Matt T. Proud b3e34c6658 Implement batch database sample curator.
This commit introduces to Prometheus a batch database sample curator,
which corroborates the high watermarks for sample series against the
curation watermark table to see whether a curator of a given type
needs to be run.

The curator is an abstract executor, which runs various curation
strategies across the database.  It remarks the progress for each
type of curation processor that runs for a given sample series.

A curation procesor is responsible for effectuating the underlying
batch changes that are request.  In this commit, we introduce the
CompactionProcessor, which takes several bits of runtime metadata and
combine sparse sample entries in the database together to form larger
groups.  For instance, for a given series it would be possible to
have the curator effectuate the following grouping:

- Samples Older than Two Weeks: Grouped into Bunches of 10000
- Samples Older than One Week: Grouped into Bunches of 1000
- Samples Older than One Day: Grouped into Bunches of 100
- Samples Older than One Hour: Grouped into Bunches of 10

The benefits hereof of such a compaction are 1. a smaller search
space in the database keyspace, 2. better employment of compression
for repetious values, and 3. reduced seek times.
2013-04-27 17:38:18 +02:00

371 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Prometheus Team
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package metric
import (
dto ""
// watermarkFilter determines whether to include or exclude candidate
// values from the curation process by virtue of how old the high watermark is.
type watermarkFilter struct {
// curationState is the data store for curation remarks.
curationState raw.Persistence
// ignoreYoungerThan conveys this filter's policy of not working on elements
// younger than a given relative time duration. This is persisted to the
// curation remark database (curationState) to indicate how far a given
// policy of this type has progressed.
ignoreYoungerThan time.Duration
// processor is the post-processor that performs whatever action is desired on
// the data that is deemed valid to be worked on.
processor processor
// stop functions as the global stop channel for all future operations.
stop chan bool
// stopAt is used to determine the elegibility of series for compaction.
stopAt time.Time
// curator is responsible for effectuating a given curation policy across the
// stored samples on-disk. This is useful to compact sparse sample values into
// single sample entities to reduce keyspace load on the datastore.
type curator struct {
// stop functions as a channel that when empty allows the curator to operate.
// The moment a value is ingested inside of it, the curator goes into drain
// mode.
stop chan bool
// watermarkDecoder converts (dto.Fingerprint, dto.MetricHighWatermark) doubles
// into (model.Fingerprint, model.Watermark) doubles.
type watermarkDecoder struct{}
// watermarkOperator scans over the curator.samples table for metrics whose
// high watermark has been determined to be allowable for curation. This type
// is individually responsible for compaction.
// The scanning starts from CurationRemark.LastCompletionTimestamp and goes
// forward until the stop point or end of the series is reached.
type watermarkOperator struct {
// curationState is the data store for curation remarks.
curationState raw.Persistence
// diskFrontier models the available seekable ranges for the provided
// sampleIterator.
diskFrontier diskFrontier
// ignoreYoungerThan is passed into the curation remark for the given series.
ignoreYoungerThan time.Duration
// processor is responsible for executing a given stategy on the
// to-be-operated-on series.
processor processor
// sampleIterator is a snapshotted iterator for the time series.
sampleIterator leveldb.Iterator
// samples
samples raw.Persistence
// stopAt is a cue for when to stop mutating a given series.
stopAt time.Time
// newCurator builds a new curator for the given LevelDB databases.
func newCurator() curator {
return curator{
stop: make(chan bool),
// run facilitates the curation lifecycle.
// recencyThreshold represents the most recent time up to which values will be
// curated.
// curationState is the on-disk store where the curation remarks are made for
// how much progress has been made.
func (c curator) run(ignoreYoungerThan time.Duration, instant time.Time, processor processor, curationState, samples, watermarks *leveldb.LevelDBPersistence) (err error) {
defer func(t time.Time) {
duration := float64(time.Since(t))
labels := map[string]string{
cutOff: fmt.Sprint(ignoreYoungerThan),
processorName: processor.Name(),
result: success,
if err != nil {
labels[result] = failure
curationDuration.IncrementBy(labels, duration)
curationDurations.Add(labels, duration)
iterator := samples.NewIterator(true)
defer iterator.Close()
diskFrontier, err := newDiskFrontier(iterator)
if err != nil {
if diskFrontier == nil {
// No sample database exists; no work to do!
decoder := watermarkDecoder{}
filter := watermarkFilter{
curationState: curationState,
processor: processor,
ignoreYoungerThan: ignoreYoungerThan,
stop: c.stop,
stopAt: instant.Add(-1 * ignoreYoungerThan),
// Right now, the ability to stop a curation is limited to the beginning of
// each fingerprint cycle. It is impractical to cease the work once it has
// begun for a given series.
operator := watermarkOperator{
curationState: curationState,
diskFrontier: *diskFrontier,
processor: processor,
ignoreYoungerThan: ignoreYoungerThan,
