mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:59:13 -08:00
Perhaps it would be even better to still warn in case the sample value has changed but the timestamps are equal, but we don't have efficient access to the last value.
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// Copyright 2014 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package local contains the local time series storage used by Prometheus.
package local
import (
clientmodel "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/model"
const (
evictRequestsCap = 1024
chunkLen = 1024
// See waitForNextFP.
fpMaxSweepTime = 6 * time.Hour
fpMaxWaitDuration = 10 * time.Second
// See waitForNextFP.
maxEvictInterval = time.Minute
// If numChunskToPersist is this percentage of maxChunksToPersist, we
// consider the storage in "graceful degradation mode", i.e. we do not
// checkpoint anymore based on the dirty series count, and we do not
// sync series files anymore if using the adaptive sync strategy.
percentChunksToPersistForDegradation = 80
var (
numChunksToPersistDesc = prometheus.NewDesc(
prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, subsystem, "chunks_to_persist"),
"The current number of chunks waiting for persistence.",
nil, nil,
maxChunksToPersistDesc = prometheus.NewDesc(
prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, subsystem, "max_chunks_to_persist"),
"The maximum number of chunks that can be waiting for persistence before sample ingestion will stop.",
nil, nil,
type evictRequest struct {
cd *chunkDesc
evict bool
// SyncStrategy is an enum to select a sync strategy for series files.
type SyncStrategy int
// String implements flag.Value.
func (ss SyncStrategy) String() string {
switch ss {
case Adaptive:
return "adaptive"
case Always:
return "always"
case Never:
return "never"
return "<unknown>"
// Set implements flag.Value.
func (ss *SyncStrategy) Set(s string) error {
switch s {
case "adaptive":
*ss = Adaptive
case "always":
*ss = Always
case "never":
*ss = Never
return fmt.Errorf("invalid sync strategy: %s", s)
return nil
// Possible values for SyncStrategy.
const (
_ SyncStrategy = iota
// A syncStrategy is a function that returns whether series files should be
// synced or not. It does not need to be goroutine safe.
type syncStrategy func() bool
type memorySeriesStorage struct {
// numChunksToPersist has to be aligned for atomic operations.
numChunksToPersist int64 // The number of chunks waiting for persistence.
maxChunksToPersist int // If numChunksToPersist reaches this threshold, ingestion will stall.
degraded bool
fpLocker *fingerprintLocker
fpToSeries *seriesMap
options *MemorySeriesStorageOptions
loopStopping, loopStopped chan struct{}
maxMemoryChunks int
dropAfter time.Duration
checkpointInterval time.Duration
checkpointDirtySeriesLimit int
persistence *persistence
mapper *fpMapper
evictList *list.List
evictRequests chan evictRequest
evictStopping, evictStopped chan struct{}
persistErrors prometheus.Counter
numSeries prometheus.Gauge
seriesOps *prometheus.CounterVec
ingestedSamplesCount prometheus.Counter
outOfOrderSamplesCount prometheus.Counter
invalidPreloadRequestsCount prometheus.Counter
maintainSeriesDuration *prometheus.SummaryVec
// MemorySeriesStorageOptions contains options needed by
// NewMemorySeriesStorage. It is not safe to leave any of those at their zero
// values.
type MemorySeriesStorageOptions struct {
MemoryChunks int // How many chunks to keep in memory.
MaxChunksToPersist int // Max number of chunks waiting to be persisted.
PersistenceStoragePath string // Location of persistence files.
PersistenceRetentionPeriod time.Duration // Chunks at least that old are dropped.
CheckpointInterval time.Duration // How often to checkpoint the series map and head chunks.
CheckpointDirtySeriesLimit int // How many dirty series will trigger an early checkpoint.
Dirty bool // Force the storage to consider itself dirty on startup.
PedanticChecks bool // If dirty, perform crash-recovery checks on each series file.
SyncStrategy SyncStrategy // Which sync strategy to apply to series files.
