mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:59:13 -08:00
* remote-write: slow down retries to avoid DDOS Increase the default max retry time from 100ms to 5 seconds. Remote write calls are retried after a recoverable error such as the back-end returning 500. Prometheus waits the minimum time and retries, then doubles the wait on each subsequent retry until the maximum is reached. If some data is still getting through, remote-write will also increase shards, and the default maximum is 200. 200 shards sending every 100ms is 20 calls per second, to a back-end that is already in trouble. 5 seconds was chosen to match the default BatchSendDeadline: if we can afford to wait that long for no response, then we can wait the same time to retry. We will reach 5 seconds after 9 successive failures. Signed-off-by: Bryan Boreham <bjboreham@gmail.com> * Update config doc for max_backoff change Signed-off-by: Bryan Boreham <bjboreham@gmail.com>
821 lines
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821 lines
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// Copyright 2015 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v2"
var (
patRulePath = regexp.MustCompile(`^[^*]*(\*[^/]*)?$`)
reservedHeaders = map[string]struct{}{
// NOTE: authorization is checked specially,
// see RemoteWriteConfig.UnmarshalYAML.
// "authorization": {},
"host": {},
"content-encoding": {},
"content-length": {},
"content-type": {},
"user-agent": {},
"connection": {},
"keep-alive": {},
"proxy-authenticate": {},
"proxy-authorization": {},
"www-authenticate": {},
"accept-encoding": {},
"x-prometheus-remote-write-version": {},
"x-prometheus-remote-read-version": {},
// Added by SigV4.
"x-amz-date": {},
"x-amz-security-token": {},
"x-amz-content-sha256": {},
// Load parses the YAML input s into a Config.
func Load(s string, expandExternalLabels bool, logger log.Logger) (*Config, error) {
cfg := &Config{}
// If the entire config body is empty the UnmarshalYAML method is
// never called. We thus have to set the DefaultConfig at the entry
// point as well.
*cfg = DefaultConfig
err := yaml.UnmarshalStrict([]byte(s), cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !expandExternalLabels {
return cfg, nil
for i, v := range cfg.GlobalConfig.ExternalLabels {
newV := os.Expand(v.Value, func(s string) string {
if v := os.Getenv(s); v != "" {
return v
level.Warn(logger).Log("msg", "Empty environment variable", "name", s)
return ""
if newV != v.Value {
level.Debug(logger).Log("msg", "External label replaced", "label", v.Name, "input", v.Value, "output", newV)
v.Value = newV
cfg.GlobalConfig.ExternalLabels[i] = v
return cfg, nil
// LoadFile parses the given YAML file into a Config.
func LoadFile(filename string, agentMode, expandExternalLabels bool, logger log.Logger) (*Config, error) {
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cfg, err := Load(string(content), expandExternalLabels, logger)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "parsing YAML file %s", filename)
if agentMode {
if len(cfg.RemoteWriteConfigs) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("at least one remote_write target must be specified in agent mode")
if len(cfg.AlertingConfig.AlertmanagerConfigs) > 0 || len(cfg.AlertingConfig.AlertRelabelConfigs) > 0 {
return nil, errors.New("field alerting is not allowed in agent mode")
if len(cfg.RuleFiles) > 0 {
return nil, errors.New("field rule_files is not allowed in agent mode")
if len(cfg.RemoteReadConfigs) > 0 {
return nil, errors.New("field remote_read is not allowed in agent mode")
return cfg, nil
// The defaults applied before parsing the respective config sections.
var (
// DefaultConfig is the default top-level configuration.
DefaultConfig = Config{
GlobalConfig: DefaultGlobalConfig,
// DefaultGlobalConfig is the default global configuration.
DefaultGlobalConfig = GlobalConfig{
ScrapeInterval: model.Duration(1 * time.Minute),
ScrapeTimeout: model.Duration(10 * time.Second),
EvaluationInterval: model.Duration(1 * time.Minute),
// DefaultScrapeConfig is the default scrape configuration.
DefaultScrapeConfig = ScrapeConfig{
// ScrapeTimeout and ScrapeInterval default to the
// configured globals.
MetricsPath: "/metrics",
Scheme: "http",
HonorLabels: false,
HonorTimestamps: true,
HTTPClientConfig: config.DefaultHTTPClientConfig,
// DefaultAlertmanagerConfig is the default alertmanager configuration.
DefaultAlertmanagerConfig = AlertmanagerConfig{
Scheme: "http",
Timeout: model.Duration(10 * time.Second),
APIVersion: AlertmanagerAPIVersionV2,
HTTPClientConfig: config.DefaultHTTPClientConfig,
// DefaultRemoteWriteConfig is the default remote write configuration.
DefaultRemoteWriteConfig = RemoteWriteConfig{
RemoteTimeout: model.Duration(30 * time.Second),
QueueConfig: DefaultQueueConfig,
MetadataConfig: DefaultMetadataConfig,
HTTPClientConfig: config.DefaultHTTPClientConfig,
// DefaultQueueConfig is the default remote queue configuration.
DefaultQueueConfig = QueueConfig{
// With a maximum of 200 shards, assuming an average of 100ms remote write
// time and 500 samples per batch, we will be able to push 1M samples/s.
MaxShards: 200,
MinShards: 1,
MaxSamplesPerSend: 500,
// Each shard will have a max of 2500 samples pending in its channel, plus the pending
// samples that have been enqueued. Theoretically we should only ever have about 3000 samples
// per shard pending. At 200 shards that's 600k.
Capacity: 2500,
BatchSendDeadline: model.Duration(5 * time.Second),
// Backoff times for retrying a batch of samples on recoverable errors.
MinBackoff: model.Duration(30 * time.Millisecond),
MaxBackoff: model.Duration(5 * time.Second),
// DefaultMetadataConfig is the default metadata configuration for a remote write endpoint.
DefaultMetadataConfig = MetadataConfig{
Send: true,
SendInterval: model.Duration(1 * time.Minute),
MaxSamplesPerSend: 500,
// DefaultRemoteReadConfig is the default remote read configuration.
DefaultRemoteReadConfig = RemoteReadConfig{
RemoteTimeout: model.Duration(1 * time.Minute),
HTTPClientConfig: config.DefaultHTTPClientConfig,
// DefaultStorageConfig is the default TSDB/Exemplar storage configuration.
DefaultStorageConfig = StorageConfig{
ExemplarsConfig: &DefaultExemplarsConfig,
DefaultExemplarsConfig = ExemplarsConfig{
MaxExemplars: 100000,
// Config is the top-level configuration for Prometheus's config files.
type Config struct {
GlobalConfig GlobalConfig `yaml:"global"`
AlertingConfig AlertingConfig `yaml:"alerting,omitempty"`
RuleFiles []string `yaml:"rule_files,omitempty"`
ScrapeConfigs []*ScrapeConfig `yaml:"scrape_configs,omitempty"`
StorageConfig StorageConfig `yaml:"storage,omitempty"`
RemoteWriteConfigs []*RemoteWriteConfig `yaml:"remote_write,omitempty"`
RemoteReadConfigs []*RemoteReadConfig `yaml:"remote_read,omitempty"`
// SetDirectory joins any relative file paths with dir.
func (c *Config) SetDirectory(dir string) {
for i, file := range c.RuleFiles {
c.RuleFiles[i] = config.JoinDir(dir, file)
for _, c := range c.ScrapeConfigs {
for _, c := range c.RemoteWriteConfigs {
for _, c := range c.RemoteReadConfigs {
func (c Config) String() string {
b, err := yaml.Marshal(c)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("<error creating config string: %s>", err)
return string(b)
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface.
func (c *Config) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
*c = DefaultConfig
// We want to set c to the defaults and then overwrite it with the input.
