mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:59:13 -08:00
The RunBuiltinTests function accepts a concrete type which makes it hard to exclude certain tests from the suite. It would be great if we could skip tests which might not be critical in order to unblock updates. By accepting an interface instead, we can inject a custom implementation which would skips select test cases. Signed-off-by: Filip Petkovski <filip.petkovsky@gmail.com>
1326 lines
37 KiB
1326 lines
37 KiB
// Copyright 2015 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package promqltest
import (
var (
patSpace = regexp.MustCompile("[\t ]+")
patLoad = regexp.MustCompile(`^load(?:_(with_nhcb))?\s+(.+?)$`)
patEvalInstant = regexp.MustCompile(`^eval(?:_(fail|warn|ordered))?\s+instant\s+(?:at\s+(.+?))?\s+(.+)$`)
patEvalRange = regexp.MustCompile(`^eval(?:_(fail|warn))?\s+range\s+from\s+(.+)\s+to\s+(.+)\s+step\s+(.+?)\s+(.+)$`)
const (
defaultEpsilon = 0.000001 // Relative error allowed for sample values.
DefaultMaxSamplesPerQuery = 10000
type TBRun interface {
Run(string, func(*testing.T)) bool
var testStartTime = time.Unix(0, 0).UTC()
// LoadedStorage returns storage with generated data using the provided load statements.
// Non-load statements will cause test errors.
func LoadedStorage(t testutil.T, input string) *teststorage.TestStorage {
test, err := newTest(t, input)
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, cmd := range test.cmds {
switch cmd.(type) {
case *loadCmd:
require.NoError(t, test.exec(cmd, nil))
t.Errorf("only 'load' commands accepted, got '%s'", cmd)
return test.storage
func NewTestEngine(enablePerStepStats bool, lookbackDelta time.Duration, maxSamples int) *promql.Engine {
return promql.NewEngine(promql.EngineOpts{
Logger: nil,
Reg: nil,
MaxSamples: maxSamples,
Timeout: 100 * time.Second,
NoStepSubqueryIntervalFn: func(int64) int64 { return durationMilliseconds(1 * time.Minute) },
EnableAtModifier: true,
EnableNegativeOffset: true,
EnablePerStepStats: enablePerStepStats,
LookbackDelta: lookbackDelta,
// RunBuiltinTests runs an acceptance test suite against the provided engine.
func RunBuiltinTests(t TBRun, engine promql.QueryEngine) {
t.Cleanup(func() { parser.EnableExperimentalFunctions = false })
parser.EnableExperimentalFunctions = true
files, err := fs.Glob(testsFs, "*/*.test")
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, fn := range files {
t.Run(fn, func(t *testing.T) {
content, err := fs.ReadFile(testsFs, fn)
require.NoError(t, err)
RunTest(t, string(content), engine)
// RunTest parses and runs the test against the provided engine.
func RunTest(t testutil.T, input string, engine promql.QueryEngine) {
require.NoError(t, runTest(t, input, engine))
func runTest(t testutil.T, input string, engine promql.QueryEngine) error {
test, err := newTest(t, input)
// Why do this before checking err? newTest() can create the test storage and then return an error,
// and we want to make sure to clean that up to avoid leaking goroutines.
defer func() {
if test == nil {
if test.storage != nil {
if test.cancelCtx != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
for _, cmd := range test.cmds {
if err := test.exec(cmd, engine); err != nil {
// TODO(fabxc): aggregate command errors, yield diffs for result
// comparison errors.
return err
return nil
// test is a sequence of read and write commands that are run
// against a test storage.
type test struct {
cmds []testCommand
storage *teststorage.TestStorage
context context.Context
cancelCtx context.CancelFunc
// newTest returns an initialized empty Test.
func newTest(t testutil.T, input string) (*test, error) {
test := &test{
T: t,
cmds: []testCommand{},
err := test.parse(input)
return test, err
//go:embed testdata
var testsFs embed.FS
func raise(line int, format string, v ...interface{}) error {
return &parser.ParseErr{
LineOffset: line,
Err: fmt.Errorf(format, v...),
func parseLoad(lines []string, i int) (int, *loadCmd, error) {
if !patLoad.MatchString(lines[i]) {
return i, nil, raise(i, "invalid load command. (load[_with_nhcb] <step:duration>)")
parts := patLoad.FindStringSubmatch(lines[i])
var (
withNHCB = parts[1] == "with_nhcb"
step = parts[2]
gap, err := model.ParseDuration(step)
if err != nil {
return i, nil, raise(i, "invalid step definition %q: %s", step, err)
cmd := newLoadCmd(time.Duration(gap), withNHCB)
for i+1 < len(lines) {
defLine := lines[i]
if len(defLine) == 0 {
metric, vals, err := parseSeries(defLine, i)
if err != nil {
return i, nil, err
cmd.set(metric, vals...)