sampleIterator: iterator,
samples: samples,
stopAt: instant.Add(-1 * ignoreYoungerThan),
_, err = watermarks.ForEach(decoder, filter, operator)
// drain instructs the curator to stop at the next convenient moment as to not
// introduce data inconsistencies.
func (c curator) drain() {
if len(c.stop) == 0 {
c.stop <- true
func (w watermarkDecoder) DecodeKey(in interface{}) (out interface{}, err error) {
key := &dto.Fingerprint{}
bytes := in.([]byte)
err = proto.Unmarshal(bytes, key)
if err != nil {
out = model.NewFingerprintFromDTO(key)
func (w watermarkDecoder) DecodeValue(in interface{}) (out interface{}, err error) {
dto := &dto.MetricHighWatermark{}
bytes := in.([]byte)
err = proto.Unmarshal(bytes, dto)
if err != nil {
out = model.NewWatermarkFromHighWatermarkDTO(dto)
func (w watermarkFilter) shouldStop() bool {
return len(w.stop) != 0
func getCurationRemark(states raw.Persistence, processor processor, ignoreYoungerThan time.Duration, fingerprint model.Fingerprint) (remark *model.CurationRemark, err error) {
rawSignature, err := processor.Signature()
if err != nil {
curationKey := model.CurationKey{
Fingerprint: fingerprint,
ProcessorMessageRaw: rawSignature,
ProcessorMessageTypeName: processor.Name(),
IgnoreYoungerThan: ignoreYoungerThan,
curationValue := &dto.CurationValue{}
rawKey := coding.NewProtocolBuffer(curationKey)
has, err := states.Has(rawKey)
if err != nil {
if !has {
rawCurationValue, err := states.Get(rawKey)
if err != nil {
err = proto.Unmarshal(rawCurationValue, curationValue)
if err != nil {
baseRemark := model.NewCurationRemarkFromDTO(curationValue)
remark = &baseRemark
func (w watermarkFilter) Filter(key, value interface{}) (r storage.FilterResult) {
defer func() {
labels := map[string]string{
cutOff: fmt.Sprint(w.ignoreYoungerThan),
result: strings.ToLower(r.String()),
processorName: w.processor.Name(),
if w.shouldStop() {
return storage.STOP
fingerprint := key.(model.Fingerprint)
curationRemark, err := getCurationRemark(w.curationState, w.processor, w.ignoreYoungerThan, fingerprint)
if err != nil {
if curationRemark == nil {
r = storage.ACCEPT
if !curationRemark.OlderThan(w.stopAt) {
return storage.SKIP
watermark := value.(model.Watermark)
if !curationRemark.OlderThan(watermark.Time) {
return storage.SKIP
curationConsistent, err := w.curationConsistent(fingerprint, watermark)
if err != nil {
if curationConsistent {
return storage.SKIP
return storage.ACCEPT
// curationConsistent determines whether the given metric is in a dirty state
// and needs curation.
func (w watermarkFilter) curationConsistent(f model.Fingerprint, watermark model.Watermark) (consistent bool, err error) {
curationRemark, err := getCurationRemark(w.curationState, w.processor, w.ignoreYoungerThan, f)
if err != nil {
if !curationRemark.OlderThan(watermark.Time) {
consistent = true
func (w watermarkOperator) Operate(key, _ interface{}) (oErr *storage.OperatorError) {
fingerprint := key.(model.Fingerprint)
seriesFrontier, err := newSeriesFrontier(fingerprint, w.diskFrontier, w.sampleIterator)
if err != nil || seriesFrontier == nil {
// An anomaly with the series frontier is severe in the sense that some sort
// of an illegal state condition exists in the storage layer, which would
// probably signify an illegal disk frontier.
return &storage.OperatorError{err, false}
curationState, err := getCurationRemark(w.curationState, w.processor, w.ignoreYoungerThan, fingerprint)
if err != nil {
// An anomaly with the curation remark is likely not fatal in the sense that
// there was a decoding error with the entity and shouldn't be cause to stop
// work. The process will simply start from a pessimistic work time and
// work forward. With an idempotent processor, this is safe.
return &storage.OperatorError{err, true}
startKey := model.SampleKey{
Fingerprint: fingerprint,
FirstTimestamp: seriesFrontier.optimalStartTime(curationState),
prospectiveKey, err := coding.NewProtocolBuffer(startKey.ToDTO()).Encode()
if err != nil {
// An encoding failure of a key is no reason to stop.
return &storage.OperatorError{err, true}
if !w.sampleIterator.Seek(prospectiveKey) {
// LevelDB is picky about the seek ranges. If an iterator was invalidated,
// no work may occur, and the iterator cannot be recovered.
return &storage.OperatorError{fmt.Errorf("Illegal Condition: Iterator invalidated due to seek range."), false}
newestAllowedSample := w.stopAt
if !newestAllowedSample.Before(seriesFrontier.lastSupertime) {
newestAllowedSample = seriesFrontier.lastSupertime
lastTime, err := w.processor.Apply(w.sampleIterator, w.samples, newestAllowedSample, fingerprint)
if err != nil {
// We can't divine the severity of a processor error without refactoring the
// interface.
return &storage.OperatorError{err, false}
err = w.refreshCurationRemark(fingerprint, lastTime)
if err != nil {
// Under the assumption that the processors are idempotent, they can be
// re-run; thusly, the commitment of the curation remark is no cause
// to cease further progress.
return &storage.OperatorError{err, true}
func (w watermarkOperator) refreshCurationRemark(f model.Fingerprint, finished time.Time) (err error) {
signature, err := w.processor.Signature()
if err != nil {
curationKey := model.CurationKey{
Fingerprint: f,
ProcessorMessageRaw: signature,
ProcessorMessageTypeName: w.processor.Name(),
IgnoreYoungerThan: w.ignoreYoungerThan,
curationValue := model.CurationRemark{
LastCompletionTimestamp: finished,
err = w.curationState.Put(coding.NewProtocolBuffer(curationKey), coding.NewProtocolBuffer(curationValue))