Brian Brazil 517b81f927 Add timestamp() function.
Make the timestamp of instant vectors be the timestamp of the sample
rather than the evaluation. We were not using this anywhere, so this is

Add a function to return the timestamp of samples in an instant vector.

Fixes #1557
2017-05-12 12:00:31 +01:00

457 lines
14 KiB

# Testdata for resets() and changes().
load 5m
http_requests{path="/foo"} 1 2 3 0 1 0 0 1 2 0
http_requests{path="/bar"} 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
http_requests{path="/biz"} 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
# Tests for resets().
eval instant at 50m resets(http_requests[5m])
{path="/foo"} 0
{path="/bar"} 0
{path="/biz"} 0
eval instant at 50m resets(http_requests[20m])
{path="/foo"} 1
{path="/bar"} 0
{path="/biz"} 0
eval instant at 50m resets(http_requests[30m])
{path="/foo"} 2
{path="/bar"} 1
{path="/biz"} 0
eval instant at 50m resets(http_requests[50m])
{path="/foo"} 3
{path="/bar"} 1
{path="/biz"} 0
eval instant at 50m resets(nonexistent_metric[50m])
# Tests for changes().
eval instant at 50m changes(http_requests[5m])
{path="/foo"} 0
{path="/bar"} 0
{path="/biz"} 0
eval instant at 50m changes(http_requests[20m])
{path="/foo"} 3
{path="/bar"} 3
{path="/biz"} 0
eval instant at 50m changes(http_requests[30m])
{path="/foo"} 4
{path="/bar"} 5
{path="/biz"} 1
eval instant at 50m changes(http_requests[50m])
{path="/foo"} 8
{path="/bar"} 9
{path="/biz"} 1
eval instant at 50m changes(nonexistent_metric[50m])
load 5m
x{a="b"} NaN NaN NaN
x{a="c"} 0 NaN 0
eval instant at 15m changes(x[15m])
{a="b"} 0
{a="c"} 2
# Tests for increase().
load 5m
http_requests{path="/foo"} 0+10x10
http_requests{path="/bar"} 0+10x5 0+10x5
# Tests for increase().
eval instant at 50m increase(http_requests[50m])
{path="/foo"} 100
{path="/bar"} 90
eval instant at 50m increase(http_requests[100m])
{path="/foo"} 100
{path="/bar"} 90
# Test for increase() with counter reset.
# When the counter is reset, it always starts at 0.
# So the sequence 3 2 (decreasing counter = reset) is interpreted the same as 3 0 1 2.
# Prometheus assumes it missed the intermediate values 0 and 1.
load 5m
http_requests{path="/foo"} 0 1 2 3 2 3 4
eval instant at 30m increase(http_requests[30m])
{path="/foo"} 7
# Tests for irate().
load 5m
http_requests{path="/foo"} 0+10x10
http_requests{path="/bar"} 0+10x5 0+10x5
eval instant at 50m irate(http_requests[50m])
{path="/foo"} .03333333333333333333
{path="/bar"} .03333333333333333333
# Counter reset.
eval instant at 30m irate(http_requests[50m])
{path="/foo"} .03333333333333333333
{path="/bar"} 0
# Tests for delta().
load 5m
http_requests{path="/foo"} 0 50 100 150 200
http_requests{path="/bar"} 200 150 100 50 0
eval instant at 20m delta(http_requests[20m])
{path="/foo"} 200
{path="/bar"} -200
# Tests for idelta().
load 5m
http_requests{path="/foo"} 0 50 100 150
http_requests{path="/bar"} 0 50 100 50
eval instant at 20m idelta(http_requests[20m])
{path="/foo"} 50
{path="/bar"} -50
# Tests for deriv() and predict_linear().
load 5m
testcounter_reset_middle 0+10x4 0+10x5
http_requests{job="app-server", instance="1", group="canary"} 0+80x10
# deriv should return the same as rate in simple cases.
eval instant at 50m rate(http_requests{group="canary", instance="1", job="app-server"}[50m])
{group="canary", instance="1", job="app-server"} 0.26666666666666666
eval instant at 50m deriv(http_requests{group="canary", instance="1", job="app-server"}[50m])
{group="canary", instance="1", job="app-server"} 0.26666666666666666
# deriv should return correct result.
eval instant at 50m deriv(testcounter_reset_middle[100m])