return i, cmd, nil
func parseSeries(defLine string, line int) (labels.Labels, []parser.SequenceValue, error) {
metric, vals, err := parser.ParseSeriesDesc(defLine)
if err != nil {
parser.EnrichParseError(err, func(parseErr *parser.ParseErr) {
parseErr.LineOffset = line
return labels.Labels{}, nil, err
return metric, vals, nil
func (t *test) parseEval(lines []string, i int) (int, *evalCmd, error) {
instantParts := patEvalInstant.FindStringSubmatch(lines[i])
rangeParts := patEvalRange.FindStringSubmatch(lines[i])
if instantParts == nil && rangeParts == nil {
return i, nil, raise(i, "invalid evaluation command. Must be either 'eval[_fail|_warn|_ordered] instant [at <offset:duration>] <query>' or 'eval[_fail|_warn] range from <from> to <to> step <step> <query>'")
isInstant := instantParts != nil
var mod string
var expr string
if isInstant {
mod = instantParts[1]
expr = instantParts[3]
} else {
mod = rangeParts[1]
expr = rangeParts[5]
_, err := parser.ParseExpr(expr)
if err != nil {
parser.EnrichParseError(err, func(parseErr *parser.ParseErr) {
parseErr.LineOffset = i
posOffset := posrange.Pos(strings.Index(lines[i], expr))
parseErr.PositionRange.Start += posOffset
parseErr.PositionRange.End += posOffset
parseErr.Query = lines[i]
return i, nil, err
formatErr := func(format string, args ...any) error {
combinedArgs := []any{expr, i + 1}
combinedArgs = append(combinedArgs, args...)
return fmt.Errorf("error in eval %s (line %v): "+format, combinedArgs...)
var cmd *evalCmd
if isInstant {
at := instantParts[2]
offset, err := model.ParseDuration(at)
if err != nil {
return i, nil, formatErr("invalid timestamp definition %q: %s", at, err)
ts := testStartTime.Add(time.Duration(offset))
cmd = newInstantEvalCmd(expr, ts, i+1)
} else {
from := rangeParts[2]
to := rangeParts[3]
step := rangeParts[4]
parsedFrom, err := model.ParseDuration(from)
if err != nil {
return i, nil, formatErr("invalid start timestamp definition %q: %s", from, err)
parsedTo, err := model.ParseDuration(to)
if err != nil {
return i, nil, formatErr("invalid end timestamp definition %q: %s", to, err)
if parsedTo < parsedFrom {
return i, nil, formatErr("invalid test definition, end timestamp (%s) is before start timestamp (%s)", to, from)
parsedStep, err := model.ParseDuration(step)
if err != nil {
return i, nil, formatErr("invalid step definition %q: %s", step, err)
cmd = newRangeEvalCmd(expr, testStartTime.Add(time.Duration(parsedFrom)), testStartTime.Add(time.Duration(parsedTo)), time.Duration(parsedStep), i+1)
switch mod {
case "ordered":
// Ordered results are not supported for range queries, but the regex for range query commands does not allow
// asserting an ordered result, so we don't need to do any error checking here.
cmd.ordered = true
case "fail":
cmd.fail = true
case "warn":
cmd.warn = true
for j := 1; i+1 < len(lines); j++ {
defLine := lines[i]
if len(defLine) == 0 {
if cmd.fail && strings.HasPrefix(defLine, "expected_fail_message") {
cmd.expectedFailMessage = strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(defLine, "expected_fail_message"))
if cmd.fail && strings.HasPrefix(defLine, "expected_fail_regexp") {
pattern := strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(defLine, "expected_fail_regexp"))
cmd.expectedFailRegexp, err = regexp.Compile(pattern)
if err != nil {
return i, nil, formatErr("invalid regexp '%s' for expected_fail_regexp: %w", pattern, err)
if f, err := parseNumber(defLine); err == nil {
cmd.expect(0, parser.SequenceValue{Value: f})
metric, vals, err := parseSeries(defLine, i)
if err != nil {
return i, nil, err
// Currently, we are not expecting any matrices.
if len(vals) > 1 && isInstant {
return i, nil, formatErr("expecting multiple values in instant evaluation not allowed")
cmd.expectMetric(j, metric, vals...)
return i, cmd, nil
// getLines returns trimmed lines after removing the comments.
