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id: overview
title: Overview
sidebar_label: Overview
slug: /getting-started
## What is Meshtastic?
Meshtastic® is a project that lets you use inexpensive GPS mesh radios as an extensible, super long battery life mesh GPS communicator. These radios are great for hiking, skiing, paragliding - essentially any hobby where you don't have reliable internet access. Each member of your private mesh can always see the location and distance of all other members and any text messages sent to your group chat.
The radios automatically create a mesh to forward packets as needed, so everyone in the group can receive messages from even the furthest member. The radios will optionally work with your phone, but no phone is required.
## Purchase a Radio
The easiest way is to [buy a device with the software already installed](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001178678568.html). Other devices are [available](/docs/hardware/tbeam-hardware). In the Americas get the 915mhz version, in Europe the 868Mhz, or Asia 923Mhz. See this listing by [The Things Network](https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/lorawan/frequencies-by-country.html) for frequencies by specific countries.
## Setup the Radio
When it arrives, install your antenna and make sure you install the battery correctly. Reversing the battery can damage your device. Make sure the antenna is on when you power up the board.
Make sure not to power the radio on without first attaching the antenna! You could damage the radio chip!
## Download Firmware
Prebuilt binaries for the supported radios are available in our releases. Your initial installation has to happen over USB from your Mac, Windows or Linux PC. Once our software is installed, all future software updates can happen over bluetooth from your phone.
<!--- TODO I'd like to create prettier buttons for this than just a table --->
| [Current Firmware](https://github.com/meshtastic/meshtastic-device/releases/latest) | [List of Firmware Versions](https://github.com/meshtastic/meshtastic-device/releases/) |
| :--------------: | :-----------------------: |
## Flashing Firmware
If your device already has Meshtastic flashed to it, You can update it over the air (OTA). Otherwise you'll need a computer and a **data** USB cable. This can be done in the following ways:
- Install using the command line interface (CLI)
- Install using a graphical user interface (GUI)
The firmware installation method will also depend on whether you have an ESP32 based device or a nRF52 based device. See our [hardware section](/docs/hardware) to determine which microcontroller your device is based on.
## Connect to your Device
There are many ways to connect to your new radio!
- Command line interface (CLI)
- Graphic user interface (GUI)
- Serial connection
- Bluetooth
- Web app over wifi (in development)
## A good first test (connect via USB and CLI)
If you have at least two radios with the Meshtastic firmware, you may consider connecting one via USB and the other simply powered. Communicate with the USB radio using a CLI like [Meshtastic-python](https://meshtastic.org/docs/software/python/python-installation).
- Ensure you can run "meshtastic --info".
- Ensure the region is set appropriately. If the radios are 915 MHz and you are in the US, then no region changes/settings are necessary. If you are in another region, you may need to run something like: "meshtastic --set region EU865".
- Send a message "meshtastic --sendtext hello1"
- The radio connected via USB should show the message almost instantly.
- Other radios may take a few seconds before they show the message. You may need to press one of the buttons on the other radio to see if the message arrived.
- Run "meshtastic --nodes" to see if other nodes show in the display.
- Messages sent from the USB radio should be sent to the other radio(s) via LoRa. The default settings should have this work by default
## A good second test (connect via Bluetooth)
The Android app is currently more robust than the iOS app. But, they both should be able to interact with the radios.
- Install Android or iOS Meshtastic app
- Start Meshtastic app
- Connect to radio(s) from inside the app
- Pair with radio(s). A paring code should show on the radio. Enter that value when prompted to pair a bluetooth device.
- Note: May want to set the bluetooth timeout (ex: "meshtastic --set wait_bluetooth_secs 28800")
- Send message(s) from inside the app.
- Verify that all radios are receiving the messages. Might have to click on the button on the radio to see most recent message.
## A good third test (connect via Wifi/http)
- Configure the *wifi_ssid* and *wifi_password*. "meshtastic --set wifi_ssid 'xxx' --set wifi_password 'yyy'" (where xxx and yyy are the appropriate values for your neetwork)
- Reboot radio by either removing power or pressing the power button.
- Click on the button to cycle thru to the screen with ip address and verify that there was a connection to the wifi access point.
- Send message(s). "meshtastic --host --sendtext hello"
- Verify that all radios are receiving the messages. Might have to click on the button on the radio(s) to see most recent message.
- Open up a brower to http://meshtastic.local to view the web UI (currently under development). You may need to open http://meshtastic.local/static )
- If you want to switch back to bluetooth, you will need to set the *wifi_ssid* and *wifi_password* values to blank values (ex: '').
## Troubleshooting
For any issues during setup, search [our forum](https://meshtastic.discourse.group) to find a solution. If you can't find one, please post your problem, providing as much detail as possible.
