Ziqi Zhao e250f09b5d
change origin schema in ReduceResolution method of histogram and float histogram (#13116)
* change origin schema in ReduceResolution method of histogram and float histogram

Signed-off-by: Ziqi Zhao <>


Signed-off-by: Ziqi Zhao <>
2023-11-10 14:33:34 +01:00

1118 lines
38 KiB

// Copyright 2021 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package histogram
import (
// FloatHistogram is similar to Histogram but uses float64 for all
// counts. Additionally, bucket counts are absolute and not deltas.
// A FloatHistogram is needed by PromQL to handle operations that might result
// in fractional counts. Since the counts in a histogram are unlikely to be too
// large to be represented precisely by a float64, a FloatHistogram can also be
// used to represent a histogram with integer counts and thus serves as a more
// generalized representation.
type FloatHistogram struct {
// Counter reset information.
CounterResetHint CounterResetHint
// Currently valid schema numbers are -4 <= n <= 8. They are all for
// base-2 bucket schemas, where 1 is a bucket boundary in each case, and
// then each power of two is divided into 2^n logarithmic buckets. Or
// in other words, each bucket boundary is the previous boundary times
// 2^(2^-n).
Schema int32
// Width of the zero bucket.
ZeroThreshold float64
// Observations falling into the zero bucket. Must be zero or positive.
ZeroCount float64
// Total number of observations. Must be zero or positive.
Count float64
// Sum of observations. This is also used as the stale marker.
Sum float64
// Spans for positive and negative buckets (see Span below).
PositiveSpans, NegativeSpans []Span
// Observation counts in buckets. Each represents an absolute count and
// must be zero or positive.
PositiveBuckets, NegativeBuckets []float64
// Copy returns a deep copy of the Histogram.
func (h *FloatHistogram) Copy() *FloatHistogram {
c := *h
if h.PositiveSpans != nil {
c.PositiveSpans = make([]Span, len(h.PositiveSpans))
copy(c.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveSpans)
if h.NegativeSpans != nil {
c.NegativeSpans = make([]Span, len(h.NegativeSpans))
copy(c.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeSpans)
if h.PositiveBuckets != nil {
c.PositiveBuckets = make([]float64, len(h.PositiveBuckets))
copy(c.PositiveBuckets, h.PositiveBuckets)
if h.NegativeBuckets != nil {
c.NegativeBuckets = make([]float64, len(h.NegativeBuckets))
copy(c.NegativeBuckets, h.NegativeBuckets)
return &c
// CopyToSchema works like Copy, but the returned deep copy has the provided
// target schema, which must be ≤ the original schema (i.e. it must have a lower
// resolution).
func (h *FloatHistogram) CopyToSchema(targetSchema int32) *FloatHistogram {
if targetSchema == h.Schema {
// Fast path.
return h.Copy()
if targetSchema > h.Schema {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot copy from schema %d to %d", h.Schema, targetSchema))
c := FloatHistogram{
Schema: targetSchema,
ZeroThreshold: h.ZeroThreshold,
ZeroCount: h.ZeroCount,
Count: h.Count,
Sum: h.Sum,
c.PositiveSpans, c.PositiveBuckets = reduceResolution(h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, h.Schema, targetSchema, false)
c.NegativeSpans, c.NegativeBuckets = reduceResolution(h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, h.Schema, targetSchema, false)
return &c
// String returns a string representation of the Histogram.
func (h *FloatHistogram) String() string {
var sb strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "{count:%g, sum:%g", h.Count, h.Sum)
var nBuckets []Bucket[float64]
for it := h.NegativeBucketIterator(); it.Next(); {
bucket := it.At()
if bucket.Count != 0 {
nBuckets = append(nBuckets, it.At())
for i := len(nBuckets) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ", %s", nBuckets[i].String())
if h.ZeroCount != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ", %s", h.ZeroBucket().String())
for it := h.PositiveBucketIterator(); it.Next(); {
bucket := it.At()
if bucket.Count != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ", %s", bucket.String())
return sb.String()
// TestExpression returns the string representation of this histogram as it is used in the internal PromQL testing
// framework as well as in promtool rules unit tests.
