export default { languageName: "Español", checkEverySecond: "Comprobar cada {0} segundos.", retriesDescription: "Número máximo de intentos antes de que el servicio se marque como CAÍDO y una notificación sea enviada.", ignoreTLSError: "Ignorar error TLS/SSL para sitios web HTTPS", upsideDownModeDescription: "Invertir el estado. Si el servicio es alcanzable, está CAÍDO.", maxRedirectDescription: "Número máximo de direcciones a seguir. Establecer a 0 para deshabilitar.", acceptedStatusCodesDescription: "Seleccionar los códigos de estado que se consideran como respuesta exitosa.", passwordNotMatchMsg: "La contraseña repetida no coincide.", notificationDescription: "Por favor asigne una notificación a el/los monitor(es) para hacerlos funcional(es).", keywordDescription: "Palabra clave en HTML plano o respuesta JSON y es sensible a mayúsculas", pauseDashboardHome: "Pausar", deleteMonitorMsg: "¿Seguro que quieres eliminar este monitor?", deleteNotificationMsg: "¿Seguro que quieres eliminar esta notificación para todos los monitores?", resoverserverDescription: "Cloudflare es el servidor por defecto, puedes cambiar el servidor de resolución en cualquier momento.", rrtypeDescription: "Selecciona el tipo de registro que quieres monitorizar", pauseMonitorMsg: "¿Seguro que quieres pausar?", Settings: "Ajustes", Dashboard: "Panel", "New Update": "Vueva actualización", Language: "Idioma", Appearance: "Apariencia", Theme: "Tema", General: "General", Version: "Versión", "Check Update On GitHub": "Comprobar actualizaciones en GitHub", List: "Lista", Add: "Añadir", "Add New Monitor": "Añadir nuevo monitor", "Quick Stats": "Estadísticas rápidas", Up: "Funcional", Down: "Caído", Pending: "Pendiente", Unknown: "Desconocido", Pause: "Pausa", Name: "Nombre", Status: "Estado", DateTime: "Fecha y Hora", Message: "Mensaje", "No important events": "No hay eventos importantes", Resume: "Reanudar", Edit: "Editar", Delete: "Eliminar", Current: "Actual", Uptime: "Tiempo activo", "Cert Exp.": "Caducidad cert.", days: "días", day: "día", "-day": "-día", hour: "hora", "-hour": "-hora", Response: "Respuesta", Ping: "Ping", "Monitor Type": "Tipo de Monitor", Keyword: "Palabra clave", "Friendly Name": "Nombre sencillo", URL: "URL", Hostname: "Nombre del host", Port: "Puerto", "Heartbeat Interval": "Intervalo de latido", Retries: "Reintentos", Advanced: "Avanzado", "Upside Down Mode": "Modo invertido", "Max. Redirects": "Máx. redirecciones", "Accepted Status Codes": "Códigos de estado aceptados", Save: "Guardar", Notifications: "Notificaciones", "Not available, please setup.": "No disponible, por favor configurar.", "Setup Notification": "Configurar notificación", Light: "Claro", Dark: "Oscuro", Auto: "Auto", "Theme - Heartbeat Bar": "Tema - Barra de intervalo de latido", Normal: "Normal", Bottom: "Abajo", None: "Ninguno", Timezone: "Zona horaria", "Search Engine Visibility": "Visibilidad motor de búsqueda", "Allow indexing": "Permitir indexación", "Discourage search engines from indexing site": "Disuadir a los motores de búsqueda de indexar el sitio", "Change Password": "Cambiar contraseña", "Current Password": "Contraseña actual", "New Password": "Nueva contraseña", "Repeat New Password": "Repetir nueva contraseña", "Update Password": "Actualizar contraseña", "Disable Auth": "Deshabilitar Autenticación ", "Enable Auth": "Habilitar Autenticación ", Logout: "Cerrar sesión", Leave: "Salir", "I understand, please disable": "Lo comprendo, por favor deshabilitar", Confirm: "Confirmar", Yes: "Sí", No: "No", Username: "Usuario", Password: "Contraseña", "Remember me": "Recordarme", Login: "Acceso", "No Monitors, please": "Sin monitores, por