func getLines(input string) []string {
lines := strings.Split(input, "\n")
for i, l := range lines {
l = strings.TrimSpace(l)
if strings.HasPrefix(l, "#") {
l = ""
lines[i] = l
return lines
// parse the given command sequence and appends it to the test.
func (t *test) parse(input string) error {
lines := getLines(input)
var err error
// Scan for steps line by line.
for i := 0; i < len(lines); i++ {
l := lines[i]
if len(l) == 0 {
var cmd testCommand
switch c := strings.ToLower(patSpace.Split(l, 2)[0]); {
case c == "clear":
cmd = &clearCmd{}
case strings.HasPrefix(c, "load"):
i, cmd, err = parseLoad(lines, i)
case strings.HasPrefix(c, "eval"):
i, cmd, err = t.parseEval(lines, i)
return raise(i, "invalid command %q", l)
if err != nil {
return err
t.cmds = append(t.cmds, cmd)
return nil
// testCommand is an interface that ensures that only the package internal
// types can be a valid command for a test.
type testCommand interface {
func (*clearCmd) testCmd() {}
func (*loadCmd) testCmd() {}
func (*evalCmd) testCmd() {}
// loadCmd is a command that loads sequences of sample values for specific
// metrics into the storage.
type loadCmd struct {
gap time.Duration
metrics map[uint64]labels.Labels
defs map[uint64][]promql.Sample
exemplars map[uint64][]exemplar.Exemplar
withNHCB bool
func newLoadCmd(gap time.Duration, withNHCB bool) *loadCmd {
return &loadCmd{
gap: gap,
metrics: map[uint64]labels.Labels{},
defs: map[uint64][]promql.Sample{},
exemplars: map[uint64][]exemplar.Exemplar{},
withNHCB: withNHCB,
func (cmd loadCmd) String() string {
return "load"
// set a sequence of sample values for the given metric.
func (cmd *loadCmd) set(m labels.Labels, vals ...parser.SequenceValue) {
h := m.Hash()
samples := make([]promql.Sample, 0, len(vals))
ts := testStartTime
for _, v := range vals {
if !v.Omitted {
samples = append(samples, promql.Sample{
T: ts.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond/time.Nanosecond),
F: v.Value,
H: v.Histogram,
ts = ts.Add(cmd.gap)
cmd.defs[h] = samples
cmd.metrics[h] = m
// append the defined time series to the storage.
func (cmd *loadCmd) append(a storage.Appender) error {
for h, smpls := range cmd.defs {
m := cmd.metrics[h]
for _, s := range smpls {
if err := appendSample(a, s, m); err != nil {
return err
if cmd.withNHCB {
return cmd.appendCustomHistogram(a)
return nil
func getHistogramMetricBase(m labels.Labels, suffix string) (labels.Labels, uint64) {
mName := m.Get(labels.MetricName)
baseM := labels.NewBuilder(m).
Set(labels.MetricName, strings.TrimSuffix(mName, suffix)).
hash := baseM.Hash()
return baseM, hash
type tempHistogramWrapper struct {
metric labels.Labels
upperBounds []float64
histogramByTs map[int64]tempHistogram
func newTempHistogramWrapper() tempHistogramWrapper {
return tempHistogramWrapper{
upperBounds: []float64{},
histogramByTs: map[int64]tempHistogram{},
type tempHistogram struct {
bucketCounts map[float64]float64
count float64
sum float64
func newTempHistogram() tempHistogram {
return tempHistogram{
bucketCounts: map[float64]float64{},
func processClassicHistogramSeries(m labels.Labels, suffix string, histogramMap map[uint64]tempHistogramWrapper, smpls []promql.Sample, updateHistogramWrapper func(*tempHistogramWrapper), updateHistogram func(*tempHistogram, float64)) {
m2, m2hash := getHistogramMetricBase(m, suffix)
histogramWrapper, exists := histogramMap[m2hash]
if !exists {
histogramWrapper = newTempHistogramWrapper()
histogramWrapper.metric = m2
if updateHistogramWrapper != nil {
for _, s := range smpls {
if s.H != nil {
histogram, exists := histogramWrapper.histogramByTs[s.T]
if !exists {
histogram = newTempHistogram()
updateHistogram(&histogram, s.F)
histogramWrapper.histogramByTs[s.T] = histogram
histogramMap[m2hash] = histogramWrapper
func processUpperBoundsAndCreateBaseHistogram(upperBounds0 []float64) ([]float64, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
upperBounds := make([]float64, 0, len(upperBounds0))
prevLE := math.Inf(-1)
for _, le := range upperBounds0 {
if le != prevLE { // deduplicate
upperBounds = append(upperBounds, le)
prevLE = le
var customBounds []float64
if upperBounds[len(upperBounds)-1] == math.Inf(1) {
customBounds = upperBounds[:len(upperBounds)-1]
} else {
customBounds = upperBounds
return upperBounds, &histogram.FloatHistogram{
Count: 0,
Sum: 0,
Schema: histogram.CustomBucketsSchema,
PositiveSpans: []histogram.Span{
{Offset: 0, Length: uint32(len(upperBounds))},
PositiveBuckets: make([]float64, len(upperBounds)),
CustomValues: customBounds,
// If classic histograms are defined, convert them into native histograms with custom
// bounds and append the defined time series to the storage.
