mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:59:13 -08:00
Changes to the UI: - "Active Since" timestamps are now human-readable. - Alerting rules are now pretty-printed better. - Labels are no longer just strings, but alert bubbles (like we do on the status page for base labels). - Alert states and target health states are now capitalized in the presentation layer rather than at the source.
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494 lines
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// Copyright 2013 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package retrieval
import (
clientmodel "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/model"
const (
// ScrapeHealthMetricName is the metric name for the synthetic health
// variable.
scrapeHealthMetricName clientmodel.LabelValue = "up"
// ScrapeTimeMetricName is the metric name for the synthetic scrape duration
// variable.
scrapeDurationMetricName clientmodel.LabelValue = "scrape_duration_seconds"
// Capacity of the channel to buffer samples during ingestion.
ingestedSamplesCap = 256
// Constants for instrumentation.
namespace = "prometheus"
interval = "interval"
var (
errIngestChannelFull = errors.New("ingestion channel full")
targetIntervalLength = prometheus.NewSummaryVec(
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "target_interval_length_seconds",
Help: "Actual intervals between scrapes.",
Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.01: 0.001, 0.05: 0.005, 0.5: 0.05, 0.90: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001},
func init() {
// TargetHealth describes the health state of a target.
type TargetHealth int
func (t TargetHealth) String() string {
switch t {
case HealthUnknown:
return "unknown"
case HealthGood:
return "healthy"
case HealthBad:
return "unhealthy"
panic("unknown state")
const (
// Unknown is the state of a Target before it is first scraped.
HealthUnknown TargetHealth = iota
// Healthy is the state of a Target that has been successfully scraped.
// Unhealthy is the state of a Target that was scraped unsuccessfully.
// TargetStatus contains information about the current status of a scrape target.
type TargetStatus struct {
lastError error
lastScrape time.Time
health TargetHealth
mu sync.RWMutex
// LastError returns the error encountered during the last scrape.
func (ts *TargetStatus) LastError() error {
defer ts.mu.RUnlock()
return ts.lastError
// LastScrape returns the time of the last scrape.
func (ts *TargetStatus) LastScrape() time.Time {
defer ts.mu.RUnlock()
return ts.lastScrape
// Health returns the last known health state of the target.
func (ts *TargetStatus) Health() TargetHealth {
defer ts.mu.RUnlock()
return ts.health
func (ts *TargetStatus) setLastScrape(t time.Time) {
defer ts.mu.Unlock()
ts.lastScrape = t
func (ts *TargetStatus) setLastError(err error) {
defer ts.mu.Unlock()
if err == nil {
ts.health = HealthGood
} else {
ts.health = HealthBad
ts.lastError = err
// Target refers to a singular HTTP or HTTPS endpoint.
type Target struct {
// The status object for the target. It is only set once on initialization.
status *TargetStatus
// The HTTP client used to scrape the target's endpoint.
httpClient *http.Client
// Closing scraperStopping signals that scraping should stop.
scraperStopping chan struct{}
// Closing scraperStopped signals that scraping has been stopped.
scraperStopped chan struct{}
// Channel to buffer ingested samples.
ingestedSamples chan clientmodel.Samples
// Metric relabel configuration.
metricRelabelConfigs []*config.RelabelConfig
// Mutex protects the members below.
// url is the URL to be scraped. Its host is immutable.
url *url.URL
// Labels before any processing.
metaLabels clientmodel.LabelSet
// Any base labels that are added to this target and its metrics.
baseLabels clientmodel.LabelSet
// What is the deadline for the HTTP or HTTPS against this endpoint.
deadline time.Duration
// The time between two scrapes.
scrapeInterval time.Duration
// Whether the target's labels have precedence over the base labels
// assigned by the scraping instance.
honorLabels bool
// NewTarget creates a reasonably configured target for querying.
func NewTarget(cfg *config.ScrapeConfig, baseLabels, metaLabels clientmodel.LabelSet) *Target {
t := &Target{
url: &url.URL{
Host: string(baseLabels[clientmodel.AddressLabel]),
status: &TargetStatus{},
scraperStopping: make(chan struct{}),
scraperStopped: make(chan struct{}),
t.Update(cfg, baseLabels, metaLabels)
return t
// Status returns the status of the target.
