mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:59:13 -08:00
This commit disables some unused workflows on our CI. Also uses grafana/regexp instead of regexp which is blackisted. Also updates head_test TestHeadReadWriterRepair increasing ChunkWriteQueueSize to 1 so that the chunk disk mapper uses the async queue. This seems to be default behaviour in upstream prometheus and without this option our test fails.
316 lines
13 KiB
316 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright 2020 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package labels
import (
func init() {
var (
letterRunes = []rune("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
regexes = []string{
values = []string{
"foo", " foo bar", "bar", "buzz\nbar", "bar foo", "bfoo", "\n", "\nfoo", "foo\n", "hello foo world", "hello foo\n world", "",
"FOO", "Foo", "OO", "Oo", "\nfoo\n", strings.Repeat("f", 20), "prometheus", "prometheus_api_v1", "prometheus_api_v1_foo",
"", "", "", "",
func TestNewFastRegexMatcher(t *testing.T) {
for _, r := range regexes {
r := r
for _, v := range values {
v := v
t.Run(r+` on "`+v+`"`, func(t *testing.T) {
m, err := NewFastRegexMatcher(r)
require.NoError(t, err)
re, err := regexp.Compile("^(?:" + r + ")$")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, re.MatchString(v), m.MatchString(v))
func BenchmarkNewFastRegexMatcher(b *testing.B) {
benchValues := values
for _, v := range values {
for i := 5; i < 50; i = i + 5 {
benchValues = append(benchValues, v+RandStringRunes(i))
benchValues = append(benchValues, RandStringRunes(i)+v+RandStringRunes(i))
benchValues = append(benchValues, RandStringRunes(i)+v)
for _, r := range regexes {
r := r
b.Run(r, func(b *testing.B) {
m, err := NewFastRegexMatcher(r)
require.NoError(b, err)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
for _, v := range benchValues {
_ = m.MatchString(v)
func TestOptimizeConcatRegex(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
regex string
prefix string
suffix string
contains string
{regex: "foo(hello|bar)", prefix: "foo", suffix: "", contains: ""},
{regex: "foo(hello|bar)world", prefix: "foo", suffix: "world", contains: ""},
{regex: "foo.*", prefix: "foo", suffix: "", contains: ""},
{regex: "foo.*hello.*bar", prefix: "foo", suffix: "bar", contains: "hello"},
{regex: ".*foo", prefix: "", suffix: "foo", contains: ""},
{regex: "^.*foo$", prefix: "", suffix: "foo", contains: ""},
{regex: ".*foo.*", prefix: "", suffix: "", contains: "foo"},
{regex: ".*foo.*bar.*", prefix: "", suffix: "", contains: "foo"},
{regex: ".*(foo|bar).*", prefix: "", suffix: "", contains: ""},
{regex: ".*[abc].*", prefix: "", suffix: "", contains: ""},
{regex: ".*((?i)abc).*", prefix: "", suffix: "", contains: ""},
{regex: ".*(?i:abc).*", prefix: "", suffix: "", contains: ""},
{regex: "(?i:abc).*", prefix: "", suffix: "", contains: ""},
{regex: ".*(?i:abc)", prefix: "", suffix: "", contains: ""},
{regex: ".*(?i:abc)def.*", prefix: "", suffix: "", contains: "def"},
{regex: "(?i).*(?-i:abc)def", prefix: "", suffix: "", contains: "abc"},
{regex: ".*(?msU:abc).*", prefix: "", suffix: "", contains: "abc"},
{regex: "[aA]bc.*", prefix: "", suffix: "", contains: "bc"},
for _, c := range cases {
parsed, err := syntax.Parse(c.regex, syntax.Perl)
require.NoError(t, err)
prefix, suffix, contains := optimizeConcatRegex(parsed)
require.Equal(t, c.prefix, prefix)
require.Equal(t, c.suffix, suffix)
require.Equal(t, c.contains, contains)
// Refer to https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/issues/2651.
func TestFindSetMatches(t *testing.T) {
for _, c := range []struct {
pattern string
exp []string
// Single value, coming from a `bar=~"foo"` selector.
