To add a GPS to the RAK5005-O base board, you need the [RAK1910 GPS sensor]( It is supported on slot A of the 5005 board via UART.
To add a GPS to the RAK19003 base board, you need the [RAK12500 GPS sensor]( It is supported via I<sup>2</sup>C on slot B for firmware versions 1.49 and above.
The [RAK18001 Buzzer Module]( is currently being tested for integration with the External Notifications plugin. There is currently a known conflict with buzzer if the module is placed in Slot D, although other slots should work.
The [RAK13002 IO Module]( can be used to, among other things, add a user button to the RAK base boards (excluding the RAK19003 Mini base board). It features a number of different interface options:
The [RAK1901 Temperature and Humidity Sensor]( is based on the Sensirion SHTC3 module and has the following features:
- Temperature measurement (Range -40°C to +125°C)
The [RAK1902 Barometric Pressure Sensor]( is based on the STMicroelectronics LPS22HB module and has the following features:
The [RAK1906 Environment Sensor]( is based on the Bosch BME680 module and has the following features: