Goutham Veeramachaneni 3da718c21a Make sure subquery range is taken into account for selection (#5467)
* Make sure subquery range is taken into account for selection

Signed-off-by: Goutham Veeramachaneni <>
2019-04-24 13:49:31 +01:00

1078 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright 2016 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package promql
import (
func TestQueryConcurrency(t *testing.T) {
opts := EngineOpts{
Logger: nil,
Reg: nil,
MaxConcurrent: 10,
MaxSamples: 10,
Timeout: 100 * time.Second,
engine := NewEngine(opts)
ctx, cancelCtx := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancelCtx()
block := make(chan struct{})
processing := make(chan struct{})
f := func(context.Context) error {
processing <- struct{}{}
return nil
for i := 0; i < opts.MaxConcurrent; i++ {
q := engine.newTestQuery(f)
go q.Exec(ctx)
select {
case <-processing:
// Expected.
case <-time.After(20 * time.Millisecond):
t.Fatalf("Query within concurrency threshold not being executed")
q := engine.newTestQuery(f)
go q.Exec(ctx)
select {
case <-processing:
t.Fatalf("Query above concurrency threshold being executed")
case <-time.After(20 * time.Millisecond):
// Expected.
// Terminate a running query.
block <- struct{}{}
select {
case <-processing:
// Expected.
case <-time.After(20 * time.Millisecond):
t.Fatalf("Query within concurrency threshold not being executed")
// Terminate remaining queries.
for i := 0; i < opts.MaxConcurrent; i++ {
block <- struct{}{}
func TestQueryTimeout(t *testing.T) {
opts := EngineOpts{
Logger: nil,
Reg: nil,
MaxConcurrent: 20,
MaxSamples: 10,
Timeout: 5 * time.Millisecond,
engine := NewEngine(opts)
ctx, cancelCtx := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancelCtx()
query := engine.newTestQuery(func(ctx context.Context) error {
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
return contextDone(ctx, "test statement execution")
res := query.Exec(ctx)
if res.Err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected timeout error but got none")
if _, ok := res.Err.(ErrQueryTimeout); res.Err != nil && !ok {
t.Fatalf("expected timeout error but got: %s", res.Err)
func TestQueryCancel(t *testing.T) {
opts := EngineOpts{
Logger: nil,
Reg: nil,
MaxConcurrent: 10,
MaxSamples: 10,
Timeout: 10 * time.Second,
engine := NewEngine(opts)
ctx, cancelCtx := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancelCtx()
// Cancel a running query before it completes.
block := make(chan struct{})
processing := make(chan struct{})
query1 := engine.newTestQuery(func(ctx context.Context) error {
processing <- struct{}{}
return contextDone(ctx, "test statement execution")
var res *Result
go func() {
res = query1.Exec(ctx)
processing <- struct{}{}
block <- struct{}{}
if res.Err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected cancellation error for query1 but got none")
if ee := ErrQueryCanceled("test statement execution"); res.Err != ee {
t.Fatalf("expected error %q, got %q", ee, res.Err)
// Canceling a query before starting it must have no effect.
query2 := engine.newTestQuery(func(ctx context.Context) error {
return contextDone(ctx, "test statement execution")
res = query2.Exec(ctx)
if res.Err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error on executing query2: %s", res.Err)
// errQuerier implements storage.Querier which always returns error.
type errQuerier struct {
err error
func (q *errQuerier) Select(*storage.SelectParams, ...*labels.Matcher) (storage.SeriesSet, storage.Warnings, error) {
return errSeriesSet{err: q.err}, nil, q.err
func (*errQuerier) LabelValues(name string) ([]string, error) { return nil, nil }
func (*errQuerier) LabelNames() ([]string, error) { return nil, nil }
func (*errQuerier) Close() error { return nil }
// errSeriesSet implements storage.SeriesSet which always returns error.