// To make unmarshal fill the plain data struct rather than calling UnmarshalYAML
// again, we have to hide it using a type indirection.
type plain Config
if err := unmarshal((*plain)(c)); err != nil {
return err
// If a global block was open but empty the default global config is overwritten.
// We have to restore it here.
if c.GlobalConfig.isZero() {
c.GlobalConfig = DefaultGlobalConfig
for _, rf := range c.RuleFiles {
if !patRulePath.MatchString(rf) {
return errors.Errorf("invalid rule file path %q", rf)
// Do global overrides and validate unique names.
jobNames := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, scfg := range c.ScrapeConfigs {
if scfg == nil {
return errors.New("empty or null scrape config section")
// First set the correct scrape interval, then check that the timeout
// (inferred or explicit) is not greater than that.
if scfg.ScrapeInterval == 0 {
scfg.ScrapeInterval = c.GlobalConfig.ScrapeInterval
if scfg.ScrapeTimeout > scfg.ScrapeInterval {
return errors.Errorf("scrape timeout greater than scrape interval for scrape config with job name %q", scfg.JobName)
if scfg.ScrapeTimeout == 0 {
if c.GlobalConfig.ScrapeTimeout > scfg.ScrapeInterval {
scfg.ScrapeTimeout = scfg.ScrapeInterval
} else {
scfg.ScrapeTimeout = c.GlobalConfig.ScrapeTimeout
if _, ok := jobNames[scfg.JobName]; ok {
return errors.Errorf("found multiple scrape configs with job name %q", scfg.JobName)
jobNames[scfg.JobName] = struct{}{}
rwNames := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, rwcfg := range c.RemoteWriteConfigs {
if rwcfg == nil {
return errors.New("empty or null remote write config section")
// Skip empty names, we fill their name with their config hash in remote write code.
if _, ok := rwNames[rwcfg.Name]; ok && rwcfg.Name != "" {
return errors.Errorf("found multiple remote write configs with job name %q", rwcfg.Name)
rwNames[rwcfg.Name] = struct{}{}
rrNames := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, rrcfg := range c.RemoteReadConfigs {
if rrcfg == nil {
return errors.New("empty or null remote read config section")
// Skip empty names, we fill their name with their config hash in remote read code.
if _, ok := rrNames[rrcfg.Name]; ok && rrcfg.Name != "" {
return errors.Errorf("found multiple remote read configs with job name %q", rrcfg.Name)
rrNames[rrcfg.Name] = struct{}{}
return nil
// GlobalConfig configures values that are used across other configuration
// objects.
type GlobalConfig struct {
// How frequently to scrape targets by default.
ScrapeInterval model.Duration `yaml:"scrape_interval,omitempty"`
// The default timeout when scraping targets.
ScrapeTimeout model.Duration `yaml:"scrape_timeout,omitempty"`
// How frequently to evaluate rules by default.
EvaluationInterval model.Duration `yaml:"evaluation_interval,omitempty"`
// File to which PromQL queries are logged.
QueryLogFile string `yaml:"query_log_file,omitempty"`
// The labels to add to any timeseries that this Prometheus instance scrapes.
ExternalLabels labels.Labels `yaml:"external_labels,omitempty"`
// SetDirectory joins any relative file paths with dir.
func (c *GlobalConfig) SetDirectory(dir string) {
c.QueryLogFile = config.JoinDir(dir, c.QueryLogFile)
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface.
func (c *GlobalConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
// Create a clean global config as the previous one was already populated
// by the default due to the YAML parser behavior for empty blocks.
gc := &GlobalConfig{}
type plain GlobalConfig
if err := unmarshal((*plain)(gc)); err != nil {
return err
for _, l := range gc.ExternalLabels {
if !model.LabelName(l.Name).IsValid() {
return errors.Errorf("%q is not a valid label name", l.Name)
if !model.LabelValue(l.Value).IsValid() {
return errors.Errorf("%q is not a valid label value", l.Value)
// First set the correct scrape interval, then check that the timeout
// (inferred or explicit) is not greater than that.
