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synced 2025-03-05 20:59:13 -08:00
* add alert for sd refresh failure Due to config error or sd service down, prometheus may fail to refresh sd resource, which may lead to scrape fail or irrelavant metrics. Signed-off-by: Leo Q <LeoQuote@users.noreply.github.com> * apply suggestions Signed-off-by: Leo Q <LeoQuote@users.noreply.github.com> --------- Signed-off-by: Leo Q <LeoQuote@users.noreply.github.com>
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prometheusAlerts+:: {
groups+: [
name: 'prometheus',
rules: [
alert: 'PrometheusBadConfig',
expr: |||
# Without max_over_time, failed scrapes could create false negatives, see
# https://www.robustperception.io/alerting-on-gauges-in-prometheus-2-0 for details.
max_over_time(prometheus_config_last_reload_successful{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) == 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '10m',
labels: {
severity: 'critical',
annotations: {
summary: 'Failed Prometheus configuration reload.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s has failed to reload its configuration.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusSDRefreshFailure',
expr: |||
increase(prometheus_sd_refresh_failures_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[10m]) > 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '20m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Failed Prometheus SD refresh.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s has failed to refresh SD with mechanism {{$labels.mechanism}}.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusNotificationQueueRunningFull',
expr: |||
# Without min_over_time, failed scrapes could create false negatives, see
# https://www.robustperception.io/alerting-on-gauges-in-prometheus-2-0 for details.
predict_linear(prometheus_notifications_queue_length{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m], 60 * 30)
||| % $._config,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus alert notification queue predicted to run full in less than 30m.',
description: 'Alert notification queue of Prometheus %(prometheusName)s is running full.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusErrorSendingAlertsToSomeAlertmanagers',
expr: |||
* 100
> 1
||| % $._config,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus has encountered more than 1% errors sending alerts to a specific Alertmanager.',
description: '{{ printf "%%.1f" $value }}%% errors while sending alerts from Prometheus %(prometheusName)s to Alertmanager {{$labels.alertmanager}}.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusNotConnectedToAlertmanagers',
expr: |||
# Without max_over_time, failed scrapes could create false negatives, see
# https://www.robustperception.io/alerting-on-gauges-in-prometheus-2-0 for details.
max_over_time(prometheus_notifications_alertmanagers_discovered{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) < 1
||| % $._config,
'for': '10m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus is not connected to any Alertmanagers.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s is not connected to any Alertmanagers.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusTSDBReloadsFailing',
expr: |||
increase(prometheus_tsdb_reloads_failures_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[3h]) > 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '4h',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus has issues reloading blocks from disk.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s has detected {{$value | humanize}} reload failures over the last 3h.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusTSDBCompactionsFailing',
expr: |||
increase(prometheus_tsdb_compactions_failed_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[3h]) > 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '4h',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus has issues compacting blocks.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s has detected {{$value | humanize}} compaction failures over the last 3h.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusNotIngestingSamples',
expr: |||
rate(prometheus_tsdb_head_samples_appended_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) <= 0
sum without(scrape_job) (prometheus_target_metadata_cache_entries{%(prometheusSelector)s}) > 0
sum without(rule_group) (prometheus_rule_group_rules{%(prometheusSelector)s}) > 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '10m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus is not ingesting samples.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s is not ingesting samples.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusDuplicateTimestamps',
expr: |||
rate(prometheus_target_scrapes_sample_duplicate_timestamp_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) > 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '10m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus is dropping samples with duplicate timestamps.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s is dropping {{ printf "%%.4g" $value }} samples/s with different values but duplicated timestamp.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusOutOfOrderTimestamps',
expr: |||
rate(prometheus_target_scrapes_sample_out_of_order_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) > 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '10m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus drops samples with out-of-order timestamps.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s is dropping {{ printf "%%.4g" $value }} samples/s with timestamps arriving out of order.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusRemoteStorageFailures',
expr: |||
(rate(prometheus_remote_storage_failed_samples_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) or rate(prometheus_remote_storage_samples_failed_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]))
(rate(prometheus_remote_storage_failed_samples_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) or rate(prometheus_remote_storage_samples_failed_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]))
(rate(prometheus_remote_storage_succeeded_samples_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) or rate(prometheus_remote_storage_samples_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]))
* 100
> 1
||| % $._config,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'critical',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus fails to send samples to remote storage.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s failed to send {{ printf "%%.1f" $value }}%% of the samples to {{ $labels.remote_name}}:{{ $labels.url }}' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusRemoteWriteBehind',
expr: |||
# Without max_over_time, failed scrapes could create false negatives, see
# https://www.robustperception.io/alerting-on-gauges-in-prometheus-2-0 for details.
- ignoring(remote_name, url) group_right
> 120
||| % $._config,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'critical',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus remote write is behind.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s remote write is {{ printf "%%.1f" $value }}s behind for {{ $labels.remote_name}}:{{ $labels.url }}.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusRemoteWriteDesiredShards',
expr: |||
# Without max_over_time, failed scrapes could create false negatives, see
# https://www.robustperception.io/alerting-on-gauges-in-prometheus-2-0 for details.
||| % $._config,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus remote write desired shards calculation wants to run more than configured max shards.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s remote write desired shards calculation wants to run {{ $value }} shards for queue {{ $labels.remote_name}}:{{ $labels.url }}, which is more than the max of {{ printf `prometheus_remote_storage_shards_max{instance="%%s",%(prometheusSelector)s}` $labels.instance | query | first | value }}.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusRuleFailures',
expr: |||
increase(prometheus_rule_evaluation_failures_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) > 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'critical',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus is failing rule evaluations.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s has failed to evaluate {{ printf "%%.0f" $value }} rules in the last 5m.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusMissingRuleEvaluations',
expr: |||
increase(prometheus_rule_group_iterations_missed_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) > 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus is missing rule evaluations due to slow rule group evaluation.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s has missed {{ printf "%%.0f" $value }} rule group evaluations in the last 5m.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusTargetLimitHit',
expr: |||
increase(prometheus_target_scrape_pool_exceeded_target_limit_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) > 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus has dropped targets because some scrape configs have exceeded the targets limit.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s has dropped {{ printf "%%.0f" $value }} targets because the number of targets exceeded the configured target_limit.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusLabelLimitHit',
expr: |||
increase(prometheus_target_scrape_pool_exceeded_label_limits_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) > 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus has dropped targets because some scrape configs have exceeded the labels limit.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s has dropped {{ printf "%%.0f" $value }} targets because some samples exceeded the configured label_limit, label_name_length_limit or label_value_length_limit.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusScrapeBodySizeLimitHit',
expr: |||
increase(prometheus_target_scrapes_exceeded_body_size_limit_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) > 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus has dropped some targets that exceeded body size limit.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s has failed {{ printf "%%.0f" $value }} scrapes in the last 5m because some targets exceeded the configured body_size_limit.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusScrapeSampleLimitHit',
expr: |||
increase(prometheus_target_scrapes_exceeded_sample_limit_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) > 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus has failed scrapes that have exceeded the configured sample limit.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s has failed {{ printf "%%.0f" $value }} scrapes in the last 5m because some targets exceeded the configured sample_limit.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusTargetSyncFailure',
expr: |||
increase(prometheus_target_sync_failed_total{%(prometheusSelector)s}[30m]) > 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '5m',
labels: {
severity: 'critical',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus has failed to sync targets.',
description: '{{ printf "%%.0f" $value }} targets in Prometheus %(prometheusName)s have failed to sync because invalid configuration was supplied.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusHighQueryLoad',
expr: |||
avg_over_time(prometheus_engine_queries{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) / max_over_time(prometheus_engine_queries_concurrent_max{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) > 0.8
||| % $._config,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus is reaching its maximum capacity serving concurrent requests.',
description: 'Prometheus %(prometheusName)s query API has less than 20%% available capacity in its query engine for the last 15 minutes.' % $._config,
] + if $._config.prometheusHAGroupLabels == '' then self.rulesWithoutHA else self.rulesWithHA,
rulesWithoutHA:: [
alert: 'PrometheusErrorSendingAlertsToAnyAlertmanager',
expr: |||
min without (alertmanager) (
* 100
> 3
||| % $._config,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'critical',
annotations: {
summary: 'Prometheus encounters more than 3% errors sending alerts to any Alertmanager.',
description: '{{ printf "%%.1f" $value }}%% minimum errors while sending alerts from Prometheus %(prometheusName)s to any Alertmanager.' % $._config,
rulesWithHA:: [
alert: 'PrometheusErrorSendingAlertsToAnyAlertmanager',
expr: |||
min by (%(prometheusHAGroupLabels)s) (
* 100
> 3
||| % $._config,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'critical',
annotations: {
summary: 'Each Prometheus server in an HA group encounters more than 3% errors sending alerts to any Alertmanager.',
description: '{{ printf "%%.1f" $value }}%% minimum errors while sending alerts from any Prometheus server in HA group %(prometheusHAGroupName)s to any Alertmanager.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusHAGroupNotIngestingSamples',
expr: |||
max by (%(prometheusHAGroupLabels)s) (
sum without(scrape_job) (prometheus_target_metadata_cache_entries{%(prometheusSelector)s}) > 0
sum without(rule_group) (prometheus_rule_group_rules{%(prometheusSelector)s}) > 0
<= 0
||| % $._config,
'for': '10m',
labels: {
severity: 'critical',
annotations: {
summary: 'A whole Prometheus HA group is not ingesting samples.',
description: 'None of the Prometheus instances in HA group %(prometheusHAGroupName)s is ingesting any samples.' % $._config,
// Both the following critical alerts, PrometheusHAGroupDown and
// PrometheusHAGroupCrashlooping, fire if a whole HA group is
// unhealthy. It is implied that a generic warning alert is in place
// for individual instances being down or crashlooping.
alert: 'PrometheusHAGroupDown',
expr: |||
count by (%(prometheusHAGroupLabels)s) (
avg_over_time(up{%(prometheusSelector)s}[5m]) < 0.5
count by (%(prometheusHAGroupLabels)s) (
> 0.5
||| % $._config,
'for': '5m',
labels: {
severity: 'critical',
annotations: {
summary: 'More than half of the Prometheus instances within the same HA group are down.',
description: '{{ $value | humanizePercentage }} of Prometheus instances within the %(prometheusHAGroupName)s HA group have been up for less than half of the last 5m.' % $._config,
alert: 'PrometheusHAGroupCrashlooping',
expr: |||
prometheus_tsdb_clean_start{%(prometheusSelector)s} == 0
count by (%(prometheusHAGroupLabels)s) (
changes(process_start_time_seconds{%(prometheusSelector)s}[1h]) > 1
count by (%(prometheusHAGroupLabels)s) (
> 0.5
count by (%(prometheusHAGroupLabels)s) (
changes(process_start_time_seconds{%(prometheusSelector)s}[30m]) > 4
count by (%(prometheusHAGroupLabels)s) (
> 0.5
||| % $._config,
'for': '5m',
labels: {
severity: 'critical',
annotations: {
summary: 'More than half of the Prometheus instances within the same HA group are crashlooping.',
description: '{{ $value | humanizePercentage }} of Prometheus instances within the %(prometheusHAGroupName)s HA group have had at least 5 total restarts in the last 30m or 2 unclean restarts in the last 1h.' % $._config,