" "humanize") }}</td>
{{ end }}
<th colspan="2">Filesystem Fullness</th>
{{ define "roughlyNearZero" }}
{{ if gt .1 . }}~0{{ else }}{{ printf "%.1f" . }}{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ range printf "node_filesystem_size{job='node',instance='%s'}" .Params.instance | query | sortByLabel "mountpoint" }}
<td>{{ .Labels.mountpoint }}</td>
<td>{{ template "prom_query_drilldown" (args (printf "100 - node_filesystem_free{job='node',instance='%s',mountpoint='%s'} / node_filesystem_size{job='node'} * 100" .Labels.instance .Labels.mountpoint) "%" "roughlyNearZero") }}</td>
{{ end }}
{{ template "prom_right_table_tail" }}
{{ template "prom_content_tail" . }}
{{ template "tail" }}