Class SMSMMSResultParser


public final class SMSMMSResultParser extends ResultParser

Parses an "sms:" URI result, which specifies a number to SMS. See RFC 5724 on this.

This class supports "via" syntax for numbers, which is not part of the spec. For example "+12125551212;via=+12124440101" may appear as a number. It also supports a "subject" query parameter, which is not mentioned in the spec. These are included since they were mentioned in earlier IETF drafts and might be used.

This actually also parses URIs starting with "mms:" and treats them all the same way, and effectively converts them to an "sms:" URI for purposes of forwarding to the platform.

Sean Owen
  • Constructor Details

    • SMSMMSResultParser

      public SMSMMSResultParser()
  • Method Details