2023-03-08 11:58:36 -08:00

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Running the Test Suite

This document is targeted at developers looking to make modifications to this application's code base and want to run the existing test suite.

Before starting, follow the instructions for installing the application locally and ensure you can load it in a browser properly.

Unit and Feature Tests

Before attempting to run the test suite copy the example environment file for tests and update the values to match your environment:

cp .env.testing.example .env.testing

Since the data in the database is flushed after each test it is recommended you create a separate mysql database for specifically for tests

Here is an example of what your .env.testing file might look like:

# --------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------

Now you are ready to run the entire test suite from your terminal:

php artisan test

To run individual test files, you can pass the path to the test that you want to run:

php artisan test tests/Unit/AccessoryTest.php

Browser Tests

Browser tests are run via Laravel Dusk and require Google Chrome to be installed.

Before attempting to run Dusk tests copy the example environment file for Dusk and update the values to match your environment:

cp .env.dusk.example .env.dusk.local

local refers to the value of APP_ENV in your .env so if you have it set to dev then the file should be named

Important: Dusk tests cannot be run using an in-memory SQLite database. Additionally, the Dusk test suite uses the DatabaseMigrations trait which will leave the database in a fresh state after running. Therefore, it is recommended that you create a test database and point DB_DATABASE in .env.dusk.local to it.

Running Browser Tests

Your application needs to be configured and up and running in order for the browser tests to actually run. When running the tests locally, you can start the application using the following command:

php artisan serve

Now you are ready to run the test suite. Use the following command from another terminal tab or window:

php artisan dusk

To run individual test files, you can pass the path to the test that you want to run:

php artisan dusk tests/Browser/LoginTest.php

If you get an error when attempting to run Dusk tests that says Couldn't connect to server run:

php artisan dusk:chrome-driver --detect

This command will install the specific ChromeDriver Dusk needs for your operating system and Chrome version.