mknapphrt ebf5d74325 Added storage size based retention method and new metrics (#343)
Added methods needed to retain data based on a byte limitation rather than time. Limitation is only applied if the flag is set (defaults to 0). Both blocks that are older than the retention period and the blocks that make the size of the storage too large are removed.

2 new metrics for keeping track of the size of the local storage folder and the amount of times data has been deleted because the size restriction was exceeded.
Signed-off-by: Mark Knapp <>
2019-01-16 13:03:52 +03:00

1599 lines
43 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tsdb
import (
prom_testutil ""
func openTestDB(t testing.TB, opts *Options) (db *DB, close func()) {
tmpdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test")
testutil.Ok(t, err)
db, err = Open(tmpdir, nil, nil, opts)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
// Do not close the test database by default as it will deadlock on test failures.
return db, func() { os.RemoveAll(tmpdir) }
// query runs a matcher query against the querier and fully expands its data.
func query(t testing.TB, q Querier, matchers ...labels.Matcher) map[string][]sample {
ss, err := q.Select(matchers...)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
result := map[string][]sample{}
for ss.Next() {
series := ss.At()
samples := []sample{}
it := series.Iterator()
for it.Next() {
t, v := it.At()
samples = append(samples, sample{t: t, v: v})
testutil.Ok(t, it.Err())
name := series.Labels().String()
result[name] = samples
testutil.Ok(t, ss.Err())
return result
// Ensure that blocks are held in memory in their time order
// and not in ULID order as they are read from the directory.
func TestDB_reloadOrder(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
defer db.Close()
metas := []BlockMeta{
{MinTime: 90, MaxTime: 100},
{MinTime: 70, MaxTime: 80},
{MinTime: 100, MaxTime: 110},
for _, m := range metas {
createBlock(t, db.Dir(), 1, m.MinTime, m.MaxTime)
testutil.Ok(t, db.reload())
blocks := db.Blocks()
for _, b := range blocks {
b.meta.Stats.NumBytes = 0
testutil.Equals(t, 3, len(blocks))
testutil.Equals(t, metas[1].MinTime, blocks[0].Meta().MinTime)
testutil.Equals(t, metas[1].MaxTime, blocks[0].Meta().MaxTime)
testutil.Equals(t, metas[0].MinTime, blocks[1].Meta().MinTime)
testutil.Equals(t, metas[0].MaxTime, blocks[1].Meta().MaxTime)
testutil.Equals(t, metas[2].MinTime, blocks[2].Meta().MinTime)
testutil.Equals(t, metas[2].MaxTime, blocks[2].Meta().MaxTime)
func TestDataAvailableOnlyAfterCommit(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
defer db.Close()
app := db.Appender()
_, err := app.Add(labels.FromStrings("foo", "bar"), 0, 0)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
querier, err := db.Querier(0, 1)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
seriesSet := query(t, querier, labels.NewEqualMatcher("foo", "bar"))
testutil.Equals(t, map[string][]sample{}, seriesSet)
testutil.Ok(t, querier.Close())
err = app.Commit()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
querier, err = db.Querier(0, 1)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer querier.Close()
seriesSet = query(t, querier, labels.NewEqualMatcher("foo", "bar"))
testutil.Equals(t, map[string][]sample{`{foo="bar"}`: {{t: 0, v: 0}}}, seriesSet)
func TestDataNotAvailableAfterRollback(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
defer db.Close()
app := db.Appender()
_, err := app.Add(labels.FromStrings("foo", "bar"), 0, 0)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
err = app.Rollback()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
querier, err := db.Querier(0, 1)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer querier.Close()
seriesSet := query(t, querier, labels.NewEqualMatcher("foo", "bar"))
testutil.Equals(t, map[string][]sample{}, seriesSet)
func TestDBAppenderAddRef(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
defer db.Close()
app1 := db.Appender()
ref1, err := app1.Add(labels.FromStrings("a", "b"), 123, 0)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
// Reference should already work before commit.
err = app1.AddFast(ref1, 124, 1)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
err = app1.Commit()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
app2 := db.Appender()
// first ref should already work in next transaction.
err = app2.AddFast(ref1, 125, 0)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
ref2, err := app2.Add(labels.FromStrings("a", "b"), 133, 1)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Assert(t, ref1 == ref2, "")
// Reference must be valid to add another sample.
err = app2.AddFast(ref2, 143, 2)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
err = app2.AddFast(9999999, 1, 1)
testutil.Equals(t, ErrNotFound, errors.Cause(err))
testutil.Ok(t, app2.Commit())
q, err := db.Querier(0, 200)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
res := query(t, q, labels.NewEqualMatcher("a", "b"))
testutil.Equals(t, map[string][]sample{
labels.FromStrings("a", "b").String(): {
{t: 123, v: 0},
{t: 124, v: 1},
{t: 125, v: 0},
{t: 133, v: 1},
{t: 143, v: 2},
}, res)
testutil.Ok(t, q.Close())
func TestDeleteSimple(t *testing.T) {
numSamples := int64(10)
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
defer db.Close()
app := db.Appender()
smpls := make([]float64, numSamples)
for i := int64(0); i < numSamples; i++ {
smpls[i] = rand.Float64()
app.Add(labels.Labels{{"a", "b"}}, i, smpls[i])
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
cases := []struct {
intervals Intervals
remaint []int64
intervals: Intervals{{1, 3}, {4, 7}},
remaint: []int64{0, 8, 9},
for _, c := range cases {
// TODO(gouthamve): Reset the tombstones somehow.
