Fabian Reinartz 3901b6e70b Remove multiple heads
This changes the structure to a single WAL backed by a single head
Parts of the head block can be compacted. This relieves us from any head
amangement and greatly simplifies any consistency and isolation concerns
by just having a single head.
2017-09-01 11:50:58 +02:00

691 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tsdb
import (
var (
// ErrNotFound is returned if a looked up resource was not found.
ErrNotFound = errors.Errorf("not found")
// ErrOutOfOrderSample is returned if an appended sample has a
// timestamp larger than the most recent sample.
ErrOutOfOrderSample = errors.New("out of order sample")
// ErrAmendSample is returned if an appended sample has the same timestamp
// as the most recent sample but a different value.
ErrAmendSample = errors.New("amending sample")
// ErrOutOfBounds is returned if an appended sample is out of the
// writable time range.
ErrOutOfBounds = errors.New("out of bounds")
// Head handles reads and writes of time series data within a time window.
type Head struct {
chunkRange int64
mtx sync.RWMutex
minTime, maxTime int64
lastSeriesID uint32
// descs holds all chunk descs for the head block. Each chunk implicitly
// is assigned the index as its ID.
series map[uint32]*memSeries
// hashes contains a collision map of label set hashes of chunks
// to their chunk descs.
hashes map[uint64][]*memSeries
symbols map[string]struct{}
values map[string]stringset // label names to possible values
postings *memPostings // postings lists for terms
tombstones tombstoneReader
// NewHead opens the head block in dir.
func NewHead(l log.Logger, wal WALReader, chunkRange int64) (*Head, error) {
h := &Head{
chunkRange: chunkRange,
minTime: math.MaxInt64,
maxTime: math.MinInt64,
series: map[uint32]*memSeries{},
hashes: map[uint64][]*memSeries{},
values: map[string]stringset{},
symbols: map[string]struct{}{},
postings: &memPostings{m: make(map[term][]uint32)},
tombstones: newEmptyTombstoneReader(),
if wal == nil {
wal = NopWAL{}
return h, h.init(wal)
func (h *Head) String() string {
return "<head>"
func (h *Head) init(r WALReader) error {
seriesFunc := func(series []labels.Labels) error {
for _, lset := range series {
h.create(lset.Hash(), lset)
return nil
samplesFunc := func(samples []RefSample) error {
for _, s := range samples {
if int(s.Ref) >= len(h.series) {
return errors.Errorf("unknown series reference %d (max %d); abort WAL restore",
s.Ref, len(h.series))
h.series[uint32(s.Ref)].append(s.T, s.V)
return nil
deletesFunc := func(stones []Stone) error {
for _, s := range stones {
for _, itv := range s.intervals {
h.tombstones.add(s.ref, itv)
return nil
if err := r.Read(seriesFunc, samplesFunc, deletesFunc); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "consume WAL")
return nil
// gc removes data before the minimum timestmap from the head.
func (h *Head) gc() {
// Only data strictly lower than this timestamp must be deleted.
mint := h.MinTime()
deletedHashes := map[uint64][]uint32{}
for hash, ss := range h.hashes {
for _, s := range ss {
if len(s.chunks) == 0 {
deletedHashes[hash] = append(deletedHashes[hash], s.ref)
deletedIDs := make(map[uint32]struct{}, len(deletedHashes))
defer h.mtx.Unlock()
for hash, ids := range deletedHashes {
inIDs := func(id uint32) bool {
for _, o := range ids {
if o == id {
return true
return false
var rem []*memSeries
for _, s := range h.hashes[hash] {
if !inIDs(s.ref) {
rem = append(rem, s)
deletedIDs[s.ref] = struct{}{}
// We switched locks and the series might have received new samples by now,
// check again.
chkCount := len(s.chunks)
if chkCount > 0 {
delete(h.series, s.ref)
if len(rem) > 0 {
h.hashes[hash] = rem
} else {
delete(h.hashes, hash)
for t, p := range h.postings.m {
repl := make([]uint32, 0, len(p))
for _, id := range p {
if _, ok := deletedIDs[id]; !ok {
repl = append(repl, id)
if len(repl) == 0 {
delete(h.postings.m, t)
} else {
h.postings.m[t] = repl
symbols := make(map[string]struct{}, len(h.symbols))
values := make(map[string]stringset, len(h.values))
for t := range h.postings.m {
symbols[] = struct{}{}
symbols[t.value] = struct{}{}
ss, ok := values[]
if !ok {
ss = stringset{}
values[] = ss
h.symbols = symbols
h.values = values
func (h *Head) Tombstones() TombstoneReader {
return h.tombstones
// Index returns an IndexReader against the block.
func (h *Head) Index() IndexReader {
return h.indexRange(math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64)
func (h *Head) indexRange(mint, maxt int64) *headIndexReader {
if hmin := h.MinTime(); hmin > mint {
mint = hmin
return &headIndexReader{head: h, mint: mint, maxt: maxt}
// Chunks returns a ChunkReader against the block.
