Barcode Scanner Bookmarks Add event to calendar Add contact Back Open Book Search Cancel Clipboard empty Dial number Send email Exit Get directions Send MMS OK Open browser Open Product Search Search book contents Share bookmark Share via email Share via SMS Share clipboard Share contact Show map Send SMS Web search Contact info Email address Geographic coordinates Phone number SMS address Plain text About Help Settings Share Based on the open source ZXing Barcode Library Contents Format Hi Place a barcode inside the viewfinder rectangle to scan it. Type Could not generate the requested barcode. Could not encode a barcode from the data provided. Generating a barcode\u2026 Sorry, the search encountered a problem. No page returned Page Snippet not available Unknown page Searching book\u2026 You can share data by displaying a barcode on your screen and scanning it with another phone. Here\'s the contents of a barcode I scanned Decode 1D barcodes Decode QR Codes General settings Settings Beep when a barcode is found Sounds Found contact info Found calendar event Found email address Found geographic coordinates Found book Found product Found SMS address Found phone number Found plain text Found URL Google Book Search Share via barcode About Barcode Scanner ZXing-Android/1.1