// NewMemorySeriesStorage returns a newly allocated Storage. Storage.Serve still
// has to be called to start the storage.
func NewMemorySeriesStorage(o *MemorySeriesStorageOptions) Storage {
s := &memorySeriesStorage{
fpLocker: newFingerprintLocker(1024),
options: o,
loopStopping: make(chan struct{}),
loopStopped: make(chan struct{}),
maxMemoryChunks: o.MemoryChunks,
dropAfter: o.PersistenceRetentionPeriod,
checkpointInterval: o.CheckpointInterval,
checkpointDirtySeriesLimit: o.CheckpointDirtySeriesLimit,
maxChunksToPersist: o.MaxChunksToPersist,
evictList: list.New(),
evictRequests: make(chan evictRequest, evictRequestsCap),
evictStopping: make(chan struct{}),
evictStopped: make(chan struct{}),
persistErrors: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "persist_errors_total",
Help: "The total number of errors while persisting chunks.",
numSeries: prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "memory_series",
Help: "The current number of series in memory.",
seriesOps: prometheus.NewCounterVec(
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "series_ops_total",
Help: "The total number of series operations by their type.",
ingestedSamplesCount: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "ingested_samples_total",
Help: "The total number of samples ingested.",
outOfOrderSamplesCount: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "out_of_order_samples_total",
Help: "The total number of samples that were discarded because their timestamps were at or before the last received sample for a series.",
invalidPreloadRequestsCount: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "invalid_preload_requests_total",
Help: "The total number of preload requests referring to a non-existent series. This is an indication of outdated label indexes.",
maintainSeriesDuration: prometheus.NewSummaryVec(
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "maintain_series_duration_milliseconds",
Help: "The duration (in milliseconds) it took to perform maintenance on a series.",
return s
// Start implements Storage.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) Start() (err error) {
var syncStrategy syncStrategy
switch s.options.SyncStrategy {
case Never:
syncStrategy = func() bool { return false }
case Always:
syncStrategy = func() bool { return true }
case Adaptive:
syncStrategy = func() bool { return !s.isDegraded() }
panic("unknown sync strategy")
var p *persistence
p, err = newPersistence(s.options.PersistenceStoragePath, s.options.Dirty, s.options.PedanticChecks, syncStrategy)
if err != nil {
return err
s.persistence = p
// Persistence must start running before loadSeriesMapAndHeads() is called.
go s.persistence.run()
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if e := p.close(); e != nil {
log.Errorln("Error closing persistence:", e)
log.Info("Loading series map and head chunks...")
s.fpToSeries, s.numChunksToPersist, err = p.loadSeriesMapAndHeads()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Infof("%d series loaded.", s.fpToSeries.length())
s.mapper, err = newFPMapper(s.fpToSeries, p)
if err != nil {
return err
go s.handleEvictList()
go s.loop()
return nil
// Stop implements Storage.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) Stop() error {
log.Info("Stopping local storage...")
log.Info("Stopping maintenance loop...")
log.Info("Stopping chunk eviction...")
// One final checkpoint of the series map and the head chunks.
if err := s.persistence.checkpointSeriesMapAndHeads(s.fpToSeries, s.fpLocker); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.persistence.close(); err != nil {
return err
log.Info("Local storage stopped.")
return nil
// WaitForIndexing implements Storage.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) WaitForIndexing() {
// NewIterator implements Storage.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) NewIterator(fp clientmodel.Fingerprint) SeriesIterator {
defer s.fpLocker.Unlock(fp)
series, ok := s.fpToSeries.get(fp)
if !ok {
// Oops, no series for fp found. That happens if, after
// preloading is done, the whole series is identified as old
// enough for purging and hence purged for good. As there is no
// data left to iterate over, return an iterator that will never
// return any values.
return nopSeriesIterator{}
return &boundedIterator{
it: series.newIterator(),
start: clientmodel.Now().Add(-s.dropAfter),
// LastSampleForFingerprint implements Storage.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) LastSamplePairForFingerprint(fp clientmodel.Fingerprint) *metric.SamplePair {
defer s.fpLocker.Unlock(fp)
series, ok := s.fpToSeries.get(fp)
if !ok {
return nil
return series.head().lastSamplePair()
// boundedIterator wraps a SeriesIterator and does not allow fetching
// data from earlier than the configured start time.