type errSeriesSet struct {
err error
func (errSeriesSet) Next() bool { return false }
func (errSeriesSet) At() storage.Series { return nil }
func (e errSeriesSet) Err() error { return e.err }
func TestQueryError(t *testing.T) {
opts := EngineOpts{
Logger: nil,
Reg: nil,
MaxConcurrent: 10,
MaxSamples: 10,
Timeout: 10 * time.Second,
engine := NewEngine(opts)
errStorage := ErrStorage{errors.New("storage error")}
queryable := storage.QueryableFunc(func(ctx context.Context, mint, maxt int64) (storage.Querier, error) {
return &errQuerier{err: errStorage}, nil
ctx, cancelCtx := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancelCtx()
vectorQuery, err := engine.NewInstantQuery(queryable, "foo", time.Unix(1, 0))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error creating query: %q", err)
res := vectorQuery.Exec(ctx)
if res.Err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected error on failed select but got none")
if res.Err != errStorage {
t.Fatalf("expected error %q, got %q", errStorage, res.Err)
matrixQuery, err := engine.NewInstantQuery(queryable, "foo[1m]", time.Unix(1, 0))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error creating query: %q", err)
res = matrixQuery.Exec(ctx)
if res.Err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected error on failed select but got none")
if res.Err != errStorage {
t.Fatalf("expected error %q, got %q", errStorage, res.Err)
// paramCheckerQuerier implements storage.Querier which checks the start and end times
// in params.
type paramCheckerQuerier struct {
start int64
end int64
t *testing.T
func (q *paramCheckerQuerier) Select(sp *storage.SelectParams, _ ...*labels.Matcher) (storage.SeriesSet, storage.Warnings, error) {
testutil.Equals(q.t, q.start, sp.Start)
testutil.Equals(q.t, q.end, sp.End)
return errSeriesSet{err: nil}, nil, nil
func (*paramCheckerQuerier) LabelValues(name string) ([]string, error) { return nil, nil }
func (*paramCheckerQuerier) LabelNames() ([]string, error) { return nil, nil }
func (*paramCheckerQuerier) Close() error { return nil }
func TestParamsSetCorrectly(t *testing.T) {
opts := EngineOpts{
Logger: nil,
Reg: nil,
MaxConcurrent: 10,
MaxSamples: 10,
Timeout: 10 * time.Second,
// Set the lookback to be smaller and reset at the end.
currLookback := LookbackDelta
LookbackDelta = 5 * time.Second
defer func() {
LookbackDelta = currLookback
cases := []struct {
query string
// All times are in seconds.
start int64
end int64
paramStart int64
paramEnd int64
query: "foo",
start: 10,
paramStart: 5,
paramEnd: 10,
}, {
query: "foo[2m]",
start: 200,
paramStart: 80, // 200 - 120
paramEnd: 200,
}, {
query: "foo[2m] offset 2m",
start: 300,
paramStart: 60,
paramEnd: 180,
}, {
query: "foo[2m:1s]",
start: 300,
paramStart: 175, // 300 - 120 - 5
paramEnd: 300,
}, {
query: "count_over_time(foo[2m:1s])",
start: 300,
paramStart: 175, // 300 - 120 - 5
paramEnd: 300,
}, {
query: "count_over_time(foo[2m:1s] offset 10s)",
start: 300,
paramStart: 165, // 300 - 120 - 5 - 10
paramEnd: 300,
}, {
query: "count_over_time((foo offset 10s)[2m:1s] offset 10s)",
start: 300,
paramStart: 155, // 300 - 120 - 5 - 10 - 10
paramEnd: 290,
}, {
// Range queries now.
query: "foo",
start: 10,
end: 20,
paramStart: 5,
paramEnd: 20,
}, {
query: "rate(foo[2m])",
start: 200,
end: 500,
paramStart: 80, // 200 - 120
paramEnd: 500,
}, {
query: "rate(foo[2m] offset 2m)",
start: 300,
end: 500,
paramStart: 60,
paramEnd: 380,
}, {
query: "rate(foo[2m:1s])",
start: 300,
end: 500,
paramStart: 175, // 300 - 120 - 5
paramEnd: 500,
}, {
query: "count_over_time(foo[2m:1s])",
start: 300,
end: 500,
paramStart: 175, // 300 - 120 - 5
paramEnd: 500,
}, {
query: "count_over_time(foo[2m:1s] offset 10s)",
start: 300,
end: 500,
paramStart: 165, // 300 - 120 - 5 - 10
paramEnd: 500,
}, {
query: "count_over_time((foo offset 10s)[2m:1s] offset 10s)",
start: 300,
end: 500,
paramStart: 155, // 300 - 120 - 5 - 10 - 10
paramEnd: 490,
for _, tc := range cases {
engine := NewEngine(opts)
queryable := storage.QueryableFunc(func(ctx context.Context, mint, maxt int64) (storage.Querier, error) {
return &paramCheckerQuerier{start: tc.paramStart * 1000, end: tc.paramEnd * 1000, t: t}, nil
var (
query Query
err error
if tc.end == 0 {
query, err = engine.NewInstantQuery(queryable, tc.query, time.Unix(tc.start, 0))
} else {
query, err = engine.NewRangeQuery(queryable, tc.query, time.Unix(tc.start, 0), time.Unix(tc.end, 0), time.Second)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
res := query.Exec(context.Background())
testutil.Ok(t, res.Err)
func TestEngineShutdown(t *testing.T) {
opts := EngineOpts{
Logger: nil,
Reg: nil,
MaxConcurrent: 10,
MaxSamples: 10,
Timeout: 10 * time.Second,
engine := NewEngine(opts)
ctx, cancelCtx := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
block := make(chan struct{})
processing := make(chan struct{})
// Shutdown engine on first handler execution. Should handler execution ever become
// concurrent this test has to be adjusted accordingly.