func (t *Target) Status() *TargetStatus {
return t.status
// Update overwrites settings in the target that are derived from the job config
// it belongs to.
func (t *Target) Update(cfg *config.ScrapeConfig, baseLabels, metaLabels clientmodel.LabelSet) {
defer t.Unlock()
t.url.Scheme = cfg.Scheme
t.url.Path = string(baseLabels[clientmodel.MetricsPathLabel])
if cfg.BasicAuth != nil {
t.url.User = url.UserPassword(cfg.BasicAuth.Username, cfg.BasicAuth.Password)
t.url.RawQuery = cfg.Params.Encode()
t.scrapeInterval = time.Duration(cfg.ScrapeInterval)
t.deadline = time.Duration(cfg.ScrapeTimeout)
t.httpClient = httputil.NewDeadlineClient(time.Duration(cfg.ScrapeTimeout))
t.honorLabels = cfg.HonorLabels
t.metaLabels = metaLabels
t.baseLabels = clientmodel.LabelSet{}
// All remaining internal labels will not be part of the label set.
for name, val := range baseLabels {
if !strings.HasPrefix(string(name), clientmodel.ReservedLabelPrefix) {
t.baseLabels[name] = val
if _, ok := t.baseLabels[clientmodel.InstanceLabel]; !ok {
t.baseLabels[clientmodel.InstanceLabel] = clientmodel.LabelValue(t.InstanceIdentifier())
t.metricRelabelConfigs = cfg.MetricRelabelConfigs
func (t *Target) String() string {
return t.url.Host
// Ingest implements an extraction.Ingester.
func (t *Target) Ingest(s clientmodel.Samples) error {
deadline := t.deadline
// Since the regular case is that ingestedSamples is ready to receive,
// first try without setting a timeout so that we don't need to allocate
// a timer most of the time.
select {
case t.ingestedSamples <- s:
return nil
select {
case t.ingestedSamples <- s:
return nil
case <-time.After(deadline / 10):
return errIngestChannelFull
// Ensure that Target implements extraction.Ingester at compile time.
var _ extraction.Ingester = (*Target)(nil)
// RunScraper implements Target.
func (t *Target) RunScraper(sampleAppender storage.SampleAppender) {
defer close(t.scraperStopped)
lastScrapeInterval := t.scrapeInterval
log.Debugf("Starting scraper for target %v...", t)
jitterTimer := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(float64(lastScrapeInterval) * rand.Float64()))
select {
case <-jitterTimer.C:
case <-t.scraperStopping:
ticker := time.NewTicker(lastScrapeInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
// Explanation of the contraption below:
// In case t.scraperStopping has something to receive, we want to read
// from that channel rather than starting a new scrape (which might take very
// long). That's why the outer select has no ticker.C. Should t.scraperStopping
// not have anything to receive, we go into the inner select, where ticker.C
// is in the mix.
for {
select {
case <-t.scraperStopping:
select {
case <-t.scraperStopping:
case <-ticker.C:
took := time.Since(t.status.LastScrape())
intervalStr := lastScrapeInterval.String()
// On changed scrape interval the new interval becomes effective
// after the next scrape.
if lastScrapeInterval != t.scrapeInterval {
ticker = time.NewTicker(t.scrapeInterval)
lastScrapeInterval = t.scrapeInterval
float64(took) / float64(time.Second), // Sub-second precision.
// StopScraper implements Target.
