Daniel Meltzer d722ed3823 Partialize forms ()
* Consolidate edit form elements into reusable partials.

This is a large code change that doesn't do much immediately.  It
refactors all of the various edit.blade.php files to reference
standardized partials, so that they all reference the same base html
layout. This has the side effect of moving everything to the new fancy
"required" indicators, and making things look consistent.

In addition, I've gone ahead and renamed a few database fields.  We had
Assetmodel::modelno and Consumable::model_no, I've renamed both to
model_number.  We had items using ::note and ::notes, I've standardized
on ::notes.  Component used total_qty where consumables and accessories
used qty, so I've moved everything to qty (And fixed a few bugs in the
helper file in the process.

TODO includes looking at how/where to place the modal javascripts to
allow for on the fly creation from all places, rather than just the
asset page.

Rename assetmodel::modelno to model_number for clarity and consistency

Rename consumable::model_no to model_number for clarity and consistency

Rename assetmodel::note to notes for clarity and consistency

Port asset and assetmodel to new partials layout.  Adapt all code to the renamed model_number and notes database changes.  Fix some stying.

* Share a settings variable with all views.

* Allow editing the per_page setting.  We showed the value, but we never showed it on the edit page..

* use snipeSettings in all views instead of the long ugly path.

* War on partials. Centralize all bootstrap table javascript

* Use model_number instead of modelno in importer

* Codacy fix.

* More unification/deduplication.  Create an edit form template layout that we use as the base for all edit forms.  This gives the same interface for editing everything and makes the edit.blade.* files much easier to read.

* Use a ViewComposer instead of sharing the variable directly.  Fixes artisan optimize trying to hit the db--which ruins new installs

* Fix DB seeder.

* Base sql dump and csv's to import data from for tests.

* Start some functional tests for creating items.

* Add functional tests for all create methods.  Still need to do tests for edits, deletes, and lots of other things

* Improvements to functional tests.

Use the built in DB seeding mechanism instead of doing it ourselves.
Break the tests into multiple units, rather than testing everything in
each function.

* Some improvements to acceptance tests.

Make sure we're only looking at the "trs" within the bootstrap table.
Creation of assets is now tested at the functional level (and is faster)
so ignore it here.

I'm testing acceptance tests with the
IMPORT_{ASSETS,ACCESSORIES,CONSUMABLES}.csv in the tests/_data folder

* A few things to make acceptance tests work.  Add a name to the companies table, and make the locations table have the correct name

* Use a .env.tests file for testing functional and unit to allow a separate database.

* Add functional tests for compoents, groups, and licenses.

* Now that the config is in the functional.yml, this just confuses things.

* Start some functional tests for creating items.

* Add functional tests for all create methods.  Still need to do tests for edits, deletes, and lots of other things

* Improvements to functional tests.

Use the built in DB seeding mechanism instead of doing it ourselves.
Break the tests into multiple units, rather than testing everything in
each function.

* Some improvements to acceptance tests.

Make sure we're only looking at the "trs" within the bootstrap table.
Creation of assets is now tested at the functional level (and is faster)
so ignore it here.

I'm testing acceptance tests with the
IMPORT_{ASSETS,ACCESSORIES,CONSUMABLES}.csv in the tests/_data folder

* update db dump

* Update tests to new reality

* env for the test setup

* only load the database at beginning of tests, not between each Functional test.

* Fix a miss from renaming note to notes.

* Set Termination date when creating an asset.  It was only set on edit.

* Rename serial_number to serial in components for consistency.

* Update validation rules to match limits in database.  Currently we just accepted the values and they were truncated when adding to DB.

