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package index
import (
var (
errOutOfOrder = errors.New("out of order")
errNotFound = errors.New("not found")
// Options for an Index.
type Options struct {
// DefaultOptions used for opening a new index.
var DefaultOptions = &Options{}
// Index is a fully persistent inverted index of documents with any number of fields
// that map to exactly one term.
type Index struct {
pbuf *pages.DB
bolt *bolt.DB
meta *meta
rwlock sync.Mutex
// Open returns an index located in the given path. If none exists a new
// one is created.
func Open(path string, opts *Options) (*Index, error) {
if opts == nil {
opts = DefaultOptions
if err := os.MkdirAll(path, 0777); err != nil {
return nil, err
bdb, err := bolt.Open(filepath.Join(path, "kv"), 0666, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pdb, err := pages.Open(filepath.Join(path, "pb"), 0666, &pages.Options{
PageSize: pageSize,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ix := &Index{
bolt: bdb,
pbuf: pdb,
meta: &meta{},
if err := ix.bolt.Update(ix.init); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ix, nil
// Close closes the index.
func (ix *Index) Close() error {
err0 := ix.pbuf.Close()
err1 := ix.bolt.Close()
if err0 != nil {
return err0
return err1
var (
bktMeta = []byte("meta")
bktDocs = []byte("docs")
bktTerms = []byte("terms")
bktTermIDs = []byte("term_ids")
bktSkiplist = []byte("skiplist")
keyMeta = []byte("meta")
func (ix *Index) init(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
// Ensure all buckets exist. Any other index methods assume
// that these buckets exist and may panic otherwise.
for _, bn := range [][]byte{
bktMeta, bktTerms, bktTermIDs, bktDocs, bktSkiplist,
} {
if _, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists(bn); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create bucket %q failed: %s", string(bn), err)
// Read the meta state if the index was already initialized.
mbkt := tx.Bucket(bktMeta)
if v := mbkt.Get(keyMeta); v != nil {
if err := ix.meta.read(v); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("decoding meta failed: %s", err)
} else {
// Index not initialized yet, set up meta information.
ix.meta = &meta{
LastDocID: 0,
LastTermID: 0,
v, err := ix.meta.bytes()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("encoding meta failed: %s", err)
if err := mbkt.Put(keyMeta, v); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating meta failed: %s", err)
return nil
// Querier starts a new query session against the index.
func (ix *Index) Querier() (*Querier, error) {
kvtx, err := ix.bolt.Begin(false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pbtx, err := ix.pbuf.Begin(false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Querier{
kvtx: kvtx,
pbtx: pbtx,
// TODO(fabxc): consider getting these buckets lazily.
termBkt: kvtx.Bucket(bktTerms),
termidBkt: kvtx.Bucket(bktTermIDs),
docBkt: kvtx.Bucket(bktDocs),
skiplistBkt: kvtx.Bucket(bktSkiplist),
}, nil
// Querier encapsulates the index for several queries.
type Querier struct {
kvtx *bolt.Tx
pbtx *pages.Tx
termBkt *bolt.Bucket
termidBkt *bolt.Bucket
docBkt *bolt.Bucket
skiplistBkt *bolt.Bucket
// Close closes the underlying index transactions.
func (q *Querier) Close() error {
err0 := q.pbtx.Rollback()
err1 := q.kvtx.Rollback()
if err0 != nil {
return err0
return err1
// Terms returns all terms for the key field matching the provided matcher.
// If the matcher is nil, all terms for the field are returned.
func (q *Querier) Terms(key string, m Matcher) []string {
if m == nil {
m = AnyMatcher
return q.termsForMatcher(key, m)
// Search returns an iterator over all document IDs that match all
// provided matchers.
func (q *Querier) Search(key string, m Matcher) (Iterator, error) {
tids := q.termIDsForMatcher(key, m)
its := make([]Iterator, 0, len(tids))
for _, t := range tids {
it, err := q.postingsIter(t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
its = append(its, it)
if len(its) == 0 {
return nil, nil
return Merge(its...), nil
// postingsIter returns an iterator over the postings list of term t.