type boundedIterator struct {
it SeriesIterator
start clientmodel.Timestamp
// ValueAtTime implements the SeriesIterator interface.
func (bit *boundedIterator) ValueAtTime(ts clientmodel.Timestamp) metric.Values {
if ts < bit.start {
return metric.Values{}
return bit.it.ValueAtTime(ts)
// BoundaryValues implements the SeriesIterator interface.
func (bit *boundedIterator) BoundaryValues(interval metric.Interval) metric.Values {
if interval.NewestInclusive < bit.start {
return metric.Values{}
if interval.OldestInclusive < bit.start {
interval.OldestInclusive = bit.start
return bit.it.BoundaryValues(interval)
// RangeValues implements the SeriesIterator interface.
func (bit *boundedIterator) RangeValues(interval metric.Interval) metric.Values {
if interval.NewestInclusive < bit.start {
return metric.Values{}
if interval.OldestInclusive < bit.start {
interval.OldestInclusive = bit.start
return bit.it.RangeValues(interval)
// NewPreloader implements Storage.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) NewPreloader() Preloader {
return &memorySeriesPreloader{
storage: s,
// fingerprintsForLabelPairs returns the set of fingerprints that have the given labels.
// This does not work with empty label values.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) fingerprintsForLabelPairs(pairs ...metric.LabelPair) map[clientmodel.Fingerprint]struct{} {
var result map[clientmodel.Fingerprint]struct{}
for _, pair := range pairs {
intersection := map[clientmodel.Fingerprint]struct{}{}
fps, err := s.persistence.fingerprintsForLabelPair(pair)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error getting fingerprints for label pair: ", err)
if len(fps) == 0 {
return nil
for _, fp := range fps {
if _, ok := result[fp]; ok || result == nil {
intersection[fp] = struct{}{}
if len(intersection) == 0 {
return nil
result = intersection
return result
// MetricsForLabelMatchers implements Storage.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) MetricsForLabelMatchers(matchers ...*metric.LabelMatcher) map[clientmodel.Fingerprint]clientmodel.COWMetric {
var (
equals []metric.LabelPair
filters []*metric.LabelMatcher
for _, lm := range matchers {
if lm.Type == metric.Equal && lm.Value != "" {
equals = append(equals, metric.LabelPair{
Name: lm.Name,
Value: lm.Value,
} else {
filters = append(filters, lm)
var resFPs map[clientmodel.Fingerprint]struct{}
if len(equals) > 0 {
resFPs = s.fingerprintsForLabelPairs(equals...)
} else {
// If we cannot make a preselection based on equality matchers, expanding the other matchers to labels
// and intersecting their fingerprints is still likely to be the best choice.
var remaining metric.LabelMatchers
for _, matcher := range filters {
// Equal matches are all empty values.
if matcher.Match("") {
remaining = append(remaining, matcher)
intersection := map[clientmodel.Fingerprint]struct{}{}
matches := matcher.Filter(s.LabelValuesForLabelName(matcher.Name))
if len(matches) == 0 {
return nil
for _, v := range matches {
fps := s.fingerprintsForLabelPairs(metric.LabelPair{
Name: matcher.Name,
Value: v,
for fp := range fps {
if _, ok := resFPs[fp]; ok || resFPs == nil {
intersection[fp] = struct{}{}
resFPs = intersection
// The intersected matchers no longer need to be compared against the actual metrics.
