mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:59:13 -08:00
i) Uses the more idiomatic Wrap and Wrapf methods for creating nested errors. ii) Fixes some incorrect usages of fmt.Errorf where the error messages don't have any formatting directives. iii) Does away with the use of fmt package for errors in favour of pkg/errors Signed-off-by: tariqibrahim <tariq181290@gmail.com>
1079 lines
26 KiB
1079 lines
26 KiB
// Copyright 2015 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package promql
import (
type parser struct {
lex *lexer
token [3]item
peekCount int
// ParseErr wraps a parsing error with line and position context.
// If the parsing input was a single line, line will be 0 and omitted
// from the error string.
type ParseErr struct {
Line, Pos int
Err error
func (e *ParseErr) Error() string {
if e.Line == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("parse error at char %d: %s", e.Pos, e.Err)
return fmt.Sprintf("parse error at line %d, char %d: %s", e.Line, e.Pos, e.Err)
// ParseExpr returns the expression parsed from the input.
func ParseExpr(input string) (Expr, error) {
p := newParser(input)
expr, err := p.parseExpr()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = p.typecheck(expr)
return expr, err
// ParseMetric parses the input into a metric
func ParseMetric(input string) (m labels.Labels, err error) {
p := newParser(input)
defer p.recover(&err)
m = p.metric()
if p.peek().typ != ItemEOF {
p.errorf("could not parse remaining input %.15q...", p.lex.input[p.lex.lastPos:])
return m, nil
// ParseMetricSelector parses the provided textual metric selector into a list of
// label matchers.
func ParseMetricSelector(input string) (m []*labels.Matcher, err error) {
p := newParser(input)
defer p.recover(&err)
name := ""
if t := p.peek().typ; t == ItemMetricIdentifier || t == ItemIdentifier {
name = p.next().val
vs := p.VectorSelector(name)
if p.peek().typ != ItemEOF {
p.errorf("could not parse remaining input %.15q...", p.lex.input[p.lex.lastPos:])
return vs.LabelMatchers, nil
// newParser returns a new parser.
func newParser(input string) *parser {
p := &parser{
lex: lex(input),
return p
// parseExpr parses a single expression from the input.
func (p *parser) parseExpr() (expr Expr, err error) {
defer p.recover(&err)
for p.peek().typ != ItemEOF {
if p.peek().typ == ItemComment {
if expr != nil {
p.errorf("could not parse remaining input %.15q...", p.lex.input[p.lex.lastPos:])
expr = p.expr()
if expr == nil {
p.errorf("no expression found in input")
// sequenceValue is an omittable value in a sequence of time series values.
type sequenceValue struct {
value float64
omitted bool
func (v sequenceValue) String() string {
if v.omitted {
return "_"
return fmt.Sprintf("%f", v.value)
// parseSeriesDesc parses the description of a time series.
func parseSeriesDesc(input string) (labels.Labels, []sequenceValue, error) {
p := newParser(input)
p.lex.seriesDesc = true
return p.parseSeriesDesc()
// parseSeriesDesc parses a description of a time series into its metric and value sequence.
func (p *parser) parseSeriesDesc() (m labels.Labels, vals []sequenceValue, err error) {
defer p.recover(&err)
m = p.metric()
const ctx = "series values"
for {
for p.peek().typ == ItemSpace {
if p.peek().typ == ItemEOF {
// Extract blanks.
if p.peek().typ == ItemBlank {
times := uint64(1)
if p.peek().typ == ItemTimes {
times, err = strconv.ParseUint(p.expect(ItemNumber, ctx).val, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
p.errorf("invalid repetition in %s: %s", ctx, err)
for i := uint64(0); i < times; i++ {
vals = append(vals, sequenceValue{omitted: true})
// This is to ensure that there is a space between this and the next number.
// This is especially required if the next number is negative.
if t := p.expectOneOf(ItemSpace, ItemEOF, ctx).typ; t == ItemEOF {
// Extract values.
sign := 1.0
if t := p.peek().typ; t == ItemSUB || t == ItemADD {
if p.next().typ == ItemSUB {
sign = -1
var k float64
if t := p.peek().typ; t == ItemNumber {
k = sign * p.number(p.expect(ItemNumber, ctx).val)
} else if t == ItemIdentifier && p.peek().val == "stale" {
k = math.Float64frombits(value.StaleNaN)
} else {
p.errorf("expected number or 'stale' in %s but got %s (value: %s)", ctx, t.desc(), p.peek())
vals = append(vals, sequenceValue{
value: k,
// If there are no offset repetitions specified, proceed with the next value.
if t := p.peek(); t.typ == ItemSpace {
// This ensures there is a space between every value.