f := func(ctx context.Context) error {
processing <- struct{}{}
return contextDone(ctx, "test statement execution")
query1 := engine.newTestQuery(f)
// Stopping the engine must cancel the base context. While executing queries is
// still possible, their context is canceled from the beginning and execution should
// terminate immediately.
var res *Result
go func() {
res = query1.Exec(ctx)
processing <- struct{}{}
block <- struct{}{}
if res.Err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected error on shutdown during query but got none")
if ee := ErrQueryCanceled("test statement execution"); res.Err != ee {
t.Fatalf("expected error %q, got %q", ee, res.Err)
query2 := engine.newTestQuery(func(context.Context) error {
t.Fatalf("reached query execution unexpectedly")
return nil
// The second query is started after the engine shut down. It must
// be canceled immediately.
res2 := query2.Exec(ctx)
if res2.Err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected error on querying with canceled context but got none")
if _, ok := res2.Err.(ErrQueryCanceled); !ok {
t.Fatalf("expected cancellation error, got %q", res2.Err)
func TestEngineEvalStmtTimestamps(t *testing.T) {
test, err := NewTest(t, `
load 10s
metric 1 2
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error creating test: %q", err)
defer test.Close()
err = test.Run()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error initializing test: %q", err)
cases := []struct {
Query string
Result Value
Start time.Time
End time.Time
Interval time.Duration
ShouldError bool
// Instant queries.
Query: "1",
Result: Scalar{V: 1, T: 1000},
Start: time.Unix(1, 0),
Query: "metric",
Result: Vector{
Sample{Point: Point{V: 1, T: 1000},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(1, 0),
Query: "metric[20s]",
Result: Matrix{Series{
Points: []Point{{V: 1, T: 0}, {V: 2, T: 10000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(10, 0),
// Range queries.
Query: "1",
Result: Matrix{Series{
Points: []Point{{V: 1, T: 0}, {V: 1, T: 1000}, {V: 1, T: 2000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings()},
Start: time.Unix(0, 0),
End: time.Unix(2, 0),
Interval: time.Second,
Query: "metric",
Result: Matrix{Series{
Points: []Point{{V: 1, T: 0}, {V: 1, T: 1000}, {V: 1, T: 2000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(0, 0),
End: time.Unix(2, 0),
Interval: time.Second,
Query: "metric",
Result: Matrix{Series{
Points: []Point{{V: 1, T: 0}, {V: 1, T: 5000}, {V: 2, T: 10000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(0, 0),
End: time.Unix(10, 0),
Interval: 5 * time.Second,
Query: `count_values("wrong label!", metric)`,
ShouldError: true,
for _, c := range cases {
var err error
var qry Query
if c.Interval == 0 {
qry, err = test.QueryEngine().NewInstantQuery(test.Queryable(), c.Query, c.Start)
} else {
qry, err = test.QueryEngine().NewRangeQuery(test.Queryable(), c.Query, c.Start, c.End, c.Interval)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error creating query: %q", err)
res := qry.Exec(test.Context())
if c.ShouldError {
testutil.NotOk(t, res.Err, "expected error for the query %q", c.Query)
if res.Err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error running query: %q", res.Err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(res.Value, c.Result) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected result for query %q: got %q wanted %q", c.Query, res.Value.String(), c.Result.String())
func TestMaxQuerySamples(t *testing.T) {
test, err := NewTest(t, `
load 10s
metric 1 2
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error creating test: %q", err)
defer test.Close()
err = test.Run()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error initializing test: %q", err)
cases := []struct {
Query string
MaxSamples int
Result Result
Start time.Time
End time.Time
Interval time.Duration
// Instant queries.