func (cmd *loadCmd) appendCustomHistogram(a storage.Appender) error {
histogramMap := map[uint64]tempHistogramWrapper{}
// Go through all the time series to collate classic histogram data
// and organise them by timestamp.
for hash, smpls := range cmd.defs {
m := cmd.metrics[hash]
mName := m.Get(labels.MetricName)
switch {
case strings.HasSuffix(mName, "_bucket") && m.Has(labels.BucketLabel):
le, err := strconv.ParseFloat(m.Get(labels.BucketLabel), 64)
if err != nil || math.IsNaN(le) {
processClassicHistogramSeries(m, "_bucket", histogramMap, smpls, func(histogramWrapper *tempHistogramWrapper) {
histogramWrapper.upperBounds = append(histogramWrapper.upperBounds, le)
}, func(histogram *tempHistogram, f float64) {
histogram.bucketCounts[le] = f
case strings.HasSuffix(mName, "_count"):
processClassicHistogramSeries(m, "_count", histogramMap, smpls, nil, func(histogram *tempHistogram, f float64) {
histogram.count = f
case strings.HasSuffix(mName, "_sum"):
processClassicHistogramSeries(m, "_sum", histogramMap, smpls, nil, func(histogram *tempHistogram, f float64) {
histogram.sum = f
// Convert the collated classic histogram data into native histograms
// with custom bounds and append them to the storage.
for _, histogramWrapper := range histogramMap {
upperBounds, fhBase := processUpperBoundsAndCreateBaseHistogram(histogramWrapper.upperBounds)
samples := make([]promql.Sample, 0, len(histogramWrapper.histogramByTs))
for t, histogram := range histogramWrapper.histogramByTs {
fh := fhBase.Copy()
var prevCount, total float64
for i, le := range upperBounds {
currCount, exists := histogram.bucketCounts[le]
if !exists {
currCount = 0
count := currCount - prevCount
fh.PositiveBuckets[i] = count
total += count
prevCount = currCount
fh.Sum = histogram.sum
if histogram.count != 0 {
total = histogram.count
fh.Count = total
s := promql.Sample{T: t, H: fh.Compact(0)}
if err := s.H.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
samples = append(samples, s)
sort.Slice(samples, func(i, j int) bool { return samples[i].T < samples[j].T })
for _, s := range samples {
if err := appendSample(a, s, histogramWrapper.metric); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func appendSample(a storage.Appender, s promql.Sample, m labels.Labels) error {
if s.H != nil {
if _, err := a.AppendHistogram(0, m, s.T, nil, s.H); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if _, err := a.Append(0, m, s.T, s.F); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// evalCmd is a command that evaluates an expression for the given time (range)
// and expects a specific result.
type evalCmd struct {
expr string
start time.Time
end time.Time
step time.Duration
line int
isRange bool // if false, instant query
fail, warn, ordered bool
expectedFailMessage string
expectedFailRegexp *regexp.Regexp
metrics map[uint64]labels.Labels
expected map[uint64]entry
type entry struct {
pos int
vals []parser.SequenceValue
func (e entry) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s", e.pos, e.vals)
func newInstantEvalCmd(expr string, start time.Time, line int) *evalCmd {
return &evalCmd{
expr: expr,
start: start,
line: line,
metrics: map[uint64]labels.Labels{},
expected: map[uint64]entry{},
func newRangeEvalCmd(expr string, start, end time.Time, step time.Duration, line int) *evalCmd {
return &evalCmd{
expr: expr,
start: start,
end: end,
step: step,
line: line,
isRange: true,
metrics: map[uint64]labels.Labels{},
expected: map[uint64]entry{},
func (ev *evalCmd) String() string {
return "eval"
// expect adds a sequence of values to the set of expected
// results for the query.
func (ev *evalCmd) expect(pos int, vals ...parser.SequenceValue) {
ev.expected[0] = entry{pos: pos, vals: vals}
// expectMetric adds a new metric with a sequence of values to the set of expected
// results for the query.