func (q *Querier) postingsIter(t termid) (Iterator, error) {
b := q.skiplistBkt.Bucket(t.bytes())
if b == nil {
return nil, errNotFound
it := &skippingIterator{
skiplist: &boltSkiplistCursor{
k: uint64(t),
c: b.Cursor(),
bkt: b,
iterators: iteratorStoreFunc(func(k uint64) (Iterator, error) {
data, err := q.pbtx.Get(k)
if err != nil {
return nil, errNotFound
// TODO(fabxc): for now, offset is zero, pages have no header
// and are always delta encoded.
return newPageDelta(data).cursor(), nil
return it, nil
func (q *Querier) termsForMatcher(key string, m Matcher) []string {
c := q.termBkt.Cursor()
pref := append([]byte(key), 0xff)
var terms []string
// TODO(fabxc): We scan the entire term value range for the field. Improvide this by direct
// and prefixed seeks depending on the matcher.
for k, _ := c.Seek(pref); bytes.HasPrefix(k, pref); k, _ = c.Next() {
if m.Match(string(k[len(pref):])) {
terms = append(terms, string(k[len(pref):]))
return terms
func (q *Querier) termIDsForMatcher(key string, m Matcher) termids {
c := q.termBkt.Cursor()
pref := append([]byte(key), 0xff)
var ids termids
// TODO(fabxc): We scan the entire term value range for the field. Improvide this by direct
// and prefixed seeks depending on the matcher.
for k, v := c.Seek(pref); bytes.HasPrefix(k, pref); k, v = c.Next() {
if m.Match(string(k[len(pref):])) {
ids = append(ids, newTermID(v))
return ids
// Doc returns the document with the given ID.
func (q *Querier) Doc(id DocID) (Terms, error) {
v := q.docBkt.Get(id.bytes())
if v == nil {
return nil, errNotFound
tids := newTermIDs(v)
// TODO(fabxc): consider at least a per-session cache for these.
terms := make(Terms, len(tids))
for i, t := range tids {
// TODO(fabxc): is this encode/decode cycle here worth the space savings?
// If we stored plain uint64s we can just pass the slice back in.
v := q.termidBkt.Get(t.bytes())
if v == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("term not found")
term, err := newTerm(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
terms[i] = term
return terms, nil
// Delete removes all documents in the iterator from the index.
// It returns the number of deleted documents.
func (ix *Index) Delete(it Iterator) (int, error) {
panic("not implemented")
// Batch starts a new batch against the index.
func (ix *Index) Batch() (*Batch, error) {
// Lock writes so we can safely pre-allocate term and doc IDs.
tx, err := ix.bolt.Begin(false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b := &Batch{
ix: ix,
tx: tx,
meta: &meta{},
termBkt: tx.Bucket(bktTerms),
termidBkt: tx.Bucket(bktTermIDs),
terms: map[Term]*batchTerm{},
*b.meta = *ix.meta
return b, nil
// meta contains information about the state of the index.
type meta struct {
LastDocID DocID
LastTermID termid
// read initilizes the meta from a byte slice.
func (m *meta) read(b []byte) error {
return gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(b)).Decode(m)
// bytes returns a byte slice representation of the meta.
func (m *meta) bytes() ([]byte, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := gob.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(m); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
// Terms is a sortable list of terms.
type Terms []Term
func (t Terms) Len() int { return len(t) }
func (t Terms) Swap(i, j int) { t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i] }
func (t Terms) Less(i, j int) bool {
if t[i].Field < t[j].Field {
return true
if t[i].Field > t[j].Field {
return false
return t[i].Val < t[j].Val
// Term is a term for the specified field.
type Term struct {
Field, Val string
func newTerm(b []byte) (t Term, e error) {
c := bytes.SplitN(b, []byte{0xff}, 2)
if len(c) != 2 {
return t, fmt.Errorf("invalid term")
t.Field = string(c[0])
t.Val = string(c[1])
return t, nil
// bytes returns a byte slice representation of the term.
func (t *Term) bytes() []byte {
b := make([]byte, 0, len(t.Field)+1+len(t.Val))
b = append(b, []byte(t.Field)...)
b = append(b, 0xff)
return append(b, []byte(t.Val)...)