filters = remaining
result := make(map[clientmodel.Fingerprint]clientmodel.COWMetric, len(resFPs))
for fp := range resFPs {
result[fp] = s.MetricForFingerprint(fp)
for _, matcher := range filters {
for fp, met := range result {
if !matcher.Match(met.Metric[matcher.Name]) {
delete(result, fp)
return result
// LabelValuesForLabelName implements Storage.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) LabelValuesForLabelName(labelName clientmodel.LabelName) clientmodel.LabelValues {
lvs, err := s.persistence.labelValuesForLabelName(labelName)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error getting label values for label name %q: %v", labelName, err)
return lvs
// MetricForFingerprint implements Storage.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) MetricForFingerprint(fp clientmodel.Fingerprint) clientmodel.COWMetric {
defer s.fpLocker.Unlock(fp)
series, ok := s.fpToSeries.get(fp)
if ok {
// Wrap the returned metric in a copy-on-write (COW) metric here because
// the caller might mutate it.
return clientmodel.COWMetric{
Metric: series.metric,
metric, err := s.persistence.archivedMetric(fp)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error retrieving archived metric for fingerprint %v: %v", fp, err)
return clientmodel.COWMetric{
Metric: metric,
// DropMetric implements Storage.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) DropMetricsForFingerprints(fps ...clientmodel.Fingerprint) {
for _, fp := range fps {
if series, ok := s.fpToSeries.get(fp); ok {
s.persistence.unindexMetric(fp, series.metric)
if _, err := s.persistence.deleteSeriesFile(fp); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error deleting series file for %v: %v", fp, err)
} else if err := s.persistence.purgeArchivedMetric(fp); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error purging metric with fingerprint %v: %v", fp, err)
// Append implements Storage.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) Append(sample *clientmodel.Sample) {
for ln, lv := range sample.Metric {
if len(lv) == 0 {
delete(sample.Metric, ln)
if s.getNumChunksToPersist() >= s.maxChunksToPersist {
"%d chunks waiting for persistence, sample ingestion suspended.",
for s.getNumChunksToPersist() >= s.maxChunksToPersist {
log.Warn("Sample ingestion resumed.")
rawFP := sample.Metric.FastFingerprint()
fp, err := s.mapper.mapFP(rawFP, sample.Metric)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error while mapping fingerprint %v: %v", rawFP, err)
if fp != rawFP {
// Switch locks.
series := s.getOrCreateSeries(fp, sample.Metric)
if sample.Timestamp <= series.lastTime {
// Don't log and track equal timestamps, as they are a common occurrence
// when using client-side timestamps (e.g. Pushgateway or federation).
// It would be even better to also compare the sample values here, but
// we don't have efficient access to a series's last value.
if sample.Timestamp != series.lastTime {
log.Warnf("Ignoring sample with out-of-order timestamp for fingerprint %v (%v): %v is not after %v", fp, series.metric, sample.Timestamp, series.lastTime)
completedChunksCount := series.add(&metric.SamplePair{
Value: sample.Value,
Timestamp: sample.Timestamp,
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) getOrCreateSeries(fp clientmodel.Fingerprint, m clientmodel.Metric) *memorySeries {
series, ok := s.fpToSeries.get(fp)
if !ok {
var cds []*chunkDesc
var modTime time.Time
unarchived, err := s.persistence.unarchiveMetric(fp)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error unarchiving fingerprint %v (metric %v): %v", fp, m, err)
if unarchived {
// We have to load chunkDescs anyway to do anything with
// the series, so let's do it right now so that we don't
// end up with a series without any chunkDescs for a
// while (which is confusing as it makes the series
// appear as archived or purged).
cds, err = s.loadChunkDescs(fp, 0)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error loading chunk descs for fingerprint %v (metric %v): %v", fp, m, err)
modTime = s.persistence.seriesFileModTime(fp)
} else {
// This was a genuinely new series, so index the metric.