func (ev *evalCmd) expectMetric(pos int, m labels.Labels, vals ...parser.SequenceValue) {
h := m.Hash()
ev.metrics[h] = m
ev.expected[h] = entry{pos: pos, vals: vals}
// compareResult compares the result value with the defined expectation.
func (ev *evalCmd) compareResult(result parser.Value) error {
switch val := result.(type) {
case promql.Matrix:
if ev.ordered {
return fmt.Errorf("expected ordered result, but query returned a matrix")
if err := assertMatrixSorted(val); err != nil {
return err
seen := map[uint64]bool{}
for _, s := range val {
hash := s.Metric.Hash()
if _, ok := ev.metrics[hash]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected metric %s in result, has %s", s.Metric, formatSeriesResult(s))
seen[hash] = true
exp := ev.expected[hash]
var expectedFloats []promql.FPoint
var expectedHistograms []promql.HPoint
for i, e := range exp.vals {
ts := ev.start.Add(time.Duration(i) * ev.step)
if ts.After(ev.end) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected %v points for %s, but query time range cannot return this many points", len(exp.vals), ev.metrics[hash])
t := ts.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond/time.Nanosecond)
if e.Histogram != nil {
expectedHistograms = append(expectedHistograms, promql.HPoint{T: t, H: e.Histogram})
} else if !e.Omitted {
expectedFloats = append(expectedFloats, promql.FPoint{T: t, F: e.Value})
if len(expectedFloats) != len(s.Floats) || len(expectedHistograms) != len(s.Histograms) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected %v float points and %v histogram points for %s, but got %s", len(expectedFloats), len(expectedHistograms), ev.metrics[hash], formatSeriesResult(s))
for i, expected := range expectedFloats {
actual := s.Floats[i]
if expected.T != actual.T {
return fmt.Errorf("expected float value at index %v for %s to have timestamp %v, but it had timestamp %v (result has %s)", i, ev.metrics[hash], expected.T, actual.T, formatSeriesResult(s))
if !almost.Equal(actual.F, expected.F, defaultEpsilon) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected float value at index %v (t=%v) for %s to be %v, but got %v (result has %s)", i, actual.T, ev.metrics[hash], expected.F, actual.F, formatSeriesResult(s))
for i, expected := range expectedHistograms {
actual := s.Histograms[i]
if expected.T != actual.T {
return fmt.Errorf("expected histogram value at index %v for %s to have timestamp %v, but it had timestamp %v (result has %s)", i, ev.metrics[hash], expected.T, actual.T, formatSeriesResult(s))
if !actual.H.Equals(expected.H.Compact(0)) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected histogram value at index %v (t=%v) for %s to be %v, but got %v (result has %s)", i, actual.T, ev.metrics[hash], expected.H, actual.H, formatSeriesResult(s))
for hash := range ev.expected {
if !seen[hash] {
return fmt.Errorf("expected metric %s not found", ev.metrics[hash])
case promql.Vector:
seen := map[uint64]bool{}
for pos, v := range val {
fp := v.Metric.Hash()
if _, ok := ev.metrics[fp]; !ok {
if v.H != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected metric %s in result, has value %v", v.Metric, v.H)
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected metric %s in result, has value %v", v.Metric, v.F)
exp := ev.expected[fp]
if ev.ordered && exp.pos != pos+1 {
return fmt.Errorf("expected metric %s with %v at position %d but was at %d", v.Metric, exp.vals, exp.pos, pos+1)
exp0 := exp.vals[0]
expH := exp0.Histogram
if expH == nil && v.H != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("expected float value %v for %s but got histogram %s", exp0, v.Metric, HistogramTestExpression(v.H))
if expH != nil && v.H == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("expected histogram %s for %s but got float value %v", HistogramTestExpression(expH), v.Metric, v.F)
if expH != nil && !expH.Compact(0).Equals(v.H) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected %v for %s but got %s", HistogramTestExpression(expH), v.Metric, HistogramTestExpression(v.H))
if !almost.Equal(exp0.Value, v.F, defaultEpsilon) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected %v for %s but got %v", exp0.Value, v.Metric, v.F)
seen[fp] = true
for fp, expVals := range ev.expected {
if !seen[fp] {
return fmt.Errorf("expected metric %s with %v not found", ev.metrics[fp], expVals)
case promql.Scalar:
if len(ev.expected) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("expected vector result, but got scalar %s", val.String())
exp0 := ev.expected[0].vals[0]
if exp0.Histogram != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("expected Histogram %v but got scalar %s", exp0.Histogram.TestExpression(), val.String())
if !almost.Equal(exp0.Value, val.V, defaultEpsilon) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected Scalar %v but got %v", val.V, exp0.Value)
panic(fmt.Errorf("promql.Test.compareResult: unexpected result type %T", result))
return nil
func (ev *evalCmd) checkExpectedFailure(actual error) error {
if ev.expectedFailMessage != "" {
if ev.expectedFailMessage != actual.Error() {
return fmt.Errorf("expected error %q evaluating query %q (line %d), but got: %s", ev.expectedFailMessage, ev.expr, ev.line, actual.Error())
if ev.expectedFailRegexp != nil {
if !ev.expectedFailRegexp.MatchString(actual.Error()) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected error matching pattern %q evaluating query %q (line %d), but got: %s", ev.expectedFailRegexp.String(), ev.expr, ev.line, actual.Error())
// We're not expecting a particular error, or we got the error we expected.