} else if t.typ == ItemEOF {
} else if t.typ != ItemADD && t.typ != ItemSUB {
p.errorf("expected next value or relative expansion in %s but got %s (value: %s)", ctx, t.desc(), p.peek())
// Expand the repeated offsets into values.
sign = 1.0
if p.next().typ == ItemSUB {
sign = -1.0
offset := sign * p.number(p.expect(ItemNumber, ctx).val)
p.expect(ItemTimes, ctx)
times, err := strconv.ParseUint(p.expect(ItemNumber, ctx).val, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
p.errorf("invalid repetition in %s: %s", ctx, err)
for i := uint64(0); i < times; i++ {
k += offset
vals = append(vals, sequenceValue{
value: k,
// This is to ensure that there is a space between this expanding notation
// and the next number. This is especially required if the next number
// is negative.
if t := p.expectOneOf(ItemSpace, ItemEOF, ctx).typ; t == ItemEOF {
return m, vals, nil
// typecheck checks correct typing of the parsed statements or expression.
func (p *parser) typecheck(node Node) (err error) {
defer p.recover(&err)
return nil
// next returns the next token.
func (p *parser) next() item {
if p.peekCount > 0 {
} else {
t := p.lex.nextItem()
// Skip comments.
for t.typ == ItemComment {
t = p.lex.nextItem()
p.token[0] = t
if p.token[p.peekCount].typ == ItemError {
p.errorf("%s", p.token[p.peekCount].val)
return p.token[p.peekCount]
// peek returns but does not consume the next token.
func (p *parser) peek() item {
if p.peekCount > 0 {
return p.token[p.peekCount-1]
p.peekCount = 1
t := p.lex.nextItem()
// Skip comments.
for t.typ == ItemComment {
t = p.lex.nextItem()
p.token[0] = t
return p.token[0]
// backup backs the input stream up one token.
func (p *parser) backup() {
// errorf formats the error and terminates processing.
func (p *parser) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
p.error(errors.Errorf(format, args...))
// error terminates processing.
func (p *parser) error(err error) {
perr := &ParseErr{
Line: p.lex.lineNumber(),
Pos: p.lex.linePosition(),
Err: err,
if strings.Count(strings.TrimSpace(p.lex.input), "\n") == 0 {
perr.Line = 0
// expect consumes the next token and guarantees it has the required type.
func (p *parser) expect(exp ItemType, context string) item {
token := p.next()
if token.typ != exp {
p.errorf("unexpected %s in %s, expected %s", token.desc(), context, exp.desc())
return token
// expectOneOf consumes the next token and guarantees it has one of the required types.
func (p *parser) expectOneOf(exp1, exp2 ItemType, context string) item {
token := p.next()
if token.typ != exp1 && token.typ != exp2 {
p.errorf("unexpected %s in %s, expected %s or %s", token.desc(), context, exp1.desc(), exp2.desc())
return token
var errUnexpected = errors.New("unexpected error")
// recover is the handler that turns panics into returns from the top level of Parse.
func (p *parser) recover(errp *error) {
e := recover()
if e != nil {
if _, ok := e.(runtime.Error); ok {
// Print the stack trace but do not inhibit the running application.
buf := make([]byte, 64<<10)
buf = buf[:runtime.Stack(buf, false)]
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "parser panic: %v\n%s", e, buf)
*errp = errUnexpected
} else {
*errp = e.(error)
// expr parses any expression.
func (p *parser) expr() Expr {
// Parse the starting expression.
expr := p.unaryExpr()
// Loop through the operations and construct a binary operation tree based
// on the operators' precedence.
for {
// If the next token is not an operator the expression is done.
op := p.peek().typ
if !op.isOperator() {
// Check for subquery.
if op == ItemLeftBracket {
expr = p.subqueryOrRangeSelector(expr, false)
if s, ok := expr.(*SubqueryExpr); ok {
// Parse optional offset.
if p.peek().typ == ItemOffset {
offset := p.offset()
s.Offset = offset
return expr
p.next() // Consume operator.