if gc.ScrapeInterval == 0 {
gc.ScrapeInterval = DefaultGlobalConfig.ScrapeInterval
if gc.ScrapeTimeout > gc.ScrapeInterval {
return errors.New("global scrape timeout greater than scrape interval")
if gc.ScrapeTimeout == 0 {
if DefaultGlobalConfig.ScrapeTimeout > gc.ScrapeInterval {
gc.ScrapeTimeout = gc.ScrapeInterval
} else {
gc.ScrapeTimeout = DefaultGlobalConfig.ScrapeTimeout
if gc.EvaluationInterval == 0 {
gc.EvaluationInterval = DefaultGlobalConfig.EvaluationInterval
*c = *gc
return nil
// isZero returns true iff the global config is the zero value.
func (c *GlobalConfig) isZero() bool {
return c.ExternalLabels == nil &&
c.ScrapeInterval == 0 &&
c.ScrapeTimeout == 0 &&
c.EvaluationInterval == 0 &&
c.QueryLogFile == ""
// ScrapeConfig configures a scraping unit for Prometheus.
type ScrapeConfig struct {
// The job name to which the job label is set by default.
JobName string `yaml:"job_name"`
// Indicator whether the scraped metrics should remain unmodified.
HonorLabels bool `yaml:"honor_labels,omitempty"`
// Indicator whether the scraped timestamps should be respected.
HonorTimestamps bool `yaml:"honor_timestamps"`
// A set of query parameters with which the target is scraped.
Params url.Values `yaml:"params,omitempty"`
// How frequently to scrape the targets of this scrape config.
ScrapeInterval model.Duration `yaml:"scrape_interval,omitempty"`
// The timeout for scraping targets of this config.
ScrapeTimeout model.Duration `yaml:"scrape_timeout,omitempty"`
// The HTTP resource path on which to fetch metrics from targets.
MetricsPath string `yaml:"metrics_path,omitempty"`
// The URL scheme with which to fetch metrics from targets.
Scheme string `yaml:"scheme,omitempty"`
// An uncompressed response body larger than this many bytes will cause the
// scrape to fail. 0 means no limit.
BodySizeLimit units.Base2Bytes `yaml:"body_size_limit,omitempty"`
// More than this many samples post metric-relabeling will cause the scrape to
// fail.
SampleLimit uint `yaml:"sample_limit,omitempty"`
// More than this many targets after the target relabeling will cause the
// scrapes to fail.
TargetLimit uint `yaml:"target_limit,omitempty"`
// More than this many labels post metric-relabeling will cause the scrape to
// fail.
LabelLimit uint `yaml:"label_limit,omitempty"`
// More than this label name length post metric-relabeling will cause the
// scrape to fail.
LabelNameLengthLimit uint `yaml:"label_name_length_limit,omitempty"`
// More than this label value length post metric-relabeling will cause the
// scrape to fail.
LabelValueLengthLimit uint `yaml:"label_value_length_limit,omitempty"`
// We cannot do proper Go type embedding below as the parser will then parse
// values arbitrarily into the overflow maps of further-down types.
ServiceDiscoveryConfigs discovery.Configs `yaml:"-"`
HTTPClientConfig config.HTTPClientConfig `yaml:",inline"`
// List of target relabel configurations.
RelabelConfigs []*relabel.Config `yaml:"relabel_configs,omitempty"`
// List of metric relabel configurations.
MetricRelabelConfigs []*relabel.Config `yaml:"metric_relabel_configs,omitempty"`
// SetDirectory joins any relative file paths with dir.
func (c *ScrapeConfig) SetDirectory(dir string) {
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface.
func (c *ScrapeConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
*c = DefaultScrapeConfig
if err := discovery.UnmarshalYAMLWithInlineConfigs(c, unmarshal); err != nil {
return err
if len(c.JobName) == 0 {
return errors.New("job_name is empty")
// The UnmarshalYAML method of HTTPClientConfig is not being called because it's not a pointer.