Query: "1",
MaxSamples: 1,
Result: Result{
Scalar{V: 1, T: 1000},
Start: time.Unix(1, 0),
Query: "1",
MaxSamples: 0,
Result: Result{
Start: time.Unix(1, 0),
Query: "metric",
MaxSamples: 0,
Result: Result{
Start: time.Unix(1, 0),
Query: "metric",
MaxSamples: 1,
Result: Result{
Sample{Point: Point{V: 1, T: 1000},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(1, 0),
Query: "metric[20s]",
MaxSamples: 2,
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 1, T: 0}, {V: 2, T: 10000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(10, 0),
Query: "rate(metric[20s])",
MaxSamples: 3,
Result: Result{
Point: Point{V: 0.1, T: 10000},
Metric: labels.Labels{},
Start: time.Unix(10, 0),
Query: "metric[20s:5s]",
MaxSamples: 3,
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 1, T: 0}, {V: 1, T: 5000}, {V: 2, T: 10000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(10, 0),
Query: "metric[20s]",
MaxSamples: 0,
Result: Result{
Start: time.Unix(10, 0),
// Range queries.
Query: "1",
MaxSamples: 3,
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 1, T: 0}, {V: 1, T: 1000}, {V: 1, T: 2000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings()},
Start: time.Unix(0, 0),
End: time.Unix(2, 0),
Interval: time.Second,
Query: "1",
MaxSamples: 0,
Result: Result{
Start: time.Unix(0, 0),
End: time.Unix(2, 0),
Interval: time.Second,
Query: "metric",
MaxSamples: 3,
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 1, T: 0}, {V: 1, T: 1000}, {V: 1, T: 2000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(0, 0),
End: time.Unix(2, 0),
Interval: time.Second,
Query: "metric",
MaxSamples: 2,
Result: Result{
Start: time.Unix(0, 0),
End: time.Unix(2, 0),
Interval: time.Second,
Query: "metric",
MaxSamples: 3,
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 1, T: 0}, {V: 1, T: 5000}, {V: 2, T: 10000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(0, 0),
End: time.Unix(10, 0),
Interval: 5 * time.Second,
Query: "metric",
MaxSamples: 2,
Result: Result{
Start: time.Unix(0, 0),
End: time.Unix(10, 0),
Interval: 5 * time.Second,
engine := test.QueryEngine()
for _, c := range cases {
var err error
var qry Query
engine.maxSamplesPerQuery = c.MaxSamples
if c.Interval == 0 {
qry, err = engine.NewInstantQuery(test.Queryable(), c.Query, c.Start)
} else {
qry, err = engine.NewRangeQuery(test.Queryable(), c.Query, c.Start, c.End, c.Interval)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error creating query: %q", err)
res := qry.Exec(test.Context())
if res.Err != nil && res.Err != c.Result.Err {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error running query: %q, expected to get result: %q", res.Err, c.Result.Value)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(res.Value, c.Result.Value) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected result for query %q: got %q wanted %q", c.Query, res.Value.String(), c.Result.String())
func TestRecoverEvaluatorRuntime(t *testing.T) {
ev := &evaluator{logger: log.NewNopLogger()}
var err error
defer ev.recover(&err)
// Cause a runtime panic.
var a []int
a[123] = 1
if err.Error() != "unexpected error" {
t.Fatalf("wrong error message: %q, expected %q", err, "unexpected error")
func TestRecoverEvaluatorError(t *testing.T) {
ev := &evaluator{logger: log.NewNopLogger()}
var err error
e := errors.New("custom error")
defer func() {
if err.Error() != e.Error() {
t.Fatalf("wrong error message: %q, expected %q", err, e)
defer ev.recover(&err)
func TestSubquerySelector(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
loadString string
cases []struct {
Query string
Result Result
Start time.Time
loadString: `load 10s
metric 1 2`,
cases: []struct {
Query string
Result Result
Start time.Time
Query: "metric[20s:10s]",
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 1, T: 0}, {V: 2, T: 10000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(10, 0),
Query: "metric[20s:5s]",
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 1, T: 0}, {V: 1, T: 5000}, {V: 2, T: 10000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(10, 0),
Query: "metric[20s:5s] offset 2s",
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 1, T: 0}, {V: 1, T: 5000}, {V: 2, T: 10000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(12, 0),
Query: "metric[20s:5s] offset 6s",
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 1, T: 0}, {V: 1, T: 5000}, {V: 2, T: 10000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(20, 0),
Query: "metric[20s:5s] offset 4s",
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 2, T: 15000}, {V: 2, T: 20000}, {V: 2, T: 25000}, {V: 2, T: 30000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(35, 0),
Query: "metric[20s:5s] offset 5s",
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 2, T: 10000}, {V: 2, T: 15000}, {V: 2, T: 20000}, {V: 2, T: 25000}, {V: 2, T: 30000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(35, 0),
Query: "metric[20s:5s] offset 6s",
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 2, T: 10000}, {V: 2, T: 15000}, {V: 2, T: 20000}, {V: 2, T: 25000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(35, 0),
Query: "metric[20s:5s] offset 7s",
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 2, T: 10000}, {V: 2, T: 15000}, {V: 2, T: 20000}, {V: 2, T: 25000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "metric")},
Start: time.Unix(35, 0),
loadString: `load 10s
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="production"} 0+10x1000 100+30x1000
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="production"} 0+20x1000 200+30x1000
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="canary"} 0+30x1000 300+80x1000
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="canary"} 0+40x2000`,
cases: []struct {
Query string
Result Result
Start time.Time
{ // Normal selector.