* Much more detailed functional testing of creating items.  This checks to make sure all values on form have been successfully persisted to database.
2016-11-16 16:56:57 -08:00

7.3 KiB
Raw Blame History

1NameEmailUsernameitem Nameitem CategoryModel nameManufacturerModel NumberSerial numberAsset TagLocationNotesPurchase DatePurchase CostCompanyStatusWarrantySupplier
2Bonnie Nelsonbnelson0@cdbaby.combnelson0eget nunc donec quisquammassa idLinkbridge637701860009447227aa8378-b0f4-4289-84a4-405da95c6147970882174-8DapingCurabitur in libero ut massa volutpat convallis. Morbi odio odio, elementum eu, interdum eu, tincidunt in, leo. Maecenas pulvinar lobortis est.2016-04-05289.59AlphaUndeployable14Blogspan
3Judith Fergusonjferguson1@state.tx.usjferguson1mi in porttitorjustocongue diam idFlipstorm5.02043359569189E+0184bc7fc90-5a97-412f-8eed-77ecacc643fc544574073-0Cirangga Kidul2016-03-08763.46Undeployable12Oyope
4Mildred Gibsonmgibson2@wiley.commgibson2morbi quis tortor idnunc nisl duisconvallis tortor risusLajo3746225467767652837ab20-8f0d-4935-8a52-226392f2b1b0710141467-2ShekouIn congue. Etiam justo. Etiam pretium iaculis justo.2015-08-09233.57KonklabLost
5Brandon Leeblee3@quantcast.comblee3amet cursus id turpissedin faucibus orciZoomlounge354961801523609518d6e6a4-d362-4de9-beb4-7f62fb93de6f103538064-1LeksandInteger ac leo. Pellentesque ultrices mattis odio. Donec vitae nisi.2015-10-11Pending Diagnostics
6Betty Powellbpowell4@tuttocitta.itbpowell4ipsum praesentcondimentum curabituret ultricesKazu3567082842822626f9b473c6-c810-42f2-8335-27ce468889a8118753405-6Dresi Wetan2015-06-16324.8Ready to Deploy
7Anthony Wheelerawheeler5@cocolog-nifty.comawheeler5dictumst maecenas utsem praesentaccumsan felisLayo300525226517564751495c-cee0-4961-b788-94a545b5643e998233705-XDante Delgado2016-04-16261.79Archived15Ntag
8Dennis Reynoldsdreynolds6@ustream.tvdreynolds6libero namrisusinterdum maurisTwiyo358543805766029117b3cf8d-fead-46f5-a8b0-49906bb90a00177687256-8PingleProin interdum mauris non ligula pellentesque ultrices. Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue. Vivamus metus arcu, adipiscing molestie, hendrerit at, vulputate vitae, nisl.2015-05-24Pending Diagnostics
9Andrea Arnoldaarnold7@cbc.caaarnold7mauris morbi nonante velsapien dignissimCogibox35485110528835007a6a2fdb-160c-4d91-8e05-a0337a90d9db129556040-2ZhuliDuis aliquam convallis nunc. Proin at turpis a pede posuere nonummy. Integer non velit.2015-09-15434.86Archived14Kwilith
10Anna Butlerabutler8@wikia.comabutler8eleifend pede liberosapien a liberoet ultrices posuere cubiliaFlipbug6.75911579996746E+017c1a57909-3b2e-47fe-ab2f-843401b2a7de117517007-0NiopandaMaecenas tristique, est et tempus semper, est quam pharetra magna, ac consequat metus sapien ut nunc. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam. Suspendisse potenti.2016-04-1389.53Archived15Linkbridge
11Mark Bennettmbennett9@diigo.commbennett9convallis nulla nequeeu sapienduis mattis egestas metus aeneanCentimia37834267741096107540238-fb3c-4c8a-8e11-d43883ee4268007968217-0Zoumaling2015-07-04Lost
12Emily Wheelerewheelera@google.deewheelerain felisleo odioquam sapien variusRoombo201954480670574527b2445-2c67-4f76-912f-6ec42400a584441402118-9LutskSuspendisse potenti. In eleifend quam a odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.2016-05-18BitwolfLost36Wikizz
13Wanda Foxwfoxb@virginia.eduwfoxbvel ipsum praesentpotenti nullam porttitoraugue vestibulum rutrum rutrum nequeYakijo3567636803247485863829558-8PravdinskAenean fermentum. Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis. Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh.2015-11-10Lost14Linkbridge
