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1 | Company | Name | Asset Tag | Category | Supplier | Manufacturer | Location | Order Number | Model | Model Notes | Model Number | Asset Notes | Purchase Date | Purchase Cost | Checkout Type | Checked Out To: Username | Checked Out To: First Name | Checked Out To: Last Name | Checked Out To: Email | Checked Out To: Location | Asset EOL Date |
2 | Abshire and Sons | Backhoe | ICC-2065556 | Ornamental Railings | Kunde, Doyle and Kozey | Berge Inc | Wilkinson, Waters and Kerluke | 3271901481 | Macbook Pro 13" | 1786VM80X07 | at nulla suspendisse potenti cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis | 1/23/23 | 2266.13 | 10/27/28 | |||||||
3 | Quitzon, Oberbrunner and Dibbert | Dragline | WBH-2841795 | Structural and Misc Steel (Fabrication) | Krajcik LLC | Botsford, Boyle and Herzog | Lindgren-Marquardt | 5504512275 | Macbook Pro 13" | ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae mauris viverra diam vitae quam suspendisse potenti nullam | 9351IS25A51 | aliquam convallis nunc proin at turpis a pede posuere nonummy integer | 11/14/22 | 1292.94 | User | gmccrackem2a | Gage | McCrackem | gmccrackem2a@bing.com | 10/27/28 | |
4 | Boyer and Sons | Excavator | NNH-3656031 | Soft Flooring and Base | Heaney, Altenwerth and Emmerich | Pollich LLC | Pacocha-Kiehn | 4861125177 | Macbook Pro 13" | 9929FR08W85 | 3/1/23 | 2300.71 | Location | Pacocha-Kiehn | 10/27/28 | ||||||
5 | Hayes-Rippin | Trencher | BOL-0305383 | Prefabricated Aluminum Metal Canopies | Botsford, Boyle and Herzog | Walker-Towne | Fritsch-Abernathy | 2416994639 | Macbook Pro 13" | neque vestibulum eget vulputate ut ultrices vel augue vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus | 9139KQ78G81 | 10/26/22 | 1777.56 | User | ksennett6 | Katerina | Sennett | ksennett6@ibm.com | 10/27/28 | ||
6 | Romaguera-Flatley | Compactor | YVN-3440973 | Temp Fencing, Decorative Fencing and Gates | Ankunding-Ledner | Berge Inc | Roberts-Anderson | 6080904229 | Macbook Pro 13" | turpis adipiscing lorem vitae mattis nibh ligula nec sem duis aliquam convallis nunc proin at turpis a pede | 0910VB28Q61 | 7/24/22 | 2967.97 | 10/27/28 | |||||||
7 | Auer LLC | Bulldozer | YOO-5936907 | Electrical | Berge Inc | Heaney, Altenwerth and Emmerich | Roberts-Anderson | 8204459090 | Macbook Pro 13" | 7375EM02N97 | proin eu mi nulla ac enim in tempor turpis nec euismod scelerisque quam turpis adipiscing lorem | 10/1/22 | 3819.73 | 10/27/28 | |||||||
8 | Olson Group | Skid-Steer | EJS-7488052 | Roofing (Metal) | Fritsch, Sauer and Conn | Romaguera, Goldner and Crooks | Lindgren-Marquardt | 1252634576 | Macbook Pro 13" | blandit non interdum in ante vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae | rhoncus sed vestibulum sit amet cursus id turpis integer aliquet massa id lobortis convallis | 6/25/22 | 2711.89 | Location | McGlynn, Hagenes and Bruen | 10/27/28 | |||||
9 | Powlowski, Monahan and Reichel | Bulldozer | HNY-7340937 | Ornamental Railings | Botsford, Boyle and Herzog | Watsica LLC | Roberts-Anderson | 7294510907 | Macbook Pro 13" | sapien urna pretium nisl ut volutpat sapien arcu sed augue aliquam erat volutpat in | erat fermentum justo nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante nulla justo aliquam quis turpis eget elit sodales | 7/24/22 | 1833.42 | User | mhasley21 | Marion | Hasley | mhasley21@clickbank.net | 10/27/28 | ||
10 | Harris LLC | Grader | JHN-0598394 | Curb & Gutter | Heaney, Altenwerth and Emmerich | Fritsch, Sauer and Conn | Waters LLC | 0709494209 | Macbook Pro 13" | orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae duis faucibus accumsan odio curabitur | vestibulum vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere | 4/11/23 | 3263.79 | User | mbaudy2b | Mickie | Baudy | mbaudy2b@intel.com | 10/27/28 | ||
11 | Boyer-Okuneva | Backhoe | GEX-7216431 | Prefabricated Aluminum Metal Canopies | Pollich LLC | Upton, Feil and Jast | Jenkins, Goldner and Cruickshank | 4030738107 | Macbook Pro 13" | velit vivamus vel nulla eget eros elementum pellentesque quisque porta volutpat | 8/25/22 | 2448.17 | Location | Lynch and Sons | 10/27/28 | ||||||
