mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:59:13 -08:00
The basic idea here is that the previous code was always doing incremental calculation of the mean value, which is more costly and can be less precise. It protects against overflows, but in most cases, an overflow doesn't happen anyway. The other idea applied here is to expand on #14074, where Kahan summation was applied to sum(). With this commit, the average is calculated in a conventional way (adding everything up and divide in the end) as long as the sum isn't overflowing float64. This is combined with Kahan summation so that the avg aggregation, in most cases, is really equivalent to the sum aggregation with a following division (which is the user's expectation as avg is supposed to be syntactic sugar for sum with a following divison). If the sum hits ±Inf, the calculation reverts to incremental calculation of the mean value. Kahan summation is also applied here, although it cannot fully compensate for the numerical errors introduced by the incremental mean calculation. (The tests added in this commit would fail if incremental mean calculation was always used.) Signed-off-by: beorn7 <beorn@grafana.com>
575 lines
20 KiB
575 lines
20 KiB
load 5m
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="production"} 0+10x10
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="production"} 0+20x10
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="canary"} 0+30x10
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="canary"} 0+40x10
http_requests{job="app-server", instance="0", group="production"} 0+50x10
http_requests{job="app-server", instance="1", group="production"} 0+60x10
http_requests{job="app-server", instance="0", group="canary"} 0+70x10
http_requests{job="app-server", instance="1", group="canary"} 0+80x10
load 5m
foo{job="api-server", instance="0", region="europe"} 0+90x10
foo{job="api-server"} 0+100x10
# Simple sum.
eval instant at 50m SUM BY (group) (http_requests{job="api-server"})
{group="canary"} 700
{group="production"} 300
eval instant at 50m SUM BY (group) (((http_requests{job="api-server"})))
{group="canary"} 700
{group="production"} 300
# Test alternative "by"-clause order.
eval instant at 50m sum by (group) (http_requests{job="api-server"})
{group="canary"} 700
{group="production"} 300
# Simple average.
eval instant at 50m avg by (group) (http_requests{job="api-server"})
{group="canary"} 350
{group="production"} 150
# Simple count.
eval instant at 50m count by (group) (http_requests{job="api-server"})
{group="canary"} 2
{group="production"} 2
# Simple without.
eval instant at 50m sum without (instance) (http_requests{job="api-server"})
{group="canary",job="api-server"} 700
{group="production",job="api-server"} 300
# Empty by.
eval instant at 50m sum by () (http_requests{job="api-server"})
{} 1000
# No by/without.
eval instant at 50m sum(http_requests{job="api-server"})
{} 1000
# Empty without.
eval instant at 50m sum without () (http_requests{job="api-server",group="production"})
{group="production",job="api-server",instance="0"} 100
{group="production",job="api-server",instance="1"} 200
# Without with mismatched and missing labels. Do not do this.
eval instant at 50m sum without (instance) (http_requests{job="api-server"} or foo)
{group="canary",job="api-server"} 700
{group="production",job="api-server"} 300
{region="europe",job="api-server"} 900
{job="api-server"} 1000
# Lower-cased aggregation operators should work too.
eval instant at 50m sum(http_requests) by (job) + min(http_requests) by (job) + max(http_requests) by (job) + avg(http_requests) by (job)
{job="app-server"} 4550
{job="api-server"} 1750
# Test alternative "by"-clause order.
eval instant at 50m sum by (group) (http_requests{job="api-server"})
{group="canary"} 700
{group="production"} 300
# Test both alternative "by"-clause orders in one expression.
# Public health warning: stick to one form within an expression (or even
# in an organization), or risk serious user confusion.
eval instant at 50m sum(sum by (group) (http_requests{job="api-server"})) by (job)
{} 1000
eval instant at 50m SUM(http_requests)
{} 3600
eval instant at 50m SUM(http_requests{instance="0"}) BY(job)
{job="api-server"} 400
{job="app-server"} 1200
eval instant at 50m SUM(http_requests) BY (job)
{job="api-server"} 1000
{job="app-server"} 2600
# Non-existent labels mentioned in BY-clauses shouldn't propagate to output.
eval instant at 50m SUM(http_requests) BY (job, nonexistent)
{job="api-server"} 1000
{job="app-server"} 2600
eval instant at 50m COUNT(http_requests) BY (job)
{job="api-server"} 4
{job="app-server"} 4
eval instant at 50m SUM(http_requests) BY (job, group)
{group="canary", job="api-server"} 700
{group="canary", job="app-server"} 1500
{group="production", job="api-server"} 300
{group="production", job="app-server"} 1100
eval instant at 50m AVG(http_requests) BY (job)
{job="api-server"} 250
{job="app-server"} 650
eval instant at 50m MIN(http_requests) BY (job)
{job="api-server"} 100
{job="app-server"} 500
eval instant at 50m MAX(http_requests) BY (job)
{job="api-server"} 400
{job="app-server"} 800
eval instant at 50m abs(-1 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"})
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 100
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 200
eval instant at 50m floor(0.004 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"})
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 0
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 0
eval instant at 50m ceil(0.004 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"})
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 1
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 1
eval instant at 50m round(0.004 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"})
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 0
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 1
# Round should correctly handle negative numbers.
eval instant at 50m round(-1 * (0.004 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"}))
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 0
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} -1
# Round should round half up.
eval instant at 50m round(0.005 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"})
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 1
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 1
eval instant at 50m round(-1 * (0.005 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"}))
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 0
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} -1
eval instant at 50m round(1 + 0.005 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"})
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 2
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 2
eval instant at 50m round(-1 * (1 + 0.005 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"}))
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} -1
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} -2
# Round should accept the number to round nearest to.
eval instant at 50m round(0.0005 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"}, 0.1)
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 0.1
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 0.1
eval instant at 50m round(2.1 + 0.0005 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"}, 0.1)
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 2.2
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 2.2
eval instant at 50m round(5.2 + 0.0005 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"}, 0.1)
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 5.3
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 5.3
# Round should work correctly with negative numbers and multiple decimal places.
eval instant at 50m round(-1 * (5.2 + 0.0005 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"}), 0.1)
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} -5.2
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} -5.3
# Round should work correctly with big toNearests.
eval instant at 50m round(0.025 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"}, 5)
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 5
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 5
eval instant at 50m round(0.045 * http_requests{group="production",job="api-server"}, 5)
{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 5
{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 10
# Standard deviation and variance.
eval instant at 50m stddev(http_requests)
{} 229.12878474779
eval instant at 50m stddev by (instance)(http_requests)
{instance="0"} 223.60679774998
{instance="1"} 223.60679774998
eval instant at 50m stdvar(http_requests)
{} 52500
eval instant at 50m stdvar by (instance)(http_requests)
{instance="0"} 50000
{instance="1"} 50000
# Float precision test for standard deviation and variance
load 5m
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="production"} 0+1.33x10
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="production"} 0+1.33x10
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="canary"} 0+1.33x10
eval instant at 50m stddev(http_requests)
{} 0.0
eval instant at 50m stdvar(http_requests)
{} 0.0
# Regression test for missing separator byte in labelsToGroupingKey.
load 5m
label_grouping_test{a="aa", b="bb"} 0+10x10
label_grouping_test{a="a", b="abb"} 0+20x10
eval instant at 50m sum(label_grouping_test) by (a, b)
{a="a", b="abb"} 200
{a="aa", b="bb"} 100
# Tests for min/max.
load 5m
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="production"} 1
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="production"} 2
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="canary"} NaN
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="canary"} 3
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="2", group="canary"} 4
eval instant at 0m max(http_requests)
{} 4
eval instant at 0m min(http_requests)
{} 1
eval instant at 0m max by (group) (http_requests)
{group="production"} 2
{group="canary"} 4
eval instant at 0m min by (group) (http_requests)
