const { BeanModel } = require("redbean-node/dist/bean-model"); const { R } = require("redbean-node"); const dayjs = require("dayjs"); const { log, utcToLocal, SQL_DATETIME_FORMAT_WITHOUT_SECOND, localToUTC } = require("../../src/util"); const { UptimeKumaServer } = require("../uptime-kuma-server"); class MaintenanceTimeslot extends BeanModel { async toPublicJSON() { const serverTimezoneOffset = UptimeKumaServer.getInstance().getTimezoneOffset(); const obj = { id:, startDate: this.start_date, endDate: this.end_date, startDateServerTimezone: utcToLocal(this.start_date, SQL_DATETIME_FORMAT_WITHOUT_SECOND), endDateServerTimezone: utcToLocal(this.end_date, SQL_DATETIME_FORMAT_WITHOUT_SECOND), serverTimezoneOffset, }; return obj; } async toJSON() { return await this.toPublicJSON(); } /** * @param {Maintenance} maintenance * @param {dayjs} minDate (For recurring type only) Generate a next timeslot from this date. * @param {boolean} removeExist Remove existing timeslot before create * @returns {Promise} */ static async generateTimeslot(maintenance, minDate = null, removeExist = false) { if (removeExist) { await R.exec("DELETE FROM maintenance_timeslot WHERE maintenance_id = ? ", [ ]); } if (maintenance.strategy === "manual") { log.debug("maintenance", "No need to generate timeslot for manual type"); } else if (maintenance.strategy === "single") { let bean = R.dispense("maintenance_timeslot"); bean.maintenance_id =; bean.start_date = maintenance.start_date; bean.end_date = maintenance.end_date; bean.generated_next = true; return await; } else if (maintenance.strategy === "recurring-interval") { let bean = R.dispense("maintenance_timeslot"); // Prevent dead loop, in case interval_day is not set if (!maintenance.interval_day || maintenance.interval_day <= 0) { maintenance.interval_day = 1; } let startOfTheDay = dayjs.utc(maintenance.start_date).format("HH:mm"); log.debug("timeslot", "startOfTheDay: " + startOfTheDay); // Start Time let startTimeSecond = dayjs.utc(maintenance.start_time, "HH:mm").diff(dayjs.utc(startOfTheDay, "HH:mm"), "second"); log.debug("timeslot", "startTime: " + startTimeSecond); // Duration let duration = dayjs.utc(maintenance.end_time, "HH:mm").diff(dayjs.utc(maintenance.start_time, "HH:mm"), "second"); // Add 24hours if it is across day if (duration < 0) { duration += 24 * 3600; } // Bake StartDate + StartTime = Start DateTime let startDateTime = dayjs.utc(maintenance.start_date).add(startTimeSecond, "second"); let endDateTime; // Keep generating from the first possible date, until it is ok while (true) { log.debug("timeslot", "startDateTime: " + startDateTime.format()); // Handling out of effective date range if (startDateTime.diff(dayjs.utc(maintenance.end_date)) > 0) { log.debug("timeslot", "Out of effective date range"); return null; } endDateTime = startDateTime.add(duration, "second"); // If endDateTime is out of effective date range, use the end datetime from effective date range if (endDateTime.diff(dayjs.utc(maintenance.end_date)) > 0) { endDateTime = dayjs.utc(maintenance.end_date); } // If minDate is set, the endDateTime must be bigger than it. // And the endDateTime must be bigger current time if ( (!minDate || endDateTime.diff(minDate) > 0) && endDateTime.diff(dayjs()) > 0 ) { break; } startDateTime = startDateTime.add(maintenance.interval_day, "day"); } bean.maintenance_id =; bean.start_date = localToUTC(startDateTime); bean.end_date = localToUTC(endDateTime); bean.generated_next = false; return await; } else if (maintenance.strategy === "recurring-weekday") { // TODO } else if (maintenance.strategy === "recurring-day-of-month") { // TODO } else { throw new Error("Unknown maintenance strategy"); } } } module.exports = MaintenanceTimeslot;