14odio elementumposuere cubilia curaeante vel ipsum praesent blanditOyope35294623007537369a863968-180e-451d-a723-dc85e2d5d8ff742114860-4PanayPellentesque at nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus.2016-03-20881.430Tagcat
15Janet Grantjgrantd@cpanel.netjgrantdviverra diam vitaesemper sapiendapibus dolor velFlashset3559785746335392e287bb64-ff4f-434c-88ab-210ad433c77b927820758-6Achiaman2016-03-05675.3Archived22Meevee
16Antonio Larsonalarsone@tripod.comalarsonefelis sed interdum venenatisid lobortisdui proinChatterbridge407099588263590bcab28-ffd4-48c9-ba5d-c2eeb1400698789757925-5OemanuPhasellus sit amet erat. Nulla tempus. Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum.2015-07-25Ready to Deploy30Shuffledrive
17Lois Powelllpowellf@com.comlpowellfid consequatjusto necodio porttitor id consequat inSkipstorm3630914918344708e440f7-bd0b-47a7-a577-4a3ce3c7dfe7202652281-2QiaolinProin interdum mauris non ligula pellentesque ultrices. Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue. Vivamus metus arcu, adipiscing molestie, hendrerit at, vulputate vitae, nisl.2015-08-13446.22Lost
18Mildred Allenmalleng@com.commallengporta volutpat quam pedein hac habitassedonec vitae nisi namDevpulse35437832952972945f900903-0ffe-4405-b5ad-aa4aa59d911c210119288-8AcchaNam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla. Sed vel enim sit amet nunc viverra dapibus. Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus.2015-12-24923.9Lost20Quamba
19Clarence Austincaustinh@bigcartel.comcaustinhlibero nam dui proinaliquet at feugiateget tincidunt eget tempusPhotobug201967051902986bde85740-f103-4b49-a691-a60c7f6859a8022102715-7KerkradeIn hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam faucibus cursus urna. Ut tellus.2016-03-29Undeployable22Browsedrive
20Walter Chavezwchavezi@blogs.comwchavezisociis natoque penatibusvel estat diam namPhotofeed3533016005480310bf4a2a92-6f29-4d24-be90-8126d4dcbd64610672722-8Villa Regina2016-05-13442.51Archived28Tekfly
21Marie Elliottmelliottj@constantcontact.commelliottjsed tristique inrutrumluctus et ultricesRiffpath45472998610359a02817e-de79-4850-a212-84c9ae3dd1a2898880851-7TibroInteger ac leo. Pellentesque ultrices mattis odio. Donec vitae nisi.2015-09-10906.39Undeployable
22dui luctus rutrumsapien ut nuncdictumst morbi vestibulumAivee4405382067928809514aca2a-9080-4c49-8695-7ba4c78edc65466008300-4MenglieDuis consequat dui nec nisi volutpat eleifend. Donec ut dolor. Morbi vel lectus in quam fringilla rhoncus.2015-12-21151.27
23ut massa volutpatsedquis odio consequat varius integerAbatz3537252931689981b99208e2-b8d8-4f7a-8a06-366a27733b97313295582-5SolidaridadCum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus vestibulum sagittis sapien. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.2016-02-15211.07
24Benjamin Fordbfordm@woothemes.combfordmhabitasse platea dictumstprimis in faucibusquam a odio inBlogtag5018304036665243c8680b36-a13c-427f-a6a1-1b9b351eb129552327520-4SorinomoIn quis justo. Maecenas rhoncus aliquam lacus. Morbi quis tortor id nulla ultrices aliquet.2015-11-25112.11Ready to Deploy18Quatz
25Timothy Warrentwarrenn@printfriendly.comtwarrennleo pellentesque ultricesvestibulumin sapien iaculis congue vivamusBrightdog303551056821266c1e7556-063f-4c71-87ce-e46b06e8c238446504693-6TamelNam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla. Sed vel enim sit amet nunc viverra dapibus. Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus.2015-08-19221.03Undeployable26Mydeo