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synced 2025-03-05 20:59:13 -08:00
Before, we checkpointed after every newly detected fingerprint collision, which is not a problem as long as collisions are rare. However, with a sufficient number of metrics or particular nature of the data set, there might be a lot of collisions, all to be detected upon the first set of scrapes, and then the checkpointing after each detection will take a quite long time (it's O(n²), essentially). Since we are rebuilding the fingerprint mapping during crash recovery, the previous, very conservative approach didn't even buy us anything. We only ever read from the checkpoint file after a clean shutdown, so the only time we need to write the checkpoint file is during a clean shutdown.
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// Copyright 2016 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package local
import (
const maxMappedFP = 1 << 20 // About 1M fingerprints reserved for mapping.
var separatorString = string([]byte{model.SeparatorByte})
// fpMappings maps original fingerprints to a map of string representations of
// metrics to the truly unique fingerprint.
type fpMappings map[model.Fingerprint]map[string]model.Fingerprint
// fpMapper is used to map fingerprints in order to work around fingerprint
// collisions.
type fpMapper struct {
// highestMappedFP has to be aligned for atomic operations.
highestMappedFP model.Fingerprint
mtx sync.RWMutex // Protects mappings.
mappings fpMappings
fpToSeries *seriesMap
p *persistence
mappingsCounter prometheus.Counter
// newFPMapper loads the collision map from the persistence and
// returns an fpMapper ready to use.
func newFPMapper(fpToSeries *seriesMap, p *persistence) (*fpMapper, error) {
m := &fpMapper{
fpToSeries: fpToSeries,
p: p,
mappingsCounter: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "fingerprint_mappings_total",
Help: "The total number of fingerprints being mapped to avoid collisions.",
mappings, nextFP, err := p.loadFPMappings()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m.mappings = mappings
m.highestMappedFP = nextFP
return m, nil
// checkpoint persists the current mappings. The caller has to ensure that the
// provided mappings are not changed concurrently. This method is only called
// upon shutdown, when no samples are ingested anymore.
func (m *fpMapper) checkpoint() error {
return m.p.checkpointFPMappings(m.mappings)
// mapFP takes a raw fingerprint (as returned by Metrics.FastFingerprint) and
// returns a truly unique fingerprint. The caller must have locked the raw
// fingerprint.
// If an error is encountered, it is returned together with the unchanged raw
// fingerprint.
func (m *fpMapper) mapFP(fp model.Fingerprint, metric model.Metric) model.Fingerprint {
// First check if we are in the reserved FP space, in which case this is
// automatically a collision that has to be mapped.
if fp <= maxMappedFP {
return m.maybeAddMapping(fp, metric)
// Then check the most likely case: This fp belongs to a series that is
// already in memory.
s, ok := m.fpToSeries.get(fp)
if ok {
// FP exists in memory, but is it for the same metric?
if metric.Equal(s.metric) {
// Yupp. We are done.
return fp
// Collision detected!
return m.maybeAddMapping(fp, metric)
// Metric is not in memory. Before doing the expensive archive lookup,
// check if we have a mapping for this metric in place already.
mappedFPs, fpAlreadyMapped := m.mappings[fp]
if fpAlreadyMapped {
// We indeed have mapped fp historically.
ms := metricToUniqueString(metric)
// fp is locked by the caller, so no further locking of
// 'collisions' required (it is specific to fp).
mappedFP, ok := mappedFPs[ms]
if ok {
// Historical mapping found, return the mapped FP.
return mappedFP
// If we are here, FP does not exist in memory and is either not mapped
// at all, or existing mappings for FP are not for m. Check if we have
// something for FP in the archive.
archivedMetric, err := m.p.archivedMetric(fp)
if err != nil || archivedMetric == nil {
// Either the archive lookup has returend an error, or fp does
// not exist in the archive. In the former case, the storage has
// been marked as dirty already. We just carry on for as long as
// it goes, assuming that fp does not exist. In either case,
// since now we know (or assume) now that fp does not exist,
// neither in memory nor in archive, we can safely keep it
// unmapped.
return fp
// FP exists in archive, but is it for the same metric?
if metric.Equal(archivedMetric) {
// Yupp. We are done.
return fp
// Collision detected!
return m.maybeAddMapping(fp, metric)
// maybeAddMapping is only used internally. It takes a detected collision and
// adds it to the collisions map if not yet there. In any case, it returns the
// truly unique fingerprint for the colliding metric.
func (m *fpMapper) maybeAddMapping(
fp model.Fingerprint,
collidingMetric model.Metric,
) model.Fingerprint {
ms := metricToUniqueString(collidingMetric)
mappedFPs, ok := m.mappings[fp]
if ok {
// fp is locked by the caller, so no further locking required.
mappedFP, ok := mappedFPs[ms]
if ok {
return mappedFP // Existing mapping.
// A new mapping has to be created.
mappedFP = m.nextMappedFP()
mappedFPs[ms] = mappedFP
"Collision detected for fingerprint %v, metric %v, mapping to new fingerprint %v.",
fp, collidingMetric, mappedFP,
return mappedFP
// This is the first collision for fp.
mappedFP := m.nextMappedFP()
mappedFPs = map[string]model.Fingerprint{ms: mappedFP}
m.mappings[fp] = mappedFPs
"Collision detected for fingerprint %v, metric %v, mapping to new fingerprint %v.",
fp, collidingMetric, mappedFP,
return mappedFP
func (m *fpMapper) nextMappedFP() model.Fingerprint {
mappedFP := model.Fingerprint(atomic.AddUint64((*uint64)(&m.highestMappedFP), 1))
if mappedFP > maxMappedFP {
panic(fmt.Errorf("more than %v fingerprints mapped in collision detection", maxMappedFP))
return mappedFP
// Describe implements prometheus.Collector.
func (m *fpMapper) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
ch <- m.mappingsCounter.Desc()
// Collect implements prometheus.Collector.
func (m *fpMapper) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
ch <- m.mappingsCounter
// metricToUniqueString turns a metric into a string in a reproducible and
// unique way, i.e. the same metric will always create the same string, and
// different metrics will always create different strings. In a way, it is the
// "ideal" fingerprint function, only that it is more expensive than the
// FastFingerprint function, and its result is not suitable as a key for maps
// and indexes as it might become really large, causing a lot of hashing effort
// in maps and a lot of storage overhead in indexes.
func metricToUniqueString(m model.Metric) string {
parts := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for ln, lv := range m {
parts = append(parts, string(ln)+separatorString+string(lv))
return strings.Join(parts, separatorString)