snipe 69e36738fe Updated CSV
Signed-off-by: snipe <>
2024-11-13 16:28:10 +00:00

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1NameCategoryManufacturerNotesModel NumberFieldsetRequestableEOLMin Qty
2Changed Test ModelLaptopsBlarghSphinx of black quartz, judge my vow1786VM80X07Laptops and DesktopsY36100
3Test Model 2LaptopsBotsford, Boyle and Herzogante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae mauris viverra diam vitae quam suspendisse potenti nullam9351IS25A51Laptops and DesktopsY3650
4Test Model 3LaptopsPollich LLC9929FR08W85Laptops and DesktopsY3630
5LaptopsWalker-Towneneque vestibulum eget vulputate ut ultrices vel augue vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus9139KQ78G81Laptops and DesktopsY36
6Test Model 5LaptopsBerge Incturpis adipiscing lorem vitae mattis nibh ligula nec sem duis aliquam convallis nunc proin at turpis a pede0910VB28Q61Laptops and DesktopsY360
7Test Model 6LaptopsHeaney, Altenwerth and Emmerich7375EM02N97Laptops and DesktopsY36100
8Test Model 7DesktopsRomaguera, Goldner and CrooksTest Updated TextLaptops and DesktopsY36100
9Test Model 8LaptopsWatsica LLCsapien urna pretium nisl ut volutpat sapien arcu sed augue aliquam erat volutpat inLaptops and DesktopsY36100
10Test Model 9LaptopsFritsch, Sauer and Connorci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae duis faucibus accumsan odio curabiturLaptops and DesktopsY36100
11Test Model 10LaptopsUpton, Feil and Jastvelit vivamus vel nulla eget eros elementum pellentesque quisque porta volutpatLaptops and DesktopsY36100
12Test Model 11LaptopsBerge Incsed nisl nunc rhoncus dui vel sem sed sagittis nam congue risus semper porta volutpat quam pede lobortis ligula sitLaptops and DesktopsY36100
13Test Model 12LaptopsKutch, Johnson and Olsoncurae mauris viverra diam vitae quam suspendisse potenti nullam porttitor lacus at turpis donec posuere metus vitae ipsum aliquam nonLaptops and DesktopsY36100
14Test Model 13LaptopsMosciski Incmolestie hendrerit at vulputate vitae nisl aenean lectus pellentesque eget nunc donec quis orciLaptops and DesktopsY36100
15Test Model 14LaptopsMosciski Incegestas metus aenean fermentum donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis nulla neque libero convallis eget eleifendLaptops and DesktopsN36100
16Test Model 15LaptopsUpton, Feil and JastLaptops and DesktopsN36100
17Test Model 16LaptopsRomaguera, Goldner and Crooksdui luctus rutrum nulla tellus in sagittis dui vel nisl duis ac nibh fusce2315CN41G71Laptops and DesktopsN36100
18Test Model 17LaptopsAbernathy-Stammmaecenas pulvinar lobortis est phasellus sit amet erat nulla tempus6080UE59E09Laptops and DesktopsN36100
19Test Model 18LaptopsMosciski Inc5505YF23M46Laptops and DesktopsN36100
20Test Model 19LaptopsWalker-Towne8673QP30R80Laptops and DesktopsY36100
21Test Model 20Mobile PhonesHeaney, Altenwerth and Emmerichnisl ut volutpat sapien arcu sed augue aliquam erat volutpat in congue etiam justo etiam pretium9088XV67Q94Mobile DevicesY12100
22Test OneMobile PhonesOkuneva Groupquis libero nullam sit amet turpis elementum ligula vehicula consequat morbi a ipsum integer a nibh in quisMobile DevicesY12100
23Test Missing Categoryorci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae duis faucibus accumsan odio curabiturY30100
24One more categoryMobile Phones NewsWalker-TowneSphinx of black quartz, judge my vowNew Fieldset from ImportY30100
25Aaaand one more yesMobile PhonesWalker-TowneSphinx of black quartz, judge my vowNew Fieldset from ImportY30100
26One more noMobile PhonesWalker-TowneSphinx of black quartz, judge my vowNew Fieldset from ImportN30100
27Aaaand one more yes yesMobile PhonesWalker-TownesdfgsdgsdfgdsfgsdfgsdfgsdgNew Fieldset from ImportY30100