// The syntax is described in
func (h *FloatHistogram) TestExpression() string {
var res []string
m := h.Copy()
m.Compact(math.MaxInt) // Compact to reduce the number of positive and negative spans to 1.
if m.Schema != 0 {
res = append(res, fmt.Sprintf("schema:%d", m.Schema))
if m.Count != 0 {
res = append(res, fmt.Sprintf("count:%g", m.Count))
if m.Sum != 0 {
res = append(res, fmt.Sprintf("sum:%g", m.Sum))
if m.ZeroCount != 0 {
res = append(res, fmt.Sprintf("z_bucket:%g", m.ZeroCount))
if m.ZeroThreshold != 0 {
res = append(res, fmt.Sprintf("z_bucket_w:%g", m.ZeroThreshold))
addBuckets := func(kind, bucketsKey, offsetKey string, buckets []float64, spans []Span) []string {
if len(spans) > 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("histogram with multiple %s spans not supported", kind))
for _, span := range spans {
if span.Offset != 0 {
res = append(res, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", offsetKey, span.Offset))
var bucketStr []string
for _, bucket := range buckets {
bucketStr = append(bucketStr, fmt.Sprintf("%g", bucket))
if len(bucketStr) > 0 {
res = append(res, fmt.Sprintf("%s:[%s]", bucketsKey, strings.Join(bucketStr, " ")))
return res
res = addBuckets("positive", "buckets", "offset", m.PositiveBuckets, m.PositiveSpans)
res = addBuckets("negative", "n_buckets", "n_offset", m.NegativeBuckets, m.NegativeSpans)
return "{{" + strings.Join(res, " ") + "}}"
// ZeroBucket returns the zero bucket.
func (h *FloatHistogram) ZeroBucket() Bucket[float64] {
return Bucket[float64]{
Lower: -h.ZeroThreshold,
Upper: h.ZeroThreshold,
LowerInclusive: true,
UpperInclusive: true,
Count: h.ZeroCount,
// Mul multiplies the FloatHistogram by the provided factor, i.e. it scales all
// bucket counts including the zero bucket and the count and the sum of
// observations. The bucket layout stays the same. This method changes the
// receiving histogram directly (rather than acting on a copy). It returns a
// pointer to the receiving histogram for convenience.
func (h *FloatHistogram) Mul(factor float64) *FloatHistogram {
h.ZeroCount *= factor
h.Count *= factor
h.Sum *= factor
for i := range h.PositiveBuckets {
h.PositiveBuckets[i] *= factor
for i := range h.NegativeBuckets {
h.NegativeBuckets[i] *= factor
return h
// Div works like Mul but divides instead of multiplies.
// When dividing by 0, everything will be set to Inf.
func (h *FloatHistogram) Div(scalar float64) *FloatHistogram {
h.ZeroCount /= scalar
h.Count /= scalar
h.Sum /= scalar
for i := range h.PositiveBuckets {
h.PositiveBuckets[i] /= scalar
for i := range h.NegativeBuckets {
h.NegativeBuckets[i] /= scalar
return h
// Add adds the provided other histogram to the receiving histogram. Count, Sum,
// and buckets from the other histogram are added to the corresponding
// components of the receiving histogram. Buckets in the other histogram that do
// not exist in the receiving histogram are inserted into the latter. The
// resulting histogram might have buckets with a population of zero or directly
// adjacent spans (offset=0). To normalize those, call the Compact method.
// The method reconciles differences in the zero threshold and in the schema,
// but the schema of the other histogram must be ≥ the schema of the receiving
// histogram (i.e. must have an equal or higher resolution). This means that the
// schema of the receiving histogram won't change. Its zero threshold, however,
// will change if needed. The other histogram will not be modified in any case.
// This method returns a pointer to the receiving histogram for convenience.
func (h *FloatHistogram) Add(other *FloatHistogram) *FloatHistogram {
switch {
case other.CounterResetHint == h.CounterResetHint:
// Adding apples to apples, all good. No need to change anything.
case h.CounterResetHint == GaugeType:
// Adding something else to a gauge. That's probably OK. Outcome is a gauge.
// Nothing to do since the receiver is already marked as gauge.
case other.CounterResetHint == GaugeType:
// Similar to before, but this time the receiver is "something else" and we have to change it to gauge.
h.CounterResetHint = GaugeType
case h.CounterResetHint == UnknownCounterReset:
// With the receiver's CounterResetHint being "unknown", this could still be legitimate
// if the caller knows what they are doing. Outcome is then again "unknown".
// No need to do anything since the receiver's CounterResetHint is already "unknown".
case other.CounterResetHint == UnknownCounterReset:
// Similar to before, but now we have to set the receiver's CounterResetHint to "unknown".
h.CounterResetHint = UnknownCounterReset
// All other cases shouldn't actually happen.
// They are a direct collision of CounterReset and NotCounterReset.