func (h *Head) Chunks() ChunkReader {
return h.chunksRange(math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64)
func (h *Head) chunksRange(mint, maxt int64) *headChunkReader {
if hmin := h.MinTime(); hmin > mint {
mint = hmin
return &headChunkReader{head: h, mint: mint, maxt: maxt}
// MinTime returns the lowest time bound on visible data in the head.
func (h *Head) MinTime() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&h.minTime)
// MaxTime returns the highest timestamp seen in data of the head.
func (h *Head) MaxTime() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&h.maxTime)
type headChunkReader struct {
head *Head
mint, maxt int64
func (h *headChunkReader) Close() error {
return nil
// Chunk returns the chunk for the reference number.
func (h *headChunkReader) Chunk(ref uint64) (chunks.Chunk, error) {
defer h.head.mtx.RUnlock()
s := h.head.series[uint32(ref>>32)]
cid := int((ref << 32) >> 32)
c := s.chunk(cid)
// Do not expose chunks that are outside of the specified range.
if !intervalOverlap(c.minTime, c.maxTime,, h.maxt) {
return nil, ErrNotFound
return &safeChunk{
Chunk: c.chunk,
s: s,
cid: cid,
}, nil
type safeChunk struct {
s *memSeries
cid int
func (c *safeChunk) Iterator() chunks.Iterator {
defer c.s.mtx.RUnlock()
return c.s.iterator(c.cid)
// func (c *safeChunk) Appender() (chunks.Appender, error) { panic("illegal") }
// func (c *safeChunk) Bytes() []byte { panic("illegal") }
// func (c *safeChunk) Encoding() chunks.Encoding { panic("illegal") }
type rangeHead struct {
head *Head
mint, maxt int64
func (h *rangeHead) Index() IndexReader {
return h.head.indexRange(, h.maxt)
func (h *rangeHead) Chunks() ChunkReader {
return h.head.chunksRange(, h.maxt)
func (h *rangeHead) Tombstones() TombstoneReader {
return newEmptyTombstoneReader()
type headIndexReader struct {
head *Head
mint, maxt int64
func (h *headIndexReader) Close() error {
return nil
func (h *headIndexReader) Symbols() (map[string]struct{}, error) {
return h.head.symbols, nil
// LabelValues returns the possible label values
func (h *headIndexReader) LabelValues(names ...string) (StringTuples, error) {
defer h.head.mtx.RUnlock()
if len(names) != 1 {
return nil, errInvalidSize
var sl []string
for s := range h.head.values[names[0]] {
sl = append(sl, s)
return &stringTuples{l: len(names), s: sl}, nil
// Postings returns the postings list iterator for the label pair.
func (h *headIndexReader) Postings(name, value string) (Postings, error) {
defer h.head.mtx.RUnlock()
return h.head.postings.get(term{name: name, value: value}), nil
func (h *headIndexReader) SortedPostings(p Postings) Postings {
defer h.head.mtx.RUnlock()
ep := make([]uint32, 0, 1024)
for p.Next() {
ep = append(ep, p.At())
if err := p.Err(); err != nil {
return errPostings{err: errors.Wrap(err, "expand postings")}
var err error
sort.Slice(ep, func(i, j int) bool {
if err != nil {
return false
a, ok1 := h.head.series[ep[i]]
b, ok2 := h.head.series[ep[j]]
if !ok1 || !ok2 {
err = errors.Errorf("series not found")
return false
return labels.Compare(a.lset, b.lset) < 0
if err != nil {
return errPostings{err: err}
return newListPostings(ep)
// Series returns the series for the given reference.
func (h *headIndexReader) Series(ref uint32, lbls *labels.Labels, chks *[]ChunkMeta) error {
defer h.head.mtx.RUnlock()
s := h.head.series[ref]
if s == nil {
return ErrNotFound
*lbls = append((*lbls)[:0], s.lset...)
defer s.mtx.RUnlock()
*chks = (*chks)[:0]
for i, c := range s.chunks {
// Do not expose chunks that are outside of the specified range.
if !intervalOverlap(c.minTime, c.maxTime,, h.maxt) {
*chks = append(*chks, ChunkMeta{
MinTime: c.minTime,
MaxTime: c.maxTime,
Ref: (uint64(ref) << 32) | uint64(s.chunkID(i)),
return nil
func (h *headIndexReader) LabelIndices() ([][]string, error) {
defer h.head.mtx.RUnlock()
res := [][]string{}
for s := range h.head.values {
res = append(res, []string{s})
return res, nil
// get retrieves the chunk with the hash and label set and creates
// a new one if it doesn't exist yet.