// Matcher checks whether a value for a key satisfies a check condition.
type Matcher interface {
Match(value string) bool
// AnyMatcher matches any term value for a field.
var AnyMatcher = anyMatcher{}
type anyMatcher struct{}
func (anyMatcher) Match(_ string) bool {
return true
// EqualMatcher matches exactly one value for a particular label.
type EqualMatcher struct {
val string
func NewEqualMatcher(val string) *EqualMatcher {
return &EqualMatcher{val: val}
func (m *EqualMatcher) Match(s string) bool { return m.val == s }
// RegexpMatcher matches labels for the fixed key for which the value
// matches a regular expression.
type RegexpMatcher struct {
re *regexp.Regexp
func NewRegexpMatcher(expr string) (*RegexpMatcher, error) {
re, err := regexp.Compile(expr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &RegexpMatcher{re: re}, nil
func (m *RegexpMatcher) Match(s string) bool { return m.re.MatchString(s) }
// DocID is a unique identifier for a document.
type DocID uint64
func newDocID(b []byte) DocID {
return DocID(decodeUint64(b))
func (d DocID) bytes() []byte {
return encodeUint64(uint64(d))
type termid uint64
func newTermID(b []byte) termid {
return termid(decodeUint64(b))
func (t termid) bytes() []byte {
return encodeUint64(uint64(t))
type termids []termid
func (t termids) Len() int { return len(t) }
func (t termids) Swap(i, j int) { t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i] }
func (t termids) Less(i, j int) bool { return t[i] < t[j] }
// newTermIDs reads a sequence of uvarints from b and appends them
// to the term IDs.
func newTermIDs(b []byte) (t termids) {
for len(b) > 0 {
k, n := binary.Uvarint(b)
t = append(t, termid(k))
b = b[n:]
return t
// bytes encodes the term IDs as a sequence of uvarints.
func (t termids) bytes() []byte {
b := make([]byte, len(t)*binary.MaxVarintLen64)
n := 0
for _, x := range t {
n += binary.PutUvarint(b[n:], uint64(x))
return b[:n]
// Batch collects multiple indexing actions and allows to apply them
// to the persistet index all at once for improved performance.
type Batch struct {
ix *Index
tx *bolt.Tx
meta *meta
termBkt *bolt.Bucket
termidBkt *bolt.Bucket
docs []*batchDoc
terms map[Term]*batchTerm
type batchDoc struct {
id DocID
terms termids
type batchTerm struct {
id termid // zero if term has not been added yet
docs []DocID // documents to be indexed for the term
// Add adds a new document with the given terms to the index and
// returns a new unique ID for it.
// The ID only becomes valid after the batch has been committed successfully.
func (b *Batch) Add(terms Terms) DocID {
id := b.meta.LastDocID
tids := make(termids, 0, len(terms))
// Subtract last document ID before this batch was started.
for _, t := range terms {
tids = append(tids, b.addTerm(id, t))
b.docs = append(b.docs, &batchDoc{id: id, terms: tids})
return id
// SecondaryIndex indexes the document ID for additional terms. The temrs
// are not stored as part of the document's forward index as the initial terms.
// The caller has to ensure that the document IDs are added to terms in
// increasing order.
func (b *Batch) SecondaryIndex(id DocID, terms ...Term) {
for _, t := range terms {
b.addTerm(id, t)
// addTerm adds the document ID to the term's postings list and returns
// the Term's ID.
func (b *Batch) addTerm(id DocID, t Term) termid {
tb := b.terms[t]
// Populate term if necessary and allocate a new ID if it
// hasn't been created in the database before.
if tb == nil {
tb = &batchTerm{docs: make([]DocID, 0, 1024)}
b.terms[t] = tb
if idb := b.termBkt.Get(t.bytes()); idb != nil {
tb.id = termid(decodeUint64(idb))
} else {
tb.id = b.meta.LastTermID
tb.docs = append(tb.docs, id)
return tb.id
// Commit executes the batched indexing against the underlying index.