s.persistence.indexMetric(fp, m)
series = newMemorySeries(m, cds, modTime)
s.fpToSeries.put(fp, series)
return series
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) preloadChunksForRange(
fp clientmodel.Fingerprint,
from clientmodel.Timestamp, through clientmodel.Timestamp,
stalenessDelta time.Duration,
) ([]*chunkDesc, error) {
defer s.fpLocker.Unlock(fp)
series, ok := s.fpToSeries.get(fp)
if !ok {
has, first, last, err := s.persistence.hasArchivedMetric(fp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !has {
return nil, nil
if from.Add(-stalenessDelta).Before(last) && through.Add(stalenessDelta).After(first) {
metric, err := s.persistence.archivedMetric(fp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
series = s.getOrCreateSeries(fp, metric)
} else {
return nil, nil
return series.preloadChunksForRange(from, through, fp, s)
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) handleEvictList() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(maxEvictInterval)
count := 0
for {
// To batch up evictions a bit, this tries evictions at least
// once per evict interval, but earlier if the number of evict
// requests with evict==true that have happened since the last
// evict run is more than maxMemoryChunks/1000.
select {
case req := <-s.evictRequests:
if req.evict {
req.cd.evictListElement = s.evictList.PushBack(req.cd)
if count > s.maxMemoryChunks/1000 {
count = 0
} else {
if req.cd.evictListElement != nil {
req.cd.evictListElement = nil
case <-ticker.C:
if s.evictList.Len() > 0 {
case <-s.evictStopping:
// Drain evictRequests forever in a goroutine to not let
// requesters hang.
go func() {
for {
log.Info("Chunk eviction stopped.")
// maybeEvict is a local helper method. Must only be called by handleEvictList.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) maybeEvict() {
numChunksToEvict := int(atomic.LoadInt64(&numMemChunks)) - s.maxMemoryChunks
if numChunksToEvict <= 0 {
chunkDescsToEvict := make([]*chunkDesc, numChunksToEvict)
for i := range chunkDescsToEvict {
e := s.evictList.Front()
if e == nil {
cd := e.Value.(*chunkDesc)
cd.evictListElement = nil
chunkDescsToEvict[i] = cd
// Do the actual eviction in a goroutine as we might otherwise deadlock,
// in the following way: A chunk was unpinned completely and therefore
// scheduled for eviction. At the time we actually try to evict it,
// another goroutine is pinning the chunk. The pinning goroutine has
// currently locked the chunk and tries to send the evict request (to
// remove the chunk from the evict list) to the evictRequests
// channel. The send blocks because evictRequests is full. However, the
// goroutine that is supposed to empty the channel is waiting for the
// chunkDesc lock to try to evict the chunk.
go func() {
for _, cd := range chunkDescsToEvict {
if cd == nil {
// We don't care if the eviction succeeds. If the chunk
// was pinned in the meantime, it will be added to the
// evict list once it gets unpinned again.
// waitForNextFP waits an estimated duration, after which we want to process
// another fingerprint so that we will process all fingerprints in a tenth of
// s.dropAfter assuming that the system is doing nothing else, e.g. if we want
// to drop chunks after 40h, we want to cycle through all fingerprints within
// 4h. The estimation is based on the total number of fingerprints as passed
// in. However, the maximum sweep time is capped at fpMaxSweepTime. Also, the
// method will never wait for longer than fpMaxWaitDuration.
// The maxWaitDurationFactor can be used to reduce the waiting time if a faster
// processing is required (for example because unpersisted chunks pile up too
// much).
// Normally, the method returns true once the wait duration has passed. However,
// if s.loopStopped is closed, it will return false immediately.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) waitForNextFP(numberOfFPs int, maxWaitDurationFactor float64) bool {
d := fpMaxWaitDuration
if numberOfFPs != 0 {
sweepTime := s.dropAfter / 10
if sweepTime > fpMaxSweepTime {
sweepTime = fpMaxSweepTime
calculatedWait := time.Duration(float64(sweepTime) / float64(numberOfFPs) * maxWaitDurationFactor)
if calculatedWait < d {
d = calculatedWait
if d == 0 {
return true
t := time.NewTimer(d)
select {
case <-t.C:
return true
case <-s.loopStopping:
return false
// cycleThroughMemoryFingerprints returns a channel that emits fingerprints for
// series in memory in a throttled fashion. It continues to cycle through all
// fingerprints in memory until s.loopStopping is closed.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) cycleThroughMemoryFingerprints() chan clientmodel.Fingerprint {
memoryFingerprints := make(chan clientmodel.Fingerprint)
go func() {
var fpIter <-chan clientmodel.Fingerprint
defer func() {
if fpIter != nil {
for range fpIter {
// Consume the iterator.