favor", "add one": "añade uno", "Notification Type": "Tipo de notificación", Email: "Email", Test: "Test", "Certificate Info": "Información del certificado ", "Resolver Server": "Servidor de resolución", "Resource Record Type": "Tipo de Registro", "Last Result": "Último resultado", "Create your admin account": "Crea tu cuenta de administrador", "Repeat Password": "Repetir contraseña", respTime: "Tiempo de resp. (ms)", notAvailableShort: "N/A", Create: "Create", clearEventsMsg: "Are you sure want to delete all events for this monitor?", clearHeartbeatsMsg: "Are you sure want to delete all heartbeats for this monitor?", confirmClearStatisticsMsg: "Are you sure want to delete ALL statistics?", "Clear Data": "Clear Data", Events: "Events", Heartbeats: "Heartbeats", "Auto Get": "Auto Get", enableDefaultNotificationDescription: "For every new monitor this notification will be enabled by default. You can still disable the notification separately for each monitor.", "Default enabled": "Default enabled", "Also apply to existing monitors": "Also apply to existing monitors", Export: "Export", Import: "Import", backupDescription: "You can backup all monitors and all notifications into a JSON file.", backupDescription2: "PS: History and event data is not included.", backupDescription3: "Sensitive data such as notification tokens is included in the export file, please keep it carefully.", alertNoFile: "Please select a file to import.", alertWrongFileType: "Please select a JSON file.", twoFAVerifyLabel: "Please type in your token to verify that 2FA is working", tokenValidSettingsMsg: "Token is valid! You can now save the 2FA settings.", confirmEnableTwoFAMsg: "Are you sure you want to enable 2FA?", confirmDisableTwoFAMsg: "Are you sure you want to disable 2FA?", "Apply on all existing monitors": "Apply on all existing monitors", "Verify Token": "Verify Token", "Setup 2FA": "Setup 2FA", "Enable 2FA": "Enable 2FA", "Disable 2FA": "Disable 2FA", "2FA Settings": "2FA Settings", "Two Factor Authentication": "Two Factor Authentication", Active: "Active", Inactive: "Inactive", Token: "Token", "Show URI": "Show URI", "Clear all statistics": "Clear all Statistics", retryCheckEverySecond: "Retry every {0} seconds.", importHandleDescription: "Choose 'Skip existing' if you want to skip every monitor or notification with the same name. 'Overwrite' will delete every existing monitor and notification.", confirmImportMsg: "Are you sure to import the backup? Please make sure you've selected the right import option.", "Heartbeat Retry Interval": "Heartbeat Retry Interval", "Import Backup": "Import Backup", "Export Backup": "Export Backup", "Skip existing": "Skip existing", Overwrite: "Overwrite", Options: "Options", "Keep both": "Keep both", Tags: "Tags", "Add New below or Select...": "Add New below or Select...", "Tag with this name already exist.": "Tag with this name already exist.", "Tag with this value already exist.": "Tag with this value already exist.", color: "color", "value (optional)": "value (optional)", Gray: "Gray", Red: "Red", Orange: "Orange", Green: "Green", Blue: "Blue", Indigo: "Indigo", Purple: "Purple", Pink: "Pink", "Search...": "Search...", "Avg. Ping": "Avg. Ping", "Avg. Response": "Avg. Response", "Entry Page": "Entry Page", statusPageNothing: "Nothing here, please add a group or a monitor.", "No Services": "No Services", "All Systems Operational": "All Systems Operational", "Partially Degraded Service": "Partially Degraded Service", "Degraded Service": "Degraded Service", "Add Group": "Add Group", "Add a monitor": "Add a monitor", "Edit Status Page": "Edit Status Page", "Go to Dashboard": "Go to Dashboard", };