{group="production"} 1
{group="canary"} 3
# Tests for topk/bottomk.
load 5m
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="production"} 0+10x10
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="production"} 0+20x10
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="2", group="production"} NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="canary"} 0+30x10
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="canary"} 0+40x10
http_requests{job="app-server", instance="0", group="production"} 0+50x10
http_requests{job="app-server", instance="1", group="production"} 0+60x10
http_requests{job="app-server", instance="0", group="canary"} 0+70x10
http_requests{job="app-server", instance="1", group="canary"} 0+80x10
foo 3+0x10
eval_ordered instant at 50m topk(3, http_requests)
http_requests{group="canary", instance="1", job="app-server"} 800
http_requests{group="canary", instance="0", job="app-server"} 700
http_requests{group="production", instance="1", job="app-server"} 600
eval_ordered instant at 50m topk((3), (http_requests))
http_requests{group="canary", instance="1", job="app-server"} 800
http_requests{group="canary", instance="0", job="app-server"} 700
http_requests{group="production", instance="1", job="app-server"} 600
eval_ordered instant at 50m topk(5, http_requests{group="canary",job="app-server"})
http_requests{group="canary", instance="1", job="app-server"} 800
http_requests{group="canary", instance="0", job="app-server"} 700
eval_ordered instant at 50m bottomk(3, http_requests)
http_requests{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 100
http_requests{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 200
http_requests{group="canary", instance="0", job="api-server"} 300
eval_ordered instant at 50m bottomk(5, http_requests{group="canary",job="app-server"})
http_requests{group="canary", instance="0", job="app-server"} 700
http_requests{group="canary", instance="1", job="app-server"} 800
eval instant at 50m topk by (group) (1, http_requests)
http_requests{group="production", instance="1", job="app-server"} 600
http_requests{group="canary", instance="1", job="app-server"} 800
eval instant at 50m bottomk by (group) (2, http_requests)
http_requests{group="canary", instance="0", job="api-server"} 300
http_requests{group="canary", instance="1", job="api-server"} 400
http_requests{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 100
http_requests{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 200
eval_ordered instant at 50m bottomk by (group) (2, http_requests{group="production"})
http_requests{group="production", instance="0", job="api-server"} 100
http_requests{group="production", instance="1", job="api-server"} 200
# Test NaN is sorted away from the top/bottom.
eval_ordered instant at 50m topk(3, http_requests{job="api-server",group="production"})
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="production"} 200
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="production"} 100
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="2", group="production"} NaN
eval_ordered instant at 50m bottomk(3, http_requests{job="api-server",group="production"})
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="production"} 100
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="production"} 200
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="2", group="production"} NaN
# Test topk and bottomk allocate min(k, input_vector) for results vector
eval_ordered instant at 50m bottomk(9999999999, http_requests{job="app-server",group="canary"})
http_requests{group="canary", instance="0", job="app-server"} 700
http_requests{group="canary", instance="1", job="app-server"} 800
eval_ordered instant at 50m topk(9999999999, http_requests{job="api-server",group="production"})
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="1", group="production"} 200
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="0", group="production"} 100
http_requests{job="api-server", instance="2", group="production"} NaN
# Bug #5276.
eval_ordered instant at 50m topk(scalar(foo), http_requests)
