Alan Protasio 606ef33d91 Track and report Samples Queried per query
We always track total samples queried and add those to the standard set
of stats queries can report.

We also allow optionally tracking per-step samples queried. This must be
enabled both at the engine and query level to be tracked and rendered.
The engine flag is exposed via a Prometheus feature flag, while the
query flag is set when stats=all.

Co-authored-by: Alan Protasio <>
Co-authored-by: Andrew Bloomgarden <>
Co-authored-by: Harkishen Singh <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Bloomgarden <>
2022-03-21 23:49:17 +01:00

279 lines
6.8 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package promql
import (
func BenchmarkRangeQuery(b *testing.B) {
stor := teststorage.New(b)
defer stor.Close()
opts := EngineOpts{
Logger: nil,
Reg: nil,
MaxSamples: 50000000,
Timeout: 100 * time.Second,
engine := NewEngine(opts)
metrics := []labels.Labels{}
metrics = append(metrics, labels.FromStrings("__name__", "a_one"))
metrics = append(metrics, labels.FromStrings("__name__", "b_one"))
for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
metrics = append(metrics, labels.FromStrings("__name__", "h_one", "le", strconv.Itoa(j)))
metrics = append(metrics, labels.FromStrings("__name__", "h_one", "le", "+Inf"))
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
metrics = append(metrics, labels.FromStrings("__name__", "a_ten", "l", strconv.Itoa(i)))
metrics = append(metrics, labels.FromStrings("__name__", "b_ten", "l", strconv.Itoa(i)))
for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
metrics = append(metrics, labels.FromStrings("__name__", "h_ten", "l", strconv.Itoa(i), "le", strconv.Itoa(j)))
metrics = append(metrics, labels.FromStrings("__name__", "h_ten", "l", strconv.Itoa(i), "le", "+Inf"))
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
metrics = append(metrics, labels.FromStrings("__name__", "a_hundred", "l", strconv.Itoa(i)))
metrics = append(metrics, labels.FromStrings("__name__", "b_hundred", "l", strconv.Itoa(i)))
for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
metrics = append(metrics, labels.FromStrings("__name__", "h_hundred", "l", strconv.Itoa(i), "le", strconv.Itoa(j)))
metrics = append(metrics, labels.FromStrings("__name__", "h_hundred", "l", strconv.Itoa(i), "le", "+Inf"))
refs := make([]storage.SeriesRef, len(metrics))
// A day of data plus 10k steps.
numIntervals := 8640 + 10000
for s := 0; s < numIntervals; s++ {
a := stor.Appender(context.Background())
ts := int64(s * 10000) // 10s interval.
for i, metric := range metrics {
ref, _ := a.Append(refs[i], metric, ts, float64(s)+float64(i)/float64(len(metrics)))
refs[i] = ref
if err := a.Commit(); err != nil {
type benchCase struct {
expr string
steps int
cases := []benchCase{
// Plain retrieval.
expr: "a_X",
// Simple rate.
expr: "rate(a_X[1m])",
expr: "rate(a_X[1m])",
steps: 10000,
// Holt-Winters and long ranges.
expr: "holt_winters(a_X[1d], 0.3, 0.3)",
expr: "changes(a_X[1d])",
expr: "rate(a_X[1d])",
expr: "absent_over_time(a_X[1d])",
// Unary operators.
expr: "-a_X",
// Binary operators.
expr: "a_X - b_X",
expr: "a_X - b_X",
steps: 10000,
expr: "a_X and b_X{l=~'.*[0-4]$'}",
expr: "a_X or b_X{l=~'.*[0-4]$'}",
expr: "a_X unless b_X{l=~'.*[0-4]$'}",
expr: "a_X and b_X{l='notfound'}",
// Simple functions.
expr: "abs(a_X)",
expr: "label_replace(a_X, 'l2', '$1', 'l', '(.*)')",
expr: "label_join(a_X, 'l2', '-', 'l', 'l')",
// Simple aggregations.
expr: "sum(a_X)",
expr: "sum without (l)(h_X)",
expr: "sum without (le)(h_X)",
expr: "sum by (l)(h_X)",
expr: "sum by (le)(h_X)",
expr: "count_values('value', h_X)",
expr: "topk(1, a_X)",
// Combinations.
expr: "rate(a_X[1m]) + rate(b_X[1m])",
expr: "sum without (l)(rate(a_X[1m]))",
expr: "sum without (l)(rate(a_X[1m])) / sum without (l)(rate(b_X[1m]))",
expr: "histogram_quantile(0.9, rate(h_X[5m]))",
// Many-to-one join.
expr: "a_X + on(l) group_right a_one",
// X in an expr will be replaced by different metric sizes.
tmp := []benchCase{}
for _, c := range cases {
if !strings.Contains(c.expr, "X") {
tmp = append(tmp, c)
} else {
tmp = append(tmp, benchCase{expr: strings.Replace(c.expr, "X", "one", -1), steps: c.steps})
tmp = append(tmp, benchCase{expr: strings.Replace(c.expr, "X", "ten", -1), steps: c.steps})
tmp = append(tmp, benchCase{expr: strings.Replace(c.expr, "X", "hundred", -1), steps: c.steps})
cases = tmp
// No step will be replaced by cases with the standard step.
tmp = []benchCase{}
for _, c := range cases {
if c.steps != 0 {
tmp = append(tmp, c)
} else {
tmp = append(tmp, benchCase{expr: c.expr, steps: 1})
tmp = append(tmp, benchCase{expr: c.expr, steps: 10})
tmp = append(tmp, benchCase{expr: c.expr, steps: 100})
tmp = append(tmp, benchCase{expr: c.expr, steps: 1000})
cases = tmp
for _, c := range cases {
name := fmt.Sprintf("expr=%s,steps=%d", c.expr, c.steps)
b.Run(name, func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
qry, err := engine.NewRangeQuery(
stor, nil, c.expr,
time.Unix(int64((numIntervals-c.steps)*10), 0),
time.Unix(int64(numIntervals*10), 0), time.Second*10)
if err != nil {
res := qry.Exec(context.Background())
if res.Err != nil {
func BenchmarkParser(b *testing.B) {
cases := []string{
"1 >= bool 1",
"1 + 2/(3*1)",
"foo or bar",
"foo and bar unless baz or qux",
"bar + on(foo) bla / on(baz, buz) group_right(test) blub",
"foo / ignoring(test,blub) group_left(blub) bar",
"foo - ignoring(test,blub) group_right(bar,foo) bar",
`foo{a="b", foo!="bar", test=~"test", bar!~"baz"}`,
"sum without(and, by, avg, count, alert, annotations)(some_metric) [30m:10s]",
errCases := []string{
"1 or 1",
"1 or on(bar) foo",
"foo unless on(bar) group_left(baz) bar",
"test[5d] OFFSET 10s [10m:5s]",
for _, c := range cases {
b.Run(c, func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
for _, c := range errCases {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s (should fail)", c)
b.Run(name, func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {