mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 03:16:00 -08:00
Add --ignore-unknown-fields that ignores unknown fields in rule group
files. There are lots of tools in the ecosystem that "like" to extend
the rule group file structure but they are currently unreadable by
promtool if there's anything extra. The purpose of this flag is so that
we could use the "vanilla" promtool instead of rolling our own.
Some examples of tools/code:
8898eb3cc5/pkg/rules/rules.go (L18-L25)
Signed-off-by: Giedrius Statkevičius <giedrius.statkevicius@vinted.com>
699 lines
21 KiB
699 lines
21 KiB
// Copyright 2018 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
// RulesUnitTest does unit testing of rules based on the unit testing files provided.
// More info about the file format can be found in the docs.
func RulesUnitTest(queryOpts promqltest.LazyLoaderOpts, runStrings []string, diffFlag, debug, ignoreUnknownFields bool, files ...string) int {
return RulesUnitTestResult(io.Discard, queryOpts, runStrings, diffFlag, debug, ignoreUnknownFields, files...)
func RulesUnitTestResult(results io.Writer, queryOpts promqltest.LazyLoaderOpts, runStrings []string, diffFlag, debug, ignoreUnknownFields bool, files ...string) int {
failed := false
junit := &junitxml.JUnitXML{}
var run *regexp.Regexp
if runStrings != nil {
run = regexp.MustCompile(strings.Join(runStrings, "|"))
for _, f := range files {
if errs := ruleUnitTest(f, queryOpts, run, diffFlag, debug, ignoreUnknownFields, junit.Suite(f)); errs != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " FAILED:")
for _, e := range errs {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, e.Error())
failed = true
} else {
fmt.Println(" SUCCESS")
err := junit.WriteXML(results)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to write JUnit XML: %s\n", err)
if failed {
return failureExitCode
return successExitCode
func ruleUnitTest(filename string, queryOpts promqltest.LazyLoaderOpts, run *regexp.Regexp, diffFlag, debug, ignoreUnknownFields bool, ts *junitxml.TestSuite) []error {
b, err := os.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return []error{err}
var unitTestInp unitTestFile
if err := yaml.UnmarshalStrict(b, &unitTestInp); err != nil {
return []error{err}
if err := resolveAndGlobFilepaths(filepath.Dir(filename), &unitTestInp); err != nil {
return []error{err}
if unitTestInp.EvaluationInterval == 0 {
unitTestInp.EvaluationInterval = model.Duration(1 * time.Minute)
evalInterval := time.Duration(unitTestInp.EvaluationInterval)
// Giving number for groups mentioned in the file for ordering.
// Lower number group should be evaluated before higher number group.
groupOrderMap := make(map[string]int)
for i, gn := range unitTestInp.GroupEvalOrder {
if _, ok := groupOrderMap[gn]; ok {
err := fmt.Errorf("group name repeated in evaluation order: %s", gn)
return []error{err}
groupOrderMap[gn] = i
// Testing.
var errs []error
for i, t := range unitTestInp.Tests {
if !matchesRun(t.TestGroupName, run) {
testname := t.TestGroupName
if testname == "" {
testname = fmt.Sprintf("unnamed#%d", i)
tc := ts.Case(testname)
if t.Interval == 0 {
t.Interval = unitTestInp.EvaluationInterval
ers := t.test(testname, evalInterval, groupOrderMap, queryOpts, diffFlag, debug, ignoreUnknownFields, unitTestInp.RuleFiles...)
if ers != nil {
for _, e := range ers {
errs = append(errs, ers...)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
return nil
func matchesRun(name string, run *regexp.Regexp) bool {
if run == nil {
return true
return run.MatchString(name)
// unitTestFile holds the contents of a single unit test file.
type unitTestFile struct {
RuleFiles []string `yaml:"rule_files"`
EvaluationInterval model.Duration `yaml:"evaluation_interval,omitempty"`
GroupEvalOrder []string `yaml:"group_eval_order"`
Tests []testGroup `yaml:"tests"`
// resolveAndGlobFilepaths joins all relative paths in a configuration
// with a given base directory and replaces all globs with matching files.
