You can use the latest [Apple USB-C Charge cables]( The cable that is provided with the iPad Pro works. Older Laptop USB-C Power cables will _NOT_ work, as they are missing the data lines.
With the latest versions of MacOS, the USB Serial driver is built-in. Do _NOT_ download any USB device drivers - this will actually prevent you from connecting to your T-Echo from your Mac. If you downloaded/installed any already, please Remove them.
<summary>Removing the CH34x (CH340/CH341) USB Drivers</summary>
If you have already downloaded/installed the MacOS WCH-IC CH340 ("CH341SER_MAC") drivers via the `CH34x_Install_V1.5.pkg`, you will have to Uninstall the kernel extension:
If the device file exists, you will also notice a "TECHOBOOT" volume in the Finder, or in the Terminal after double-clicking the Reset Button (see below)
Please ensure that you have updated the bootloader to the latest version using the information on the [RAK Documentation Center]( website.
Firmware can be downloaded from the [Firmware](/firmware) page. Your initial installation has to happen over USB from your Mac, Windows or Linux PC. Once our software is installed, all future software updates happen over Bluetooth from your phone.
Be careful to install the correct load for your board. While it is unlikely that you will cause damage to your device, the wrong firmware will cause it to not work.
You are going to copy/drop "as is" 'firmware-xxxxx-1.2.x.uf2' (_NOT_ over the "CURRENT.UF2" file) in the volume, and the device reboot will copy it/load it correctly.