{"foo", []string{"foo"}},
{"^foo", []string{"foo"}},
{"^foo$", []string{"foo"}},
// Simple sets alternates.
{"foo|bar|zz", []string{"foo", "bar", "zz"}},
// Simple sets alternate and concat (bar|baz is parsed as "ba[rz]").
{"foo|bar|baz", []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}},
// Simple sets alternate and concat and capture
{"foo|bar|baz|(zz)", []string{"foo", "bar", "baz", "zz"}},
// Simple sets alternate and concat and alternates with empty matches
// parsed as b(ar|(?:)|uzz) where b(?:) means literal b.
{"bar|b|buzz", []string{"bar", "b", "buzz"}},
// Skip anchors it's enforced anyway at the root.
{"(^bar$)|(b$)|(^buzz)", []string{"bar", "b", "buzz"}},
// Simple sets containing escaped characters.
{"fo\\.o|bar\\?|\\^baz", []string{"fo.o", "bar?", "^baz"}},
// using charclass
{"[abc]d", []string{"ad", "bd", "cd"}},
// high low charset different => A(B[CD]|EF)|BC[XY]
{"ABC|ABD|AEF|BCX|BCY", []string{"ABC", "ABD", "AEF", "BCX", "BCY"}},
// triple concat
{"api_(v1|prom)_push", []string{"api_v1_push", "api_prom_push"}},
// triple concat with multiple alternates
{"(api|rpc)_(v1|prom)_push", []string{"api_v1_push", "api_prom_push", "rpc_v1_push", "rpc_prom_push"}},
{"(api|rpc)_(v1|prom)_(push|query)", []string{"api_v1_push", "api_v1_query", "api_prom_push", "api_prom_query", "rpc_v1_push", "rpc_v1_query", "rpc_prom_push", "rpc_prom_query"}},
// class starting with "-"
{"[-1-2][a-c]", []string{"-a", "-b", "-c", "1a", "1b", "1c", "2a", "2b", "2c"}},
{"[1^3]", []string{"1", "3", "^"}},
// OpPlus with concat
{"(.+)/(foo|bar)", nil},
// Simple sets containing special characters without escaping.
{"fo.o|bar?|^baz", nil},
// case sensitive wrapper.
{"(?i)foo", nil},
// case sensitive wrapper on alternate.
{"(?i)foo|bar|baz", nil},
// case sensitive wrapper on concat.
{"(api|rpc)_(v1|prom)_((?i)push|query)", nil},
// too high charset combination
{"(api|rpc)_[^0-9]", nil},
// too many combinations
{"[a-z][a-z]", nil},
} {
c := c
t.Run(c.pattern, func(t *testing.T) {
parsed, err := syntax.Parse(c.pattern, syntax.Perl)
require.NoError(t, err)
matches := findSetMatches(parsed, "")
require.Equal(t, c.exp, matches)
func BenchmarkFastRegexMatcher(b *testing.B) {
var (
x = strings.Repeat("x", 50)
y = "foo" + x
z = x + "foo"
regexes := []string{
for _, r := range regexes {
r := r
b.Run(r, func(b *testing.B) {
m, err := NewFastRegexMatcher(r)
require.NoError(b, err)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_ = m.MatchString(x)
_ = m.MatchString(y)
_ = m.MatchString(z)
func Test_OptimizeRegex(t *testing.T) {
for _, c := range []struct {
pattern string
exp StringMatcher
{".*", &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}},
{".*?", &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}},
{"(?s:.*)", &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: true}},
{"(.*)", &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}},
{"^.*$", &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}},
{".+", &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: false}},
{"(?s:.+)", &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: true}},
{"^.+$", &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: false}},
{"(.+)", &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: false}},
{"", emptyStringMatcher{}},
{"^$", emptyStringMatcher{}},
{"^foo$", &equalStringMatcher{s: "foo", caseSensitive: true}},
{"^(?i:foo)$", &equalStringMatcher{s: "FOO", caseSensitive: false}},
{"^(?i:foo)|(bar)$", orStringMatcher([]StringMatcher{&equalStringMatcher{s: "FOO", caseSensitive: false}, &equalStringMatcher{s: "bar", caseSensitive: true}})},
{"^(?i:foo|oo)|(bar)$", orStringMatcher([]StringMatcher{orStringMatcher([]StringMatcher{&equalStringMatcher{s: "FOO", caseSensitive: false}, &equalStringMatcher{s: "OO", caseSensitive: false}}), &equalStringMatcher{s: "bar", caseSensitive: true}})},
{".*foo.*", &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"foo"}, left: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}, right: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}}},