// Parse optional operator matching options. Its validity
// is checked in the type-checking stage.
vecMatching := &VectorMatching{
Card: CardOneToOne,
if op.isSetOperator() {
vecMatching.Card = CardManyToMany
returnBool := false
// Parse bool modifier.
if p.peek().typ == ItemBool {
if !op.isComparisonOperator() {
p.errorf("bool modifier can only be used on comparison operators")
returnBool = true
// Parse ON/IGNORING clause.
if p.peek().typ == ItemOn || p.peek().typ == ItemIgnoring {
if p.peek().typ == ItemOn {
vecMatching.On = true
vecMatching.MatchingLabels = p.labels()
// Parse grouping.
if t := p.peek().typ; t == ItemGroupLeft || t == ItemGroupRight {
if t == ItemGroupLeft {
vecMatching.Card = CardManyToOne
} else {
vecMatching.Card = CardOneToMany
if p.peek().typ == ItemLeftParen {
vecMatching.Include = p.labels()
for _, ln := range vecMatching.MatchingLabels {
for _, ln2 := range vecMatching.Include {
if ln == ln2 && vecMatching.On {
p.errorf("label %q must not occur in ON and GROUP clause at once", ln)
// Parse the next operand.
rhs := p.unaryExpr()
// Assign the new root based on the precedence of the LHS and RHS operators.
expr = p.balance(expr, op, rhs, vecMatching, returnBool)
func (p *parser) balance(lhs Expr, op ItemType, rhs Expr, vecMatching *VectorMatching, returnBool bool) *BinaryExpr {
if lhsBE, ok := lhs.(*BinaryExpr); ok {
precd := lhsBE.Op.precedence() - op.precedence()
if (precd < 0) || (precd == 0 && op.isRightAssociative()) {
balanced := p.balance(lhsBE.RHS, op, rhs, vecMatching, returnBool)
if lhsBE.Op.isComparisonOperator() && !lhsBE.ReturnBool && balanced.Type() == ValueTypeScalar && lhsBE.LHS.Type() == ValueTypeScalar {
p.errorf("comparisons between scalars must use BOOL modifier")
return &BinaryExpr{
Op: lhsBE.Op,
RHS: balanced,
VectorMatching: lhsBE.VectorMatching,
ReturnBool: lhsBE.ReturnBool,
if op.isComparisonOperator() && !returnBool && rhs.Type() == ValueTypeScalar && lhs.Type() == ValueTypeScalar {
p.errorf("comparisons between scalars must use BOOL modifier")
return &BinaryExpr{
Op: op,
LHS: lhs,
RHS: rhs,
VectorMatching: vecMatching,
ReturnBool: returnBool,
// unaryExpr parses a unary expression.
// <Vector_selector> | <Matrix_selector> | (+|-) <number_literal> | '(' <expr> ')'
func (p *parser) unaryExpr() Expr {
switch t := p.peek(); t.typ {
case ItemADD, ItemSUB:
e := p.unaryExpr()
// Simplify unary expressions for number literals.
if nl, ok := e.(*NumberLiteral); ok {
if t.typ == ItemSUB {
nl.Val *= -1
return nl
return &UnaryExpr{Op: t.typ, Expr: e}
case ItemLeftParen:
e := p.expr()
p.expect(ItemRightParen, "paren expression")
return &ParenExpr{Expr: e}
e := p.primaryExpr()
// Expression might be followed by a range selector.
if p.peek().typ == ItemLeftBracket {
e = p.subqueryOrRangeSelector(e, true)
// Parse optional offset.
if p.peek().typ == ItemOffset {
offset := p.offset()
switch s := e.(type) {
case *VectorSelector:
s.Offset = offset
case *MatrixSelector:
s.Offset = offset
case *SubqueryExpr:
s.Offset = offset
p.errorf("offset modifier must be preceded by an instant or range selector, but follows a %T instead", e)
return e
// subqueryOrRangeSelector parses a Subquery based on given Expr (or)
// a Matrix (a.k.a. range) selector based on a given Vector selector.