func resolveAndGlobFilepaths(baseDir string, utf *unitTestFile) error {
for i, rf := range utf.RuleFiles {
if rf != "" && !filepath.IsAbs(rf) {
utf.RuleFiles[i] = filepath.Join(baseDir, rf)
var globbedFiles []string
for _, rf := range utf.RuleFiles {
m, err := filepath.Glob(rf)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(m) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " WARNING: no file match pattern", rf)
globbedFiles = append(globbedFiles, m...)
utf.RuleFiles = globbedFiles
return nil
// testGroup is a group of input series and tests associated with it.
type testGroup struct {
Interval model.Duration `yaml:"interval"`
InputSeries []series `yaml:"input_series"`
AlertRuleTests []alertTestCase `yaml:"alert_rule_test,omitempty"`
PromqlExprTests []promqlTestCase `yaml:"promql_expr_test,omitempty"`
ExternalLabels labels.Labels `yaml:"external_labels,omitempty"`
ExternalURL string `yaml:"external_url,omitempty"`
TestGroupName string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
// test performs the unit tests.
func (tg *testGroup) test(testname string, evalInterval time.Duration, groupOrderMap map[string]int, queryOpts promqltest.LazyLoaderOpts, diffFlag, debug, ignoreUnknownFields bool, ruleFiles ...string) (outErr []error) {
if debug {
testStart := time.Now()
fmt.Printf("DEBUG: Starting test %s\n", testname)
defer func() {
fmt.Printf("DEBUG: Test %s finished, took %v\n", testname, time.Since(testStart))
// Setup testing suite.
suite, err := promqltest.NewLazyLoader(tg.seriesLoadingString(), queryOpts)
if err != nil {
return []error{err}
defer func() {
err := suite.Close()
if err != nil {
outErr = append(outErr, err)
suite.SubqueryInterval = evalInterval
// Load the rule files.
opts := &rules.ManagerOptions{
QueryFunc: rules.EngineQueryFunc(suite.QueryEngine(), suite.Storage()),
Appendable: suite.Storage(),
Context: context.Background(),
NotifyFunc: func(ctx context.Context, expr string, alerts ...*rules.Alert) {},
Logger: promslog.NewNopLogger(),
m := rules.NewManager(opts)
groupsMap, ers := m.LoadGroups(time.Duration(tg.Interval), tg.ExternalLabels, tg.ExternalURL, nil, ignoreUnknownFields, ruleFiles...)
if ers != nil {
return ers
groups := orderedGroups(groupsMap, groupOrderMap)
// Bounds for evaluating the rules.
mint := time.Unix(0, 0).UTC()
maxt := mint.Add(tg.maxEvalTime())
// Pre-processing some data for testing alerts.
// All this preparation is so that we can test alerts as we evaluate the rules.
// This avoids storing them in memory, as the number of evals might be high.
// All the `eval_time` for which we have unit tests for alerts.
alertEvalTimesMap := map[model.Duration]struct{}{}
// Map of all the eval_time+alertname combination present in the unit tests.
alertsInTest := make(map[model.Duration]map[string]struct{})
// Map of all the unit tests for given eval_time.
alertTests := make(map[model.Duration][]alertTestCase)
for _, alert := range tg.AlertRuleTests {
if alert.Alertname == "" {
var testGroupLog string
if tg.TestGroupName != "" {
testGroupLog = fmt.Sprintf(" (in TestGroup %s)", tg.TestGroupName)
return []error{fmt.Errorf("an item under alert_rule_test misses required attribute alertname at eval_time %v%s", alert.EvalTime, testGroupLog)}
alertEvalTimesMap[alert.EvalTime] = struct{}{}
if _, ok := alertsInTest[alert.EvalTime]; !ok {
alertsInTest[alert.EvalTime] = make(map[string]struct{})
alertsInTest[alert.EvalTime][alert.Alertname] = struct{}{}
alertTests[alert.EvalTime] = append(alertTests[alert.EvalTime], alert)
alertEvalTimes := make([]model.Duration, 0, len(alertEvalTimesMap))
for k := range alertEvalTimesMap {
alertEvalTimes = append(alertEvalTimes, k)
sort.Slice(alertEvalTimes, func(i, j int) bool {
return alertEvalTimes[i] < alertEvalTimes[j]
// Current index in alertEvalTimes what we are looking at.
