version=1.5 # If you are building the J2ME client: # # Set this to a location where Sun's Wireless Toolkit, version 2.5.2 or later, has been installed # Location on Linux varies but is typically under /usr/local or /usr/lib # On Windows the default install directory is C:\WTK2.5.2 # Mac users: there is no WTK for Mac at the moment. The installer for Linux may work on Intel-based # Macs (haven't tried it) but I believe the preverify binary will not run. # # If you are buildling the Android client or optimized Java client: # Just create a 'WTK' directory wherever you like and add its location here. Proguard's # proguard.jar will still be expected at this location as bin/proguard.jar for historical reasons. # Uncomment or set appropriately: #WTK-home=C:\\WTK2.5.2 WTK-home=/usr/local/WTK2.5.2 # Set this to the location where you have installed RIM's BlackBerry JDE in order to # create the 'rim' client. There is no Mac or Linux version, but, these platforms can still # build by obtaining a copy of net_rim_api.jar and rapc.jar from a Windows installation, # and creating a fake mini installation home somewhere with the following files: # [your home]/ # bin/ # rapc.jar # lib/ # net_rim_api.jar # Uncomment and set appropriately #BB-JDK-home=C:\\Program Files\\Research In Motion\\Blackberry JDE 4.3.0 BB-JDK-home=/usr/local/bb-home # Set this to the location where you installed the Android SDK. #android-home=C:\\Program Files\\android-sdk-windows android-home=/usr/local/android # Set this to the location of a Tomcat installation if you want to compile and run the # web site and web application #tomcat-home=C:\\tomcat tomcat-home=/usr/local/tomcat # Uncomment and set this variable if building the subdirectory. It points to the # location of the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) which can be downloaded here: # # It builds against GWT 1.7 at the moment. #GWT-home=/usr/local/gwt