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Raw Normal View History

using System;
* Copyright 2009 ZXing authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace com.google.zxing.common.detector
using NotFoundException = com.google.zxing.NotFoundException;
using ResultPoint = com.google.zxing.ResultPoint;
using BitMatrix = com.google.zxing.common.BitMatrix;
/// <summary>
/// <p>A somewhat generic detector that looks for a barcode-like rectangular region within an image.
/// It looks within a mostly white region of an image for a region of black and white, but mostly
/// black. It returns the four corners of the region, as best it can determine.</p>
/// @author Sean Owen
/// </summary>
public sealed class MonochromeRectangleDetector
private const int MAX_MODULES = 32;
private readonly BitMatrix image;
public MonochromeRectangleDetector(BitMatrix image)
this.image = image;
/// <summary>
/// <p>Detects a rectangular region of black and white -- mostly black -- with a region of mostly
/// white, in an image.</p>
/// </summary>
/// <returns> <seealso cref="ResultPoint"/>[] describing the corners of the rectangular region. The first and
/// last points are opposed on the diagonal, as are the second and third. The first point will be
/// the topmost point and the last, the bottommost. The second point will be leftmost and the
/// third, the rightmost </returns>
/// <exception cref="NotFoundException"> if no Data Matrix Code can be found </exception>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public com.google.zxing.ResultPoint[] detect() throws com.google.zxing.NotFoundException
public ResultPoint[] detect()
int height = image.Height;
int width = image.Width;
int halfHeight = height >> 1;
int halfWidth = width >> 1;
int deltaY = Math.Max(1, height / (MAX_MODULES << 3));
int deltaX = Math.Max(1, width / (MAX_MODULES << 3));
int top = 0;
int bottom = height;
int left = 0;
int right = width;
ResultPoint pointA = findCornerFromCenter(halfWidth, 0, left, right, halfHeight, -deltaY, top, bottom, halfWidth >> 1);
top = (int) pointA.Y - 1;
ResultPoint pointB = findCornerFromCenter(halfWidth, -deltaX, left, right, halfHeight, 0, top, bottom, halfHeight >> 1);
left = (int) pointB.X - 1;
ResultPoint pointC = findCornerFromCenter(halfWidth, deltaX, left, right, halfHeight, 0, top, bottom, halfHeight >> 1);
right = (int) pointC.X + 1;
ResultPoint pointD = findCornerFromCenter(halfWidth, 0, left, right, halfHeight, deltaY, top, bottom, halfWidth >> 1);
bottom = (int) pointD.Y + 1;
// Go try to find point A again with better information -- might have been off at first.
pointA = findCornerFromCenter(halfWidth, 0, left, right, halfHeight, -deltaY, top, bottom, halfWidth >> 2);
return new ResultPoint[] {pointA, pointB, pointC, pointD};
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to locate a corner of the barcode by scanning up, down, left or right from a center
/// point which should be within the barcode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="centerX"> center's x component (horizontal) </param>
/// <param name="deltaX"> same as deltaY but change in x per step instead </param>
/// <param name="left"> minimum value of x </param>
/// <param name="right"> maximum value of x </param>
/// <param name="centerY"> center's y component (vertical) </param>
/// <param name="deltaY"> change in y per step. If scanning up this is negative; down, positive;
/// left or right, 0 </param>
/// <param name="top"> minimum value of y to search through (meaningless when di == 0) </param>
/// <param name="bottom"> maximum value of y </param>
/// <param name="maxWhiteRun"> maximum run of white pixels that can still be considered to be within
/// the barcode </param>
/// <returns> a <seealso cref="com.google.zxing.ResultPoint"/> encapsulating the corner that was found </returns>
/// <exception cref="NotFoundException"> if such a point cannot be found </exception>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private com.google.zxing.ResultPoint findCornerFromCenter(int centerX, int deltaX, int left, int right, int centerY, int deltaY, int top, int bottom, int maxWhiteRun) throws com.google.zxing.NotFoundException
private ResultPoint findCornerFromCenter(int centerX, int deltaX, int left, int right, int centerY, int deltaY, int top, int bottom, int maxWhiteRun)
int[] lastRange = null;
for (int y = centerY, x = centerX; y < bottom && y >= top && x < right && x >= left; y += deltaY, x += deltaX)
int[] range;
if (deltaX == 0)
// horizontal slices, up and down
range = blackWhiteRange(y, maxWhiteRun, left, right, true);
// vertical slices, left and right
range = blackWhiteRange(x, maxWhiteRun, top, bottom, false);
if (range == null)
if (lastRange == null)
throw NotFoundException.NotFoundInstance;
// lastRange was found
if (deltaX == 0)
int lastY = y - deltaY;
if (lastRange[0] < centerX)
if (lastRange[1] > centerX)
// straddle, choose one or the other based on direction
return new ResultPoint(deltaY > 0 ? lastRange[0] : lastRange[1], lastY);
return new ResultPoint(lastRange[0], lastY);
return new ResultPoint(lastRange[1], lastY);
int lastX = x - deltaX;
if (lastRange[0] < centerY)
if (lastRange[1] > centerY)
return new ResultPoint(lastX, deltaX < 0 ? lastRange[0] : lastRange[1]);
return new ResultPoint(lastX, lastRange[0]);
return new ResultPoint(lastX, lastRange[1]);
lastRange = range;
throw NotFoundException.NotFoundInstance;
/// <summary>
/// Computes the start and end of a region of pixels, either horizontally or vertically, that could
/// be part of a Data Matrix barcode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fixedDimension"> if scanning horizontally, this is the row (the fixed vertical location)
/// where we are scanning. If scanning vertically it's the column, the fixed horizontal location </param>
/// <param name="maxWhiteRun"> largest run of white pixels that can still be considered part of the
/// barcode region </param>
/// <param name="minDim"> minimum pixel location, horizontally or vertically, to consider </param>
/// <param name="maxDim"> maximum pixel location, horizontally or vertically, to consider </param>
/// <param name="horizontal"> if true, we're scanning left-right, instead of up-down </param>
/// <returns> int[] with start and end of found range, or null if no such range is found
/// (e.g. only white was found) </returns>
private int[] blackWhiteRange(int fixedDimension, int maxWhiteRun, int minDim, int maxDim, bool horizontal)
int center = (minDim + maxDim) >> 1;
// Scan left/up first
int start = center;
while (start >= minDim)
if (horizontal ? image.get(start, fixedDimension) : image.get(fixedDimension, start))
int whiteRunStart = start;
} while (start >= minDim && !(horizontal ? image.get(start, fixedDimension) : image.get(fixedDimension, start)));
int whiteRunSize = whiteRunStart - start;
if (start < minDim || whiteRunSize > maxWhiteRun)
start = whiteRunStart;
// Then try right/down
int end = center;
while (end < maxDim)
if (horizontal ? image.get(end, fixedDimension) : image.get(fixedDimension, end))
int whiteRunStart = end;
} while (end < maxDim && !(horizontal ? image.get(end, fixedDimension) : image.get(fixedDimension, end)));
int whiteRunSize = end - whiteRunStart;
if (end >= maxDim || whiteRunSize > maxWhiteRun)
end = whiteRunStart;
return end > start ? new int[]{start, end} : null;