// <Vector_selector> '[' <duration> ']' | <Vector_selector> '[' <duration> ':' [<duration>] ']'
func (p *parser) subqueryOrRangeSelector(expr Expr, checkRange bool) Expr {
ctx := "subquery selector"
if checkRange {
ctx = "range/subquery selector"
var erange time.Duration
var err error
erangeStr := p.expect(ItemDuration, ctx).val
erange, err = parseDuration(erangeStr)
if err != nil {
var itm item
if checkRange {
itm = p.expectOneOf(ItemRightBracket, ItemColon, ctx)
if itm.typ == ItemRightBracket {
// Range selector.
vs, ok := expr.(*VectorSelector)
if !ok {
p.errorf("range specification must be preceded by a metric selector, but follows a %T instead", expr)
return &MatrixSelector{
Name: vs.Name,
LabelMatchers: vs.LabelMatchers,
Range: erange,
} else {
itm = p.expect(ItemColon, ctx)
// Subquery.
var estep time.Duration
itm = p.expectOneOf(ItemRightBracket, ItemDuration, ctx)
if itm.typ == ItemDuration {
estepStr := itm.val
estep, err = parseDuration(estepStr)
if err != nil {
p.expect(ItemRightBracket, ctx)
return &SubqueryExpr{
Expr: expr,
Range: erange,
Step: estep,
// number parses a number.
func (p *parser) number(val string) float64 {
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 0, 64)
f := float64(n)
if err != nil {
f, err = strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64)
if err != nil {
p.errorf("error parsing number: %s", err)
return f
// primaryExpr parses a primary expression.
// <metric_name> | <function_call> | <Vector_aggregation> | <literal>
func (p *parser) primaryExpr() Expr {
switch t := p.next(); {
case t.typ == ItemNumber:
f := p.number(t.val)
return &NumberLiteral{f}
case t.typ == ItemString:
return &StringLiteral{p.unquoteString(t.val)}
case t.typ == ItemLeftBrace:
// Metric selector without metric name.
return p.VectorSelector("")
case t.typ == ItemIdentifier:
// Check for function call.
if p.peek().typ == ItemLeftParen {
return p.call(t.val)
fallthrough // Else metric selector.
case t.typ == ItemMetricIdentifier:
return p.VectorSelector(t.val)
case t.typ.isAggregator():
return p.aggrExpr()
p.errorf("no valid expression found")
return nil
// labels parses a list of labelnames.
// '(' <label_name>, ... ')'
func (p *parser) labels() []string {
const ctx = "grouping opts"
p.expect(ItemLeftParen, ctx)
labels := []string{}
if p.peek().typ != ItemRightParen {
for {
id := p.next()
if !isLabel(id.val) {
p.errorf("unexpected %s in %s, expected label", id.desc(), ctx)
labels = append(labels, id.val)
if p.peek().typ != ItemComma {
p.expect(ItemRightParen, ctx)
return labels
// aggrExpr parses an aggregation expression.
// <aggr_op> (<Vector_expr>) [by|without <labels>]
// <aggr_op> [by|without <labels>] (<Vector_expr>)
func (p *parser) aggrExpr() *AggregateExpr {
const ctx = "aggregation"
agop := p.next()
if !agop.typ.isAggregator() {
p.errorf("expected aggregation operator but got %s", agop)
var grouping []string
var without bool
modifiersFirst := false
if t := p.peek().typ; t == ItemBy || t == ItemWithout {
if t == ItemWithout {
without = true
grouping = p.labels()
modifiersFirst = true
p.expect(ItemLeftParen, ctx)
var param Expr
if agop.typ.isAggregatorWithParam() {
param = p.expr()
p.expect(ItemComma, ctx)
e := p.expr()
p.expect(ItemRightParen, ctx)
if !modifiersFirst {
if t := p.peek().typ; t == ItemBy || t == ItemWithout {
if len(grouping) > 0 {
p.errorf("aggregation must only contain one grouping clause")
if t == ItemWithout {
without = true
grouping = p.labels()
return &AggregateExpr{
Op: agop.typ,
Expr: e,
Param: param,
Grouping: grouping,
Without: without,
// call parses a function call.
// <func_name> '(' [ <arg_expr>, ...] ')'
func (p *parser) call(name string) *Call {
const ctx = "function call"
fn, exist := getFunction(name)
if !exist {
p.errorf("unknown function with name %q", name)
p.expect(ItemLeftParen, ctx)
// Might be call without args.
if p.peek().typ == ItemRightParen {
p.next() // Consume.
return &Call{fn, nil}
var args []Expr
for {
e := p.expr()
args = append(args, e)
// Terminate if no more arguments.
if p.peek().typ != ItemComma {
// Call must be closed.
p.expect(ItemRightParen, ctx)
return &Call{Func: fn, Args: args}
// labelSet parses a set of label matchers
// '{' [ <labelname> '=' <match_string>, ... ] '}'
func (p *parser) labelSet() labels.Labels {
set := []labels.Label{}
for _, lm := range p.labelMatchers(ItemEQL) {
set = append(set, labels.Label{Name: lm.Name, Value: lm.Value})
return labels.New(set...)