We are also on [Discord](https://discord.gg/UQJ5QuM7vq).
<!--- A guide to setting up your Meshtastic device.
The easiest way is to [buy a device with the software already installed](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001178678568.html) In the Americas get the 915mhz version, In Europe the 868Mhz or Asia 923Mhz [Frequency details](https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/lorawan/frequencies-by-country.html).
Or you can install the software yourself using the instructions below.
## Table of Contents
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Firmware Installation](#firmware-installation)
- [Using GUI](#firmware-installation-gui)
- [Using Commandline](#firmware-installation-cli)
- [Troubleshooting](#Troubleshooting)
<a name="prerequisites"></a>
## Prerequisites
- Purchased radios
- Appropriate batteries (18650)
- Computer
- Data MicroUSB Cable (not a charge only one)
<a name="firmware-installation"></a>
## Firmware Installation
<a name="firmware-installation-gui"></a>
### Installing from a GUI - Windows & MacOS
1. Download and unzip the latest Meshtastic firmware [release](https://github.com/meshtastic/Meshtastic-esp32/releases).
2. Download [ESPHome Flasher](https://github.com/esphome/esphome-flasher/releases).
3. Connect your radio to your USB port and open ESPHome Flasher.
4. If your board is not showing under Serial Port then you likely need to install the drivers for the CP210X serial chip. In Windows you can check by searching “Device Manager” and ensuring the device is shown under “Ports”.
5. If there is an error, download the [drivers](https://www.silabs.com/products/development-tools/software/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers), then unzip and run the Installer application.
6. In ESPHome Flasher, refresh the serial ports and select the port to which your board is connected.
7. Browse to the previously downloaded firmware and select the correct firmware based on the board type.
8. Select Flash ESP.
9. Once complete, “Done! Flashing is complete!” will be shown.
10. The board will boot and show the Meshtastic logo.
11. Debug messages sent from the Meshtastic device can be viewed with a terminal program such as PuTTY. Within PuTTY, click “Serial”, enter the “Serial line” com port (can be found at step 4), enter “Speed” as 921600, then click “Open”.
<a name="firmware-installation-cli"></a>
### Installing from a Commandline - Linux
Requires `Python` and `pip`
1. Download and unzip the latest Meshtastic firmware [release](https://github.com/meshtastic/Meshtastic-esp32/releases).
2. `pip install --upgrade esptool` - Installs esptool on your machine
3. Connect your radio to your USB port
4. `esptool.py chip_id` - Confirm that your device is talking to your PC by running
You should see something like:
mydir$ esptool.py chip_id
esptool.py v2.6
Found 2 serial ports
Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
Detecting chip type... ESP32
Chip is ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision 1)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None
MAC: 24:6f:28:b5:36:71
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Warning: ESP32 has no Chip ID. Reading MAC instead.
MAC: 24:6f:28:b5:36:71
Hard resetting via RTS pin...
5. `cd` into the directory where you unzipped the latest release.
6. Install the correct firmware for your board with `device-install.sh -f firmware-BOARD-VERSION.bin`
* Example: `./device-install.sh -f firmware-heltec-1.2.x.bin`
7. To update a the firmware on an existing Meshtastic device, run `device-update.sh -f firmware-BOARD-VERSION.bin`
* Example: `./device-update.sh -f firmware-heltec-1.2.x.bin`
### Installing from a Commandline - Mac
Installing on OS X through the commandline uses the same method as linux, but requires a slightly different method to install Python, pip and esptool.
OS X (10.15.3/Catalina) comes with Python 2.7 installed, but not pip.
1. `brew install pyenv` - Installs PyEnv
2. `pyenv install 3.7.7` - To install and select Python 3.7.7
3. `pyenv global 3.7.7` - Selects the new version of Python
4. `brew install pip` - Installs pip3
5. `pip3 install --upgrade esptool` - Installs esptool
You may need to install a driver from Silicon Labs for the [CP210X USB to UART bridge](https://www.silabs.com/products/development-tools/software/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers)
6. Now install as per installing on the Linux commandline.
### Installing from a Commandline - Windows
Requires Python, pip, Gitbash
1. Download and install [Python](https://www.python.org/)
2. If you have a recent version of Python, pip should be installed by default. Check using the command `py -m pip --version`. This will display the installed version of pip. If it returns an error, you will need to [install pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/).
3. Download and install [Gitbash](https://gitforwindows.org/) (or other appropriate shell)
4. Run `gitbash` and complete the installation as per the instructions for linux commandline.
<a name="troubleshooting"></a>
## Troubleshooting
For any issues during setup, search [our forum](https://meshtastic.discourse.group) to find a solution. If you can't find one, please post your problem, providing as much detail as possible.