0.1 (09 Nov 2007)
- Initial release

0.1.1 (11 Nov 2007)
- Fixed bug decoding version 0 QR Codes
- Now default zoom is 2.5x in Java ME client

0.1.2 (28 Nov 2007)
- Issue 11 fixed: Build problems on Windows
- Can now build "ZXingReaderBasic" which does not require JSR-234
- Issue 14 fixed: release .zip builds into one directory

0.1.3 (7 Dec 2007)
- Unit test for QR Code decoding
- Added EAN-13 support
- Now builds with class file format version 1.2 -- may solve some compatibility issues?
- Fixed obfuscation step bug causing NoClassDefFoundError

0.1.4 (13 Dec 2007)
- Added Blackberry client build script -- does not yet work
- Big change to handling of content of barcodes:
  - com.google.zxing.client.result moved from core-ext to core
  - Rewritten for J2ME
  - core-ext removed
  - J2ME client now uses this code for better parsing/handling of results

0.2 (07 Jan 2008)
  - Few small bug fixes in AlignmentPatternFinder, MultiFormatReader
    (thank K. Kakima, Andreas)
  - LCDUIImageMonochromeBitmapSource now public
  - Notably improved decoding for Basic version -- Regular version still
    your best bet if you can run it though

0.2.1 (16 Jan 2008)
  - Slight tweaks and enhancements to decode and runtime performance of UPCDecoder
  - Added black-box test suites against a known set of images
    (Thanks to Enrique G. S. for additional images)

0.2.2 (22 Jan 2008)
  - Now includes junit locally to build tests
  - Fixed "MIDlet" name in MANIFEST.MF, which may solve some problems
  - Friendlier error message when barcode can't be found

0.3 (04 Feb 2008)
  - Major refactoring of 1D barcode decoding
  - Added support for UPC-E, EAN-8
  - Also added Code 39, Code 128 support -- may need refinement
  - Now any "game" key triggers photo capture
  - Workaround implemented for Nokias that use "capture://image" in MMAPI
  - UPC codes now trigger lookup to upcdatabase.com

0.4 (15 Feb 2008)
  - First release of Android client -- only guaranteed to work with "M3"
    builds so far.
  - Major reorganization of current test cases and data
  - Worked around ProGuard issue with paths with spaces on Windows
  - Phones that don't like FocusControl.AUTO_LOCK won't cause an error now
  - Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in 1D barcode decoders
  - Worked around "java.lang.Error 136" from Nokia N70 (?)
  - Fixed bug in Shift_JIS detection and implemented basic UTF-8 detection
    for nonstandard QR Codes that don't use ISO-8859-1

0.4.5 (22 Feb 2008)
  - Checked in first minimal working Blackberry client. Still quite crude.
  - Fixed UTF-8 detection again
  - Refactored Reed-Solomon to allow different GF(256) primitive polynomials,
    in preparation for Data Matrix
  - Slight improvement to 1D decoding accuracy, most noticeable in
    improvements to Code 128 decoding
  - Bug fix in Code39Reader -- typo in encoding of letter "I" and "0"
  - Bug fix in 1D readers -- error in counting black/white pixel counts
    in certain situations
  - Now supports Extended Code 39
  - Tiny bug fix to QRCodeReader for images that extend all the way
    to top or left
  - Android client now builds with ProGuard optimization

0.5 (05 Mar 2008)
  - Improvement in QR Code decoding accuracy on non-JSR-234 phones
  - Supports "URLTO" data in barcodes.
  - Restructured ParsedReaderResult parsing code to not use so many
    exceptions, for more efficiency.
  - "TRY_HARDER" decoding hint now supported. Will do more work in some cases
    to find an image, such as scan for 1D barcodes at a right angle and
    backwards. Only recommended for non-mobile applications.
  - Result now indicates the format of the decoded barcode with a
    BarcodeFormat instance
  - More intelligent handling of POSSIBLE_FORMATS decoding hint
  - Fixed sub-optimal handling of EAN-13 barcodes which encode a string
    starting with "0". These are now returned as a full 13-digit string
    from EAN13Reader, but will continue to be construed as 12-digit UPC-A
    codes from the MultiFormatReader.
  - A host of small bug fixes, including bug in Version 25 QR Code support
  - A round of code cleanup and refactoring from IntelliJ inspections