// Delete the ranges.
for _, r := range c.intervals {
testutil.Ok(t, db.Delete(r.Mint, r.Maxt, labels.NewEqualMatcher("a", "b")))
// Compare the result.
q, err := db.Querier(0, numSamples)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
res, err := q.Select(labels.NewEqualMatcher("a", "b"))
testutil.Ok(t, err)
expSamples := make([]Sample, 0, len(c.remaint))
for _, ts := range c.remaint {
expSamples = append(expSamples, sample{ts, smpls[ts]})
expss := newMockSeriesSet([]Series{
newSeries(map[string]string{"a": "b"}, expSamples),
if len(expSamples) == 0 {
testutil.Assert(t, res.Next() == false, "")
for {
eok, rok := expss.Next(), res.Next()
testutil.Equals(t, eok, rok)
if !eok {
continue Outer
sexp := expss.At()
sres := res.At()
testutil.Equals(t, sexp.Labels(), sres.Labels())
smplExp, errExp := expandSeriesIterator(sexp.Iterator())
smplRes, errRes := expandSeriesIterator(sres.Iterator())
testutil.Equals(t, errExp, errRes)
testutil.Equals(t, smplExp, smplRes)
func TestAmendDatapointCausesError(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
defer db.Close()
app := db.Appender()
_, err := app.Add(labels.Labels{}, 0, 0)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
app = db.Appender()
_, err = app.Add(labels.Labels{}, 0, 1)
testutil.Equals(t, ErrAmendSample, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Rollback())
func TestDuplicateNaNDatapointNoAmendError(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
defer db.Close()
app := db.Appender()
_, err := app.Add(labels.Labels{}, 0, math.NaN())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
app = db.Appender()
_, err = app.Add(labels.Labels{}, 0, math.NaN())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
func TestNonDuplicateNaNDatapointsCausesAmendError(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
defer db.Close()
app := db.Appender()
_, err := app.Add(labels.Labels{}, 0, math.Float64frombits(0x7ff0000000000001))
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
app = db.Appender()
_, err = app.Add(labels.Labels{}, 0, math.Float64frombits(0x7ff0000000000002))
testutil.Equals(t, ErrAmendSample, err)
func TestSkippingInvalidValuesInSameTxn(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
defer db.Close()
// Append AmendedValue.
app := db.Appender()
_, err := app.Add(labels.Labels{{"a", "b"}}, 0, 1)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
_, err = app.Add(labels.Labels{{"a", "b"}}, 0, 2)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
// Make sure the right value is stored.
q, err := db.Querier(0, 10)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
ssMap := query(t, q, labels.NewEqualMatcher("a", "b"))
testutil.Equals(t, map[string][]sample{
labels.New(labels.Label{"a", "b"}).String(): {{0, 1}},
}, ssMap)
testutil.Ok(t, q.Close())
// Append Out of Order Value.
app = db.Appender()
_, err = app.Add(labels.Labels{{"a", "b"}}, 10, 3)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
_, err = app.Add(labels.Labels{{"a", "b"}}, 7, 5)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
q, err = db.Querier(0, 10)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
ssMap = query(t, q, labels.NewEqualMatcher("a", "b"))
testutil.Equals(t, map[string][]sample{
labels.New(labels.Label{"a", "b"}).String(): {{0, 1}, {10, 3}},
}, ssMap)
testutil.Ok(t, q.Close())
func TestDB_Snapshot(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
// append data
app := db.Appender()
mint := int64(1414141414000)
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
_, err := app.Add(labels.FromStrings("foo", "bar"), mint+int64(i), 1.0)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
testutil.Ok(t, app.Rollback())
// create snapshot
snap, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "snap")
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer os.RemoveAll(snap)
testutil.Ok(t, db.Snapshot(snap, true))
testutil.Ok(t, db.Close())
// reopen DB from snapshot
db, err = Open(snap, nil, nil, nil)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer db.Close()
querier, err := db.Querier(mint, mint+1000)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer querier.Close()
// sum values
seriesSet, err := querier.Select(labels.NewEqualMatcher("foo", "bar"))
testutil.Ok(t, err)
sum := 0.0
for seriesSet.Next() {
series := seriesSet.At().Iterator()
for series.Next() {
_, v := series.At()
sum += v
testutil.Ok(t, series.Err())
testutil.Ok(t, seriesSet.Err())
testutil.Equals(t, 1000.0, sum)
func TestDB_SnapshotWithDelete(t *testing.T) {
numSamples := int64(10)
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
app := db.Appender()
smpls := make([]float64, numSamples)
for i := int64(0); i < numSamples; i++ {
smpls[i] = rand.Float64()
app.Add(labels.Labels{{"a", "b"}}, i, smpls[i])
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
cases := []struct {
intervals Intervals
remaint []int64
intervals: Intervals{{1, 3}, {4, 7}},
remaint: []int64{0, 8, 9},
for _, c := range cases {
// TODO(gouthamve): Reset the tombstones somehow.
// Delete the ranges.
for _, r := range c.intervals {
testutil.Ok(t, db.Delete(r.Mint, r.Maxt, labels.NewEqualMatcher("a", "b")))
// create snapshot
snap, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "snap")
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer os.RemoveAll(snap)
testutil.Ok(t, db.Snapshot(snap, true))
testutil.Ok(t, db.Close())
// reopen DB from snapshot
db, err = Open(snap, nil, nil, nil)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer db.Close()
// Compare the result.