// Conservatively set the CounterResetHint to "unknown" and isse a warning.
h.CounterResetHint = UnknownCounterReset
// TODO(trevorwhitney): Actually issue the warning as soon as the plumbing for it is in place
otherZeroCount := h.reconcileZeroBuckets(other)
h.ZeroCount += otherZeroCount
h.Count += other.Count
h.Sum += other.Sum
if other.Schema != h.Schema {
other = other.ReduceResolution(h.Schema)
h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets = addBuckets(h.Schema, h.ZeroThreshold, false, h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, other.PositiveSpans, other.PositiveBuckets)
h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets = addBuckets(h.Schema, h.ZeroThreshold, false, h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, other.NegativeSpans, other.NegativeBuckets)
return h
// Sub works like Add but subtracts the other histogram.
func (h *FloatHistogram) Sub(other *FloatHistogram) *FloatHistogram {
otherZeroCount := h.reconcileZeroBuckets(other)
h.ZeroCount -= otherZeroCount
h.Count -= other.Count
h.Sum -= other.Sum
if other.Schema != h.Schema {
other = other.ReduceResolution(h.Schema)
h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets = addBuckets(h.Schema, h.ZeroThreshold, true, h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, other.PositiveSpans, other.PositiveBuckets)
h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets = addBuckets(h.Schema, h.ZeroThreshold, true, h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, other.NegativeSpans, other.NegativeBuckets)
return h
// Equals returns true if the given float histogram matches exactly.
// Exact match is when there are no new buckets (even empty) and no missing buckets,
// and all the bucket values match. Spans can have different empty length spans in between,
// but they must represent the same bucket layout to match.
// Sum, Count, ZeroCount and bucket values are compared based on their bit patterns
// because this method is about data equality rather than mathematical equality.
func (h *FloatHistogram) Equals(h2 *FloatHistogram) bool {
if h2 == nil {
return false
if h.Schema != h2.Schema || h.ZeroThreshold != h2.ZeroThreshold ||
math.Float64bits(h.ZeroCount) != math.Float64bits(h2.ZeroCount) ||
math.Float64bits(h.Count) != math.Float64bits(h2.Count) ||
math.Float64bits(h.Sum) != math.Float64bits(h2.Sum) {
return false
if !spansMatch(h.PositiveSpans, h2.PositiveSpans) {
return false
if !spansMatch(h.NegativeSpans, h2.NegativeSpans) {
return false
if !floatBucketsMatch(h.PositiveBuckets, h2.PositiveBuckets) {
return false
if !floatBucketsMatch(h.NegativeBuckets, h2.NegativeBuckets) {
return false
return true
// Size returns the total size of the FloatHistogram, which includes the size of the pointer
// to FloatHistogram, all its fields, and all elements contained in slices.
// NOTE: this is only valid for 64 bit architectures.
func (fh *FloatHistogram) Size() int {
// Size of each slice separately.
posSpanSize := len(fh.PositiveSpans) * 8 // 8 bytes (int32 + uint32).
negSpanSize := len(fh.NegativeSpans) * 8 // 8 bytes (int32 + uint32).
posBucketSize := len(fh.PositiveBuckets) * 8 // 8 bytes (float64).
negBucketSize := len(fh.NegativeBuckets) * 8 // 8 bytes (float64).
// Total size of the struct.
// fh is 8 bytes.
// fh.CounterResetHint is 4 bytes (1 byte bool + 3 bytes padding).
// fh.Schema is 4 bytes.
// fh.ZeroThreshold is 8 bytes.
// fh.ZeroCount is 8 bytes.
// fh.Count is 8 bytes.
// fh.Sum is 8 bytes.
// fh.PositiveSpans is 24 bytes.
// fh.NegativeSpans is 24 bytes.
// fh.PositiveBuckets is 24 bytes.
// fh.NegativeBuckets is 24 bytes.
structSize := 144
return structSize + posSpanSize + negSpanSize + posBucketSize + negBucketSize
// Compact eliminates empty buckets at the beginning and end of each span, then
// merges spans that are consecutive or at most maxEmptyBuckets apart, and
// finally splits spans that contain more consecutive empty buckets than
// maxEmptyBuckets. (The actual implementation might do something more efficient
// but with the same result.) The compaction happens "in place" in the
// receiving histogram, but a pointer to it is returned for convenience.
// The ideal value for maxEmptyBuckets depends on circumstances. The motivation
// to set maxEmptyBuckets > 0 is the assumption that is less overhead to
// represent very few empty buckets explicitly within one span than cutting the
// one span into two to treat the empty buckets as a gap between the two spans,
// both in terms of storage requirement as well as in terms of encoding and
// decoding effort. However, the tradeoffs are subtle. For one, they are
// different in the exposition format vs. in a TSDB chunk vs. for the in-memory
// representation as Go types. In the TSDB, as an additional aspects, the span
// layout is only stored once per chunk, while many histograms with that same
// chunk layout are then only stored with their buckets (so that even a single
// empty bucket will be stored many times).
