diff --git a/src/lang/en.json b/src/lang/en.json
index 5600254ac..f5ebea2a5 100644
--- a/src/lang/en.json
+++ b/src/lang/en.json
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
"Push URL": "Push URL",
"needPushEvery": "You should call this URL every {0} seconds.",
"pushOptionalParams": "Optional parameters: {0}",
- "pushViewCode": "View Code",
+ "pushViewCode": "How to use Push monitor? (View Code)",
"pushOthers": "Others",
"programmingLanguages": "Programming Languages",
"Save": "Save",
@@ -811,8 +811,8 @@
"noGroupMonitorMsg": "Not Available. Create a Group Monitor First.",
"Close": "Close",
"Request Body": "Request Body",
- "wayToGetFlashDutyKey":"You can go to Channel -> (Select a Channel) -> Integrations -> Add a new integration' page, add a 'Custom Event' to get a push address, copy the Integration Key in the address. For more information, please visit",
- "FlashDuty Severity":"Severity",
+ "wayToGetFlashDutyKey": "You can go to Channel -> (Select a Channel) -> Integrations -> Add a new integration' page, add a 'Custom Event' to get a push address, copy the Integration Key in the address. For more information, please visit",
+ "FlashDuty Severity": "Severity",
"nostrRelays": "Nostr relays",
"nostrRelaysHelp": "One relay URL per line",
"nostrSender": "Sender Private Key (nsec)",
diff --git a/src/lang/zh-HK.json b/src/lang/zh-HK.json
index 7c0b9c4f5..9c0cb1f42 100644
--- a/src/lang/zh-HK.json
+++ b/src/lang/zh-HK.json
@@ -731,5 +731,27 @@
"Home": "首頁",
"Expected Value": "預期值",
"Json Query": "JSON 查询",
- "Saved.": "已儲存。"
+ "Saved.": "已儲存。",
+ "Select": "選擇",
+ "selectedMonitorCount": "已選:{0}",
+ "Check/Uncheck": "選取中/取消選取",
+ "telegramMessageThreadIDDescription": "(可選) Telegram 在超級群組使用的話題標識字串",
+ "pushViewCode": "查看代碼",
+ "pushOthers": "其他",
+ "webhookBodyCustomOption": "自定義內容",
+ "tailscalePingWarning": "如要使用 Tailscale Ping ,您需要以非 docker 方式安裝 Uptime Kuma,並在系統安裝 Tailscale 客戶端。",
+ "invertKeywordDescription": "出現關鍵詞將令檢測結果設為失敗,而非成功。",
+ "enableNSCD": "啟用 NSCD(名稱服務緩存)以緩存所有 DNS 請求",
+ "setupDatabaseChooseDatabase": "你想使用以下哪種資料庫?",
+ "setupDatabaseEmbeddedMariaDB": "你無需作任何設定。Docker image 中已包含設定好的 MariaDB。Uptime Kuma 會自動通過 Unix socket 連接到此資料庫。",
+ "setupDatabaseMariaDB": "連接到額外 MariaDB 資料庫。 你需要設置資料庫連接資訊。",
+ "setupDatabaseSQLite": "以一個檔案作為資料庫,建議用於小型的部署。在 v2.0.0 版本之前,Uptime Kuma 使用 SQLite 作為預設資料庫。",
+ "dbName": "資料庫名稱",
+ "webhookBodyPresetOption": "預設 - {0}",
+ "programmingLanguages": "編程語言",
+ "styleElapsedTime": "狀態條下顯示已過的時間",
+ "styleElapsedTimeShowNoLine": "顯示(不帶連接線)",
+ "styleElapsedTimeShowWithLine": "顯示(帶連接線)",
+ "Request Timeout": "請求超時",
+ "timeoutAfter": "{0} 秒後為超時"
diff --git a/src/lang/zh-TW.json b/src/lang/zh-TW.json
index 8b3c3dd5f..3bd1006da 100644
--- a/src/lang/zh-TW.json
+++ b/src/lang/zh-TW.json
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@
"selectedMonitorCount": "已選:{0}",
"Check/Uncheck": "選中/取消選中",
"tailscalePingWarning": "如需使用 Tailscale Ping 客戶端,您需要以非 docker 方式安裝 Uptime Kuma,並同時安裝 Tailscale 客戶端。",
- "invertKeywordDescription": "出現關鍵詞將令檢測結果為失敗,而非成功。",
+ "invertKeywordDescription": "出現關鍵詞將令檢測結果設為失敗,而非成功。",
"jsonQueryDescription": "對響應結果執行一次 JSON 查詢,其返回值將會被轉換為字符串,再與期望值進行比較。可訪問jsonata.org 閱讀JSON 查詢語言的文檔,或在此處測試查詢語句。",
"wayToGetKookGuildID": "在 Kook 設置中打開“開發者模式”,然後右鍵點擊頻道可獲取其 ID",
"Notify Channel": "通知該頻道",