q, err := db.Querier(0, numSamples)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer q.Close()
res, err := q.Select(labels.NewEqualMatcher("a", "b"))
testutil.Ok(t, err)
expSamples := make([]Sample, 0, len(c.remaint))
for _, ts := range c.remaint {
expSamples = append(expSamples, sample{ts, smpls[ts]})
expss := newMockSeriesSet([]Series{
newSeries(map[string]string{"a": "b"}, expSamples),
if len(expSamples) == 0 {
testutil.Assert(t, res.Next() == false, "")
for {
eok, rok := expss.Next(), res.Next()
testutil.Equals(t, eok, rok)
if !eok {
continue Outer
sexp := expss.At()
sres := res.At()
testutil.Equals(t, sexp.Labels(), sres.Labels())
smplExp, errExp := expandSeriesIterator(sexp.Iterator())
smplRes, errRes := expandSeriesIterator(sres.Iterator())
testutil.Equals(t, errExp, errRes)
testutil.Equals(t, smplExp, smplRes)
func TestDB_e2e(t *testing.T) {
const (
numDatapoints = 1000
numRanges = 1000
timeInterval = int64(3)
maxTime = int64(2 * 1000)
minTime = int64(200)
// Create 8 series with 1000 data-points of different ranges and run queries.
lbls := [][]labels.Label{
{"a", "b"},
{"instance", "localhost:9090"},
{"job", "prometheus"},
{"a", "b"},
{"instance", ""},
{"job", "prometheus"},
{"a", "b"},
{"instance", ""},
{"job", "prom-k8s"},
{"a", "b"},
{"instance", "localhost:9090"},
{"job", "prom-k8s"},
{"a", "c"},
{"instance", "localhost:9090"},
{"job", "prometheus"},
{"a", "c"},
{"instance", ""},
{"job", "prometheus"},
{"a", "c"},
{"instance", ""},
{"job", "prom-k8s"},
{"a", "c"},
{"instance", "localhost:9090"},
{"job", "prom-k8s"},
seriesMap := map[string][]sample{}
for _, l := range lbls {
seriesMap[labels.New(l...).String()] = []sample{}
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
defer db.Close()
app := db.Appender()
for _, l := range lbls {
lset := labels.New(l...)
series := []sample{}
ts := rand.Int63n(300)
for i := 0; i < numDatapoints; i++ {
v := rand.Float64()
series = append(series, sample{ts, v})
_, err := app.Add(lset, ts, v)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
ts += rand.Int63n(timeInterval) + 1
seriesMap[lset.String()] = series
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
// Query each selector on 1000 random time-ranges.
queries := []struct {
ms []labels.Matcher
ms: []labels.Matcher{labels.NewEqualMatcher("a", "b")},
ms: []labels.Matcher{
labels.NewEqualMatcher("a", "b"),
labels.NewEqualMatcher("job", "prom-k8s"),
ms: []labels.Matcher{
labels.NewEqualMatcher("a", "c"),
labels.NewEqualMatcher("instance", "localhost:9090"),
labels.NewEqualMatcher("job", "prometheus"),
// TODO: Add Regexp Matchers.
for _, qry := range queries {
matched := labels.Slice{}
for _, ls := range lbls {
s := labels.Selector(
if s.Matches(ls) {
matched = append(matched, ls)
for i := 0; i < numRanges; i++ {
mint := rand.Int63n(300)
maxt := mint + rand.Int63n(timeInterval*int64(numDatapoints))
expected := map[string][]sample{}
// Build the mockSeriesSet.
for _, m := range matched {
smpls := boundedSamples(seriesMap[m.String()], mint, maxt)
if len(smpls) > 0 {
expected[m.String()] = smpls
q, err := db.Querier(mint, maxt)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
ss, err := q.Select(
testutil.Ok(t, err)
result := map[string][]sample{}
for ss.Next() {
x := ss.At()
smpls, err := expandSeriesIterator(x.Iterator())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
if len(smpls) > 0 {
result[x.Labels().String()] = smpls
testutil.Ok(t, ss.Err())
testutil.Equals(t, expected, result)
func TestWALFlushedOnDBClose(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
dirDb := db.Dir()
lbls := labels.Labels{labels.Label{Name: "labelname", Value: "labelvalue"}}
app := db.Appender()
_, err := app.Add(lbls, 0, 1)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
testutil.Ok(t, db.Close())
db, err = Open(dirDb, nil, nil, nil)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer db.Close()
q, err := db.Querier(0, 1)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
values, err := q.LabelValues("labelname")
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, []string{"labelvalue"}, values)
func TestWALSegmentSizeOption(t *testing.T) {
options := *DefaultOptions
options.WALSegmentSize = 2 * 32 * 1024
db, close := openTestDB(t, &options)
defer close()
app := db.Appender()
for i := int64(0); i < 155; i++ {
_, err := app.Add(labels.Labels{labels.Label{Name: "wal", Value: "size"}}, i, rand.Float64())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
dbDir := db.Dir()
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(filepath.Join(dbDir, "wal"))
testutil.Assert(t, len(files) > 1, "current WALSegmentSize should result in more than a single WAL file.")
testutil.Ok(t, err)
for i, f := range files {
if len(files)-1 != i {
testutil.Equals(t, int64(options.WALSegmentSize), f.Size(), "WAL file size doesn't match WALSegmentSize option, filename: %v", f.Name())
testutil.Assert(t, int64(options.WALSegmentSize) > f.Size(), "last WAL file size is not smaller than the WALSegmentSize option, filename: %v", f.Name())
func TestTombstoneClean(t *testing.T) {
numSamples := int64(10)
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
app := db.Appender()
smpls := make([]float64, numSamples)
for i := int64(0); i < numSamples; i++ {
smpls[i] = rand.Float64()
app.Add(labels.Labels{{"a", "b"}}, i, smpls[i])
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
cases := []struct {
intervals Intervals
remaint []int64
intervals: Intervals{{1, 3}, {4, 7}},
remaint: []int64{0, 8, 9},
for _, c := range cases {
// Delete the ranges.