func (b *Batch) Commit() error {
defer b.ix.rwlock.Unlock()
// Close read transaction to open a write transaction. The outer rwlock
// stil guards against intermittend writes between switching.
if err := b.tx.Rollback(); err != nil {
return err
err := b.ix.bolt.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
docsBkt := tx.Bucket(bktDocs)
// Add document IDs to forward index,
for _, d := range b.docs {
if err := docsBkt.Put(d.id.bytes(), d.terms.bytes()); err != nil {
return err
// Add newly allocated terms.
termBkt := tx.Bucket(bktTerms)
termidBkt := tx.Bucket(bktTermIDs)
for t, tb := range b.terms {
if tb.id > b.ix.meta.LastTermID {
bid := encodeUint64(uint64(tb.id))
tby := t.bytes()
if err := termBkt.Put(tby, bid); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting term failed: %s", err)
if err := termidBkt.Put(bid, tby); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting term failed: %s", err)
pbtx, err := b.ix.pbuf.Begin(true)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := b.writePostingsBatch(tx, pbtx); err != nil {
return err
if err := pbtx.Commit(); err != nil {
return err
return b.updateMeta(tx)
return err
// Rollback drops all changes applied in the batch.
func (b *Batch) Rollback() error {
return b.tx.Rollback()
// writePostings adds the postings batch to the index.
func (b *Batch) writePostingsBatch(kvtx *bolt.Tx, pbtx *pages.Tx) error {
skiplist := kvtx.Bucket(bktSkiplist)
// createPage allocates a new delta-encoded page starting with id as its first entry.
createPage := func(id DocID) (page, error) {
pg := newPageDelta(make([]byte, pageSize-pages.PageHeaderSize))
if err := pg.init(id); err != nil {
return nil, err
return pg, nil
for _, tb := range b.terms {
ids := tb.docs
b, err := skiplist.CreateBucketIfNotExists(tb.id.bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
sl := &boltSkiplistCursor{
k: uint64(tb.id),
c: b.Cursor(),
bkt: b,
var (
pg page // Page we are currently appending to.
pc pageCursor // Its cursor.
pid uint64 // Its ID.
// Get the most recent page. If none exist, the entire postings list is new.
_, pid, err = sl.seek(math.MaxUint64)
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
return err
// No most recent page for the key exists. The postings list is new and
// we have to allocate a new page ID for it.
if pg, err = createPage(ids[0]); err != nil {
return err
pc = pg.cursor()
ids = ids[1:]
} else {
// Load the most recent page.
pdata, err := pbtx.Get(pid)
if pdata == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting page for ID %q: %s", pid, err)
pdatac := make([]byte, len(pdata))
// The byte slice is mmaped from bolt. We have to copy it to make modifications.
// pdatac := make([]byte, len(pdata))
copy(pdatac, pdata)
pg = newPageDelta(pdatac)
pc = pg.cursor()
for i := 0; i < len(ids); i++ {
if err = pc.append(ids[i]); err == errPageFull {
// We couldn't append to the page because it was full.
// Store away the old page...
if pid == 0 {
// The page was new.
pid, err = pbtx.Add(pg.data())
if err != nil {
return err
first, err := pc.Seek(0)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := sl.append(first, pid); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err = pbtx.Set(pid, pg.data()); err != nil {
return err
// ... and allocate a new page.
pid = 0
if pg, err = createPage(ids[i]); err != nil {
return err
pc = pg.cursor()
} else if err != nil {
return err
// Save the last page we have written to.
if pid == 0 {
// The page was new.
pid, err = pbtx.Add(pg.data())
if err != nil {
return err
first, err := pc.Seek(0)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := sl.append(first, pid); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err = pbtx.Set(pid, pg.data()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// updateMeta updates the index's meta information based on the changes
// applied with the batch.
func (b *Batch) updateMeta(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
b.ix.meta = b.meta
bkt := tx.Bucket([]byte(bktMeta))
if bkt == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("meta bucket not found")
v, err := b.ix.meta.bytes()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error encoding meta: %s", err)
return bkt.Put([]byte(keyMeta), v)