12 | Ebert-Reilly | Scraper | DWM-3752227 | Construction Clean and Final Clean | Watsica LLC | Berge Inc | Mills, Gleichner and Schamberger | 9381884673 | Macbook Pro 13" | sed nisl nunc rhoncus dui vel sem sed sagittis nam congue risus semper porta volutpat quam pede lobortis ligula sit | rhoncus aliquet pulvinar sed nisl nunc rhoncus dui vel sem sed sagittis nam congue risus semper | 12/23/22 | 2721.12 | User | sbucknall28 | Saidee | Bucknall | sbucknall28@cbsnews.com | |||
13 | Mitchell, Ward and Hettinger | Dragline | OLM-0226994 | Structural and Misc Steel (Fabrication) | Walker-Towne | Kutch, Johnson and Olson | Frami and Sons | 7504201033 | Macbook Pro 13" | curae mauris viverra diam vitae quam suspendisse potenti nullam porttitor lacus at turpis donec posuere metus vitae ipsum aliquam non | amet nulla quisque arcu libero rutrum ac lobortis vel dapibus at diam nam tristique | 5/14/23 | 3178.59 | Location | O'Conner, Nitzsche and Aufderhar | ||||||
14 | Prosacco-Ledner | Scraper | LYO-8134459 | Roofing (Asphalt) | Mosciski Inc | Mosciski Inc | Waters LLC | 9994825740 | Macbook Pro 13" | molestie hendrerit at vulputate vitae nisl aenean lectus pellentesque eget nunc donec quis orci | 5/7/23 | 3322.34 | |||||||||
15 | Harvey and Sons | Compactor | HLK-1645158 | Structural and Misc Steel (Fabrication) | Romaguera, Goldner and Crooks | Mosciski Inc | Treutel Inc | 8322817966 | Macbook Pro 13" | egestas metus aenean fermentum donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis nulla neque libero convallis eget eleifend | 9/3/22 | 1823.95 | User | flewins10 | Filip | Lewins | flewins10@amazonaws.com | ||||
16 | Lebsack, Roob and Streich | Scraper | AZT-4280937 | Marlite Panels (FED) | Okuneva Group | Upton, Feil and Jast | Lynch and Sons | 8146943004 | Macbook Pro 13" | 12/17/22 | 1614.68 | Location | Roberts-Anderson | ||||||||
17 | Abbott-Nikolaus | Dump Truck | IAB-5332824 | Structural & Misc Steel Erection | Upton, Feil and Jast | Romaguera, Goldner and Crooks | Lynch and Sons | 3906729636 | Macbook Pro 13" | dui luctus rutrum nulla tellus in sagittis dui vel nisl duis ac nibh fusce | 2315CN41G71 | 11/2/22 | 1444.69 | Location | Fritsch-Abernathy | ||||||
18 | Nolan-Wisoky | Trencher | OID-4455781 | HVAC | Ankunding-Ledner | Abernathy-Stamm | Schinner Group | 8981616853 | Macbook Pro 13" | maecenas pulvinar lobortis est phasellus sit amet erat nulla tempus | 6080UE59E09 | 9/7/22 | 3637.94 | User | bmctrustrie1c | Balduin | McTrustrie | bmctrustrie1c@free.fr | |||
19 | Miller, Morissette and Kihn | Trencher | UQY-2172679 | Curb & Gutter | Legros, Paucek and Collier | Mosciski Inc | O'Conner, Nitzsche and Aufderhar | 3983411009 | Macbook Pro 13" | 5505YF23M46 | 2/10/23 | 4253.88 | User | kkubanek1t | Kalinda | Kubanek | kkubanek1t@umich.edu | ||||
20 | Erdman and Sons | Grader | HRI-2262410 | Granite Surfaces | Berge Inc | Walker-Towne | Ledner-Barrows | 9311141848 | Macbook Pro 13" | 8673QP30R80 | 6/20/22 | 1784.66 | Location | Lynch and Sons | |||||||
21 | Rogahn, Cormier and Ruecker | Bulldozer | BBK-5960598 | Drywall & Acoustical (MOB) | Abernathy-Stamm | Heaney, Altenwerth and Emmerich | Frami and Sons | 5157837617 | Macbook Pro 13" | nisl ut volutpat sapien arcu sed augue aliquam erat volutpat in congue etiam justo etiam pretium | 9088XV67Q94 | 12/15/22 | 668.43 | Location | Russel Group | ||||||
22 | Pagac-Feeney | Compactor | RRO-8557470 | Structural and Misc Steel (Fabrication) | Mosciski Inc | Okuneva Group | Russel Group | 2776102414 | Macbook Pro 13" | quis libero nullam sit amet turpis elementum ligula vehicula consequat morbi a ipsum integer a nibh in quis | 12/27/22 | 3391.42 | |||||||||
23 | Toy-Daniel | Compactor | SUQ-5159067 | Fire Protection | Botsford, Boyle and Herzog | Berge Inc | Jenkins, Goldner and Cruickshank | 0313117719 | Robby | 2830MI42B80 | 6/24/22 | 4402.74 | User | hbucknall29 | Hillie | Bucknall | hbucknall29@webnode.com | 10/27/28 |