http_requests{group="canary", instance="1", job="app-server"} 800
http_requests{group="canary", instance="0", job="app-server"} 700
http_requests{group="production", instance="1", job="app-server"} 600
# Tests for count_values.
load 5m
version{job="api-server", instance="0", group="production"} 6
version{job="api-server", instance="1", group="production"} 6
version{job="api-server", instance="2", group="production"} 6
version{job="api-server", instance="0", group="canary"} 8
version{job="api-server", instance="1", group="canary"} 8
version{job="app-server", instance="0", group="production"} 6
version{job="app-server", instance="1", group="production"} 6
version{job="app-server", instance="0", group="canary"} 7
version{job="app-server", instance="1", group="canary"} 7
eval instant at 5m count_values("version", version)
{version="6"} 5
{version="7"} 2
{version="8"} 2
eval instant at 5m count_values(((("version"))), version)
{version="6"} 5
{version="7"} 2
{version="8"} 2
eval instant at 5m count_values without (instance)("version", version)
{job="api-server", group="production", version="6"} 3
{job="api-server", group="canary", version="8"} 2
{job="app-server", group="production", version="6"} 2
{job="app-server", group="canary", version="7"} 2
# Overwrite label with output. Don't do this.
eval instant at 5m count_values without (instance)("job", version)
{job="6", group="production"} 5
{job="8", group="canary"} 2
{job="7", group="canary"} 2
# Overwrite label with output. Don't do this.
eval instant at 5m count_values by (job, group)("job", version)
{job="6", group="production"} 5
{job="8", group="canary"} 2
{job="7", group="canary"} 2
# Tests for quantile.
load 10s
data{test="two samples",point="a"} 0
data{test="two samples",point="b"} 1
data{test="three samples",point="a"} 0
data{test="three samples",point="b"} 1
data{test="three samples",point="c"} 2
data{test="uneven samples",point="a"} 0
data{test="uneven samples",point="b"} 1
data{test="uneven samples",point="c"} 4
foo .8
eval instant at 1m quantile without(point)(0.8, data)
{test="two samples"} 0.8
{test="three samples"} 1.6
{test="uneven samples"} 2.8
# Bug #5276.
eval instant at 1m quantile without(point)(scalar(foo), data)
{test="two samples"} 0.8
{test="three samples"} 1.6
{test="uneven samples"} 2.8
eval instant at 1m quantile without(point)((scalar(foo)), data)
{test="two samples"} 0.8
{test="three samples"} 1.6
{test="uneven samples"} 2.8
eval_warn instant at 1m quantile without(point)(NaN, data)
{test="two samples"} NaN
{test="three samples"} NaN
{test="uneven samples"} NaN
# Tests for group.
load 10s
data{test="two samples",point="a"} 0
data{test="two samples",point="b"} 1
data{test="three samples",point="a"} 0
data{test="three samples",point="b"} 1
data{test="three samples",point="c"} 2
data{test="uneven samples",point="a"} 0
data{test="uneven samples",point="b"} 1
data{test="uneven samples",point="c"} 4
foo .8
eval instant at 1m group without(point)(data)
{test="two samples"} 1
{test="three samples"} 1
{test="uneven samples"} 1
eval instant at 1m group(foo)