func (h *Head) get(hash uint64, lset labels.Labels) *memSeries {
series := h.hashes[hash]
for _, s := range series {
if s.lset.Equals(lset) {
return s
return nil
func (h *Head) create(hash uint64, lset labels.Labels) *memSeries {
id := atomic.AddUint32(&h.lastSeriesID, 1)
s := newMemSeries(lset, id, h.chunkRange)
h.series[id] = s
h.hashes[hash] = append(h.hashes[hash], s)
for _, l := range lset {
valset, ok := h.values[l.Name]
if !ok {
valset = stringset{}
h.values[l.Name] = valset
h.postings.add(s.ref, term{name: l.Name, value: l.Value})
h.symbols[l.Name] = struct{}{}
h.symbols[l.Value] = struct{}{}
h.postings.add(id, term{})
return s
type sample struct {
t int64
v float64
type memSeries struct {
mtx sync.RWMutex
ref uint32
lset labels.Labels
chunks []*memChunk
chunkRange int64
firstChunkID int
nextAt int64 // timestamp at which to cut the next chunk.
lastValue float64
sampleBuf [4]sample
app chunks.Appender // Current appender for the chunk.
func (s *memSeries) minTime() int64 {
return s.chunks[0].minTime
func (s *memSeries) maxTime() int64 {
return s.head().maxTime
func (s *memSeries) cut(mint int64) *memChunk {
c := &memChunk{
chunk: chunks.NewXORChunk(),
minTime: mint,
maxTime: math.MinInt64,
s.chunks = append(s.chunks, c)
app, err := c.chunk.Appender()
if err != nil {
} = app
return c
func newMemSeries(lset labels.Labels, id uint32, chunkRange int64) *memSeries {
s := &memSeries{
lset: lset,
ref: id,
chunkRange: chunkRange,
nextAt: math.MinInt64,
return s
// appendable checks whether the given sample is valid for appending to the series.
func (s *memSeries) appendable(t int64, v float64) error {
if len(s.chunks) == 0 {
return nil
c := s.head()
if t > c.maxTime {
return nil
if t < c.maxTime {
return ErrOutOfOrderSample
// We are allowing exact duplicates as we can encounter them in valid cases
// like federation and erroring out at that time would be extremely noisy.
if math.Float64bits(s.lastValue) != math.Float64bits(v) {
return ErrAmendSample
return nil
func (s *memSeries) chunk(id int) *memChunk {
ix := id - s.firstChunkID
if ix >= len(s.chunks) || ix < 0 {
fmt.Println("get chunk", id, len(s.chunks), s.firstChunkID)
return s.chunks[ix]
func (s *memSeries) chunkID(pos int) int {
return pos + s.firstChunkID
// truncateChunksBefore removes all chunks from the series that have not timestamp
// at or after mint. Chunk IDs remain unchanged.
func (s *memSeries) truncateChunksBefore(mint int64) {
var k int
for i, c := range s.chunks {
if c.maxTime >= mint {
k = i + 1
s.chunks = append(s.chunks[:0], s.chunks[k:]...)
s.firstChunkID += k
// append adds the sample (t, v) to the series.
func (s *memSeries) append(t int64, v float64) bool {
const samplesPerChunk = 120
defer s.mtx.Unlock()
var c *memChunk
if len(s.chunks) == 0 {
c = s.cut(t)
c = s.head()
if c.maxTime >= t {
return false
if c.samples > samplesPerChunk/4 && t >= s.nextAt {
c = s.cut(t)
}, v)
c.maxTime = t
if c.samples == samplesPerChunk/4 {
_, maxt := rangeForTimestamp(c.minTime, s.chunkRange)
s.nextAt = computeChunkEndTime(c.minTime, c.maxTime, maxt)
s.lastValue = v
s.sampleBuf[0] = s.sampleBuf[1]
s.sampleBuf[1] = s.sampleBuf[2]
s.sampleBuf[2] = s.sampleBuf[3]
s.sampleBuf[3] = sample{t: t, v: v}
return true
// computeChunkEndTime estimates the end timestamp based the beginning of a chunk,
// its current timestamp and the upper bound up to which we insert data.
// It assumes that the time range is 1/4 full.
func computeChunkEndTime(start, cur, max int64) int64 {
a := (max - start) / ((cur - start + 1) * 4)
if a == 0 {
return max
return start + (max-start)/a
func (s *memSeries) iterator(i int) chunks.Iterator {
c := s.chunk(i)
if i < len(s.chunks)-1 {
return c.chunk.Iterator()
it := &memSafeIterator{
Iterator: c.chunk.Iterator(),
i: -1,
total: c.samples,
buf: s.sampleBuf,
return it
func (s *memSeries) head() *memChunk {
return s.chunks[len(s.chunks)-1]
type memChunk struct {
chunk chunks.Chunk
minTime, maxTime int64
samples int
type memSafeIterator struct {
i int
total int
buf [4]sample
func (it *memSafeIterator) Next() bool {
if it.i+1 >= {
return false
if > 4 {
return it.Iterator.Next()
return true
func (it *memSafeIterator) At() (int64, float64) {
if > 4 {
return it.Iterator.At()
s := it.buf[4-(]
return s.t, s.v