{} 0.010606060606060607
# predict_linear should return correct result.
# X/s = [ 0, 300, 600, 900,1200,1500,1800,2100,2400,2700,3000]
# Y = [ 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
# sumX = 16500
# sumY = 250
# sumXY = 480000
# sumX2 = 34650000
# n = 11
# covXY = 105000
# varX = 9900000
# slope = 0.010606060606060607
# intercept at t=0: 6.818181818181818
# intercept at t=3000: 38.63636363636364
# intercept at t=3000+3600: 76.81818181818181
eval instant at 50m predict_linear(testcounter_reset_middle[100m], 3600)
{} 76.81818181818181
# With http_requests, there is a sample value exactly at the end of
# the range, and it has exactly the predicted value, so predict_linear
# can be emulated with deriv.
eval instant at 50m predict_linear(http_requests[50m], 3600) - (http_requests + deriv(http_requests[50m]) * 3600)
{group="canary", instance="1", job="app-server"} 0
# Tests for label_replace.
load 5m
testmetric{src="source-value-10",dst="original-destination-value"} 0
testmetric{src="source-value-20",dst="original-destination-value"} 1
# label_replace does a full-string match and replace.
eval instant at 0m label_replace(testmetric, "dst", "destination-value-$1", "src", "source-value-(.*)")
testmetric{src="source-value-10",dst="destination-value-10"} 0
testmetric{src="source-value-20",dst="destination-value-20"} 1
# label_replace does not do a sub-string match.
eval instant at 0m label_replace(testmetric, "dst", "destination-value-$1", "src", "value-(.*)")
testmetric{src="source-value-10",dst="original-destination-value"} 0
testmetric{src="source-value-20",dst="original-destination-value"} 1
# label_replace works with multiple capture groups.
eval instant at 0m label_replace(testmetric, "dst", "$1-value-$2", "src", "(.*)-value-(.*)")
testmetric{src="source-value-10",dst="source-value-10"} 0
testmetric{src="source-value-20",dst="source-value-20"} 1
# label_replace does not overwrite the destination label if the source label
# does not exist.
eval instant at 0m label_replace(testmetric, "dst", "value-$1", "nonexistent-src", "source-value-(.*)")
testmetric{src="source-value-10",dst="original-destination-value"} 0
testmetric{src="source-value-20",dst="original-destination-value"} 1
# label_replace overwrites the destination label if the source label is empty,
# but matched.
eval instant at 0m label_replace(testmetric, "dst", "value-$1", "nonexistent-src", "(.*)")
testmetric{src="source-value-10",dst="value-"} 0
testmetric{src="source-value-20",dst="value-"} 1
# label_replace does not overwrite the destination label if the source label
# is not matched.
eval instant at 0m label_replace(testmetric, "dst", "value-$1", "src", "non-matching-regex")
testmetric{src="source-value-10",dst="original-destination-value"} 0
testmetric{src="source-value-20",dst="original-destination-value"} 1
# label_replace drops labels that are set to empty values.
eval instant at 0m label_replace(testmetric, "dst", "", "dst", ".*")
testmetric{src="source-value-10"} 0
testmetric{src="source-value-20"} 1
# label_replace fails when the regex is invalid.
eval_fail instant at 0m label_replace(testmetric, "dst", "value-$1", "src", "(.*")
# label_replace fails when the destination label name is not a valid Prometheus label name.
eval_fail instant at 0m label_replace(testmetric, "invalid-label-name", "", "src", "(.*)")
# label_replace fails when there would be duplicated identical output label sets.
eval_fail instant at 0m label_replace(testmetric, "src", "", "", "")
# Tests for vector, time and timestamp.
load 10s
metric 1 1
eval instant at 0s timestamp(metric)
{} 0
eval instant at 5s timestamp(metric)
{} 0
eval instant at 10s timestamp(metric)
{} 10
eval instant at 0m vector(1)
{} 1
eval instant at 0s vector(time())
{} 0
eval instant at 5s vector(time())
{} 5
eval instant at 60m vector(time())
{} 3600
# Tests for clamp_max and clamp_min().
load 5m
test_clamp{src="clamp-a"} -50
test_clamp{src="clamp-b"} 0
test_clamp{src="clamp-c"} 100
eval instant at 0m clamp_max(test_clamp, 75)
{src="clamp-a"} -50
{src="clamp-b"} 0
{src="clamp-c"} 75
eval instant at 0m clamp_min(test_clamp, -25)
{src="clamp-a"} -25
{src="clamp-b"} 0
{src="clamp-c"} 100
eval instant at 0m clamp_max(clamp_min(test_clamp, -20), 70)