// For the Go types, an additional Span takes 8 bytes. Similarly, an additional
// bucket takes 8 bytes. Therefore, with a single separating empty bucket, both
// options have the same storage requirement, but the single-span solution is
// easier to iterate through. Still, the safest bet is to use maxEmptyBuckets==0
// and only use a larger number if you know what you are doing.
func (h *FloatHistogram) Compact(maxEmptyBuckets int) *FloatHistogram {
h.PositiveBuckets, h.PositiveSpans = compactBuckets(
h.PositiveBuckets, h.PositiveSpans, maxEmptyBuckets, false,
h.NegativeBuckets, h.NegativeSpans = compactBuckets(
h.NegativeBuckets, h.NegativeSpans, maxEmptyBuckets, false,
return h
// DetectReset returns true if the receiving histogram is missing any buckets
// that have a non-zero population in the provided previous histogram. It also
// returns true if any count (in any bucket, in the zero count, or in the count
// of observations, but NOT the sum of observations) is smaller in the receiving
// histogram compared to the previous histogram. Otherwise, it returns false.
// This method will shortcut to true if a CounterReset is detected, and shortcut
// to false if NotCounterReset is detected. Otherwise it will do the work to detect
// a reset.
// Special behavior in case the Schema or the ZeroThreshold are not the same in
// both histograms:
// - A decrease of the ZeroThreshold or an increase of the Schema (i.e. an
// increase of resolution) can only happen together with a reset. Thus, the
// method returns true in either case.
// - Upon an increase of the ZeroThreshold, the buckets in the previous
// histogram that fall within the new ZeroThreshold are added to the ZeroCount
// of the previous histogram (without mutating the provided previous
// histogram). The scenario that a populated bucket of the previous histogram
// is partially within, partially outside of the new ZeroThreshold, can only
// happen together with a counter reset and therefore shortcuts to returning
// true.
// - Upon a decrease of the Schema, the buckets of the previous histogram are
// merged so that they match the new, lower-resolution schema (again without
// mutating the provided previous histogram).
func (h *FloatHistogram) DetectReset(previous *FloatHistogram) bool {
if h.CounterResetHint == CounterReset {
return true
if h.CounterResetHint == NotCounterReset {
return false
// In all other cases of CounterResetHint (UnknownCounterReset and GaugeType),
// we go on as we would otherwise, for reasons explained below.
// If the CounterResetHint is UnknownCounterReset, we do not know yet if this histogram comes
// with a counter reset. Therefore, we have to do all the detailed work to find out if there
// is a counter reset or not.
// We do the same if the CounterResetHint is GaugeType, which should not happen, but PromQL still
// allows the user to apply functions to gauge histograms that are only meant for counter histograms.
// In this case, we treat the gauge histograms as a counter histograms
// (and we plan to return a warning about it to the user).
if h.Count < previous.Count {
return true
if h.Schema > previous.Schema {
return true
if h.ZeroThreshold < previous.ZeroThreshold {
// ZeroThreshold decreased.
return true
previousZeroCount, newThreshold := previous.zeroCountForLargerThreshold(h.ZeroThreshold)
if newThreshold != h.ZeroThreshold {
// ZeroThreshold is within a populated bucket in previous
// histogram.
return true
if h.ZeroCount < previousZeroCount {
return true
currIt := h.floatBucketIterator(true, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema)
prevIt := previous.floatBucketIterator(true, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema)
if detectReset(&currIt, &prevIt) {
return true
currIt = h.floatBucketIterator(false, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema)
prevIt = previous.floatBucketIterator(false, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema)
return detectReset(&currIt, &prevIt)
func detectReset(currIt, prevIt *floatBucketIterator) bool {
if !prevIt.Next() {
return false // If no buckets in previous histogram, nothing can be reset.
prevBucket := prevIt.strippedAt()
if !currIt.Next() {
// No bucket in current, but at least one in previous
// histogram. Check if any of those are non-zero, in which case
// this is a reset.
for {
if prevBucket.count != 0 {
return true
if !prevIt.Next() {
return false
currBucket := currIt.strippedAt()
for {
// Forward currIt until we find the bucket corresponding to prevBucket.
for currBucket.index < prevBucket.index {
if !currIt.Next() {
// Reached end of currIt early, therefore
// previous histogram has a bucket that the
// current one does not have. Unlass all
// remaining buckets in the previous histogram
// are unpopulated, this is a reset.
for {
if prevBucket.count != 0 {
return true
if !prevIt.Next() {
return false
currBucket = currIt.strippedAt()
if currBucket.index > prevBucket.index {
// Previous histogram has a bucket the current one does
// not have. If it's populated, it's a reset.
if prevBucket.count != 0 {
return true
} else {
// We have reached corresponding buckets in both iterators.
