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synced 2025-03-05 20:59:13 -08:00
Unary expressions cause parsing errors if they are done in the lexer by tokenizing them into the number. This fix moves unary expressions to the parser.
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222 lines
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// Copyright 2013 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rules
import (
clientmodel "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/model"
// CreateRecordingRule is a convenience function to create a recording rule.
func CreateRecordingRule(name string, labels clientmodel.LabelSet, expr ast.Node, permanent bool) (*RecordingRule, error) {
if _, ok := expr.(ast.VectorNode); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("recording rule expression %v does not evaluate to vector type", expr)
return &RecordingRule{
name: name,
labels: labels,
vector: expr.(ast.VectorNode),
permanent: permanent,
}, nil
// CreateAlertingRule is a convenience function to create a new alerting rule.
func CreateAlertingRule(name string, expr ast.Node, holdDurationStr string, labels clientmodel.LabelSet, summary string, description string) (*AlertingRule, error) {
if _, ok := expr.(ast.VectorNode); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("alert rule expression %v does not evaluate to vector type", expr)
holdDuration, err := utility.StringToDuration(holdDurationStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewAlertingRule(name, expr.(ast.VectorNode), holdDuration, labels, summary, description), nil
// NewScalarLiteral returns a ScalarLiteral with the given value. If sign is "-"
// the value is negated.
func NewScalarLiteral(value clientmodel.SampleValue, sign string) *ast.ScalarLiteral {
if sign == "-" {
value = -value
return ast.NewScalarLiteral(value)
// NewFunctionCall is a convenience function to create a new AST function-call node.
func NewFunctionCall(name string, args []ast.Node) (ast.Node, error) {
function, err := ast.GetFunction(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown function %q", name)
functionCall, err := ast.NewFunctionCall(function, args)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(err.Error())
return functionCall, nil
// NewVectorAggregation is a convenience function to create a new AST vector aggregation.
func NewVectorAggregation(aggrTypeStr string, vector ast.Node, groupBy clientmodel.LabelNames, keepExtraLabels bool) (*ast.VectorAggregation, error) {
if _, ok := vector.(ast.VectorNode); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("operand of %v aggregation must be of vector type", aggrTypeStr)
var aggrTypes = map[string]ast.AggrType{
"SUM": ast.Sum,
"MAX": ast.Max,
"MIN": ast.Min,
"AVG": ast.Avg,
"COUNT": ast.Count,
aggrType, ok := aggrTypes[aggrTypeStr]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown aggregation type %q", aggrTypeStr)
return ast.NewVectorAggregation(aggrType, vector.(ast.VectorNode), groupBy, keepExtraLabels), nil
// vectorMatching combines data used to match samples between vectors.
type vectorMatching struct {
matchCardinality ast.VectorMatchCardinality
matchOn clientmodel.LabelNames
includeLabels clientmodel.LabelNames
// newVectorMatching is a convenience function to create a new vectorMatching.
func newVectorMatching(card string, matchOn, include clientmodel.LabelNames) (*vectorMatching, error) {
var matchCardinalities = map[string]ast.VectorMatchCardinality{
"": ast.MatchOneToOne,
"GROUP_LEFT": ast.MatchManyToOne,
"GROUP_RIGHT": ast.MatchOneToMany,
matchCard, ok := matchCardinalities[card]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid vector match cardinality %q", card)
if matchCard != ast.MatchOneToOne && len(include) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("grouped vector matching must provide labels")
// There must be no overlap between both labelname lists.
for _, matchLabel := range matchOn {
for _, incLabel := range include {
if matchLabel == incLabel {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("use of label %s in ON and %s clauses not allowed", incLabel, card)
return &vectorMatching{matchCard, matchOn, include}, nil
// NewArithExpr is a convenience function to create a new AST arithmetic expression.
func NewArithExpr(opTypeStr string, lhs ast.Node, rhs ast.Node, vecMatching *vectorMatching) (ast.Node, error) {
var opTypes = map[string]ast.BinOpType{
"+": ast.Add,
"-": ast.Sub,
"*": ast.Mul,
"/": ast.Div,
"%": ast.Mod,
">": ast.GT,
"<": ast.LT,
"==": ast.EQ,
"!=": ast.NE,
">=": ast.GE,
"<=": ast.LE,
"AND": ast.And,
"OR": ast.Or,
opType, ok := opTypes[opTypeStr]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid binary operator %q", opTypeStr)
var vm vectorMatching
if vecMatching != nil {
vm = *vecMatching
// And/or always do many-to-many matching.
if opType == ast.And || opType == ast.Or {
vm.matchCardinality = ast.MatchManyToMany
expr, err := ast.NewArithExpr(opType, lhs, rhs, vm.matchCardinality, vm.matchOn, vm.includeLabels)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(err.Error())
return expr, nil
// NewVectorSelector is a convenience function to create a new AST vector selector.
func NewVectorSelector(m metric.LabelMatchers, offsetStr string) (ast.VectorNode, error) {
offset, err := utility.StringToDuration(offsetStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ast.NewVectorSelector(m, offset), nil
// NewMatrixSelector is a convenience function to create a new AST matrix selector.
func NewMatrixSelector(vector ast.Node, intervalStr string, offsetStr string) (ast.MatrixNode, error) {
interval, err := utility.StringToDuration(intervalStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
offset, err := utility.StringToDuration(offsetStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vectorSelector, ok := vector.(*ast.VectorSelector)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("intervals are currently only supported for vector selectors")
return ast.NewMatrixSelector(vectorSelector, interval, offset), nil
func newLabelMatcher(matchTypeStr string, name clientmodel.LabelName, value clientmodel.LabelValue) (*metric.LabelMatcher, error) {
matchTypes := map[string]metric.MatchType{
"=": metric.Equal,
"!=": metric.NotEqual,
"=~": metric.RegexMatch,
"!~": metric.RegexNoMatch,
matchType, ok := matchTypes[matchTypeStr]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid label matching operator %q", matchTypeStr)
return metric.NewLabelMatcher(matchType, name, value)
// TableLinkForExpression creates an escaped relative link to the table view of
// the provided expression.
func TableLinkForExpression(expr string) string {
// url.QueryEscape percent-escapes everything except spaces, for which it
// uses "+". However, in the non-query part of a URI, only percent-escaped
// spaces are legal, so we need to manually replace "+" with "%20" after
// query-escaping the string.
// See also:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1634271/url-encoding-the-space-character-or-20.
urlData := url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf(`[{"expr":%q,"tab":1}]`, expr))
return fmt.Sprintf("/graph#%s", strings.Replace(urlData, "+", "%20", -1))
// GraphLinkForExpression creates an escaped relative link to the graph view of
// the provided expression.
func GraphLinkForExpression(expr string) string {
urlData := url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf(`[{"expr":%q,"tab":0}]`, expr))
return fmt.Sprintf("/graph#%s", strings.Replace(urlData, "+", "%20", -1))