// create snapshot
snap, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "snap")
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer os.RemoveAll(snap)
testutil.Ok(t, db.Snapshot(snap, true))
testutil.Ok(t, db.Close())
// reopen DB from snapshot
db, err = Open(snap, nil, nil, nil)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer db.Close()
for _, r := range c.intervals {
testutil.Ok(t, db.Delete(r.Mint, r.Maxt, labels.NewEqualMatcher("a", "b")))
// All of the setup for THIS line.
testutil.Ok(t, db.CleanTombstones())
// Compare the result.
q, err := db.Querier(0, numSamples)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer q.Close()
res, err := q.Select(labels.NewEqualMatcher("a", "b"))
testutil.Ok(t, err)
expSamples := make([]Sample, 0, len(c.remaint))
for _, ts := range c.remaint {
expSamples = append(expSamples, sample{ts, smpls[ts]})
expss := newMockSeriesSet([]Series{
newSeries(map[string]string{"a": "b"}, expSamples),
if len(expSamples) == 0 {
testutil.Assert(t, res.Next() == false, "")
for {
eok, rok := expss.Next(), res.Next()
testutil.Equals(t, eok, rok)
if !eok {
sexp := expss.At()
sres := res.At()
testutil.Equals(t, sexp.Labels(), sres.Labels())
smplExp, errExp := expandSeriesIterator(sexp.Iterator())
smplRes, errRes := expandSeriesIterator(sres.Iterator())
testutil.Equals(t, errExp, errRes)
testutil.Equals(t, smplExp, smplRes)
for _, b := range db.Blocks() {
testutil.Equals(t, newMemTombstones(), b.tombstones)
// TestTombstoneCleanFail tests that a failing TombstoneClean doesn't leave any blocks behind.
// When TombstoneClean errors the original block that should be rebuilt doesn't get deleted so
// if TombstoneClean leaves any blocks behind these will overlap.
func TestTombstoneCleanFail(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer db.Close()
defer close()
var expectedBlockDirs []string
// Create some empty blocks pending for compaction.
// totalBlocks should be >=2 so we have enough blocks to trigger compaction failure.
totalBlocks := 2
for i := 0; i < totalBlocks; i++ {
blockDir := createBlock(t, db.Dir(), 0, 0, 0)
block, err := OpenBlock(nil, blockDir, nil)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
// Add some some fake tombstones to trigger the compaction.
tomb := newMemTombstones()
tomb.addInterval(0, Interval{0, 1})
block.tombstones = tomb
db.blocks = append(db.blocks, block)
expectedBlockDirs = append(expectedBlockDirs, blockDir)
// Initialize the mockCompactorFailing with a room for a single compaction iteration.
// mockCompactorFailing will fail on the second iteration so we can check if the cleanup works as expected.
db.compactor = &mockCompactorFailing{
t: t,
blocks: db.blocks,
max: totalBlocks + 1,
// The compactor should trigger a failure here.
testutil.NotOk(t, db.CleanTombstones())
// Now check that the CleanTombstones didn't leave any blocks behind after a failure.
actualBlockDirs, err := blockDirs(db.dir)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, expectedBlockDirs, actualBlockDirs)
// mockCompactorFailing creates a new empty block on every write and fails when reached the max allowed total.
type mockCompactorFailing struct {
t *testing.T
blocks []*Block
max int
func (*mockCompactorFailing) Plan(dir string) ([]string, error) {
return nil, nil
func (c *mockCompactorFailing) Write(dest string, b BlockReader, mint, maxt int64, parent *BlockMeta) (ulid.ULID, error) {
if len(c.blocks) >= c.max {
return ulid.ULID{}, fmt.Errorf("the compactor already did the maximum allowed blocks so it is time to fail")
block, err := OpenBlock(nil, createBlock(c.t, dest, 0, 0, 0), nil)
testutil.Ok(c.t, err)
testutil.Ok(c.t, block.Close()) // Close block as we won't be using anywhere.
c.blocks = append(c.blocks, block)
// Now check that all expected blocks are actually persisted on disk.
// This way we make sure that the we have some blocks that are supposed to be removed.
var expectedBlocks []string
for _, b := range c.blocks {
expectedBlocks = append(expectedBlocks, filepath.Join(dest, b.Meta().ULID.String()))
actualBlockDirs, err := blockDirs(dest)
testutil.Ok(c.t, err)
testutil.Equals(c.t, expectedBlocks, actualBlockDirs)
return block.Meta().ULID, nil
func (*mockCompactorFailing) Compact(dest string, dirs []string, open []*Block) (ulid.ULID, error) {
return ulid.ULID{}, nil
func TestTimeRetention(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, &Options{
BlockRanges: []int64{1000},
defer close()
defer db.Close()
blocks := []*BlockMeta{
{MinTime: 500, MaxTime: 900}, // Oldest block
{MinTime: 1000, MaxTime: 1500},
{MinTime: 1500, MaxTime: 2000}, // Newest Block
for _, m := range blocks {
createBlock(t, db.Dir(), 10, m.MinTime, m.MaxTime)
testutil.Ok(t, db.reload()) // Reload the db to register the new blocks.
testutil.Equals(t, len(blocks), len(db.Blocks())) // Ensure all blocks are registered.