// We can finally compare the counts.
if currBucket.count < prevBucket.count {
return true
if !prevIt.Next() {
// Reached end of prevIt without finding offending buckets.
return false
prevBucket = prevIt.strippedAt()
// PositiveBucketIterator returns a BucketIterator to iterate over all positive
// buckets in ascending order (starting next to the zero bucket and going up).
func (h *FloatHistogram) PositiveBucketIterator() BucketIterator[float64] {
it := h.floatBucketIterator(true, 0, h.Schema)
return &it
// NegativeBucketIterator returns a BucketIterator to iterate over all negative
// buckets in descending order (starting next to the zero bucket and going
// down).
func (h *FloatHistogram) NegativeBucketIterator() BucketIterator[float64] {
it := h.floatBucketIterator(false, 0, h.Schema)
return &it
// PositiveReverseBucketIterator returns a BucketIterator to iterate over all
// positive buckets in descending order (starting at the highest bucket and
// going down towards the zero bucket).
func (h *FloatHistogram) PositiveReverseBucketIterator() BucketIterator[float64] {
it := newReverseFloatBucketIterator(h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, h.Schema, true)
return &it
// NegativeReverseBucketIterator returns a BucketIterator to iterate over all
// negative buckets in ascending order (starting at the lowest bucket and going
// up towards the zero bucket).
func (h *FloatHistogram) NegativeReverseBucketIterator() BucketIterator[float64] {
it := newReverseFloatBucketIterator(h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, h.Schema, false)
return &it
// AllBucketIterator returns a BucketIterator to iterate over all negative,
// zero, and positive buckets in ascending order (starting at the lowest bucket
// and going up). If the highest negative bucket or the lowest positive bucket
// overlap with the zero bucket, their upper or lower boundary, respectively, is
// set to the zero threshold.
func (h *FloatHistogram) AllBucketIterator() BucketIterator[float64] {
return &allFloatBucketIterator{
h: h,
leftIter: newReverseFloatBucketIterator(h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, h.Schema, false),
rightIter: h.floatBucketIterator(true, 0, h.Schema),
state: -1,
// AllReverseBucketIterator returns a BucketIterator to iterate over all negative,
// zero, and positive buckets in descending order (starting at the lowest bucket
// and going up). If the highest negative bucket or the lowest positive bucket
// overlap with the zero bucket, their upper or lower boundary, respectively, is
// set to the zero threshold.
func (h *FloatHistogram) AllReverseBucketIterator() BucketIterator[float64] {
return &allFloatBucketIterator{
h: h,
leftIter: newReverseFloatBucketIterator(h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, h.Schema, true),
rightIter: h.floatBucketIterator(false, 0, h.Schema),
state: -1,
// Validate validates consistency between span and bucket slices. Also, buckets are checked
// against negative values.
// We do not check for h.Count being at least as large as the sum of the
// counts in the buckets because floating point precision issues can
// create false positives here.
func (h *FloatHistogram) Validate() error {
if err := checkHistogramSpans(h.NegativeSpans, len(h.NegativeBuckets)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("negative side: %w", err)
if err := checkHistogramSpans(h.PositiveSpans, len(h.PositiveBuckets)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("positive side: %w", err)
var nCount, pCount float64
err := checkHistogramBuckets(h.NegativeBuckets, &nCount, false)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("negative side: %w", err)
err = checkHistogramBuckets(h.PositiveBuckets, &pCount, false)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("positive side: %w", err)
return nil
// zeroCountForLargerThreshold returns what the histogram's zero count would be
// if the ZeroThreshold had the provided larger (or equal) value. If the
// provided value is less than the histogram's ZeroThreshold, the method panics.
// If the largerThreshold ends up within a populated bucket of the histogram, it
// is adjusted upwards to the lower limit of that bucket (all in terms of
// absolute values) and that bucket's count is included in the returned
// count. The adjusted threshold is returned, too.
func (h *FloatHistogram) zeroCountForLargerThreshold(largerThreshold float64) (count, threshold float64) {
// Fast path.
if largerThreshold == h.ZeroThreshold {
return h.ZeroCount, largerThreshold
if largerThreshold < h.ZeroThreshold {
panic(fmt.Errorf("new threshold %f is less than old threshold %f", largerThreshold, h.ZeroThreshold))
for {
count = h.ZeroCount
i := h.PositiveBucketIterator()
for i.Next() {
b := i.At()
if b.Lower >= largerThreshold {
count += b.Count // Bucket to be merged into zero bucket.
if b.Upper > largerThreshold {
// New threshold ended up within a bucket. if it's
// populated, we need to adjust largerThreshold before
// we are done here.