func (t *Target) StopScraper() {
log.Debugf("Stopping scraper for target %v...", t)
log.Debugf("Scraper for target %v stopped.", t)
const acceptHeader = `application/vnd.google.protobuf;proto=io.prometheus.client.MetricFamily;encoding=delimited;q=0.7,text/plain;version=0.0.4;q=0.3,application/json;schema="prometheus/telemetry";version=0.0.2;q=0.2,*/*;q=0.1`
func (t *Target) scrape(sampleAppender storage.SampleAppender) (err error) {
start := time.Now()
baseLabels := t.BaseLabels()
defer func() {
recordScrapeHealth(sampleAppender, clientmodel.TimestampFromTime(start), baseLabels, t.status.Health(), time.Since(start))
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", t.URL().String(), nil)
if err != nil {
req.Header.Add("Accept", acceptHeader)
resp, err := t.httpClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return fmt.Errorf("server returned HTTP status %s", resp.Status)
processor, err := extraction.ProcessorForRequestHeader(resp.Header)
if err != nil {
return err
t.ingestedSamples = make(chan clientmodel.Samples, ingestedSamplesCap)
processOptions := &extraction.ProcessOptions{
Timestamp: clientmodel.TimestampFromTime(start),
go func() {
err = processor.ProcessSingle(resp.Body, t, processOptions)
for samples := range t.ingestedSamples {
for _, s := range samples {
if t.honorLabels {
// Merge the metric with the baseLabels for labels not already set in the
// metric. This also considers labels explicitly set to the empty string.
for ln, lv := range baseLabels {
if _, ok := s.Metric[ln]; !ok {
s.Metric[ln] = lv
} else {
// Merge the ingested metric with the base label set. On a collision the
// value of the label is stored in a label prefixed with the exported prefix.
for ln, lv := range baseLabels {
if v, ok := s.Metric[ln]; ok && v != "" {
s.Metric[clientmodel.ExportedLabelPrefix+ln] = v
s.Metric[ln] = lv
// Avoid the copy in Relabel if there are no configs.
if len(t.metricRelabelConfigs) > 0 {
labels, err := Relabel(clientmodel.LabelSet(s.Metric), t.metricRelabelConfigs...)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error while relabeling metric %s of instance %s: %s", s.Metric, t.url, err)
// Check if the timeseries was dropped.
if labels == nil {
s.Metric = clientmodel.Metric(labels)
return err
// URL returns a copy of the target's URL.
func (t *Target) URL() *url.URL {
defer t.RUnlock()
u := &url.URL{}
*u = *t.url
return u
// InstanceIdentifier returns the identifier for the target.
func (t *Target) InstanceIdentifier() string {
return t.url.Host
// fullLabels returns the base labels plus internal labels defining the target.
func (t *Target) fullLabels() clientmodel.LabelSet {
defer t.RUnlock()
lset := make(clientmodel.LabelSet, len(t.baseLabels)+2)
for ln, lv := range t.baseLabels {
lset[ln] = lv
lset[clientmodel.MetricsPathLabel] = clientmodel.LabelValue(t.url.Path)
lset[clientmodel.AddressLabel] = clientmodel.LabelValue(t.url.Host)
return lset
// BaseLabels returns a copy of the target's base labels.
func (t *Target) BaseLabels() clientmodel.LabelSet {
defer t.RUnlock()
lset := make(clientmodel.LabelSet, len(t.baseLabels))
for ln, lv := range t.baseLabels {
lset[ln] = lv
return lset
// MetaLabels returns a copy of the target's labels before any processing.
func (t *Target) MetaLabels() clientmodel.LabelSet {
defer t.RUnlock()
lset := make(clientmodel.LabelSet, len(t.metaLabels))
for ln, lv := range t.metaLabels {
lset[ln] = lv
return lset
func recordScrapeHealth(
sampleAppender storage.SampleAppender,
timestamp clientmodel.Timestamp,
baseLabels clientmodel.LabelSet,
health TargetHealth,
scrapeDuration time.Duration,
) {
healthMetric := make(clientmodel.Metric, len(baseLabels)+1)
durationMetric := make(clientmodel.Metric, len(baseLabels)+1)
healthMetric[clientmodel.MetricNameLabel] = clientmodel.LabelValue(scrapeHealthMetricName)
durationMetric[clientmodel.MetricNameLabel] = clientmodel.LabelValue(scrapeDurationMetricName)
for label, value := range baseLabels {
healthMetric[label] = value
durationMetric[label] = value
healthValue := clientmodel.SampleValue(0)
if health == HealthGood {
healthValue = clientmodel.SampleValue(1)
healthSample := &clientmodel.Sample{
Metric: healthMetric,
Timestamp: timestamp,
Value: healthValue,
durationSample := &clientmodel.Sample{
Metric: durationMetric,
Timestamp: timestamp,
Value: clientmodel.SampleValue(float64(scrapeDuration) / float64(time.Second)),