// We cannot make it a pointer as the parser panics for inlined pointer structs.
// Thus we just do its validation here.
if err := c.HTTPClientConfig.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
// Check for users putting URLs in target groups.
if len(c.RelabelConfigs) == 0 {
if err := checkStaticTargets(c.ServiceDiscoveryConfigs); err != nil {
return err
for _, rlcfg := range c.RelabelConfigs {
if rlcfg == nil {
return errors.New("empty or null target relabeling rule in scrape config")
for _, rlcfg := range c.MetricRelabelConfigs {
if rlcfg == nil {
return errors.New("empty or null metric relabeling rule in scrape config")
return nil
// MarshalYAML implements the yaml.Marshaler interface.
func (c *ScrapeConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
return discovery.MarshalYAMLWithInlineConfigs(c)
// StorageConfig configures runtime reloadable configuration options.
type StorageConfig struct {
ExemplarsConfig *ExemplarsConfig `yaml:"exemplars,omitempty"`
// ExemplarsConfig configures runtime reloadable configuration options.
type ExemplarsConfig struct {
// MaxExemplars sets the size, in # of exemplars stored, of the single circular buffer used to store exemplars in memory.
// Use a value of 0 or less than 0 to disable the storage without having to restart Prometheus.
MaxExemplars int64 `yaml:"max_exemplars,omitempty"`
// AlertingConfig configures alerting and alertmanager related configs.
type AlertingConfig struct {
AlertRelabelConfigs []*relabel.Config `yaml:"alert_relabel_configs,omitempty"`
AlertmanagerConfigs AlertmanagerConfigs `yaml:"alertmanagers,omitempty"`
// SetDirectory joins any relative file paths with dir.
func (c *AlertingConfig) SetDirectory(dir string) {
for _, c := range c.AlertmanagerConfigs {
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface.
func (c *AlertingConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
// Create a clean global config as the previous one was already populated
// by the default due to the YAML parser behavior for empty blocks.
*c = AlertingConfig{}
type plain AlertingConfig
if err := unmarshal((*plain)(c)); err != nil {
return err
for _, rlcfg := range c.AlertRelabelConfigs {
if rlcfg == nil {
return errors.New("empty or null alert relabeling rule")
return nil
// AlertmanagerConfigs is a slice of *AlertmanagerConfig.
type AlertmanagerConfigs []*AlertmanagerConfig
// ToMap converts a slice of *AlertmanagerConfig to a map.
func (a AlertmanagerConfigs) ToMap() map[string]*AlertmanagerConfig {
ret := make(map[string]*AlertmanagerConfig)
for i := range a {
ret[fmt.Sprintf("config-%d", i)] = a[i]
return ret
// AlertmanagerAPIVersion represents a version of the
// github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api, e.g. 'v1' or 'v2'.
type AlertmanagerAPIVersion string
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface.
func (v *AlertmanagerAPIVersion) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
*v = AlertmanagerAPIVersion("")
type plain AlertmanagerAPIVersion
if err := unmarshal((*plain)(v)); err != nil {
return err
for _, supportedVersion := range SupportedAlertmanagerAPIVersions {
if *v == supportedVersion {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("expected Alertmanager api version to be one of %v but got %v", SupportedAlertmanagerAPIVersions, *v)
const (
// AlertmanagerAPIVersionV1 represents
// github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v1.
AlertmanagerAPIVersionV1 AlertmanagerAPIVersion = "v1"
// AlertmanagerAPIVersionV2 represents
// github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2.
AlertmanagerAPIVersionV2 AlertmanagerAPIVersion = "v2"
var SupportedAlertmanagerAPIVersions = []AlertmanagerAPIVersion{
AlertmanagerAPIVersionV1, AlertmanagerAPIVersionV2,
// AlertmanagerConfig configures how Alertmanagers can be discovered and communicated with.
type AlertmanagerConfig struct {
// We cannot do proper Go type embedding below as the parser will then parse
// values arbitrarily into the overflow maps of further-down types.