if b.Count != 0 {
largerThreshold = b.Upper
i = h.NegativeBucketIterator()
for i.Next() {
b := i.At()
if b.Upper <= -largerThreshold {
count += b.Count // Bucket to be merged into zero bucket.
if b.Lower < -largerThreshold {
// New threshold ended up within a bucket. If
// it's populated, we need to adjust
// largerThreshold and have to redo the whole
// thing because the treatment of the positive
// buckets is invalid now.
if b.Count != 0 {
largerThreshold = -b.Lower
continue outer
return count, largerThreshold
// trimBucketsInZeroBucket removes all buckets that are within the zero
// bucket. It assumes that the zero threshold is at a bucket boundary and that
// the counts in the buckets to remove are already part of the zero count.
func (h *FloatHistogram) trimBucketsInZeroBucket() {
i := h.PositiveBucketIterator()
bucketsIdx := 0
for i.Next() {
b := i.At()
if b.Lower >= h.ZeroThreshold {
h.PositiveBuckets[bucketsIdx] = 0
i = h.NegativeBucketIterator()
bucketsIdx = 0
for i.Next() {
b := i.At()
if b.Upper <= -h.ZeroThreshold {
h.NegativeBuckets[bucketsIdx] = 0
// We are abusing Compact to trim the buckets set to zero
// above. Premature compacting could cause additional cost, but this
// code path is probably rarely used anyway.
// reconcileZeroBuckets finds a zero bucket large enough to include the zero
// buckets of both histograms (the receiving histogram and the other histogram)
// with a zero threshold that is not within a populated bucket in either
// histogram. This method modifies the receiving histogram accourdingly, but
// leaves the other histogram as is. Instead, it returns the zero count the
// other histogram would have if it were modified.
func (h *FloatHistogram) reconcileZeroBuckets(other *FloatHistogram) float64 {
otherZeroCount := other.ZeroCount
otherZeroThreshold := other.ZeroThreshold
for otherZeroThreshold != h.ZeroThreshold {
if h.ZeroThreshold > otherZeroThreshold {
otherZeroCount, otherZeroThreshold = other.zeroCountForLargerThreshold(h.ZeroThreshold)
if otherZeroThreshold > h.ZeroThreshold {
h.ZeroCount, h.ZeroThreshold = h.zeroCountForLargerThreshold(otherZeroThreshold)
return otherZeroCount
// floatBucketIterator is a low-level constructor for bucket iterators.
// If positive is true, the returned iterator iterates through the positive
// buckets, otherwise through the negative buckets.
// If absoluteStartValue is < the lowest absolute value of any upper bucket
// boundary, the iterator starts with the first bucket. Otherwise, it will skip
// all buckets with an absolute value of their upper boundary ≤
// absoluteStartValue.
// targetSchema must be ≤ the schema of FloatHistogram (and of course within the
// legal values for schemas in general). The buckets are merged to match the
// targetSchema prior to iterating (without mutating FloatHistogram).
func (h *FloatHistogram) floatBucketIterator(
positive bool, absoluteStartValue float64, targetSchema int32,
) floatBucketIterator {
if targetSchema > h.Schema {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot merge from schema %d to %d", h.Schema, targetSchema))
i := floatBucketIterator{
baseBucketIterator: baseBucketIterator[float64, float64]{
schema: h.Schema,
positive: positive,
targetSchema: targetSchema,
absoluteStartValue: absoluteStartValue,
if positive {
i.spans = h.PositiveSpans
i.buckets = h.PositiveBuckets
} else {
i.spans = h.NegativeSpans
i.buckets = h.NegativeBuckets
return i
// reverseFloatBucketIterator is a low-level constructor for reverse bucket iterators.
func newReverseFloatBucketIterator(
spans []Span, buckets []float64, schema int32, positive bool,
) reverseFloatBucketIterator {
r := reverseFloatBucketIterator{
baseBucketIterator: baseBucketIterator[float64, float64]{
schema: schema,
spans: spans,
buckets: buckets,
positive: positive,
r.spansIdx = len(r.spans) - 1
r.bucketsIdx = len(r.buckets) - 1
if r.spansIdx >= 0 {
r.idxInSpan = int32(r.spans[r.spansIdx].Length) - 1
r.currIdx = 0
for _, s := range r.spans {
r.currIdx += s.Offset + int32(s.Length)
return r
type floatBucketIterator struct {
baseBucketIterator[float64, float64]
targetSchema int32 // targetSchema is the schema to merge to and must be ≤ schema.
origIdx int32 // The bucket index within the original schema.
absoluteStartValue float64 // Never return buckets with an upper bound ≤ this value.