for {
// Initial wait, also important if there are no FPs yet.
if !s.waitForNextFP(s.fpToSeries.length(), 1) {
begin := time.Now()
fpIter = s.fpToSeries.fpIter()
count := 0
for fp := range fpIter {
select {
case memoryFingerprints <- fp:
case <-s.loopStopping:
// Reduce the wait time by the backlog score.
s.waitForNextFP(s.fpToSeries.length(), s.persistenceBacklogScore())
if count > 0 {
"Completed maintenance sweep through %d in-memory fingerprints in %v.",
count, time.Since(begin),
return memoryFingerprints
// cycleThroughArchivedFingerprints returns a channel that emits fingerprints
// for archived series in a throttled fashion. It continues to cycle through all
// archived fingerprints until s.loopStopping is closed.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) cycleThroughArchivedFingerprints() chan clientmodel.Fingerprint {
archivedFingerprints := make(chan clientmodel.Fingerprint)
go func() {
defer close(archivedFingerprints)
for {
archivedFPs, err := s.persistence.fingerprintsModifiedBefore(
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to lookup archived fingerprint ranges: ", err)
s.waitForNextFP(0, 1)
// Initial wait, also important if there are no FPs yet.
if !s.waitForNextFP(len(archivedFPs), 1) {
begin := time.Now()
for _, fp := range archivedFPs {
select {
case archivedFingerprints <- fp:
case <-s.loopStopping:
// Never speed up maintenance of archived FPs.
s.waitForNextFP(len(archivedFPs), 1)
if len(archivedFPs) > 0 {
"Completed maintenance sweep through %d archived fingerprints in %v.",
len(archivedFPs), time.Since(begin),
return archivedFingerprints
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) loop() {
checkpointTimer := time.NewTimer(s.checkpointInterval)
dirtySeriesCount := 0
defer func() {
log.Info("Maintenance loop stopped.")
memoryFingerprints := s.cycleThroughMemoryFingerprints()
archivedFingerprints := s.cycleThroughArchivedFingerprints()
for {
select {
case <-s.loopStopping:
break loop
case <-checkpointTimer.C:
s.persistence.checkpointSeriesMapAndHeads(s.fpToSeries, s.fpLocker)
dirtySeriesCount = 0
case fp := <-memoryFingerprints:
if s.maintainMemorySeries(fp, clientmodel.Now().Add(-s.dropAfter)) {
// Check if we have enough "dirty" series so that we need an early checkpoint.
// However, if we are already behind persisting chunks, creating a checkpoint
// would be counterproductive, as it would slow down chunk persisting even more,
// while in a situation like that, where we are clearly lacking speed of disk
// maintenance, the best we can do for crash recovery is to persist chunks as
// quickly as possible. So only checkpoint if the storage is not in "graceful
// degratadion mode".
if dirtySeriesCount >= s.checkpointDirtySeriesLimit && !s.isDegraded() {
case fp := <-archivedFingerprints:
s.maintainArchivedSeries(fp, clientmodel.Now().Add(-s.dropAfter))
// Wait until both channels are closed.
for range memoryFingerprints {
for range archivedFingerprints {
// maintainMemorySeries maintains a series that is in memory (i.e. not
// archived). It returns true if the method has changed from clean to dirty
// (i.e. it is inconsistent with the latest checkpoint now so that in case of a
// crash a recovery operation that requires a disk seek needed to be applied).
// The method first closes the head chunk if it was not touched for the duration
// of headChunkTimeout.
// Then it determines the chunks that need to be purged and the chunks that need
// to be persisted. Depending on the result, it does the following:
// - If all chunks of a series need to be purged, the whole series is deleted
// for good and the method returns false. (Detecting non-existence of a series
// file does not require a disk seek.)