curr := 0
for _, g := range groups {
for _, r := range g.Rules() {
if alertRule, ok := r.(*rules.AlertingRule); ok {
// Mark alerting rules as restored, to ensure the ALERTS timeseries is
// created when they run.
var errs []error
for ts := mint; ts.Before(maxt) || ts.Equal(maxt); ts = ts.Add(evalInterval) {
// Collects the alerts asked for unit testing.
var evalErrs []error
suite.WithSamplesTill(ts, func(err error) {
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
for _, g := range groups {
g.Eval(suite.Context(), ts)
for _, r := range g.Rules() {
if r.LastError() != nil {
evalErrs = append(evalErrs, fmt.Errorf(" rule: %s, time: %s, err: %w",
r.Name(), ts.Sub(time.Unix(0, 0).UTC()), r.LastError()))
errs = append(errs, evalErrs...)
// Only end testing at this point if errors occurred evaluating above,
// rather than any test failures already collected in errs.
if len(evalErrs) > 0 {
return errs
for {
if !(curr < len(alertEvalTimes) && ts.Sub(mint) <= time.Duration(alertEvalTimes[curr]) &&
time.Duration(alertEvalTimes[curr]) < ts.Add(evalInterval).Sub(mint)) {
// We need to check alerts for this time.
// If 'ts <= `eval_time=alertEvalTimes[curr]` < ts+evalInterval'
// then we compare alerts with the Eval at `ts`.
t := alertEvalTimes[curr]
presentAlerts := alertsInTest[t]
got := make(map[string]labelsAndAnnotations)
// Same Alert name can be present in multiple groups.
// Hence we collect them all to check against expected alerts.
for _, g := range groups {
grules := g.Rules()
for _, r := range grules {
ar, ok := r.(*rules.AlertingRule)
if !ok {
if _, ok := presentAlerts[ar.Name()]; !ok {
var alerts labelsAndAnnotations
for _, a := range ar.ActiveAlerts() {
if a.State == rules.StateFiring {
alerts = append(alerts, labelAndAnnotation{
Labels: a.Labels.Copy(),
Annotations: a.Annotations.Copy(),
got[ar.Name()] = append(got[ar.Name()], alerts...)
for _, testcase := range alertTests[t] {
// Checking alerts.
gotAlerts := got[testcase.Alertname]
var expAlerts labelsAndAnnotations
for _, a := range testcase.ExpAlerts {
// User gives only the labels from alerting rule, which doesn't
// include this label (added by Prometheus during Eval).
if a.ExpLabels == nil {
a.ExpLabels = make(map[string]string)
a.ExpLabels[labels.AlertName] = testcase.Alertname
expAlerts = append(expAlerts, labelAndAnnotation{
Labels: labels.FromMap(a.ExpLabels),
Annotations: labels.FromMap(a.ExpAnnotations),
if !cmp.Equal(expAlerts, gotAlerts, cmp.Comparer(labels.Equal)) {
var testName string
if tg.TestGroupName != "" {
testName = fmt.Sprintf(" name: %s,\n", tg.TestGroupName)
expString := indentLines(expAlerts.String(), " ")
gotString := indentLines(gotAlerts.String(), " ")
if diffFlag {
// If empty, populates an empty value
if gotAlerts.Len() == 0 {
gotAlerts = append(gotAlerts, labelAndAnnotation{
Labels: labels.Labels{},
Annotations: labels.Labels{},
// If empty, populates an empty value
if expAlerts.Len() == 0 {
expAlerts = append(expAlerts, labelAndAnnotation{
Labels: labels.Labels{},
Annotations: labels.Labels{},
diffOpts := jsondiff.DefaultConsoleOptions()
expAlertsJSON, err := json.Marshal(expAlerts)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("error marshaling expected %s alert: [%s]", tg.TestGroupName, err.Error()))
gotAlertsJSON, err := json.Marshal(gotAlerts)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("error marshaling received %s alert: [%s]", tg.TestGroupName, err.Error()))
res, diff := jsondiff.Compare(expAlertsJSON, gotAlertsJSON, &diffOpts)
if res != jsondiff.FullMatch {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("%s alertname: %s, time: %s, \n diff: %v",
testName, testcase.Alertname, testcase.EvalTime.String(), indentLines(diff, " ")))
} else {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("%s alertname: %s, time: %s, \n exp:%v, \n got:%v",
testName, testcase.Alertname, testcase.EvalTime.String(), expString, gotString))
// Checking promql expressions.