ServiceDiscoveryConfigs discovery.Configs `yaml:"-"`
HTTPClientConfig config.HTTPClientConfig `yaml:",inline"`
// The URL scheme to use when talking to Alertmanagers.
Scheme string `yaml:"scheme,omitempty"`
// Path prefix to add in front of the push endpoint path.
PathPrefix string `yaml:"path_prefix,omitempty"`
// The timeout used when sending alerts.
Timeout model.Duration `yaml:"timeout,omitempty"`
// The api version of Alertmanager.
APIVersion AlertmanagerAPIVersion `yaml:"api_version"`
// List of Alertmanager relabel configurations.
RelabelConfigs []*relabel.Config `yaml:"relabel_configs,omitempty"`
// SetDirectory joins any relative file paths with dir.
func (c *AlertmanagerConfig) SetDirectory(dir string) {
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface.
func (c *AlertmanagerConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
*c = DefaultAlertmanagerConfig
if err := discovery.UnmarshalYAMLWithInlineConfigs(c, unmarshal); err != nil {
return err
// The UnmarshalYAML method of HTTPClientConfig is not being called because it's not a pointer.
// We cannot make it a pointer as the parser panics for inlined pointer structs.
// Thus we just do its validation here.
if err := c.HTTPClientConfig.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
// Check for users putting URLs in target groups.
if len(c.RelabelConfigs) == 0 {
if err := checkStaticTargets(c.ServiceDiscoveryConfigs); err != nil {
return err
for _, rlcfg := range c.RelabelConfigs {
if rlcfg == nil {
return errors.New("empty or null Alertmanager target relabeling rule")
return nil
// MarshalYAML implements the yaml.Marshaler interface.
func (c *AlertmanagerConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
return discovery.MarshalYAMLWithInlineConfigs(c)
func checkStaticTargets(configs discovery.Configs) error {
for _, cfg := range configs {
sc, ok := cfg.(discovery.StaticConfig)
if !ok {
for _, tg := range sc {
for _, t := range tg.Targets {
if err := CheckTargetAddress(t[model.AddressLabel]); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CheckTargetAddress checks if target address is valid.
func CheckTargetAddress(address model.LabelValue) error {
// For now check for a URL, we may want to expand this later.
if strings.Contains(string(address), "/") {
return errors.Errorf("%q is not a valid hostname", address)
return nil
// RemoteWriteConfig is the configuration for writing to remote storage.
type RemoteWriteConfig struct {
URL *config.URL `yaml:"url"`
RemoteTimeout model.Duration `yaml:"remote_timeout,omitempty"`
Headers map[string]string `yaml:"headers,omitempty"`
WriteRelabelConfigs []*relabel.Config `yaml:"write_relabel_configs,omitempty"`
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
SendExemplars bool `yaml:"send_exemplars,omitempty"`
// We cannot do proper Go type embedding below as the parser will then parse
// values arbitrarily into the overflow maps of further-down types.
HTTPClientConfig config.HTTPClientConfig `yaml:",inline"`
QueueConfig QueueConfig `yaml:"queue_config,omitempty"`
MetadataConfig MetadataConfig `yaml:"metadata_config,omitempty"`
SigV4Config *sigv4.SigV4Config `yaml:"sigv4,omitempty"`
// SetDirectory joins any relative file paths with dir.
func (c *RemoteWriteConfig) SetDirectory(dir string) {
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface.
func (c *RemoteWriteConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
*c = DefaultRemoteWriteConfig
type plain RemoteWriteConfig
if err := unmarshal((*plain)(c)); err != nil {
return err
if c.URL == nil {
return errors.New("url for remote_write is empty")
for _, rlcfg := range c.WriteRelabelConfigs {
if rlcfg == nil {
return errors.New("empty or null relabeling rule in remote write config")
if err := validateHeaders(c.Headers); err != nil {
return err
// The UnmarshalYAML method of HTTPClientConfig is not being called because it's not a pointer.