// This test passes.
return nil
func formatSeriesResult(s promql.Series) string {
floatPlural := "s"
histogramPlural := "s"
if len(s.Floats) == 1 {
floatPlural = ""
if len(s.Histograms) == 1 {
histogramPlural = ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%v float point%s %v and %v histogram point%s %v", len(s.Floats), floatPlural, s.Floats, len(s.Histograms), histogramPlural, s.Histograms)
// HistogramTestExpression returns TestExpression() for the given histogram or "" if the histogram is nil.
func HistogramTestExpression(h *histogram.FloatHistogram) string {
if h != nil {
return h.TestExpression()
return ""
// clearCmd is a command that wipes the test's storage state.
type clearCmd struct{}
func (cmd clearCmd) String() string {
return "clear"
type atModifierTestCase struct {
expr string
evalTime time.Time
func atModifierTestCases(exprStr string, evalTime time.Time) ([]atModifierTestCase, error) {
expr, err := parser.ParseExpr(exprStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ts := timestamp.FromTime(evalTime)
containsNonStepInvariant := false
// Setting the @ timestamp for all selectors to be evalTime.
// If there is a subquery, then the selectors inside it don't get the @ timestamp.
// If any selector already has the @ timestamp set, then it is untouched.
parser.Inspect(expr, func(node parser.Node, path []parser.Node) error {
if hasAtModifier(path) {
// There is a subquery with timestamp in the path,
// hence don't change any timestamps further.
return nil
switch n := node.(type) {
case *parser.VectorSelector:
if n.Timestamp == nil {
n.Timestamp = makeInt64Pointer(ts)
case *parser.MatrixSelector:
if vs := n.VectorSelector.(*parser.VectorSelector); vs.Timestamp == nil {
vs.Timestamp = makeInt64Pointer(ts)
case *parser.SubqueryExpr:
if n.Timestamp == nil {
n.Timestamp = makeInt64Pointer(ts)
case *parser.Call:
_, ok := promql.AtModifierUnsafeFunctions[n.Func.Name]
containsNonStepInvariant = containsNonStepInvariant || ok
return nil
if containsNonStepInvariant {
// Expression contains a function whose result can vary with evaluation
// time, even though its arguments are step invariant: skip it.
return nil, nil
newExpr := expr.String() // With all the @ evalTime set.
additionalEvalTimes := []int64{-10 * ts, 0, ts / 5, ts, 10 * ts}
if ts == 0 {
additionalEvalTimes = []int64{-1000, -ts, 1000}
testCases := make([]atModifierTestCase, 0, len(additionalEvalTimes))
for _, et := range additionalEvalTimes {
testCases = append(testCases, atModifierTestCase{
expr: newExpr,
evalTime: timestamp.Time(et),
return testCases, nil
func hasAtModifier(path []parser.Node) bool {
for _, node := range path {
if n, ok := node.(*parser.SubqueryExpr); ok {
if n.Timestamp != nil {
return true
return false
// exec processes a single step of the test.