for _, testCase := range tg.PromqlExprTests {
got, err := query(suite.Context(), testCase.Expr, mint.Add(time.Duration(testCase.EvalTime)),
suite.QueryEngine(), suite.Queryable())
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf(" expr: %q, time: %s, err: %s", testCase.Expr,
testCase.EvalTime.String(), err.Error()))
var gotSamples []parsedSample
for _, s := range got {
gotSamples = append(gotSamples, parsedSample{
Labels: s.Metric.Copy(),
Value: s.F,
Histogram: promqltest.HistogramTestExpression(s.H),
var expSamples []parsedSample
for _, s := range testCase.ExpSamples {
lb, err := parser.ParseMetric(s.Labels)
var hist *histogram.FloatHistogram
if err == nil && s.Histogram != "" {
_, values, parseErr := parser.ParseSeriesDesc("{} " + s.Histogram)
switch {
case parseErr != nil:
err = parseErr
case len(values) != 1:
err = fmt.Errorf("expected 1 value, got %d", len(values))
case values[0].Histogram == nil:
err = fmt.Errorf("expected histogram, got %v", values[0])
hist = values[0].Histogram
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("labels %q: %w", s.Labels, err)
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf(" expr: %q, time: %s, err: %w", testCase.Expr,
testCase.EvalTime.String(), err))
continue Outer
expSamples = append(expSamples, parsedSample{
Labels: lb,
Value: s.Value,
Histogram: promqltest.HistogramTestExpression(hist),
sort.Slice(expSamples, func(i, j int) bool {
return labels.Compare(expSamples[i].Labels, expSamples[j].Labels) <= 0
sort.Slice(gotSamples, func(i, j int) bool {
return labels.Compare(gotSamples[i].Labels, gotSamples[j].Labels) <= 0
if !cmp.Equal(expSamples, gotSamples, cmp.Comparer(labels.Equal)) {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf(" expr: %q, time: %s,\n exp: %v\n got: %v", testCase.Expr,
testCase.EvalTime.String(), parsedSamplesString(expSamples), parsedSamplesString(gotSamples)))
if debug {
ts := tg.maxEvalTime()
// Potentially a test can be specified at a time with fractional seconds,
// which PromQL cannot represent, so round up to the next whole second.
ts = (ts + time.Second).Truncate(time.Second)
expr := fmt.Sprintf(`{__name__=~".+"}[%v]`, ts)
q, err := suite.QueryEngine().NewInstantQuery(context.Background(), suite.Queryable(), nil, expr, mint.Add(ts))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("DEBUG: Failed querying, expr: %q, err: %v\n", expr, err)
return errs
res := q.Exec(suite.Context())
if res.Err != nil {
fmt.Printf("DEBUG: Failed query exec, expr: %q, err: %v\n", expr, res.Err)
return errs
switch v := res.Value.(type) {
case promql.Matrix:
fmt.Printf("DEBUG: Dump of all data (input_series and rules) at %v:\n", ts)
fmt.Printf("DEBUG: Got unexpected type %T\n", v)
return errs
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
return nil
// seriesLoadingString returns the input series in PromQL notation.
func (tg *testGroup) seriesLoadingString() string {
result := fmt.Sprintf("load %v\n", shortDuration(tg.Interval))
for _, is := range tg.InputSeries {
result += fmt.Sprintf(" %v %v\n", is.Series, is.Values)
return result
func shortDuration(d model.Duration) string {
s := d.String()
if strings.HasSuffix(s, "m0s") {
s = s[:len(s)-2]
if strings.HasSuffix(s, "h0m") {
s = s[:len(s)-2]
return s
// orderedGroups returns a slice of `*rules.Group` from `groupsMap` which follows the order
// mentioned by `groupOrderMap`. NOTE: This is partial ordering.