db.opts.RetentionDuration = uint64(blocks[2].MaxTime - blocks[1].MinTime)
testutil.Ok(t, db.reload())
expBlocks := blocks[1:]
actBlocks := db.Blocks()
testutil.Equals(t, 1, int(prom_testutil.ToFloat64(db.metrics.timeRetentionCount)), "metric retention count mismatch")
testutil.Equals(t, len(expBlocks), len(actBlocks))
testutil.Equals(t, expBlocks[0].MaxTime, actBlocks[0].meta.MaxTime)
testutil.Equals(t, expBlocks[len(expBlocks)-1].MaxTime, actBlocks[len(actBlocks)-1].meta.MaxTime)
func TestSizeRetention(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, &Options{
BlockRanges: []int64{100},
defer close()
defer db.Close()
blocks := []*BlockMeta{
{MinTime: 100, MaxTime: 200}, // Oldest block
{MinTime: 200, MaxTime: 300},
{MinTime: 300, MaxTime: 400},
{MinTime: 400, MaxTime: 500},
{MinTime: 500, MaxTime: 600}, // Newest Block
for _, m := range blocks {
createBlock(t, db.Dir(), 100, m.MinTime, m.MaxTime)
// Test that registered size matches the actual disk size.
testutil.Ok(t, db.reload()) // Reload the db to register the new db size.
testutil.Equals(t, len(blocks), len(db.Blocks())) // Ensure all blocks are registered.
expSize := int64(prom_testutil.ToFloat64(db.metrics.blocksBytes)) // Use the the actual internal metrics.
actSize := dbDiskSize(db.Dir())
testutil.Equals(t, expSize, actSize, "registered size doesn't match actual disk size")
// Decrease the max bytes limit so that a delete is triggered.
// Check total size, total count and check that the oldest block was deleted.
firstBlockSize := db.Blocks()[0].Size()
sizeLimit := actSize - firstBlockSize
db.opts.MaxBytes = sizeLimit // Set the new db size limit one block smaller that the actual size.
testutil.Ok(t, db.reload()) // Reload the db to register the new db size.
expBlocks := blocks[1:]
actBlocks := db.Blocks()
expSize = int64(prom_testutil.ToFloat64(db.metrics.blocksBytes))
actRetentCount := int(prom_testutil.ToFloat64(db.metrics.sizeRetentionCount))
actSize = dbDiskSize(db.Dir())
testutil.Equals(t, 1, actRetentCount, "metric retention count mismatch")
testutil.Equals(t, actSize, expSize, "metric db size doesn't match actual disk size")
testutil.Assert(t, expSize <= sizeLimit, "actual size (%v) is expected to be less than or equal to limit (%v)", expSize, sizeLimit)
testutil.Equals(t, len(blocks)-1, len(actBlocks), "new block count should be decreased from:%v to:%v", len(blocks), len(blocks)-1)
testutil.Equals(t, expBlocks[0].MaxTime, actBlocks[0].meta.MaxTime, "maxT mismatch of the first block")
testutil.Equals(t, expBlocks[len(expBlocks)-1].MaxTime, actBlocks[len(actBlocks)-1].meta.MaxTime, "maxT mismatch of the last block")
func dbDiskSize(dir string) int64 {
var statSize int64
filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
// Include only index,tombstone and chunks.
if filepath.Dir(path) == chunkDir(filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(path))) ||
info.Name() == indexFilename ||
info.Name() == tombstoneFilename {
statSize += info.Size()
return nil
return statSize
func TestNotMatcherSelectsLabelsUnsetSeries(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
labelpairs := []labels.Labels{
labels.FromStrings("a", "abcd", "b", "abcde"),
labels.FromStrings("labelname", "labelvalue"),
app := db.Appender()
for _, lbls := range labelpairs {
_, err := app.Add(lbls, 0, 1)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
cases := []struct {
selector labels.Selector
series []labels.Labels
selector: labels.Selector{
labels.Not(labels.NewEqualMatcher("lname", "lvalue")),
series: labelpairs,
}, {
selector: labels.Selector{
labels.NewEqualMatcher("a", "abcd"),
labels.Not(labels.NewEqualMatcher("b", "abcde")),
series: []labels.Labels{},
}, {
selector: labels.Selector{
labels.NewEqualMatcher("a", "abcd"),
labels.Not(labels.NewEqualMatcher("b", "abc")),
series: []labels.Labels{labelpairs[0]},
}, {
selector: labels.Selector{
labels.Not(labels.NewMustRegexpMatcher("a", "abd.*")),
series: labelpairs,
}, {
selector: labels.Selector{
labels.Not(labels.NewMustRegexpMatcher("a", "abc.*")),
series: labelpairs[1:],
}, {
selector: labels.Selector{
labels.Not(labels.NewMustRegexpMatcher("c", "abd.*")),
series: labelpairs,
}, {
selector: labels.Selector{
labels.Not(labels.NewMustRegexpMatcher("labelname", "labelvalue")),
series: labelpairs[:1],
q, err := db.Querier(0, 10)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer q.Close()
for _, c := range cases {
ss, err := q.Select(c.selector...)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
lres, err := expandSeriesSet(ss)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, c.series, lres)
func expandSeriesSet(ss SeriesSet) ([]labels.Labels, error) {
result := []labels.Labels{}
for ss.Next() {
result = append(result, ss.At().Labels())
return result, ss.Err()
func TestOverlappingBlocksDetectsAllOverlaps(t *testing.T) {
// Create 10 blocks that does not overlap (0-10, 10-20, ..., 100-110) but in reverse order to ensure our algorithm
// will handle that.
var metas = make([]BlockMeta, 11)
for i := 10; i >= 0; i-- {
metas[i] = BlockMeta{MinTime: int64(i * 10), MaxTime: int64((i + 1) * 10)}
testutil.Assert(t, len(OverlappingBlocks(metas)) == 0, "we found unexpected overlaps")
// Add overlapping blocks. We've to establish order again since we aren't interested
// in trivial overlaps caused by unorderedness.
add := func(ms ...BlockMeta) []BlockMeta {
repl := append(append([]BlockMeta{}, metas...), ms...)