{} 1
# Tests for avg.
load 10s
data{test="ten",point="a"} 8
data{test="ten",point="b"} 10
data{test="ten",point="c"} 12
data{test="inf",point="a"} 0
data{test="inf",point="b"} Inf
data{test="inf",point="d"} Inf
data{test="inf",point="c"} 0
data{test="-inf",point="a"} -Inf
data{test="-inf",point="b"} -Inf
data{test="-inf",point="c"} 0
data{test="inf2",point="a"} Inf
data{test="inf2",point="b"} 0
data{test="inf2",point="c"} Inf
data{test="-inf2",point="a"} -Inf
data{test="-inf2",point="b"} 0
data{test="-inf2",point="c"} -Inf
data{test="inf3",point="b"} Inf
data{test="inf3",point="d"} Inf
data{test="inf3",point="c"} Inf
data{test="inf3",point="d"} -Inf
data{test="-inf3",point="b"} -Inf
data{test="-inf3",point="d"} -Inf
data{test="-inf3",point="c"} -Inf
data{test="-inf3",point="c"} Inf
data{test="nan",point="a"} -Inf
data{test="nan",point="b"} 0
data{test="nan",point="c"} Inf
data{test="big",point="a"} 9.988465674311579e+307
data{test="big",point="b"} 9.988465674311579e+307
data{test="big",point="c"} 9.988465674311579e+307
data{test="big",point="d"} 9.988465674311579e+307
data{test="-big",point="a"} -9.988465674311579e+307
data{test="-big",point="b"} -9.988465674311579e+307
data{test="-big",point="c"} -9.988465674311579e+307
data{test="-big",point="d"} -9.988465674311579e+307
data{test="bigzero",point="a"} -9.988465674311579e+307
data{test="bigzero",point="b"} -9.988465674311579e+307
data{test="bigzero",point="c"} 9.988465674311579e+307
data{test="bigzero",point="d"} 9.988465674311579e+307
eval instant at 1m avg(data{test="ten"})
{} 10
eval instant at 1m avg(data{test="inf"})
{} Inf
eval instant at 1m avg(data{test="inf2"})
{} Inf
eval instant at 1m avg(data{test="inf3"})
{} NaN
eval instant at 1m avg(data{test="-inf"})
{} -Inf
eval instant at 1m avg(data{test="-inf2"})
{} -Inf
eval instant at 1m avg(data{test="-inf3"})
{} NaN
eval instant at 1m avg(data{test="nan"})
{} NaN
eval instant at 1m avg(data{test="big"})
{} 9.988465674311579e+307
eval instant at 1m avg(data{test="-big"})
{} -9.988465674311579e+307
eval instant at 1m avg(data{test="bigzero"})
{} 0
# Test summing and averaging extreme values.
load 10s
data{test="ten",point="a"} 2
data{test="ten",point="b"} 8
data{test="ten",point="c"} 1e+100
data{test="ten",point="d"} -1e100
data{test="pos_inf",group="1",point="a"} Inf
data{test="pos_inf",group="1",point="b"} 2
data{test="pos_inf",group="2",point="a"} 2
data{test="pos_inf",group="2",point="b"} Inf
data{test="neg_inf",group="1",point="a"} -Inf
data{test="neg_inf",group="1",point="b"} 2
data{test="neg_inf",group="2",point="a"} 2
data{test="neg_inf",group="2",point="b"} -Inf
data{test="inf_inf",point="a"} Inf
data{test="inf_inf",point="b"} -Inf
data{test="nan",group="1",point="a"} NaN
data{test="nan",group="1",point="b"} 2
data{test="nan",group="2",point="a"} 2
data{test="nan",group="2",point="b"} NaN
eval instant at 1m sum(data{test="ten"})
{} 10
eval instant at 1m avg(data{test="ten"})
{} 2.5
eval instant at 1m sum by (group) (data{test="pos_inf"})
{group="1"} Inf
{group="2"} Inf
eval instant at 1m avg by (group) (data{test="pos_inf"})
{group="1"} Inf
{group="2"} Inf
eval instant at 1m sum by (group) (data{test="neg_inf"})
{group="1"} -Inf
{group="2"} -Inf
eval instant at 1m avg by (group) (data{test="neg_inf"})
{group="1"} -Inf
{group="2"} -Inf
eval instant at 1m sum(data{test="inf_inf"})
{} NaN
eval instant at 1m avg(data{test="inf_inf"})
{} NaN
eval instant at 1m sum by (group) (data{test="nan"})
{group="1"} NaN
{group="2"} NaN
eval instant at 1m avg by (group) (data{test="nan"})
{group="1"} NaN
{group="2"} NaN
# Test that aggregations are deterministic.
# Commented because it is flaky in range mode.
#load 10s
# up{job="prometheus"} 1
# up{job="prometheus2"} 1
#eval instant at 1m count(topk(1,max(up) without()) == topk(1,max(up) without()) == topk(1,max(up) without()) == topk(1,max(up) without()) == topk(1,max(up) without()))
# {} 1