// - If any chunks need to be purged (but not all of them), it purges those
// chunks from memory and rewrites the series file on disk, leaving out the
// purged chunks and appending all chunks not yet persisted (with the exception
// of a still open head chunk).
// - If no chunks on disk need to be purged, but chunks need to be persisted,
// those chunks are simply appended to the existing series file (or the file is
// created if it does not exist yet).
// - If no chunks need to be purged and no chunks need to be persisted, nothing
// happens in this step.
// Next, the method checks if all chunks in the series are evicted. In that
// case, it archives the series and returns true.
// Finally, it evicts chunkDescs if there are too many.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) maintainMemorySeries(
fp clientmodel.Fingerprint, beforeTime clientmodel.Timestamp,
) (becameDirty bool) {
defer func(begin time.Time) {
float64(time.Since(begin)) / float64(time.Millisecond),
defer s.fpLocker.Unlock(fp)
series, ok := s.fpToSeries.get(fp)
if !ok {
// Series is actually not in memory, perhaps archived or dropped in the meantime.
return false
defer s.seriesOps.WithLabelValues(memoryMaintenance).Inc()
if series.maybeCloseHeadChunk() {
seriesWasDirty := series.dirty
if s.writeMemorySeries(fp, series, beforeTime) {
// Series is gone now, we are done.
return false
iOldestNotEvicted := -1
for i, cd := range series.chunkDescs {
if !cd.isEvicted() {
iOldestNotEvicted = i
// Archive if all chunks are evicted.
if iOldestNotEvicted == -1 {
if err := s.persistence.archiveMetric(
fp, series.metric, series.firstTime(), series.lastTime,
); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error archiving metric %v: %v", series.metric, err)
// If we are here, the series is not archived, so check for chunkDesc
// eviction next.
return series.dirty && !seriesWasDirty
// writeMemorySeries (re-)writes a memory series file. While doing so, it drops
// chunks older than beforeTime from both the series file (if it exists) as well
// as from memory. The provided chunksToPersist are appended to the newly
// written series file. If no chunks need to be purged, but chunksToPersist is
// not empty, those chunks are simply appended to the series file. If the series
// contains no chunks after dropping old chunks, it is purged entirely. In that
// case, the method returns true.
// The caller must have locked the fp.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) writeMemorySeries(
fp clientmodel.Fingerprint, series *memorySeries, beforeTime clientmodel.Timestamp,
) bool {
cds := series.chunksToPersist()
defer func() {
for _, cd := range cds {
series.modTime = s.persistence.seriesFileModTime(fp)
// Get the actual chunks from underneath the chunkDescs.
// No lock required as chunks still to persist cannot be evicted.
chunks := make([]chunk, len(cds))
for i, cd := range cds {
chunks[i] = cd.c
if !series.firstTime().Before(beforeTime) {
// Oldest sample not old enough, just append chunks, if any.
if len(cds) == 0 {
return false
offset, err := s.persistence.persistChunks(fp, chunks)
if err != nil {
return false
if series.chunkDescsOffset == -1 {
// This is the first chunk persisted for a newly created
// series that had prior chunks on disk. Finally, we can
// set the chunkDescsOffset.
series.chunkDescsOffset = offset
return false
newFirstTime, offset, numDroppedFromPersistence, allDroppedFromPersistence, err :=
s.persistence.dropAndPersistChunks(fp, beforeTime, chunks)
if err != nil {
return false
if len(series.chunkDescs) == 0 && allDroppedFromPersistence {
// All chunks dropped from both memory and persistence. Delete the series for good.
s.persistence.unindexMetric(fp, series.metric)
return true
series.savedFirstTime = newFirstTime
if series.chunkDescsOffset == -1 {
series.chunkDescsOffset = offset
} else {
series.chunkDescsOffset -= numDroppedFromPersistence
if series.chunkDescsOffset < 0 {
log.Errorf("Dropped more chunks from persistence than from memory for fingerprint %v, series %v.", fp, series)
series.chunkDescsOffset = -1 // Makes sure it will be looked at during crash recovery.