sort.Slice(repl, func(i, j int) bool {
return repl[i].MinTime < repl[j].MinTime
return repl
// o1 overlaps with 10-20.
o1 := BlockMeta{MinTime: 15, MaxTime: 17}
testutil.Equals(t, Overlaps{
{Min: 15, Max: 17}: {metas[1], o1},
}, OverlappingBlocks(add(o1)))
// o2 overlaps with 20-30 and 30-40.
o2 := BlockMeta{MinTime: 21, MaxTime: 31}
testutil.Equals(t, Overlaps{
{Min: 21, Max: 30}: {metas[2], o2},
{Min: 30, Max: 31}: {o2, metas[3]},
}, OverlappingBlocks(add(o2)))
// o3a and o3b overlaps with 30-40 and each other.
o3a := BlockMeta{MinTime: 33, MaxTime: 39}
o3b := BlockMeta{MinTime: 34, MaxTime: 36}
testutil.Equals(t, Overlaps{
{Min: 34, Max: 36}: {metas[3], o3a, o3b},
}, OverlappingBlocks(add(o3a, o3b)))
// o4 is 1:1 overlap with 50-60.
o4 := BlockMeta{MinTime: 50, MaxTime: 60}
testutil.Equals(t, Overlaps{
{Min: 50, Max: 60}: {metas[5], o4},
}, OverlappingBlocks(add(o4)))
// o5 overlaps with 60-70, 70-80 and 80-90.
o5 := BlockMeta{MinTime: 61, MaxTime: 85}
testutil.Equals(t, Overlaps{
{Min: 61, Max: 70}: {metas[6], o5},
{Min: 70, Max: 80}: {o5, metas[7]},
{Min: 80, Max: 85}: {o5, metas[8]},
}, OverlappingBlocks(add(o5)))
// o6a overlaps with 90-100, 100-110 and o6b, o6b overlaps with 90-100 and o6a.
o6a := BlockMeta{MinTime: 92, MaxTime: 105}
o6b := BlockMeta{MinTime: 94, MaxTime: 99}
testutil.Equals(t, Overlaps{
{Min: 94, Max: 99}: {metas[9], o6a, o6b},
{Min: 100, Max: 105}: {o6a, metas[10]},
}, OverlappingBlocks(add(o6a, o6b)))
// All together.
testutil.Equals(t, Overlaps{
{Min: 15, Max: 17}: {metas[1], o1},
{Min: 21, Max: 30}: {metas[2], o2}, {Min: 30, Max: 31}: {o2, metas[3]},
{Min: 34, Max: 36}: {metas[3], o3a, o3b},
{Min: 50, Max: 60}: {metas[5], o4},
{Min: 61, Max: 70}: {metas[6], o5}, {Min: 70, Max: 80}: {o5, metas[7]}, {Min: 80, Max: 85}: {o5, metas[8]},
{Min: 94, Max: 99}: {metas[9], o6a, o6b}, {Min: 100, Max: 105}: {o6a, metas[10]},
}, OverlappingBlocks(add(o1, o2, o3a, o3b, o4, o5, o6a, o6b)))
// Additional case.
var nc1 []BlockMeta
nc1 = append(nc1, BlockMeta{MinTime: 1, MaxTime: 5})
nc1 = append(nc1, BlockMeta{MinTime: 2, MaxTime: 3})
nc1 = append(nc1, BlockMeta{MinTime: 2, MaxTime: 3})
nc1 = append(nc1, BlockMeta{MinTime: 2, MaxTime: 3})
nc1 = append(nc1, BlockMeta{MinTime: 2, MaxTime: 3})
nc1 = append(nc1, BlockMeta{MinTime: 2, MaxTime: 6})
nc1 = append(nc1, BlockMeta{MinTime: 3, MaxTime: 5})
nc1 = append(nc1, BlockMeta{MinTime: 5, MaxTime: 7})
nc1 = append(nc1, BlockMeta{MinTime: 7, MaxTime: 10})
nc1 = append(nc1, BlockMeta{MinTime: 8, MaxTime: 9})
testutil.Equals(t, Overlaps{
{Min: 2, Max: 3}: {nc1[0], nc1[1], nc1[2], nc1[3], nc1[4], nc1[5]}, // 1-5, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2,6
{Min: 3, Max: 5}: {nc1[0], nc1[5], nc1[6]}, // 1-5, 2-6, 3-5
{Min: 5, Max: 6}: {nc1[5], nc1[7]}, // 2-6, 5-7
{Min: 8, Max: 9}: {nc1[8], nc1[9]}, // 7-10, 8-9
}, OverlappingBlocks(nc1))
// Regression test for
func TestChunkAtBlockBoundary(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
defer db.Close()
app := db.Appender()
blockRange := DefaultOptions.BlockRanges[0]
label := labels.FromStrings("foo", "bar")
for i := int64(0); i < 3; i++ {
_, err := app.Add(label, i*blockRange, 0)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
_, err = app.Add(label, i*blockRange+1000, 0)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
err := app.Commit()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
err = db.compact()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
for _, block := range db.Blocks() {
r, err := block.Index()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer r.Close()
meta := block.Meta()
p, err := r.Postings(index.AllPostingsKey())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
var (
lset labels.Labels
chks []chunks.Meta
chunkCount := 0
for p.Next() {
err = r.Series(p.At(), &lset, &chks)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
for _, c := range chks {
testutil.Assert(t, meta.MinTime <= c.MinTime && c.MaxTime <= meta.MaxTime,
"chunk spans beyond block boundaries: [block.MinTime=%d, block.MaxTime=%d]; [chunk.MinTime=%d, chunk.MaxTime=%d]",
meta.MinTime, meta.MaxTime, c.MinTime, c.MaxTime)
testutil.Assert(t, chunkCount == 1, "expected 1 chunk in block %s, got %d", meta.ULID, chunkCount)
func TestQuerierWithBoundaryChunks(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
defer db.Close()
app := db.Appender()
blockRange := DefaultOptions.BlockRanges[0]
label := labels.FromStrings("foo", "bar")
for i := int64(0); i < 5; i++ {
_, err := app.Add(label, i*blockRange, 0)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
err := app.Commit()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
err = db.compact()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Assert(t, len(db.blocks) >= 3, "invalid test, less than three blocks in DB")
q, err := db.Querier(blockRange, 2*blockRange)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer q.Close()
// The requested interval covers 2 blocks, so the querier should contain 2 blocks.