{"(.*)foo.*", &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"foo"}, left: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}, right: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}}},
{"(.*)foo(.*)", &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"foo"}, left: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}, right: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}}},
{"(.+)foo(.*)", &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"foo"}, left: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: false}, right: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}}},
{"^.+foo.+", &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"foo"}, left: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: false}, right: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: false}}},
{"^(.*)(foo)(.*)$", &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"foo"}, left: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}, right: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}}},
{"^(.*)(foo|foobar)(.*)$", &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"foo", "foobar"}, left: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}, right: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}}},
{"^(.*)(foo|foobar)(.+)$", &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"foo", "foobar"}, left: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}, right: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: false}}},
{"^(.*)(bar|b|buzz)(.+)$", &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"bar", "b", "buzz"}, left: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}, right: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: false}}},
{"10\\.0\\.(1|2)\\.+", nil},
{"10\\.0\\.(1|2).+", &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"10.0.1", "10.0.2"}, left: nil, right: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: false}}},
{"^.+foo", &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"foo"}, left: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: false}, right: nil}},
{"foo-.*$", &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"foo-"}, left: nil, right: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}}},
{"(prometheus|api_prom)_api_v1_.+", &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"prometheus_api_v1_", "api_prom_api_v1_"}, left: nil, right: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: false}}},
{"^((.*)(bar|b|buzz)(.+)|foo)$", orStringMatcher([]StringMatcher{&containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"bar", "b", "buzz"}, left: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: true, matchNL: false}, right: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: false}}, &equalStringMatcher{s: "foo", caseSensitive: true}})},
{"((fo(bar))|.+foo)", orStringMatcher([]StringMatcher{orStringMatcher([]StringMatcher{&equalStringMatcher{s: "fobar", caseSensitive: true}}), &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"foo"}, left: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: false}, right: nil}})},
{"(.+)/(gateway|cortex-gw|cortex-gw-internal)", &containsStringMatcher{substrings: []string{"/gateway", "/cortex-gw", "/cortex-gw-internal"}, left: &anyStringMatcher{allowEmpty: false, matchNL: false}, right: nil}},
// we don't support case insensitive matching for contains.
// This is because there's no strings.IndexOfFold function.
// We can revisit later if this is really popular by using strings.ToUpper.
{"^(.*)((?i)foo|foobar)(.*)$", nil},
{"(api|rpc)_(v1|prom)_((?i)push|query)", nil},
{"[a-z][a-z]", nil},
{"[1^3]", nil},
{".*foo.*bar.*", nil},
{`\d*`, nil},
{".", nil},
// This one is not supported because `stringMatcherFromRegexp` is not reentrant for syntax.OpConcat.
// It would make the code too complex to handle it.
{"/|/bar.*", nil},
{"(.+)/(foo.*|bar$)", nil},
} {
c := c
t.Run(c.pattern, func(t *testing.T) {
parsed, err := syntax.Parse(c.pattern, syntax.Perl)
require.NoError(t, err)
matches := stringMatcherFromRegexp(parsed)
require.Equal(t, c.exp, matches)
func RandStringRunes(n int) string {
b := make([]rune, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = letterRunes[rand.Intn(len(letterRunes))]
return string(b)