return false
// maintainArchivedSeries drops chunks older than beforeTime from an archived
// series. If the series contains no chunks after that, it is purged entirely.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) maintainArchivedSeries(fp clientmodel.Fingerprint, beforeTime clientmodel.Timestamp) {
defer func(begin time.Time) {
float64(time.Since(begin)) / float64(time.Millisecond),
defer s.fpLocker.Unlock(fp)
has, firstTime, lastTime, err := s.persistence.hasArchivedMetric(fp)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error looking up archived time range: ", err)
if !has || !firstTime.Before(beforeTime) {
// Oldest sample not old enough, or metric purged or unarchived in the meantime.
defer s.seriesOps.WithLabelValues(archiveMaintenance).Inc()
newFirstTime, _, _, allDropped, err := s.persistence.dropAndPersistChunks(fp, beforeTime, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error dropping persisted chunks: ", err)
if allDropped {
if err := s.persistence.purgeArchivedMetric(fp); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error purging archived metric for fingerprint %v: %v", fp, err)
s.persistence.updateArchivedTimeRange(fp, newFirstTime, lastTime)
// See persistence.loadChunks for detailed explanation.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) loadChunks(fp clientmodel.Fingerprint, indexes []int, indexOffset int) ([]chunk, error) {
return s.persistence.loadChunks(fp, indexes, indexOffset)
// See persistence.loadChunkDescs for detailed explanation.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) loadChunkDescs(fp clientmodel.Fingerprint, offsetFromEnd int) ([]*chunkDesc, error) {
return s.persistence.loadChunkDescs(fp, offsetFromEnd)
// getNumChunksToPersist returns numChunksToPersist in a goroutine-safe way.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) getNumChunksToPersist() int {
return int(atomic.LoadInt64(&s.numChunksToPersist))
// incNumChunksToPersist increments numChunksToPersist in a goroutine-safe way. Use a
// negative 'by' to decrement.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) incNumChunksToPersist(by int) {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.numChunksToPersist, int64(by))
// isDegraded returns whether the storage is in "graceful degradation mode",
// which is the case if the number of chunks waiting for persistence has reached
// a percentage of maxChunksToPersist that exceeds
// percentChunksToPersistForDegradation. The method is not goroutine safe (but
// only ever called from the goroutine dealing with series maintenance).
// Changes of degradation mode are logged.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) isDegraded() bool {
nowDegraded := s.getNumChunksToPersist() > s.maxChunksToPersist*percentChunksToPersistForDegradation/100
if s.degraded && !nowDegraded {
log.Warn("Storage has left graceful degradation mode. Things are back to normal.")
} else if !s.degraded && nowDegraded {
"%d chunks waiting for persistence (%d%% of the allowed maximum %d). Storage is now in graceful degradation mode. Series files are not synced anymore if following the adaptive strategy. Checkpoints are not performed more often than every %v. Series maintenance happens as frequently as possible.",
s.degraded = nowDegraded
return s.degraded
// persistenceBacklogScore works similar to isDegraded, but returns a score
// about how close we are to degradation. This score is 1.0 if no chunks are
// waiting for persistence and 0.0 if we are at or above the degradation
// threshold.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) persistenceBacklogScore() float64 {
score := 1 - float64(s.getNumChunksToPersist())/float64(s.maxChunksToPersist*percentChunksToPersistForDegradation/100)
if score < 0 {
return 0
return score
// Describe implements prometheus.Collector.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
ch <- s.persistErrors.Desc()
ch <- maxChunksToPersistDesc
ch <- numChunksToPersistDesc
ch <- s.numSeries.Desc()
ch <- s.ingestedSamplesCount.Desc()
ch <- s.outOfOrderSamplesCount.Desc()
ch <- s.invalidPreloadRequestsCount.Desc()
ch <- numMemChunksDesc
// Collect implements prometheus.Collector.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
ch <- s.persistErrors
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
ch <- s.numSeries
ch <- s.ingestedSamplesCount
ch <- s.outOfOrderSamplesCount
ch <- s.invalidPreloadRequestsCount
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(