Query: `http_requests{group=~"pro.*",instance="0"}[30s:10s]`,
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 9990, T: 9990000}, {V: 10000, T: 10000000}, {V: 100, T: 10010000}, {V: 130, T: 10020000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "http_requests", "job", "api-server", "instance", "0", "group", "production")},
Start: time.Unix(10020, 0),
{ // Default step.
Query: `http_requests{group=~"pro.*",instance="0"}[5m:]`,
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 9840, T: 9840000}, {V: 9900, T: 9900000}, {V: 9960, T: 9960000}, {V: 130, T: 10020000}, {V: 310, T: 10080000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "http_requests", "job", "api-server", "instance", "0", "group", "production")},
Start: time.Unix(10100, 0),
{ // Checking if high offset (>LookbackDelta) is being taken care of.
Query: `http_requests{group=~"pro.*",instance="0"}[5m:] offset 20m`,
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 8640, T: 8640000}, {V: 8700, T: 8700000}, {V: 8760, T: 8760000}, {V: 8820, T: 8820000}, {V: 8880, T: 8880000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("__name__", "http_requests", "job", "api-server", "instance", "0", "group", "production")},
Start: time.Unix(10100, 0),
Query: `rate(http_requests[1m])[15s:5s]`,
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 3, T: 7985000}, {V: 3, T: 7990000}, {V: 3, T: 7995000}, {V: 3, T: 8000000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("job", "api-server", "instance", "0", "group", "canary"),
Points: []Point{{V: 4, T: 7985000}, {V: 4, T: 7990000}, {V: 4, T: 7995000}, {V: 4, T: 8000000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("job", "api-server", "instance", "1", "group", "canary"),
Points: []Point{{V: 1, T: 7985000}, {V: 1, T: 7990000}, {V: 1, T: 7995000}, {V: 1, T: 8000000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("job", "api-server", "instance", "0", "group", "production"),
Points: []Point{{V: 2, T: 7985000}, {V: 2, T: 7990000}, {V: 2, T: 7995000}, {V: 2, T: 8000000}},
Metric: labels.FromStrings("job", "api-server", "instance", "1", "group", "production"),
Start: time.Unix(8000, 0),
Query: `sum(http_requests{group=~"pro.*"})[30s:10s]`,
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 270, T: 90000}, {V: 300, T: 100000}, {V: 330, T: 110000}, {V: 360, T: 120000}},
Metric: labels.Labels{}},
Start: time.Unix(120, 0),
Query: `sum(http_requests)[40s:10s]`,
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 800, T: 80000}, {V: 900, T: 90000}, {V: 1000, T: 100000}, {V: 1100, T: 110000}, {V: 1200, T: 120000}},
Metric: labels.Labels{}},
Start: time.Unix(120, 0),
Query: `(sum(http_requests{group=~"p.*"})+sum(http_requests{group=~"c.*"}))[20s:5s]`,
Result: Result{
Points: []Point{{V: 1000, T: 100000}, {V: 1000, T: 105000}, {V: 1100, T: 110000}, {V: 1100, T: 115000}, {V: 1200, T: 120000}},
Metric: labels.Labels{}},
Start: time.Unix(120, 0),
SetDefaultEvaluationInterval(1 * time.Minute)
for _, tst := range tests {
test, err := NewTest(t, tst.loadString)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error creating test: %q", err)
defer test.Close()
err = test.Run()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error initializing test: %q", err)
engine := test.QueryEngine()
for _, c := range tst.cases {
var err error
var qry Query
qry, err = engine.NewInstantQuery(test.Queryable(), c.Query, c.Start)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error creating query: %q", err)
res := qry.Exec(test.Context())
if res.Err != nil && res.Err != c.Result.Err {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error running query: %q, expected to get result: %q", res.Err, c.Result.Value)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(res.Value, c.Result.Value) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected result for query %q: got %q wanted %q", c.Query, res.Value.String(), c.Result.String())