Class HighLevelEncoder


public final class HighLevelEncoder extends Object
DataMatrix ECC 200 data encoder following the algorithm described in ISO/IEC 16022:200(E) in annex S.
  • Method Details

    • encodeHighLevel

      public static String encodeHighLevel(String msg)
      Performs message encoding of a DataMatrix message using the algorithm described in annex P of ISO/IEC 16022:2000(E).
      msg - the message
      the encoded message (the char values range from 0 to 255)
    • encodeHighLevel

      public static String encodeHighLevel(String msg, SymbolShapeHint shape, Dimension minSize, Dimension maxSize)
      Performs message encoding of a DataMatrix message using the algorithm described in annex P of ISO/IEC 16022:2000(E).
      msg - the message
      shape - requested shape. May be SymbolShapeHint.FORCE_NONE, SymbolShapeHint.FORCE_SQUARE or SymbolShapeHint.FORCE_RECTANGLE.
      minSize - the minimum symbol size constraint or null for no constraint
      maxSize - the maximum symbol size constraint or null for no constraint
      the encoded message (the char values range from 0 to 255)
    • encodeHighLevel

      public static String encodeHighLevel(String msg, SymbolShapeHint shape, Dimension minSize, Dimension maxSize, boolean forceC40)
      Performs message encoding of a DataMatrix message using the algorithm described in annex P of ISO/IEC 16022:2000(E).
      msg - the message
      shape - requested shape. May be SymbolShapeHint.FORCE_NONE, SymbolShapeHint.FORCE_SQUARE or SymbolShapeHint.FORCE_RECTANGLE.
      minSize - the minimum symbol size constraint or null for no constraint
      maxSize - the maximum symbol size constraint or null for no constraint
      forceC40 - enforce C40 encoding
      the encoded message (the char values range from 0 to 255)
    • determineConsecutiveDigitCount

      public static int determineConsecutiveDigitCount(CharSequence msg, int startpos)
      Determines the number of consecutive characters that are encodable using numeric compaction.
      msg - the message
      startpos - the start position within the message
      the requested character count