boundReachedStartValue bool // Has getBound reached absoluteStartValue already?
func (i *floatBucketIterator) At() Bucket[float64] {
// Need to use i.targetSchema rather than i.baseBucketIterator.schema.
func (i *floatBucketIterator) Next() bool {
if i.spansIdx >= len(i.spans) {
return false
// Copy all of these into local variables so that we can forward to the
// next bucket and then roll back if needed.
origIdx, spansIdx, idxInSpan := i.origIdx, i.spansIdx, i.idxInSpan
span := i.spans[spansIdx]
firstPass := true
i.currCount = 0
mergeLoop: // Merge together all buckets from the original schema that fall into one bucket in the targetSchema.
for {
if i.bucketsIdx == 0 {
// Seed origIdx for the first bucket.
origIdx = span.Offset
} else {
for idxInSpan >= span.Length {
// We have exhausted the current span and have to find a new
// one. We even handle pathologic spans of length 0 here.
idxInSpan = 0
if spansIdx >= len(i.spans) {
if firstPass {
return false
break mergeLoop
span = i.spans[spansIdx]
origIdx += span.Offset
currIdx := i.targetIdx(origIdx)
switch {
case firstPass:
i.currIdx = currIdx
firstPass = false
case currIdx != i.currIdx:
// Reached next bucket in targetSchema.
// Do not actually forward to the next bucket, but break out.
break mergeLoop
i.currCount += i.buckets[i.bucketsIdx]
i.origIdx, i.spansIdx, i.idxInSpan = origIdx, spansIdx, idxInSpan
if i.schema == i.targetSchema {
// Don't need to test the next bucket for mergeability
// if we have no schema change anyway.
break mergeLoop
// Skip buckets before absoluteStartValue.
// TODO(beorn7): Maybe do something more efficient than this recursive call.
if !i.boundReachedStartValue && getBound(i.currIdx, i.targetSchema) <= i.absoluteStartValue {
return i.Next()
i.boundReachedStartValue = true
return true
// targetIdx returns the bucket index within i.targetSchema for the given bucket
// index within i.schema.
func (i *floatBucketIterator) targetIdx(idx int32) int32 {
if i.schema == i.targetSchema {
// Fast path for the common case. The below would yield the same
// result, just with more effort.
return idx
return ((idx - 1) >> (i.schema - i.targetSchema)) + 1
type reverseFloatBucketIterator struct {
baseBucketIterator[float64, float64]
idxInSpan int32 // Changed from uint32 to allow negative values for exhaustion detection.
func (i *reverseFloatBucketIterator) Next() bool {
if i.bucketsIdx < 0 {
return false
for i.idxInSpan < 0 {
// We have exhausted the current span and have to find a new
// one. We'll even handle pathologic spans of length 0.
i.idxInSpan = int32(i.spans[i.spansIdx].Length) - 1
i.currIdx -= i.spans[i.spansIdx+1].Offset
i.currCount = i.buckets[i.bucketsIdx]
return true
type allFloatBucketIterator struct {
h *FloatHistogram
leftIter reverseFloatBucketIterator
rightIter floatBucketIterator
// -1 means we are iterating negative buckets.
// 0 means it is time for the zero bucket.
// 1 means we are iterating positive buckets.
// Anything else means iteration is over.
state int8
currBucket Bucket[float64]
func (i *allFloatBucketIterator) Next() bool {
switch i.state {
case -1:
if i.leftIter.Next() {
i.currBucket = i.leftIter.At()
switch {
case i.currBucket.Upper < 0 && i.currBucket.Upper > -i.h.ZeroThreshold:
i.currBucket.Upper = -i.h.ZeroThreshold
case i.currBucket.Lower > 0 && i.currBucket.Lower < i.h.ZeroThreshold:
i.currBucket.Lower = i.h.ZeroThreshold
return true
i.state = 0
return i.Next()
case 0:
i.state = 1
if i.h.ZeroCount > 0 {
i.currBucket = Bucket[float64]{
Lower: -i.h.ZeroThreshold,
Upper: i.h.ZeroThreshold,
LowerInclusive: true,
UpperInclusive: true,
Count: i.h.ZeroCount,
// Index is irrelevant for the zero bucket.
return true
return i.Next()
case 1:
if i.rightIter.Next() {
i.currBucket = i.rightIter.At()
switch {
case i.currBucket.Lower > 0 && i.currBucket.Lower < i.h.ZeroThreshold:
i.currBucket.Lower = i.h.ZeroThreshold
case i.currBucket.Upper < 0 && i.currBucket.Upper > -i.h.ZeroThreshold:
i.currBucket.Upper = -i.h.ZeroThreshold
return true
i.state = 42
return false
return false
func (i *allFloatBucketIterator) At() Bucket[float64] {
return i.currBucket
// targetIdx returns the bucket index in the target schema for the given bucket
// index idx in the original schema.
func targetIdx(idx, originSchema, targetSchema int32) int32 {
return ((idx - 1) >> (originSchema - targetSchema)) + 1
// addBuckets adds the buckets described by spansB/bucketsB to the buckets described by spansA/bucketsA,
// creating missing buckets in spansA/bucketsA as needed.