func (t *test) exec(tc testCommand, engine promql.QueryEngine) error {
switch cmd := tc.(type) {
case *clearCmd:
case *loadCmd:
app := t.storage.Appender(t.context)
if err := cmd.append(app); err != nil {
return err
if err := app.Commit(); err != nil {
return err
case *evalCmd:
return t.execEval(cmd, engine)
panic("promql.Test.exec: unknown test command type")
return nil
func (t *test) execEval(cmd *evalCmd, engine promql.QueryEngine) error {
if cmd.isRange {
return t.execRangeEval(cmd, engine)
return t.execInstantEval(cmd, engine)
func (t *test) execRangeEval(cmd *evalCmd, engine promql.QueryEngine) error {
q, err := engine.NewRangeQuery(t.context, t.storage, nil, cmd.expr, cmd.start, cmd.end, cmd.step)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating range query for %q (line %d): %w", cmd.expr, cmd.line, err)
res := q.Exec(t.context)
countWarnings, _ := res.Warnings.CountWarningsAndInfo()
if !cmd.warn && countWarnings > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected warnings evaluating query %q (line %d): %v", cmd.expr, cmd.line, res.Warnings)
if cmd.warn && countWarnings == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("expected warnings evaluating query %q (line %d) but got none", cmd.expr, cmd.line)
if res.Err != nil {
if cmd.fail {
return cmd.checkExpectedFailure(res.Err)
return fmt.Errorf("error evaluating query %q (line %d): %w", cmd.expr, cmd.line, res.Err)
if res.Err == nil && cmd.fail {
return fmt.Errorf("expected error evaluating query %q (line %d) but got none", cmd.expr, cmd.line)
defer q.Close()
if err := cmd.compareResult(res.Value); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in %s %s (line %d): %w", cmd, cmd.expr, cmd.line, err)
return nil
func (t *test) execInstantEval(cmd *evalCmd, engine promql.QueryEngine) error {
queries, err := atModifierTestCases(cmd.expr, cmd.start)
if err != nil {
return err
queries = append([]atModifierTestCase{{expr: cmd.expr, evalTime: cmd.start}}, queries...)
for _, iq := range queries {
if err := t.runInstantQuery(iq, cmd, engine); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *test) runInstantQuery(iq atModifierTestCase, cmd *evalCmd, engine promql.QueryEngine) error {
q, err := engine.NewInstantQuery(t.context, t.storage, nil, iq.expr, iq.evalTime)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating instant query for %q (line %d): %w", cmd.expr, cmd.line, err)
defer q.Close()
res := q.Exec(t.context)
countWarnings, _ := res.Warnings.CountWarningsAndInfo()
if !cmd.warn && countWarnings > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected warnings evaluating query %q (line %d): %v", iq.expr, cmd.line, res.Warnings)
if cmd.warn && countWarnings == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("expected warnings evaluating query %q (line %d) but got none", iq.expr, cmd.line)
if res.Err != nil {
if cmd.fail {
if err := cmd.checkExpectedFailure(res.Err); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("error evaluating query %q (line %d): %w", iq.expr, cmd.line, res.Err)
if res.Err == nil && cmd.fail {
return fmt.Errorf("expected error evaluating query %q (line %d) but got none", iq.expr, cmd.line)
err = cmd.compareResult(res.Value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in %s %s (line %d): %w", cmd, iq.expr, cmd.line, err)
// Check query returns same result in range mode,
// by checking against the middle step.
q, err = engine.NewRangeQuery(t.context, t.storage, nil, iq.expr, iq.evalTime.Add(-time.Minute), iq.evalTime.Add(time.Minute), time.Minute)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating range query for %q (line %d): %w", cmd.expr, cmd.line, err)
rangeRes := q.Exec(t.context)
if rangeRes.Err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error evaluating query %q (line %d) in range mode: %w", iq.expr, cmd.line, rangeRes.Err)
defer q.Close()
if cmd.ordered {
// Range queries are always sorted by labels, so skip this test case that expects results in a particular order.
return nil
mat := rangeRes.Value.(promql.Matrix)
if err := assertMatrixSorted(mat); err != nil {
return err
vec := make(promql.Vector, 0, len(mat))
for _, series := range mat {
// We expect either Floats or Histograms.
for _, point := range series.Floats {
if point.T == timeMilliseconds(iq.evalTime) {
vec = append(vec, promql.Sample{Metric: series.Metric, T: point.T, F: point.F})
for _, point := range series.Histograms {
if point.T == timeMilliseconds(iq.evalTime) {
vec = append(vec, promql.Sample{Metric: series.Metric, T: point.T, H: point.H})
if _, ok := res.Value.(promql.Scalar); ok {
err = cmd.compareResult(promql.Scalar{V: vec[0].F})
} else {
err = cmd.compareResult(vec)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in %s %s (line %d) range mode: %w", cmd, iq.expr, cmd.line, err)
return nil
func assertMatrixSorted(m promql.Matrix) error {
if len(m) <= 1 {
return nil
for i, s := range m[:len(m)-1] {
nextIndex := i + 1
nextMetric := m[nextIndex].Metric
if labels.Compare(s.Metric, nextMetric) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("matrix results should always be sorted by labels, but matrix is not sorted: series at index %v with labels %s sorts before series at index %v with labels %s", nextIndex, nextMetric, i, s.Metric)
return nil
// clear the current test storage of all inserted samples.
func (t *test) clear() {
if t.storage != nil {
err := t.storage.Close()
require.NoError(t.T, err, "Unexpected error while closing test storage.")
if t.cancelCtx != nil {
t.storage = teststorage.New(t)
t.context, t.cancelCtx = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
func parseNumber(s string) (float64, error) {
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 0, 64)
f := float64(n)
if err != nil {
f, err = strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("error parsing number: %w", err)
return f, nil
// LazyLoader lazily loads samples into storage.
