For this step, Qt Creator IDE will be used (contained in Qt SDK). The project can be imported/opened with 2 ways.
NOTE: The project folder must be placed under the same drive letter as the installed Qt SDK. For example "C:\QtSDK" and "C:\QtProjects\QQrDecoder"
# Go the the project's folder and double-click the file. This will result the Qt Creator to open. (This requires that Qt Creator is
selected as the predefined program to open such files which is automatically set when installing Qt SDK.)
# Alternatively, open Qt Creator manualy, and go under: "File" -> "Open File or Project...", go to the project's folder and select once again the
Whichever step from the above you have followed, now you are led to screen named "Project Setup". Here you select the Target Platform.
You can select "Symbian Device" to target directly for a physical device, or "Qt Simulator" to first test it to the build-in simulator.
== Building the project ==
At this point you have imported the project and you are ready to compile it. At the left toolbar in Qt Creator, above the green arrow you can see the
current target platform selected. Press to select which you want.
Now by pressing Ctrl+B or the "hammer icon" on the left at the bottom. Normaly this should be completed without errors (might be lots of wrning though
which we selectively reject them from our mind :P )
This step compiles the project BUT doesn't produces the .sis file (the installation file). To create the installation file you have to press the "Run button".
It that "Green arrow" on your left, or by simply pressing Ctrl+R. Regardless if you have a device or not, the .sis file will be created.