// It returns the resulting spans/buckets (which must be used instead of the original spansA/bucketsA,
// although spansA/bucketsA might get modified by this function).
// All buckets must use the same provided schema.
// Buckets in spansB/bucketsB with an absolute upper limit ≤ threshold are ignored.
// If negative is true, the buckets in spansB/bucketsB are subtracted rather than added.
func addBuckets(
schema int32, threshold float64, negative bool,
spansA []Span, bucketsA []float64,
spansB []Span, bucketsB []float64,
) ([]Span, []float64) {
var (
iSpan int = -1
iBucket int = -1
iInSpan int32
indexA int32
indexB int32
bIdxB int
bucketB float64
deltaIndex int32
lowerThanThreshold = true
for _, spanB := range spansB {
indexB += spanB.Offset
for j := 0; j < int(spanB.Length); j++ {
if lowerThanThreshold && getBound(indexB, schema) <= threshold {
goto nextLoop
lowerThanThreshold = false
bucketB = bucketsB[bIdxB]
if negative {
bucketB *= -1
if iSpan == -1 {
if len(spansA) == 0 || spansA[0].Offset > indexB {
// Add bucket before all others.
bucketsA = append(bucketsA, 0)
copy(bucketsA[1:], bucketsA)
bucketsA[0] = bucketB
if len(spansA) > 0 && spansA[0].Offset == indexB+1 {
goto nextLoop
} else {
spansA = append(spansA, Span{})
copy(spansA[1:], spansA)
spansA[0] = Span{Offset: indexB, Length: 1}
if len(spansA) > 1 {
// Convert the absolute offset in the formerly
// first span to a relative offset.
spansA[1].Offset -= indexB + 1
goto nextLoop
} else if spansA[0].Offset == indexB {
// Just add to first bucket.
bucketsA[0] += bucketB
goto nextLoop
iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan = 0, 0, 0
indexA = spansA[0].Offset
deltaIndex = indexB - indexA
for {
remainingInSpan := int32(spansA[iSpan].Length) - iInSpan
if deltaIndex < remainingInSpan {
// Bucket is in current span.
iBucket += int(deltaIndex)
iInSpan += deltaIndex
bucketsA[iBucket] += bucketB
} else {
deltaIndex -= remainingInSpan
iBucket += int(remainingInSpan)
if iSpan == len(spansA) || deltaIndex < spansA[iSpan].Offset {
// Bucket is in gap behind previous span (or there are no further spans).
bucketsA = append(bucketsA, 0)
copy(bucketsA[iBucket+1:], bucketsA[iBucket:])
bucketsA[iBucket] = bucketB
switch {
case deltaIndex == 0:
// Directly after previous span, extend previous span.
if iSpan < len(spansA) {
iInSpan = int32(spansA[iSpan].Length)
goto nextLoop
case iSpan < len(spansA) && deltaIndex == spansA[iSpan].Offset-1:
// Directly before next span, extend next span.
iInSpan = 0
goto nextLoop
// No next span, or next span is not directly adjacent to new bucket.
// Add new span.
iInSpan = 0
if iSpan < len(spansA) {
spansA[iSpan].Offset -= deltaIndex + 1
spansA = append(spansA, Span{})
copy(spansA[iSpan+1:], spansA[iSpan:])
spansA[iSpan] = Span{Length: 1, Offset: deltaIndex}
goto nextLoop
} else {
// Try start of next span.
deltaIndex -= spansA[iSpan].Offset
iInSpan = 0
indexA = indexB
return spansA, bucketsA
func floatBucketsMatch(b1, b2 []float64) bool {
if len(b1) != len(b2) {
return false
for i, b := range b1 {
if math.Float64bits(b) != math.Float64bits(b2[i]) {
return false
return true
// ReduceResolution reduces the float histogram's spans, buckets into target schema.
// The target schema must be smaller than the current float histogram's schema.
func (h *FloatHistogram) ReduceResolution(targetSchema int32) *FloatHistogram {
h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets = reduceResolution(h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, h.Schema, targetSchema, false)
h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets = reduceResolution(h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, h.Schema, targetSchema, false)
h.Schema = targetSchema
return h