// This is specifically implemented for unit testing of rules.
type LazyLoader struct {
loadCmd *loadCmd
storage storage.Storage
SubqueryInterval time.Duration
queryEngine *promql.Engine
context context.Context
cancelCtx context.CancelFunc
opts LazyLoaderOpts
// LazyLoaderOpts are options for the lazy loader.
type LazyLoaderOpts struct {
// Both of these must be set to true for regular PromQL (as of
// Prometheus v2.33). They can still be disabled here for legacy and
// other uses.
EnableAtModifier, EnableNegativeOffset bool
// NewLazyLoader returns an initialized empty LazyLoader.
func NewLazyLoader(input string, opts LazyLoaderOpts) (*LazyLoader, error) {
ll := &LazyLoader{
opts: opts,
err := ll.parse(input)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = ll.clear()
return ll, err
// parse the given load command.
func (ll *LazyLoader) parse(input string) error {
lines := getLines(input)
// Accepts only 'load' command.
for i := 0; i < len(lines); i++ {
l := lines[i]
if len(l) == 0 {
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(patSpace.Split(l, 2)[0]), "load") {
_, cmd, err := parseLoad(lines, i)
if err != nil {
return err
ll.loadCmd = cmd
return nil
return raise(i, "invalid command %q", l)
return errors.New("no \"load\" command found")
// clear the current test storage of all inserted samples.
func (ll *LazyLoader) clear() error {
if ll.storage != nil {
if err := ll.storage.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("closing test storage: %w", err)
if ll.cancelCtx != nil {
var err error
ll.storage, err = teststorage.NewWithError()
if err != nil {
return err
opts := promql.EngineOpts{
Logger: nil,
Reg: nil,
MaxSamples: 10000,
Timeout: 100 * time.Second,
NoStepSubqueryIntervalFn: func(int64) int64 { return durationMilliseconds(ll.SubqueryInterval) },
EnableAtModifier: ll.opts.EnableAtModifier,
EnableNegativeOffset: ll.opts.EnableNegativeOffset,
ll.queryEngine = promql.NewEngine(opts)
ll.context, ll.cancelCtx = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return nil
// appendTill appends the defined time series to the storage till the given timestamp (in milliseconds).
func (ll *LazyLoader) appendTill(ts int64) error {
app := ll.storage.Appender(ll.Context())
for h, smpls := range ll.loadCmd.defs {
m := ll.loadCmd.metrics[h]
for i, s := range smpls {
if s.T > ts {
// Removing the already added samples.
ll.loadCmd.defs[h] = smpls[i:]
if err := appendSample(app, s, m); err != nil {
return err
if i == len(smpls)-1 {
ll.loadCmd.defs[h] = nil
return app.Commit()
// WithSamplesTill loads the samples till given timestamp and executes the given function.
func (ll *LazyLoader) WithSamplesTill(ts time.Time, fn func(error)) {
tsMilli := ts.Sub(time.Unix(0, 0).UTC()) / time.Millisecond
// QueryEngine returns the LazyLoader's query engine.
func (ll *LazyLoader) QueryEngine() *promql.Engine {
return ll.queryEngine
// Queryable allows querying the LazyLoader's data.
// Note: only the samples till the max timestamp used
// in `WithSamplesTill` can be queried.
func (ll *LazyLoader) Queryable() storage.Queryable {
return ll.storage
// Context returns the LazyLoader's context.
func (ll *LazyLoader) Context() context.Context {
return ll.context
// Storage returns the LazyLoader's storage.
func (ll *LazyLoader) Storage() storage.Storage {
return ll.storage
// Close closes resources associated with the LazyLoader.
func (ll *LazyLoader) Close() error {
return ll.storage.Close()
func makeInt64Pointer(val int64) *int64 {
valp := new(int64)
*valp = val
return valp
func timeMilliseconds(t time.Time) int64 {
return t.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond/time.Nanosecond)
func durationMilliseconds(d time.Duration) int64 {
return int64(d / (time.Millisecond / time.Nanosecond))