// labelMatchers parses a set of label matchers.
// '{' [ <labelname> <match_op> <match_string>, ... ] '}'
func (p *parser) labelMatchers(operators ...ItemType) []*labels.Matcher {
const ctx = "label matching"
matchers := []*labels.Matcher{}
p.expect(ItemLeftBrace, ctx)
// Check if no matchers are provided.
if p.peek().typ == ItemRightBrace {
return matchers
for {
label := p.expect(ItemIdentifier, ctx)
op := p.next().typ
if !op.isOperator() {
p.errorf("expected label matching operator but got %s", op)
var validOp = false
for _, allowedOp := range operators {
if op == allowedOp {
validOp = true
if !validOp {
p.errorf("operator must be one of %q, is %q", operators, op)
val := p.unquoteString(p.expect(ItemString, ctx).val)
// Map the item to the respective match type.
var matchType labels.MatchType
switch op {
case ItemEQL:
matchType = labels.MatchEqual
case ItemNEQ:
matchType = labels.MatchNotEqual
case ItemEQLRegex:
matchType = labels.MatchRegexp
case ItemNEQRegex:
matchType = labels.MatchNotRegexp
p.errorf("item %q is not a metric match type", op)
m, err := labels.NewMatcher(matchType, label.val, val)
if err != nil {
matchers = append(matchers, m)
if p.peek().typ == ItemIdentifier {
p.errorf("missing comma before next identifier %q", p.peek().val)
// Terminate list if last matcher.
if p.peek().typ != ItemComma {
// Allow comma after each item in a multi-line listing.
if p.peek().typ == ItemRightBrace {
p.expect(ItemRightBrace, ctx)
return matchers
// metric parses a metric.
// <label_set>
// <metric_identifier> [<label_set>]
func (p *parser) metric() labels.Labels {
name := ""
var m labels.Labels
t := p.peek().typ
if t == ItemIdentifier || t == ItemMetricIdentifier {
name = p.next().val
t = p.peek().typ
if t != ItemLeftBrace && name == "" {
p.errorf("missing metric name or metric selector")
if t == ItemLeftBrace {
m = p.labelSet()
if name != "" {
m = append(m, labels.Label{Name: labels.MetricName, Value: name})
return m
// offset parses an offset modifier.
// offset <duration>
func (p *parser) offset() time.Duration {
const ctx = "offset"
offi := p.expect(ItemDuration, ctx)
offset, err := parseDuration(offi.val)
if err != nil {
return offset
// VectorSelector parses a new (instant) vector selector.
// <metric_identifier> [<label_matchers>]
// [<metric_identifier>] <label_matchers>
func (p *parser) VectorSelector(name string) *VectorSelector {
var matchers []*labels.Matcher
// Parse label matching if any.
if t := p.peek(); t.typ == ItemLeftBrace {
matchers = p.labelMatchers(ItemEQL, ItemNEQ, ItemEQLRegex, ItemNEQRegex)
// Metric name must not be set in the label matchers and before at the same time.
if name != "" {
for _, m := range matchers {
if m.Name == labels.MetricName {
p.errorf("metric name must not be set twice: %q or %q", name, m.Value)
// Set name label matching.
m, err := labels.NewMatcher(labels.MatchEqual, labels.MetricName, name)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // Must not happen with metric.Equal.
matchers = append(matchers, m)
if len(matchers) == 0 {
p.errorf("vector selector must contain label matchers or metric name")
// A Vector selector must contain at least one non-empty matcher to prevent
// implicit selection of all metrics (e.g. by a typo).
notEmpty := false
for _, lm := range matchers {
if !lm.Matches("") {
notEmpty = true
if !notEmpty {
p.errorf("vector selector must contain at least one non-empty matcher")
return &VectorSelector{
Name: name,
LabelMatchers: matchers,
// expectType checks the type of the node and raises an error if it
// is not of the expected type.
func (p *parser) expectType(node Node, want ValueType, context string) {
t := p.checkType(node)
if t != want {
p.errorf("expected type %s in %s, got %s", documentedType(want), context, documentedType(t))
// check the types of the children of each node and raise an error
// if they do not form a valid node.
// Some of these checks are redundant as the parsing stage does not allow
// them, but the costs are small and might reveal errors when making changes.
func (p *parser) checkType(node Node) (typ ValueType) {
// For expressions the type is determined by their Type function.