{src="clamp-a"} -20
{src="clamp-b"} 0
{src="clamp-c"} 70
# Tests for sort/sort_desc.
load 5m
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="production"} 0+10x10
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="production"} 0+20x10
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="canary"} 0+30x10
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="canary"} 0+40x10
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="2", group="canary"} NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
http_requests{job="app-server", instance="0", group="production"} 0+50x10
http_requests{job="app-server", instance="1", group="production"} 0+60x10
http_requests{job="app-server", instance="0", group="canary"} 0+70x10
http_requests{job="app-server", instance="1", group="canary"} 0+80x10
eval_ordered instant at 50m sort(http_requests)
http_requests{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 100
http_requests{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 200
http_requests{group="canary", instance="0", job="api-server"} 300
http_requests{group="canary", instance="1", job="api-server"} 400
http_requests{group="production", instance="0", job="app-server"} 500
http_requests{group="production", instance="1", job="app-server"} 600
http_requests{group="canary", instance="0", job="app-server"} 700
http_requests{group="canary", instance="1", job="app-server"} 800
http_requests{group="canary", instance="2", job="api-server"} NaN
eval_ordered instant at 50m sort_desc(http_requests)
http_requests{group="canary", instance="1", job="app-server"} 800
http_requests{group="canary", instance="0", job="app-server"} 700
http_requests{group="production", instance="1", job="app-server"} 600
http_requests{group="production", instance="0", job="app-server"} 500
http_requests{group="canary", instance="1", job="api-server"} 400
http_requests{group="canary", instance="0", job="api-server"} 300
http_requests{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 200
http_requests{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 100
http_requests{group="canary", instance="2", job="api-server"} NaN
# Tests for holt_winters
# positive trends
load 10s
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="production"} 0+10x1000 100+30x1000
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="production"} 0+20x1000 200+30x1000
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="canary"} 0+30x1000 300+80x1000
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="canary"} 0+40x2000
eval instant at 8000s holt_winters(http_requests[1m], 0.01, 0.1)
{job="api-server", instance="0", group="production"} 8000
{job="api-server", instance="1", group="production"} 16000
{job="api-server", instance="0", group="canary"} 24000
{job="api-server", instance="1", group="canary"} 32000
# negative trends
load 10s
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="production"} 8000-10x1000
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="production"} 0-20x1000
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="canary"} 0+30x1000 300-80x1000
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="canary"} 0-40x1000 0+40x1000
eval instant at 8000s holt_winters(http_requests[1m], 0.01, 0.1)
{job="api-server", instance="0", group="production"} 0
{job="api-server", instance="1", group="production"} -16000
{job="api-server", instance="0", group="canary"} 24000
{job="api-server", instance="1", group="canary"} -32000
# Tests for stddev_over_time and stdvar_over_time.
load 10s
metric 0 8 8 2 3
eval instant at 1m stdvar_over_time(metric[1m])
{} 10.56
eval instant at 1m stddev_over_time(metric[1m])
{} 3.249615
# Tests for quantile_over_time
load 10s
data{test="two samples"} 0 1
data{test="three samples"} 0 1 2
data{test="uneven samples"} 0 1 4
eval instant at 1m quantile_over_time(0, data[1m])
{test="two samples"} 0
{test="three samples"} 0
{test="uneven samples"} 0
eval instant at 1m quantile_over_time(0.5, data[1m])
{test="two samples"} 0.5
{test="three samples"} 1
{test="uneven samples"} 1
eval instant at 1m quantile_over_time(0.75, data[1m])
{test="two samples"} 0.75
{test="three samples"} 1.5
{test="uneven samples"} 2.5
eval instant at 1m quantile_over_time(0.8, data[1m])
{test="two samples"} 0.8
{test="three samples"} 1.6
{test="uneven samples"} 2.8
eval instant at 1m quantile_over_time(1, data[1m])
{test="two samples"} 1
{test="three samples"} 2
{test="uneven samples"} 4
eval instant at 1m quantile_over_time(-1, data[1m])
{test="two samples"} -Inf
{test="three samples"} -Inf
{test="uneven samples"} -Inf
eval instant at 1m quantile_over_time(2, data[1m])
{test="two samples"} +Inf
{test="three samples"} +Inf
{test="uneven samples"} +Inf
# Test time-related functions.
eval instant at 0m year()
{} 1970
eval instant at 0m year(vector(1136239445))
{} 2006
eval instant at 0m month()
{} 1
eval instant at 0m month(vector(1136239445))
{} 1
eval instant at 0m day_of_month()
{} 1
eval instant at 0m day_of_month(vector(1136239445))
{} 2
# Thursday.
eval instant at 0m day_of_week()
{} 4
eval instant at 0m day_of_week(vector(1136239445))
{} 1
eval instant at 0m hour()
{} 0
eval instant at 0m hour(vector(1136239445))
{} 22
eval instant at 0m minute()
{} 0
eval instant at 0m minute(vector(1136239445))
{} 4
# 2008-12-31 23:59:59 just before leap second.
eval instant at 0m year(vector(1230767999))
{} 2008
# 2009-01-01 00:00:00 just after leap second.
eval instant at 0m year(vector(1230768000))
{} 2009
# 2016-02-29 23:59:59 Febuary 29th in leap year.
eval instant at 0m month(vector(1456790399)) + day_of_month(vector(1456790399)) / 100
{} 2.29
# 2016-03-01 00:00:00 March 1st in leap year.
eval instant at 0m month(vector(1456790400)) + day_of_month(vector(1456790400)) / 100
{} 3.01
# Febuary 1st 2016 in leap year.
eval instant at 0m days_in_month(vector(1454284800))
{} 29
# Febuary 1st 2017 not in leap year.
eval instant at 0m days_in_month(vector(1485907200))
{} 28