func orderedGroups(groupsMap map[string]*rules.Group, groupOrderMap map[string]int) []*rules.Group {
groups := make([]*rules.Group, 0, len(groupsMap))
for _, g := range groupsMap {
groups = append(groups, g)
sort.Slice(groups, func(i, j int) bool {
return groupOrderMap[groups[i].Name()] < groupOrderMap[groups[j].Name()]
return groups
// maxEvalTime returns the max eval time among all alert and promql unit tests.
func (tg *testGroup) maxEvalTime() time.Duration {
var maxd model.Duration
for _, alert := range tg.AlertRuleTests {
if alert.EvalTime > maxd {
maxd = alert.EvalTime
for _, pet := range tg.PromqlExprTests {
if pet.EvalTime > maxd {
maxd = pet.EvalTime
return time.Duration(maxd)
func query(ctx context.Context, qs string, t time.Time, engine *promql.Engine, qu storage.Queryable) (promql.Vector, error) {
q, err := engine.NewInstantQuery(ctx, qu, nil, qs, t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res := q.Exec(ctx)
if res.Err != nil {
return nil, res.Err
switch v := res.Value.(type) {
case promql.Vector:
return v, nil
case promql.Scalar:
return promql.Vector{promql.Sample{
T: v.T,
F: v.V,
Metric: labels.Labels{},
}}, nil
return nil, errors.New("rule result is not a vector or scalar")
// indentLines prefixes each line in the supplied string with the given "indent"
// string.
func indentLines(lines, indent string) string {
sb := strings.Builder{}
n := strings.Split(lines, "\n")
for i, l := range n {
if i > 0 {
if i != len(n)-1 {
return sb.String()
type labelsAndAnnotations []labelAndAnnotation
func (la labelsAndAnnotations) Len() int { return len(la) }
func (la labelsAndAnnotations) Swap(i, j int) { la[i], la[j] = la[j], la[i] }
func (la labelsAndAnnotations) Less(i, j int) bool {
diff := labels.Compare(la[i].Labels, la[j].Labels)
if diff != 0 {
return diff < 0
return labels.Compare(la[i].Annotations, la[j].Annotations) < 0
func (la labelsAndAnnotations) String() string {
if len(la) == 0 {
return "[]"
s := "[\n0:" + indentLines("\n"+la[0].String(), " ")
for i, l := range la[1:] {
s += ",\n" + strconv.Itoa(i+1) + ":" + indentLines("\n"+l.String(), " ")
s += "\n]"
return s
type labelAndAnnotation struct {
Labels labels.Labels
Annotations labels.Labels
func (la *labelAndAnnotation) String() string {
return "Labels:" + la.Labels.String() + "\nAnnotations:" + la.Annotations.String()
type series struct {
Series string `yaml:"series"`
Values string `yaml:"values"`
type alertTestCase struct {
EvalTime model.Duration `yaml:"eval_time"`
Alertname string `yaml:"alertname"`
ExpAlerts []alert `yaml:"exp_alerts"`
type alert struct {
ExpLabels map[string]string `yaml:"exp_labels"`
ExpAnnotations map[string]string `yaml:"exp_annotations"`
type promqlTestCase struct {
Expr string `yaml:"expr"`
EvalTime model.Duration `yaml:"eval_time"`
ExpSamples []sample `yaml:"exp_samples"`
type sample struct {
Labels string `yaml:"labels"`
Value float64 `yaml:"value"`
Histogram string `yaml:"histogram"` // A non-empty string means Value is ignored.
// parsedSample is a sample with parsed Labels.
type parsedSample struct {
Labels labels.Labels
Value float64
Histogram string // TestExpression() of histogram.FloatHistogram
func parsedSamplesString(pss []parsedSample) string {
if len(pss) == 0 {
return "nil"
s := pss[0].String()
for _, ps := range pss[1:] {
s += ", " + ps.String()
return s
func (ps *parsedSample) String() string {
if ps.Histogram != "" {
return ps.Labels.String() + " " + ps.Histogram
return ps.Labels.String() + " " + strconv.FormatFloat(ps.Value, 'E', -1, 64)