0.5.5 (12 Mar 2008)
  - Revert change that rejected BufferedImage of type TYPE_CUSTOM in javase
  - Now supports KDDI/AU / Softbank address book format
  - Now can read Android "Intent" URIs (Android only)
  - Modest improvements to efficiency of J2ME client: shorter autofocus,
    better use of threads
  - First checkin of Data Matrix decoder code. Not yet enabled in reader
  - "Result" object now returns raw bytes decoded; maybe useful in some cases
  - More unit tests for common code, EAN-8, UPC-E

0.6 (28 Mar 2008)
  - Updated android client to work on latest M5 SDK; M3-compatiable version
    preserved in android-m3
  - Added tel: URL support to clients
  - Added geo: URL support; only enabled for Android client so far
  - Added initial support for short NDEF messages, but not yet enabled
  - Bug fix to corner-case of perspective transformation code
  - Now attempts to configure camera's exposure controls if available
  - Fixed rotation transform used in "try harder" mode; result did not
    contain the whole image
  - "Try harder" mode tries 2D formats first to avoid false positives
    in detailed search for 1D codes, in some cases
  - More aggressive inlining by ProGuard, notable performance boost
  - Small Reed-Solomon optimizations for 0- and 1-error case
  - Refactored GridSampler out into common package for use by Data Matrix
  - GridSampler now smarter about bounds checking and point nudging;
    should avoid some ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException issues
  - More unit tests

0.7 (5 May 2008)
  - Added support for MobileTag message formats
  - Added source to zxing.org
  - Significant work on Android clients, including UI overhaul and
    continuous scan mode
  - Bug fix: ResultPoints from 1D barcodes were wrong
  - SKIP_N_BARCODES hint now gone, and associated logic has been transferred
    to individual project users, as it is fairly app-specific at this point
    and is beginning to complicate the core library. We can help other users
    who need this functionality on a case-by-case basis.
  - Bug fix in AddressBookAUParsedResult parsing
  - Possible workaround for NoSuchMethodError on Nokias
  - New shell of an iPhone client committed
  - ... and other assorted small improvements and fixes

0.8 (16 Jun 2008)
  - FinderPatternFinder now isn't fooled by false-positive finder patterns
    in some rare cases
  - Added SMSTO: support, expanded mailto: support to include subject and body
  - Now should properly unescape URLs in appropriate cases; better handling of
    mailto: and tel: URIs (won't get modified by the library)
  - Optimized 1D decoding to use integer math
  - Small bug fix / improvement in BlackPointEstimator's estimates
  - 1D decoding now applies a light sharpening filter
  - Refactored and simplified MonochromeBitmapSource implementations
  - Removed android-m3/ directory, no longer in active development. The current
    Android client remains in android/ (M5 SDK)
  - Restored ability to read upside-down 1D codes without try-harder mode
  - Added a crude GUI-based decoder to javase/, for the interested
  - core/ is now independent of MIDP; only requires CLDC 1.1
  - Added optimized build of core library
  - Unit tests now use local copies of images

0.9 (11 July 2008)
  - First draft of iPhone client committed
  - core module now built in a way that makes it function as an OSGi bundle,
    and also supports deployment in BugLabs's BUG platform.
  - Added client for BUG platform courtesy of buglabs.net
  - Big refactoring of com.google.zxing.client.result to separate idea of result
    parser from result value objects
  - Added basic vCard 2.1 support
  - Added basic BIZCARD format support
  - Added basic iCal format support
  - Added new calendar event parsed result type
  - Fewer false positives in 1D detectors, notably Code 39 and Code 128;
    new unit tests for false positives
  - Now parses and tries to act on ECI designators in QR Codes
  - Merged "basic" and "regular" J2ME readers into one unified app that should
    work on platforms with and without JSR-234 support
  - Removed dependence on Ant 1.7 (1.6 needed now)
  - Web application at zxing.org now shows raw bytes
  - Far more black box tests
  - Assorted small bug fixes

1.0 (12 September 2008)
  - All new RIM client from LifeMarks
  - Initial Data Matrix detector included
  - New and much improved Android 0.9-SDK compatible Android client
  - Better 1D detection, especially UPC-E, due to loosened quite zone checks
  - URIParsedResult now tries to warn about malicious URIs
  - New parser for ISBNs
  - New QR code blackbox images

1.1 (22 October 2008)
  - First public release of iPhone client called Barcodes
  - Completely new multi-action Android client UI, released as Barcode Scanner v2.3
  - Code 128 parsing fixes
  - Dozens of new blackbox test images
  - Many small core library parsing improvements and bug fixes
  - Improved quiet zone enforcement which reduces false positives significantly
  - Better calendar event and MECARD support
  - Compatibility with the Android 1.0 SDK
  - Added androidtest app for testing intents and capturing blackbox test images

1.2 (23 December 2008)
  - New Android benchmark application to time decoding performance
  - Dramatic performance improvements for worst case images (up to 2x faster)
  - Expanded blackbox unit tests with many new test images
  - Many small decoding improvements and bug fixes
  - New Share functionality in the Android client which encodes contacts, bookmarks, or the
    clipboard contents as a QR Code for a friend to scan with their phone
  - Locale-specific Android client which picks the right TLD when connecting to Google
  - Support for Furigana in the Android client, and better parsing of Kanji in core
  - Added the ability to import and export multiple phone numbers and emails for a single contact
  - Native QR Encoding added to the ZXing library - no need to send request to ChartServer
  - New ITF barcode format support from Kevin O'Sullivan at SITA
  - New HTML help system for the Android client
  - New web-based QR Code encoder at zxing.appspot.com based on GWT

1.3 (11 March 2009)
  - New C# port from Mohamad Fairol
  - ITF format scanning now on by default
  - Many new blackbox test images
  - Better QR Code detection
  - Better Android Intent handling
  - Improved email parsing
  - New Android Integration module to make life easier for third party ZXing users
  - More robust URI parsing
  - Many other small improvements and bug fixes

1.4 (26 Oct 2009)
  - Wider viewfinder in Android app to account for better close-range focus
  - More Android app translations: Spanish, Italian, Russian, French
  - Support for more devices, Cupcake, Donut
  - Worked around two important, related callback issues in Donut/Cupcake that stopped scanning
  - New custom search in Android app
  - New framework for evaluating the black point of an image
  - Many many small bug fixes, refactorings, small improvements, new versions of dependencies

1.5 (5 March 2010)
  - Android app:
    - Shopper integration
    - Tries to activate front light on some devices
    - Xperia et al. support with new screen sizes
    - Translations: Dutch, Swedish, Czech, Finnish
    - "Thinking" visualization
  - Updated C++ port, including new Data Matrix port
  - Updated C# port
  - Preliminary RSS-14 support
  - Reconceived support for various image sources and thresholding
  - Other small bug fixes and performance improvements

1.6 (20 Sept 2010)
  - Many, many updates to C++, Symbian, iPhone ports
  - RSS 14, Expanded support
  - Code 93 support
  - Codabar support
  - Data Matrix support reaches release quality
  - UPC/EAN +5 extension support
  - Android app:
    - Share history support
    - Bulk scan mode
    - Wi-fi configuration support
    - Format available in callback for web-based integration
    - Updated or new translations for:
      Hungarian, Danish, Chinese, Arabic, Dutch, Slovenian, Turkish
    - UI beautification
  - Added ability to detect multiple barcodes per image
  - Many small bug fixes and enhancements