count := len(q.(*querier).blocks)
testutil.Assert(t, count == 2, "expected 2 blocks in querier, got %d", count)
// TestInitializeHeadTimestamp ensures that the h.minTime is set properly.
// - no blocks no WAL: set to the time of the first appended sample
// - no blocks with WAL: set to the smallest sample from the WAL
// - with blocks no WAL: set to the last block maxT
// - with blocks with WAL: same as above
func TestInitializeHeadTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("clean", func(t *testing.T) {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test_head_init")
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
db, err := Open(dir, nil, nil, nil)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
// Should be set to init values if no WAL or blocks exist so far.
testutil.Equals(t, int64(math.MaxInt64), db.head.MinTime())
testutil.Equals(t, int64(math.MinInt64), db.head.MaxTime())
// First added sample initializes the writable range.
app := db.Appender()
_, err = app.Add(labels.FromStrings("a", "b"), 1000, 1)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, int64(1000), db.head.MinTime())
testutil.Equals(t, int64(1000), db.head.MaxTime())
t.Run("wal-only", func(t *testing.T) {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test_head_init")
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
testutil.Ok(t, os.MkdirAll(path.Join(dir, "wal"), 0777))
w, err := wal.New(nil, nil, path.Join(dir, "wal"))
testutil.Ok(t, err)
var enc RecordEncoder
err = w.Log(
{Ref: 123, Labels: labels.FromStrings("a", "1")},
{Ref: 124, Labels: labels.FromStrings("a", "2")},
}, nil),
{Ref: 123, T: 5000, V: 1},
{Ref: 124, T: 15000, V: 1},
}, nil),
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, w.Close())
db, err := Open(dir, nil, nil, nil)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, int64(5000), db.head.MinTime())
testutil.Equals(t, int64(15000), db.head.MaxTime())
t.Run("existing-block", func(t *testing.T) {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test_head_init")
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
createBlock(t, dir, 1, 1000, 2000)
db, err := Open(dir, nil, nil, nil)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, int64(2000), db.head.MinTime())
testutil.Equals(t, int64(2000), db.head.MaxTime())
t.Run("existing-block-and-wal", func(t *testing.T) {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test_head_init")
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
createBlock(t, dir, 1, 1000, 6000)
testutil.Ok(t, os.MkdirAll(path.Join(dir, "wal"), 0777))
w, err := wal.New(nil, nil, path.Join(dir, "wal"))
testutil.Ok(t, err)
var enc RecordEncoder
err = w.Log(
{Ref: 123, Labels: labels.FromStrings("a", "1")},
{Ref: 124, Labels: labels.FromStrings("a", "2")},
}, nil),
{Ref: 123, T: 5000, V: 1},
{Ref: 124, T: 15000, V: 1},
}, nil),
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, w.Close())
r := prometheus.NewRegistry()
db, err := Open(dir, nil, r, nil)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, int64(6000), db.head.MinTime())
testutil.Equals(t, int64(15000), db.head.MaxTime())
// Check that old series has been GCed.
testutil.Equals(t, 1.0, prom_testutil.ToFloat64(db.head.metrics.series))
func TestDB_LabelNames(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
// Add 'sampleLabels1' -> Test Head -> Compact -> Test Disk ->
// -> Add 'sampleLabels2' -> Test Head+Disk
sampleLabels1 [][2]string // For checking head and disk separately.
// To test Head+Disk, sampleLabels2 should have
// at least 1 unique label name which is not in sampleLabels1.
sampleLabels2 [][2]string // // For checking head and disk together.
exp1 []string // after adding sampleLabels1.
exp2 []string // after adding sampleLabels1 and sampleLabels2.
sampleLabels1: [][2]string{
[2]string{"name1", ""},
[2]string{"name3", ""},
[2]string{"name2", ""},
sampleLabels2: [][2]string{
[2]string{"name4", ""},
[2]string{"name1", ""},
exp1: []string{"name1", "name2", "name3"},
exp2: []string{"name1", "name2", "name3", "name4"},
sampleLabels1: [][2]string{
[2]string{"name2", ""},
[2]string{"name1", ""},
[2]string{"name2", ""},
sampleLabels2: [][2]string{
[2]string{"name6", ""},
[2]string{"name0", ""},
exp1: []string{"name1", "name2"},
exp2: []string{"name0", "name1", "name2", "name6"},
blockRange := DefaultOptions.BlockRanges[0]
// Appends samples into the database.
appendSamples := func(db *DB, mint, maxt int64, sampleLabels [][2]string) {
app := db.Appender()
for i := mint; i <= maxt; i++ {
for _, tuple := range sampleLabels {
label := labels.FromStrings(tuple[0], tuple[1])
_, err := app.Add(label, i*blockRange, 0)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
err := app.Commit()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
for _, tst := range tests {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
defer db.Close()
appendSamples(db, 0, 4, tst.sampleLabels1)
// Testing head.
headIndexr, err := db.head.Index()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
labelNames, err := headIndexr.LabelNames()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, tst.exp1, labelNames)
testutil.Ok(t, headIndexr.Close())
// Testing disk.
err = db.compact()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
// All blocks have same label names, hence check them individually.