// Lists do not have a type but are not invalid either.
switch n := node.(type) {
case Expressions:
typ = ValueTypeNone
case Expr:
typ = n.Type()
p.errorf("unknown node type: %T", node)
// Recursively check correct typing for child nodes and raise
// errors in case of bad typing.
switch n := node.(type) {
case *EvalStmt:
ty := p.checkType(n.Expr)
if ty == ValueTypeNone {
p.errorf("evaluation statement must have a valid expression type but got %s", documentedType(ty))
case Expressions:
for _, e := range n {
ty := p.checkType(e)
if ty == ValueTypeNone {
p.errorf("expression must have a valid expression type but got %s", documentedType(ty))
case *AggregateExpr:
if !n.Op.isAggregator() {
p.errorf("aggregation operator expected in aggregation expression but got %q", n.Op)
p.expectType(n.Expr, ValueTypeVector, "aggregation expression")
if n.Op == ItemTopK || n.Op == ItemBottomK || n.Op == ItemQuantile {
p.expectType(n.Param, ValueTypeScalar, "aggregation parameter")
if n.Op == ItemCountValues {
p.expectType(n.Param, ValueTypeString, "aggregation parameter")
case *BinaryExpr:
lt := p.checkType(n.LHS)
rt := p.checkType(n.RHS)
if !n.Op.isOperator() {
p.errorf("binary expression does not support operator %q", n.Op)
if (lt != ValueTypeScalar && lt != ValueTypeVector) || (rt != ValueTypeScalar && rt != ValueTypeVector) {
p.errorf("binary expression must contain only scalar and instant vector types")
if (lt != ValueTypeVector || rt != ValueTypeVector) && n.VectorMatching != nil {
if len(n.VectorMatching.MatchingLabels) > 0 {
p.errorf("vector matching only allowed between instant vectors")
n.VectorMatching = nil
} else {
// Both operands are Vectors.
if n.Op.isSetOperator() {
if n.VectorMatching.Card == CardOneToMany || n.VectorMatching.Card == CardManyToOne {
p.errorf("no grouping allowed for %q operation", n.Op)
if n.VectorMatching.Card != CardManyToMany {
p.errorf("set operations must always be many-to-many")
if (lt == ValueTypeScalar || rt == ValueTypeScalar) && n.Op.isSetOperator() {
p.errorf("set operator %q not allowed in binary scalar expression", n.Op)
case *Call:
nargs := len(n.Func.ArgTypes)
if n.Func.Variadic == 0 {
if nargs != len(n.Args) {
p.errorf("expected %d argument(s) in call to %q, got %d", nargs, n.Func.Name, len(n.Args))
} else {
na := nargs - 1
if na > len(n.Args) {
p.errorf("expected at least %d argument(s) in call to %q, got %d", na, n.Func.Name, len(n.Args))
} else if nargsmax := na + n.Func.Variadic; n.Func.Variadic > 0 && nargsmax < len(n.Args) {
p.errorf("expected at most %d argument(s) in call to %q, got %d", nargsmax, n.Func.Name, len(n.Args))
for i, arg := range n.Args {
if i >= len(n.Func.ArgTypes) {
i = len(n.Func.ArgTypes) - 1
p.expectType(arg, n.Func.ArgTypes[i], fmt.Sprintf("call to function %q", n.Func.Name))
case *ParenExpr:
case *UnaryExpr:
if n.Op != ItemADD && n.Op != ItemSUB {
p.errorf("only + and - operators allowed for unary expressions")
if t := p.checkType(n.Expr); t != ValueTypeScalar && t != ValueTypeVector {
p.errorf("unary expression only allowed on expressions of type scalar or instant vector, got %q", documentedType(t))
case *SubqueryExpr:
ty := p.checkType(n.Expr)
if ty != ValueTypeVector {
p.errorf("subquery is only allowed on instant vector, got %s in %q instead", ty, n.String())
case *NumberLiteral, *MatrixSelector, *StringLiteral, *VectorSelector:
// Nothing to do for terminals.
p.errorf("unknown node type: %T", node)
func (p *parser) unquoteString(s string) string {
unquoted, err := strutil.Unquote(s)
if err != nil {
p.errorf("error unquoting string %q: %s", s, err)
return unquoted
func parseDuration(ds string) (time.Duration, error) {
dur, err := model.ParseDuration(ds)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if dur == 0 {
return 0, errors.New("duration must be greater than 0")
return time.Duration(dur), nil