// We cannot make it a pointer as the parser panics for inlined pointer structs.
// Thus we just do its validation here.
if err := c.HTTPClientConfig.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
httpClientConfigAuthEnabled := c.HTTPClientConfig.BasicAuth != nil ||
c.HTTPClientConfig.Authorization != nil || c.HTTPClientConfig.OAuth2 != nil
if httpClientConfigAuthEnabled && c.SigV4Config != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("at most one of basic_auth, authorization, oauth2, & sigv4 must be configured")
return nil
func validateHeaders(headers map[string]string) error {
for header := range headers {
if strings.ToLower(header) == "authorization" {
return errors.New("authorization header must be changed via the basic_auth, authorization, oauth2, or sigv4 parameter")
if _, ok := reservedHeaders[strings.ToLower(header)]; ok {
return errors.Errorf("%s is a reserved header. It must not be changed", header)
return nil
// QueueConfig is the configuration for the queue used to write to remote
// storage.
type QueueConfig struct {
// Number of samples to buffer per shard before we block. Defaults to
// MaxSamplesPerSend.
Capacity int `yaml:"capacity,omitempty"`
// Max number of shards, i.e. amount of concurrency.
MaxShards int `yaml:"max_shards,omitempty"`
// Min number of shards, i.e. amount of concurrency.
MinShards int `yaml:"min_shards,omitempty"`
// Maximum number of samples per send.
MaxSamplesPerSend int `yaml:"max_samples_per_send,omitempty"`
// Maximum time sample will wait in buffer.
BatchSendDeadline model.Duration `yaml:"batch_send_deadline,omitempty"`
// On recoverable errors, backoff exponentially.
MinBackoff model.Duration `yaml:"min_backoff,omitempty"`
MaxBackoff model.Duration `yaml:"max_backoff,omitempty"`
RetryOnRateLimit bool `yaml:"retry_on_http_429,omitempty"`
// MetadataConfig is the configuration for sending metadata to remote
// storage.
type MetadataConfig struct {
// Send controls whether we send metric metadata to remote storage.
Send bool `yaml:"send"`
// SendInterval controls how frequently we send metric metadata.
SendInterval model.Duration `yaml:"send_interval"`
// Maximum number of samples per send.
MaxSamplesPerSend int `yaml:"max_samples_per_send,omitempty"`
// RemoteReadConfig is the configuration for reading from remote storage.
type RemoteReadConfig struct {
URL *config.URL `yaml:"url"`
RemoteTimeout model.Duration `yaml:"remote_timeout,omitempty"`
Headers map[string]string `yaml:"headers,omitempty"`
ReadRecent bool `yaml:"read_recent,omitempty"`
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
// We cannot do proper Go type embedding below as the parser will then parse
// values arbitrarily into the overflow maps of further-down types.
HTTPClientConfig config.HTTPClientConfig `yaml:",inline"`
// RequiredMatchers is an optional list of equality matchers which have to
// be present in a selector to query the remote read endpoint.
RequiredMatchers model.LabelSet `yaml:"required_matchers,omitempty"`
// SetDirectory joins any relative file paths with dir.
func (c *RemoteReadConfig) SetDirectory(dir string) {
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface.
func (c *RemoteReadConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
*c = DefaultRemoteReadConfig
type plain RemoteReadConfig
if err := unmarshal((*plain)(c)); err != nil {
return err
if c.URL == nil {
return errors.New("url for remote_read is empty")
if err := validateHeaders(c.Headers); err != nil {
return err
// The UnmarshalYAML method of HTTPClientConfig is not being called because it's not a pointer.
// We cannot make it a pointer as the parser panics for inlined pointer structs.
// Thus we just do its validation here.
return c.HTTPClientConfig.Validate()