// No need to aggregrate and check.
for _, b := range db.Blocks() {
blockIndexr, err := b.Index()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
labelNames, err = blockIndexr.LabelNames()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, tst.exp1, labelNames)
testutil.Ok(t, blockIndexr.Close())
// Addings more samples to head with new label names
// so that we can test (head+disk).LabelNames() (the union).
appendSamples(db, 5, 9, tst.sampleLabels2)
// Testing DB (union).
q, err := db.Querier(math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
labelNames, err = q.LabelNames()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, q.Close())
testutil.Equals(t, tst.exp2, labelNames)
func TestCorrectNumTombstones(t *testing.T) {
db, close := openTestDB(t, nil)
defer close()
defer db.Close()
blockRange := DefaultOptions.BlockRanges[0]
label := labels.FromStrings("foo", "bar")
app := db.Appender()
for i := int64(0); i < 3; i++ {
for j := int64(0); j < 15; j++ {
_, err := app.Add(label, i*blockRange+j, 0)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
err := db.compact()
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, 1, len(db.blocks))
testutil.Ok(t, db.Delete(0, 1, labels.NewEqualMatcher("foo", "bar")))
testutil.Equals(t, uint64(1), db.blocks[0].meta.Stats.NumTombstones)
// {0, 1} and {2, 3} are merged to form 1 tombstone.
testutil.Ok(t, db.Delete(2, 3, labels.NewEqualMatcher("foo", "bar")))
testutil.Equals(t, uint64(1), db.blocks[0].meta.Stats.NumTombstones)
testutil.Ok(t, db.Delete(5, 6, labels.NewEqualMatcher("foo", "bar")))
testutil.Equals(t, uint64(2), db.blocks[0].meta.Stats.NumTombstones)
testutil.Ok(t, db.Delete(9, 11, labels.NewEqualMatcher("foo", "bar")))
testutil.Equals(t, uint64(3), db.blocks[0].meta.Stats.NumTombstones)
// TestBlockRanges checks the following use cases:
// - No samples can be added with timestamps lower than the last block maxt.
// - The compactor doesn't create overlaping blocks
// even when the last blocks is not within the default boundaries.
// - Lower bondary is based on the smallest sample in the head and
// upper boundary is rounded to the configured block range.
// This ensures that a snapshot that includes the head and creates a block with a custom time range
// will not overlap with the first block created by the next compaction.
func TestBlockRanges(t *testing.T) {
logger := log.NewLogfmtLogger(log.NewSyncWriter(os.Stderr))
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test_storage")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Opening test dir failed: %s", err)
rangeToTriggercompaction := DefaultOptions.BlockRanges[0]/2*3 + 1
// Test that the compactor doesn't create overlapping blocks
// when a non standard block already exists.
firstBlockMaxT := int64(3)
createBlock(t, dir, 1, 0, firstBlockMaxT)
db, err := Open(dir, logger, nil, DefaultOptions)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Opening test storage failed: %s", err)
defer func() {
app := db.Appender()
lbl := labels.Labels{{"a", "b"}}
_, err = app.Add(lbl, firstBlockMaxT-1, rand.Float64())
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("appending a sample with a timestamp covered by a previous block shouldn't be possible")
_, err = app.Add(lbl, firstBlockMaxT+1, rand.Float64())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
_, err = app.Add(lbl, firstBlockMaxT+2, rand.Float64())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
secondBlockMaxt := firstBlockMaxT + rangeToTriggercompaction
_, err = app.Add(lbl, secondBlockMaxt, rand.Float64()) // Add samples to trigger a new compaction
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
for x := 0; x < 100; x++ {
if len(db.Blocks()) == 2 {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
testutil.Equals(t, 2, len(db.Blocks()), "no new block created after the set timeout")
if db.Blocks()[0].Meta().MaxTime > db.Blocks()[1].Meta().MinTime {
t.Fatalf("new block overlaps old:%v,new:%v", db.Blocks()[0].Meta(), db.Blocks()[1].Meta())
// Test that wal records are skipped when an existing block covers the same time ranges
// and compaction doesn't create an overlapping block.
_, err = app.Add(lbl, secondBlockMaxt+1, rand.Float64())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
_, err = app.Add(lbl, secondBlockMaxt+2, rand.Float64())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
_, err = app.Add(lbl, secondBlockMaxt+3, rand.Float64())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
_, err = app.Add(lbl, secondBlockMaxt+4, rand.Float64())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
testutil.Ok(t, db.Close())
thirdBlockMaxt := secondBlockMaxt + 2
createBlock(t, dir, 1, secondBlockMaxt+1, thirdBlockMaxt)
db, err = Open(dir, logger, nil, DefaultOptions)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Opening test storage failed: %s", err)
defer db.Close()
testutil.Equals(t, 3, len(db.Blocks()), "db doesn't include expected number of blocks")
testutil.Equals(t, db.Blocks()[2].Meta().MaxTime, thirdBlockMaxt, "unexpected maxt of the last block")
app = db.Appender()
_, err = app.Add(lbl, thirdBlockMaxt+rangeToTriggercompaction, rand.Float64()) // Trigger a compaction
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
for x := 0; x < 100; x++ {
if len(db.Blocks()) == 4 {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
testutil.Equals(t, 4, len(db.Blocks()), "no new block created after the set timeout")
if db.Blocks()[2].Meta().MaxTime > db.Blocks()[3].Meta().MinTime {
t.Fatalf("new block overlaps old:%v,new:%v", db.Blocks()[2].Meta(), db.Blocks()[3].Meta())